SEEDS OF GOLD: How to earn millions from poultry farming

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[Music] in Uganda poultry farming has been one of the major activities practiced on a commercial level for a very long time however many poultry projects have not lived up to their year due to a number of factors largely stemming from the management of the flock this trend is now changing nonetheless thanks to improve poultry farming techniques coming up want seeds of gold farming is good because given the market conditions of feeds that should be the figs are up tomorrow they lower with layer buds the eggs also keep fluctuating but you're sure to deli prices are down but tomorrow they are going to be other [Music] tonight we meet david from nano valet in Waukesha district he is 32 years old and professionally a procurement officer however he has been enticed into poultry farming and has been doing it for about five years with no much regrets [Music] we started farming in 2015 which is um for close to five years as you can see we have we are major engine lair buds and I would say which is a good project we've had a number of challenges some of them have been solved others we are solving them apparently we have two thousand four hundred three buds which are in two phases we have the growers that are just starting to lay and then we have a set that has taken two years if you have money and you are looking for an investment Avenue then layers could be a good option however you must be ready to inject a lot more since they require huge startup capital but why choose to invest in layers one on average 500 buds who will give you 14 trades per day for a period of 40 weeks well looked-after layers will have a production capacity of 85% each bud laying 300 to 320 X throughout the laying cycle initially we started with a broilers and for about one year we are not able to make any profit because of the market you drea buds and the total cost would come to eight thousand then someone comes and is giving you seven thousand Habad so over time would you don't realize any profit and that is why we had to shift to the lair bugs they are farming is good because given the market conditions of feeds that should be the fibs are up tomorrow they lower with layer buds the eggs also keep fluctuating but you're sure to divvy prices are down but tomorrow they are going to be up so that gives you hope that today their prices are down tomorrow we are going to go back up so there is a cushion in one way or another before starting up a layers project these are some of the factors you need to consider for commercial profit the breeder type this should be one that is disease resistant and able to lay eggs by required read a well ventilated and spacious structure must be built the height of the house should be nine to ten feet you should have identified a good feeder supplier and good feeding and watering structure you must acquire knowledge on poetry diseases on how to prevent and treat them one you have to look at the structure that you're going to put up for the bugs but how does that come about even before that you're supposed to do some tours find out this field I'm trying to venture what are others who are they're facing though some of the challenges you'll face may not be necessarily what others are facing or harvest it may be different but what normally happens you have to find out those in poultry farming what are they doing how are they managing so after doing those field it was you know come back and say now I want to venture number one you must put up a good structure the structure must be strong must be able to provide security to the bugs but also it must provide enough aeration for the bugs so the ventilation as you can see there has to be a free flow of air because once these buds suffocate then also comes issues of Hygiene and diseases so that is why there has to be a free flow of air then also it must be of their average size depending on the number of buds you want to put up so those are some of the recommendations in terms of the structure number two you have to look at the genetics of the buds you want to real where do they come from what is the current farm what is it what is the breed so after that you then have to find out where am I going to get the feeds then you also have to establish your market I'm going to rear the buds but where am I going to sell the eggs because you you get the eggs and have no market then you now look at the brooding part of it once I bring these buds from the breeder have chosen how am I going to manage them it is normally a tricky part but normally I would advise from us to visit especially other farmers who are brooding cause you see practically what happens cause brooding is the most critical stage of a bath because it is the stage at which all the organs of the bud developed once you fail there then you'll have six months of rearing and there are no eggs why because the brooder was poorly managed you want some out of the brooder there is that space where these buds are caught before I then bring them to the cage the cages so that space also must be big enough to accommodate these bugs because once they grow and it is small there are issues of feeding because you'll have very few eating places with too many bugs so they end up fighting for food fighting for water so others do not grow well so you must provide enough space for them to grow up three the issues of vaccination you must have a vaccination problem which is normally good friend the brood the breeder the person where you get these chicks or a veterinary person so you vaccinate these chicken right from the time their day one weekly until they are of course the entire lifetime because still even these ones we vaccinate them at with age the lips normally there are issues of cannibalism they peck each other so to prevent that we normally cut off the beaks also the other thing is about the eggs they normally buy the eggs if the big Sun on trimmed lighting is important but like usually for the layer buds they don't feed at night yeah so when there goes they also go to sleep so the lighting then is normally for the growing growing succession but for the layers once it is night in raising layers feeding the buds is as crucial as giving them water the buds need feeds full of all nutrients required for egg development and should be administered at the necessary intervals of morning mid morning and late afternoon since they go to sleep in the early evening among the important feeds for layer buds are maize bran fish McKenna sunflower shells salt broken maize and soya it is also advisable that as a farmer you should be able to mix these fields by yourself this will minimize on feeding expenses and ensure the quality of the feeds we have a challenge of feeding so we used to have these feeds mixed elsewhere so the supplier mixes them and he brings already mixed feeds so over time we realized they were not performing well so we had to go back to the drawing board I'm sure that we mix these foods ourselves and we realized we had lost a lot of money because we were not mixing ourselves so the moment we started mixing the foods ourselves the performance improved dress Akali and up to today you can be sure that the performance is very good because over three years of laying if a bad still performs at 80% layers feed on cheek and duck marsh for the first two months and within this period each bud will consume at least two kilograms from two to five months they feed on grows marsh and within this period a bud will consume at least six kilograms from production when they start laying at 20 weeks onwards they are fed on layers mash was production falls below 60 percent egg production a farmer is advised to dispose them off on average 500 buds will give you 14 trades per day for a period of 40 weeks and a well looked-after stock will have a production capacity of 80% each bud laying 300 to 320 eggs throughout the lane cycle ideally they are supposed to lay once a day each but you find that because of issues here and there one may skip and it's late tomorrow so in two days it may lay once so it keeps rotating across the flock sometimes age edge of the buds like I've told you I have those that have laid for three years so some of them skip yeah feeding a fixed have effects them in a way that of course you feed them daily but one may not relate with there and it's lays tomorrow but like I've said because of me my major issues about age that a bud that has led for two years you would expect that skip today it may not play and it lays again tomorrow but what matters is the total count of the eggs so as long as the total percentage is still okay right now I'm at 85% but that is the much were flock that has laid for over three years [Music] more and more advanced poultry farmers have adopted the battery caging system symbol Dre has done the same at this farm seated on 100 by 100 acre piece of land the caging system seems handy for such a farmer in an urban setting in the cage the buds are kept 2 to 3 package arranged in single double or triple rows this kind of system has been adopted due to its advantages which include a greater number of birds is read per unit of area facilitates correct record-keeping helps in identifying poor producers and prompt culling controls vices of poetry eg cannibalism and egg eating is a control of parasitic diseases like cozy dosas and WOM infestation helps to control feed wastage egg production is hired and for those kept in deep litter system and improved feed efficiency and egg weight one of the issues we've solved here is about the drinking system previously we've had the usual drinkers that are on the market so over time we've discovered these feeders have issues one the water gets dirty and sometimes the person looking after them is away and because you're on the job you find that these buds keep getting sick in and out so we developed a drinking system for these buds that is friendly and automated that this bud has clean water throughout its breeding season so that is how we've been able to solve the brood initial because a bad life is 90% water so this is the nipple drink up so the buds drink from this and this is the feeding tray [Music] so this is the that the tank for water so all all these nipples pick the water from this tongue it is here where we do the mixing of vitamins antibiotics we do it in this smaller town this small tank picks water from the reservoir tank this system though more efficient unprofitable has also recorded some disadvantages incidence of leg problem catch layer fatigue fatty liver syndrome flies and obnoxious gases in the house will be on the increase in terms of costing this system does not come cheap it could cost you between 1.2 to 1.6 million shillings it requires frequent maintenance to avoid blockage issues of a system being expensive or not is about me I I interpret it in terms of what you benefit because initially I used to have when these buds were down I would have the death rates were high but when I started the Caged system everything improved as you can see I'm able to monitor and know each cage how many buds I've laid so you're able to know that if they are not laying then there is a problem number two issues of numerator issues of theft you have workers who would pick from the main house and sell to the neighbors but here I'm able to know that one body's not there because I know there are three three so if I find one missing either it has died or someone has taken it away so you're able to know number yeah now in terms of cost each cage apparently on the market it is one point five each cage of around 120 bodies is around 1.5 but what we are doing now we are trying to import them ourselves and the ones we are importing take 160 buds and we're also working on trying to avail them to other farmers at the same price that is currently on the market but of course before we sell them check them through the basics for instance how do you manage the drinking system because frequently you have to disinfect it because you know always after a period they block so you have to continuously unblock them number two we teach them the basics of how to operate the nipples because very often we find that you may discover a nipple is leaking continuously Sambhaji has discovered a way in which he can maximize his profits from poultry farming layers do not just stop at giving him eggs the bad DANC true is very essential in producing other income generating products such as biscuits biogas and simply manure for plants to make biscuits out of dung you need sawdust choco dust filter clay water and finally the bird dung itself assembler explains briquette making so in the first phase we add them a new one with a sawdust this were dust does two things one it it reduces the smell of the poultry dunk because when if I put that under the Sun the Flies will destabilize the homes it also works as an accelerant to burning so we mix a bucket - the bucket [Music] so because we are going to bind these two together there is what we call a binder it helps to keep the mold together let you see these ones for you too to be able to get that ball together that even if it dries it remains compact we add what we call a binder the binder can be clay soil it can be starch it can be any other thing as long as it after mixing all these together the bone-like briquettes are then left to sun to dry for about 48 hours they are then smoked together with other burning materials such as pepper to form a block dust so these are dry and after four hours when we discover everything is banned we then cover the top then sure that there is no oxygen escaping into the drum this is let a mixed with choco dust and clay which helps to stick together and then sun-dried again before use advantages of briquettes of a choco are burning capacity is strikes longer than choco produced no smoke when filtered will come our cheaper cost Exum's no fumes in the environment alternatively if you can't afford to construct a biogas plant in your home then you can set bye-bye to the dangerous fumes from chaco and resort to using biogas from organic waste this is our biogas plant and this is what we call the mixing area this is where we mix that done and the water [Music] so we have to mix it until it makes a porridge-like mixture but now once it is ready we release it to the system so we pull out this and it will move down to the digester this is our digester it's it's rated as 9 cubic meaning it is nine thousand liters so this is our most important part of the bio digester so here is where the digestion takes place so once I release my mixture from there it is channeled down to the bottom of this digester and what is here also is displaced to the last section of the digester so it means that the last area will have a product that no longer has any gas in it I have there is ready to be given to the animals it is ready for fertilizing so here I'm writing my bogus and as you can see here it is burning near next to maximum but we can regulate it according to what you're doing meaning if I'm repairing a normal meal or boiling water I can put it to maximum biogas is more friendly one one of the disadvantages or issues people have with a usual gas is its ability to burn houses if someone is not careful with it but biogas the burning component is what we call methane one of the properties of methane is that it dissolves faster with air so that means if this bond is true if this gas is to burn or to create havoc before it does so it has already dissolved because the usual gas is called LPG liquid petroleum gas so it's major component which is petroleum can burn a house because it dissolves long it takes long to dissolve in air did you also know that the bad tank can be converted into nutritious animal and bad feed Sambhaji has discovered this secret and is working on producing these feeds to later be put on the market using the stacking method in stacking we hip the manure like you see in here and leave it here for about three to four months so what goes on here is that there is a process you know like when you get chicken dung and keep it somewhere you realize it creates heat within itself so what happens here when you keep them here all the bacteria and pathogens that exist in this tank will be killed by the heat that is accumulated in here so after the four months this poultry manure will be ready to be fed to cattle piggery and chicken as well and what about the broken eggs from the fam same body has been creative enough he is selling this to his wife who runs a bakery business from their home at his farm nothing is seen as waste after this episode actually believed that the gold is not only in the mines but also on the farm all you need is the will and creative mind to go for it [Music]
Channel: NTVUganda
Views: 356,739
Rating: 4.797431 out of 5
Keywords: Uganda, Kampala, NTV Uganda, News, Breaking News, Top News Headlines, Uganda news, #NTVNews
Id: xgsQv1tqlkA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 06 2019
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