BEHAVIORAL Interview Questions for MANAGERS! How To ANSWER Behavioural Interview Questions)

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hi there my name is Richard McMunn from the interviewed training company past my interview com and in this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to answer behavioral interview questions specifically for managers so if you have a team leader a supervisor or managers interview coming up you are going to get asked a number of behavioral interview questions so in this tutorial I will teach you how to answer those questions so you gain the highest scores possible so it does not matter what kind of manager interview you have coming up please do stick around and watch this from beginning to end because you're going to find it a great use in the preparation for your interview now before I get into those tips the tutorials and also more importantly those behavioral manager interview questions and answers' a very warm welcome to this tutorial my name is Richard McMunn and I am a former fire officer I now help people to pass their interviews and I do that specifically by giving you top-scoring of answers please do subscribe to the channel by clicking the red button below the video and I will also very much appreciate it if you gave the video I like that was motivates me to do more and if you want to connect with me on LinkedIn and the LinkedIn description to my profile is in the description below the video now what are behavioral interview questions as I said at the beginning if you are applying for a manager or a team leader or supervisor position you will get asked a number of behavioral interview questions and in a nutshell they assess how you perform in specific situations that are aligned to the job that you are being interviewed for so what do I mean by that well behavioral interview questions basically assess your ability to perform the key duties of a manager effectively and competently so those key duties might be managing and leading staff so they want to hear examples of when you previously done that also when you've worked on the pressure because there's a manager as you and I know working under pressure is all part and parcel of the job you have to do it on a daily basis work under pressure you also have to turn around underperforming teams so you're responsible for their performance you have to deal with conflict in teams and also conflict outside of a team environment you have to take responsibility for your own self development and the self development of your team and also have to achieve difficult targets so those are examples of the duties that you would have to do as a manager and you will be assessed against those and other areas during the interview by way of behavioral interview questions so behavioral interview questions always start off with something like describe a time when you dealt with a difficult client or describe a time when you turned around an underperforming team or tell me about a time when you led by example or tell me about a time when you utilized effective leadership skills or explain a situation you were in where you facilitated excellent customer service or something like that so whenever you hear those interview questions that start off with describe a time or when have you done this or explain a situation that is your prompt it tells you this is a behavioral interview question and you have to answer it in a certain manner to gain the highest scores possible so how do you want to payroll interview questions well those people who subscribe to my channel and you've watched many of my tutorials before I talked about the star technique which is a brilliant format to use when structuring behavioral interview question answers and it fall follows the format of situation task action and result so as soon as you hear any of those questions describe a time explaining a situation that's your prompt so you think okay star technique now you will have already prepared your answers to the questions because you're gonna be smart and you're gonna pass your interview so that will be your prompt to start off and say okay the situation I was in and then you explained the situation you then move on and talk about the task so you describe the task there needed to be done you then move on and explaining detail the action that you took and I would suggest that the action part of your answer to the behavioral interview question will be the most in-depth element and then finally you finish off where you reveal the positive results of your so the result has to always be positive it was a happy outcome okay it's a situation task action result and that's the best way to structure any behavioral interview questions for managers so let's have a look at some behavioral interview questions and answers for managers so the first one when have you led by example so we need to give a specific situation that you have been in so here's my suggesting answer I can remember being in a meeting of work where we were supposed to be putting forward our ideas for the launch of a new product that was due out very soon now unfortunately our senior manager who was also the chair of the meeting was stuck in traffic and she was going to be about 40 minutes late now everyone in the meeting room saw this as an opportunity to relax and make idle chat about what they got up to at the weekend however I decided to lead by example and suggested we all start working on putting up product launch ideas together so when our manager eventually arrived we could say time a provider with one collective presentation instead of her having to sit through many different ideas so we then spent the next 40 minutes collating all of the best launch ideas and once she arrived I presented her it was short 20 minute presentation which she appeared to be very impressed with I feel I'm someone who would always lead by example and can be trusted to act professionally within this role if I'm successful so that's a great example of when you've led by example everyone else is just messing around in a meeting your life actually we can make better use of this time and that is a perfect example of leading by example next question tell me how you would deal with a member of your team who wasn't pulling their weight so a very common managerial interview question very very common some managers can't deal we have team members who aren't pulling their weight so this is an assessment of your authority but also what you would do in that kind of situation so again he starts off with that behavioral tell me about a time and you have to give a specific situation urine so here's my sample response I believe as a manager it would be my responsibility if someone was not pulling their weight and on that basis I would rectify the issue immediate before identifying the root cause of the problem so it didn't happen again now first and foremost I would sit down with them as soon as possible to make them aware that underperformance have been noted and that it wasn't acceptable I would then ask them to explain the reasons for their underperformance and it would be important for me to establish the cause as there could be a number of reasons for them not performing well at work it may be they are not feeling motivated or perhaps they were having problems in their personal life but either way once I'd established the cause of the issue I would then agree with them a resolution to get them back up to speed as quickly as possible I would make sure I provided them with the correct level of support needed and also further training to assist them during the process I would then also agree a deadline whereby they had to get back up to speed quickly now finally as I said at the start I would identify the reasons for the underperformance so I could put the necessary steps in place to make sure it doesn't happen again so that is a great logical and intelligent response to that question it's specific in nature and more importantly it's very detailed now because you are applied to be a manager it's my view that you should give give in-depth responses okay and you'll see all of mine in detail and you're covering all of the different angles that are possible now if you want to download a copy of these I'll tell you very soon when you can get a full copy of these another managerial behavioral interview questions and answers let's move on to the next one tell me about a tough decision you had to make so this is a hard question when have you had to make a tough decision so we need to be able to give a specific scenario that you've been in where you had to make a difficult difficult decision because this is demonstrating your ability to lead and manage people here we go now I was managing a team of people and an opportunity came to came up for a temporary promotion within the organization a member of the senior management team approached me to ask who I recommend it should get the promotion from within my team based on their ability now one senior member of the team who had been with the organization for many years was keen to be promoted and I had considered putting him forward for the promotion however there was also another younger member of the team who had only been with us for 18 months but she had excelled in the and had consistently gone out of a way to add real financial value to the business I decided to put her forward for the position as opposed to the more senior member of the team simply because I knew the organization would benefit more with her in the role now although this was a tough decision to make and the more experienced colleague was clearly not happy I knew it was the right thing to do for the good of the organization so that's great because you're showing that you are putting the organization's first which is really important so you are putting aside any relationship that you have with staff any loyalties and you are putting the organization first that is very very important as a manager now I've got two more questions to run through so please do stick around but there's a link this appeared right there in the top right hand corner of that video if you want to download my full set of behavioral interview questions and answers for managers please click that button and you can go through to my website we can download the lot next question when have you used effective leadership skills at work so this is assessing your leadership skills because being a leader and a manager a different thing I say here we go I can remember being part of a team in a previous organization and it was clear that a number of team members were not working as hard as they could have done I felt it was my responsibility to raise my concerns with the team with a view to improving the performance and the output of the team as a whole I called a team meeting started off by asking if everyone was satisfied with how we were progressing two team members raised concerns about the lack of productivity and I used this as an opportunity to encourage everyone to talk openly about the problems after a few minutes of open discussion it became apparent that some people felt ill equipped to carry out their roles properly due to a lack of training and then went away and raised these concerns with the company directors who in turn facilitated the appropriate training for those team members who needed it the most I feel I'm someone who can recognize problems and issues within a team and would always utilize effective leadership skills and the role of a manager so that shows that you can lead by example you can lead a situation you identified as a problem and you facilitate it being resolved next question describe a time when you found it difficult to get a team to accept your ideas or agree to your direction so this is assess your ability to persuade people to negotiate with them to basically sell your ideas because when you put forward ideas as a manager now used to be in this situation in the fire service when I was managing fire stations and I'd have an idea whereas in my mind I would think this is a brilliant idea you tell everyone and they sometimes sit there and look at you and you know they're not convinced so he said your job to convince them because you can't move forward as a manager unless your team are on your side so this is assessing your ability to do just that here's my suggested answer whilst managing a team in a previous role I came up with an idea for making the customer service experience more efficient and engaging now my idea focused on contacting each customer immediately after each purchase has been made with a customer satisfaction survey now every customer who completed the survey would then receive a 20% money off voucher now initially the team didn't see this as a good idea because they felt it would encourage people to share the money off vouchers online and I went on to explain to the team that it would not matter if the vouchers were offered outlined because this would simply mean we would get more customers to buy from us hence casting out our net further afield I also went on to explain the more important benefit of the customer survey satisfaction being completed which would allow us to improve the levels of service we currently offer this in turn would allow us to ask those customers who enjoyed a positive experience to leave a review for our website and Trust Paulo which itself would lead to more sales and revenue eventually the team agreed to my new proposal we all set to work implementing the new changes with a positive and enthusiastic manner so that shows you got an idea and you have to persuade them and basically explain your ideas in detail and the most important part is outline the benefits that's really really important so you want to download all of my behavioral interview questions and answers for managers you can either click the link below the video or go to my website pass my interview it will then take you through to this page where I've listed all of them and you can download them for a small fee so there's also some tips here on how to structure behavioral interview questions for managers please do read those if you've got any questions please stick them in the comment section below the video also let me know what interview you've got coming up which managerial one and I don't mind giving you a few tips on in the comment section below the video thank you for watching I love making these videos for you hope you've enjoyed them don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button thank you thank you very much I hope you have a brilliant down and wish you all the best in your pursuit to passing your manager interview thank you very much for watching
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 92,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BEHAVIORAL Interview Questions for MANAGERS, how to answer behavioral interview questions, star technique, star interview, interview questions for managers, team leader interview questions, supervisor interview questions, situational interview questions, competency interview questions, managerial interview, management interview questions, leadership interviews, why do you want to become a manager, questions to ask in a manager interview, behavioural interview questions
Id: 8DWfnoVNYOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 09 2019
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