Layers vs Broilers | Which is More Profitable?

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so you've made up your mind you want to start a poultry farm but you're not certain which one to go with layers Abuela's which one is more profitable which one will give you more money which one is easier to handle which one will suit you well that's what I'm going to talk about so please stick around and then I'm going to tell you why I chose layers why I went play as an odd brainless [Music] welcome back to the channel my name is Daniel I'm very passionate about poultry farming if you're new to the channel I talk about poultry farming in all the different ways so that I get to teach you and help you make money from poultry farming and then if you've come back and you're ready a subscriber welcome back so if you haven't subscribed to the channel please subscribe so that you don't miss anything if that notification bear below whatever so subscribing if you're going to miss everything so hit that notification bale and don't forget to like this video and comment so if you have to set a poultry farm it can get quite tricky you're quite certain that you want to go to the poetry direction but then you don't know whether I should do brailers or you should do layers and then there are the other things the local chickens and you know the mixed breeds they can use the improved Kenya jeez they're paralyzed they know alas depending on which country you're in it can get quite complex in this video in particular I'm going to talk about the layers and the brailers because we all know there is not a lot of information out there so I'm here to help you decide choose which one should you go with so the number of factors involved now this includes things like how much time you have how much money do you have are you good at risk-taking if you wear all these things they will determine which one are you more likely to go with first things first what a braillers and what a layers we shall start with Braille as well Braille as our buds or chickens that are bred for meat production these things have Extra Ordinary genes in six weeks you had me read six weeks one two three four five six you will be able to stare the chick in six weeks let them we'll get more than two kilograms you know two point five kilograms or even more than that in just six weeks if you feed them well so they have extraordinary genes they have special feeds that issue is that in such a short time they will be ready for the market so when you bring the bats in just six weeks you'll be selling them off Raina's gained weight so quickly in that in just over six weeks they will have a problem working you know their weight will be too much for their bones and supporting themselves is quite hard so in six weeks seven weeks eight weeks they are to help me and they are made in such a way that in our eight weeks there should be sold off they should be killed so if you keep them for ten weeks over ten weeks they're going to start developing problems you know health problems because they can't handle their own weight then what are layers well layers are the buds that I have right over here they are picking on my legs so every many around me so as you can see them they are very small but yeah they are light but they are Extra Ordinary genes for laying these things will lay an egg almost every 26 hours you can imagine an egg is formed inside them every 26 hours so they are extraordinary genes for laying eggs they are small so they they won't grow very big you know they around 1.5 kilograms 1.8 very few of them will reach to kilograms but then the food they taking is very special in that it helps them to lay eggs so in a very short time they will be laying eggs just 26 hours they will be laying eggs and they collect for a very long time you know over one year imagine laying and it almost every day almost every day I said almost every day not every day well every 26 hours every 28 hours for over a year that's superb genes so now that we know what layers are and what brailers are which one should you keep well there are few factors to consider and we're going to start with the marketing let's start with the brailers what you need to know is broilers is that in six weeks they'll be ready for selling and you must have market by six weeks time if you don't have the market in six weeks time you're going to suffer losses because after six weeks they're going to keep eating they want to demand food you have to keep giving them feeds but the person who is going to come and buy them in order to give you extra amount of money for the extra days that you're feeding them so you have to be certain that usually by the time you bring them in on the very first day you kind of have your market suited you already have people willing to check them up because when it takes just six weeks but for them to grow to maturity so you must have your market ready by the time you bring in the back after six weeks if you still have them on your farm and you're still feeding them count that as but then there is an option if you're going to go operas then the option is to have a refrigerator not everyone of us can handle that but that's a very good option you can buy a refrigerator that when they reach six weeks you can slaughter them then refrigerate them and give them so that when people come after the six weeks you can still serve them off so that's the easiest way and the safest way to have an handle braillers and then the other thing that you should consider is even if you already have your message you should have an option be just think get the people who promise to take the bags off don't come to check the bags or we should have a second option because you don't want in order to get someone bailing you out for example during the previous lockdown people hide market already set in and then the crisis came and then people couldn't sell off their bags say but harder for them to sell off their back so you have an option B just in case people decide I'm gonna go to take off the bags then if we got two layers layers a bit easier to market why because they lay eggs and these eggs can be preserved even you know just at room temperature for almost in whole man yeah so you can keep the eggs while you're missing for your price for the price that you need so you don't need to sell to someone because they are you not giving you very little money because you have to be forced to sell them up because you think they're going to get spoiled wait wait Carlos says no you can keep the eggs on your farm then when you get the correct market people who are willing to give you the right amount of money then you will be able to sell them all however layers also have a downside when it comes to marketing usually the price for the eggs is stage depending on the area where for example where I am there is such an almost constant price for the eggs and I want to sell my eggs at another price probably because they are bigger now when are they are bigger or smaller able to be selling them at a certain price so they are dependent on where your firm is or where you're located number two the startup cost the set up first is way cheaper for brailers so when you're going to start a broiler farm you're going to need things like water feeds the structure where they're going to be staying that a few vaccines then if you had where you know things like the fee does have a fitna right here you guys can say it so things like the fee - things like the drinkers and then the light and the heating the lab that's really what you're going to need for the brailers but then for the layers you're going to need everything that the brailers need but in greater amount remember that for example it for briella's by six weeks you're going to be selling them more so you don't need as much fits as four layers but four layers you don't have to keep this budget for 18 to 21 weeks before they start giving you money before they start laying so what you need way more money then because you're going to keep the bats for a very long time you're going to have again spend more money on things like vaccines and drugs so that's more money then you're going to spend money on things like patches what are patches what about this thing why is it about resting right now those are patches so going to spending money on patches which are not going to spend on in layers then things like depicting the buds all that is - print so the startup capital is way higher for layers compared for compared to Braille ads so if you have way more money it's easier to do layers if you have you know a very tight budget trailers and option for you a bit option for you the other thing that you need to know is that you need larger numbers of birds in order to get profit in layers because the start of capital is higher yeah so with layer with Braille as you can start with you know 20 50 bags and you'll make your money back in a short time for layers you're going to need at least you know 200 500 bags for you to make what you would call you know sensible money with the money starts coming back the number 3 dealing with treatment and diseases you know occurrences of possible diseases now this is very important what you need to understand is that gorillas I kept we're way short a time from there to layer you won't keep them for six weeks in those six weeks it means that the chances of your pads getting sick are way lower and then you're going to immunize them less times you know you won't spend very little money on the immunization so go to immunize them less times and then the chances of them getting sick is lower while four layers you're going to keep the bugs you know for one year Oh over one year almost two years so the chances of the birds getting sicker are way higher so you you have a higher risk of the bats getting sick and then this is why this all comes into play in terms of brailers if the bats get sick let's the act two or three weeks and you know you got to suffer a loss but in in six weeks you'll be styling them more and then probably after two months you're going to be bringing in and you're set up back so in a very short time you know six weeks eight weeks you can recover from a loss well four layers my bags for example if all my bags day let's give take an example like Newcastle disease Newcastle is a very horrible disease it's a viral disease with no cure and it can claim to up to 100 percent mortality you know 99 plus percent Morton is 95 percent mortality that's very horrible so imagine I've got Newcastle disease on the farm and let's say 70% of my birthday that would be horrible because I still have 30% of my buds present and I need to keep them but then I can't recover from that loss so almost two whole years so you notice that the risk is the risk of loss is way higher in layers compared to brailers so if you're not a risk taker and you know you're not willing to risk everything that you have then raela's a safer option for you then we shall also talk about the skill for expertise needed now broilers need way less field stroke expertise if you're starting especially if you're naive you know if you're naive with broilers you'll start off and in six weeks you'll solve them then you have another load so you go on getting experience in you know a measurable way do they experience slowly by slowly you don't have to vaccinate the birds less times you have less things to deal with you have more time to deal to understand how to play around with your market but Leia's you need way more skill you know we're going to vaccinate the buds very many times you won't have to deal with like I said potential diseases so for layers you're going to have to get people who are more skillful than you you know the the risks are higher so it's better to get someone with more skillful oh subscribe to my channel that way you get all the information so you get less chances of suffering a loss so while keeping layers the mistakes that you make will be punished very heavily very heavy punishments so that's why the skill level required is high but for Braille as you know the mistakes are forgiven you know the errors you make an error here and there and then you have the time to recover and then another time to recover so the risk is lower in brailers then let's talk about the long-term revenue that you will be getting back from the whole business let's say at the end of let's say one year or two years your closing of the business which one will give you more money now layers a way more profitable compared to gorillas over the long time yeah because you want to be selling your eggs and eggs a bit more expensive well they fetch higher profit compared to the meat and then number two at the end of the project you're going to sell off all these birds you know our sell of this chicken and people will be eating it as meat yeah you understand so at the end of the two years you'll be selling off the bags so you have more profit from the layers well for broilers for you to have very good profit you must keep large numbers of birds and you must have a constant demand yeah cost and demand for the birds it should be demand which you ideally can supply that when we would say you know you have been abnormal profits for briella's but then don't forget that for brailers just in case you decide to go in with the very large numbers remember that you have to have a refrigerator and then also handle the possibility of someone bailing out on you and then in one day already making losses the other thing that you need to know is that Braille has returned profits in a very short time yeah in six weeks already but all the money and profits that you invested for layers you're going to take months and months and probably a year or more for you to get back the money that you invested so if you want to status and you know you need quick profit galas are the way to go if you're more willing to you know persist and get probably more money over a long time then lay a very good option for you then you should also talk about the availability now barela's because they take a shorter time just six weeks they don't need you to be very available you know you have a very short time where you're available probably you have leave from work later you've been given a massive leave you can be around for weeks do everything and then for the remaining two weeks they'll be at you know growing up then you can get someone to just help you supervise on everything while four layers you will need to be available you'll need to be on the farm as often as possible because the risks are higher the intricacies involved are more so you need to be more available as everybody takes a longer time so if you're less likely to be available then brailers have a better option for you if you know that you can be available and handle everything then go layers so then finally why did I choose layers well if you've been listening to all the balances I've given you you will understand that layers have more money okay so I I really need to make money I want to make money and because of that I'm a risk taker yeah I'm a very big risk taker I was willing to put all my money into the layers and well it has paid for me yeah they have grown it's been over yeah and I'm getting money from these buds so I'm a risk taker and I want big money so that's why I choose oh that's why I chose the layers so layers a better option for me because I can get more money and then I told you guys I'm going to bring my buds that I'm going to put up here so that I get again more money but then you don't need to all be like me yeah braillers could be more profitable for you there could be what you can handle so if you've been listening and you've understood everything I've said then you can wave wave the two sides yeah Braylon which one do you think will work for you which one can you handle yeah that way you'll succeed so think critically sit down wait all these options and then I hope that you'll be able to decide which one suits you and which one you think will make you more money don't forget to watch all my other videos coming up right now in the links so that you get all the information you need about poultry farming that way you don't make losses you know you get in more money and more money and more money and we get richer you know we work together and please don't forget to subscribe to the channel see you next time
Channel: Farm Up
Views: 596,851
Rating: 4.9337215 out of 5
Keywords: Layer or broilers, layers vs broilers, which chickens are more profitable?, Poultry farming business, difference between layers and broilers, difference between broilers and layers, profitable poultry business, broiler chickens, broiler farming, layer farming, farm up, farm up africa, eggs or meat, chicken meat business, egg business, poultry farming, poultry, chicken farming, chicken business
Id: OFUCJsSe8u4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 13 2020
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