Tour How a Hatchery Works

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hey folks this is Josh tiny Ridge farmer welcome to the farm vlog this morning we are in pulk Ohio we're getting ready to head out on the road here and we're going to Mayer hatchery so this is the third stop on our road trip farm stock 2018 pick yourself up a t-shirt last night all the baby chicks hatch it's a family operation here in Polk oh hi oh Meyer hatchery we're gonna go and see what the baby chick hatched day is all about so come along today on the farm blog we're gonna have some fun we're gonna learn something and we're gonna see what a family-owned hatchery is like and we'll talk to them a little bit alright let's have some fun whoo this successful life were living [Music] I'm really excited this is gonna be one of the highlights of our trip we had an awesome time with one lonely farmer if you didn't see that video check it out right here that guy has a heart of gold he's a family man runs a big farm lots of stress lots of money going in and going out it was pretty amazing to see the amount of equipment that he had so if you haven't seen that that was the first vlog in this series and if you haven't subscribed to the channel go on and subscribe we've created a playlist for Farm stock 2018 so you can go back and watch these over and over again if you enjoy this kind of stuff cool we're about to pull into Myer hatchery all right so we're here at Meyer hatchery and we're going to go inside and we're going to talk with the owner karen meyer and she's going to take us around it is chick hatch day and the baby chicks are all sitting in little bins and being sorted and packed away into their boxes to go out to their new owners so come on inside we'll have some fun we'll talk to Karen and we'll go through the entire process here we're going to go through the incubators the baby chicks the hatching room how they clean their supplies all sorts of awesome stuff guys this is going to be very fun and educational so the first place we go is we wash our feet before we go in here baby kicks are [Music] now guys this is a total behind-the-scenes thing that you would never ever ever have the opportunity to see this is a family operation it's all hand done everything is done by hand no automation is really awesome let's go interview Karen so guys Karen is normal-sized and I am gigantic size so we're gonna interview Karen we're gonna walk through here this is Ken Mayer the owner of miner hatchery welcome to Mayer hatchery and what you're looking at right here behind me is the shipping department and all of these baskets contain the baby chicks that we patched out here and like the last 12 hours and within the next 12 hours they will be on their way to the post office they'll be packed up in boxes and on their way to the post office but before they get to this point we're gonna walk you through the flow of how the eggs come in the building and where the eggs go from step by step how they wind up in these baskets so we'll go this way [Music] okay so stay at the breeder houses for a week every week we go to pick the eggs up they remain we're so in my Creed kept in boxes kept in a cool area over in the breeder houses each breeder house holds about 5,000 Birds up to 20 to 30 different breeds in each building so every week then our driver goes over there and the eggs are already packed into boxes and ready to come over to here so they they come in in 30 cases 30 dozen eggs in a box like this every box is very identified with the breed that's in it the quantity that's in it and so from from the boxes then the eggs are set with a pneumatic lift onto these Center trolleys and each tray here would contain the eggs point it end down and 132 eggs on each one of these trays maybe 36 on a cart and for these carts then we'll go into one of our setters once the eggs get on these carts they remain in here until ready to put them into the setters so they come in on Thursday then they wind up in incubators on late on Sunday evening these are the setters right altogether each machine holds 19,000 for eggs so the combos parts and keep track of every breed keep track of the total number of eggs that come in from each breed and then they wind up on those cards and each card you know has a tag that identifies the egg on there and then we identify that into the [Music] so these weigh-in on September 10 it says right here that the Julie's birthday that's my husband so he's gonna birthday on September 10 what it says the machine was set to turn on at 10:00 p.m. on Sunday so they have an automatic start on these at the late start once they're in here then they turn turn every hour I'll show you the level position [Music] and which to Otto and turns every hour and this this is a Buckeye machine he's trying to be a number of turn count self higher number 186 times its turns this also tells us what the temperature is set point on all the centers the patch of the incubators is the temperature here is set at 99.9 that's actually running at ninety eight point nine right now due to the back hatch a door open humidity is set at 55 and went down to 34 and so the bed you don't set the vent at a certain point it works in conjunction with whatever the humidity is doing and whatever the temperatures doing so since the temperature went down and even if they went down a little bit the vent will start to close down a little bit but once all these set points are up for they should be then it usually the vent have just kind of float open and close and once what's these eggs been in there for about five to six days they have a lot of even them so it doesn't take a whole lot to maintain one of these machines as far as it doesn't need a whole lot doesn't mean cool a whole lot but as always has the fans always running in there and they always turn every out they hatch 21 days and then the turkeys hatch in 28 days so on day 25 for the turkeys and day 18 for the chicks they go from the setters in there which attorney they go in here to the catcher and they're put into hatching baskets so once the eggs once the chicks turn the hatch out then you could be laying flat in these baskets so there's a little more room in here than there was on those trays so these are some like horns right here these things look like this is the dirty area right here this is where they hatch so it's a lot messier than where the setters were over in the center area those machines don't get really dirty there's no eggs hatching you know no dust or anything so these machines I swept out they get hosed down they get foaming down with a disinfectant soft brush washes everything down every week inside outside and then there are the same thing with the baskets those also get washed so here is the dirty area in them have a little bit of broken shell a little bit of manure in there these yeah these gets pretty dirty so these get washed after each use pull them down with some soapy water then from there they go through this commercial tray water has a chain in there folding through big jets that walk through the water then you clean them off rinse them off on the other end stack them back on these got parts and they go into the back into the clean incubators or the Hatcher's where they are then they dry back down and we reuse them the next Thursday and that water then after we've all this water that goes through the machines to cool them lined up over your nice tanks so we're able to recycle the clean water and that's where use for washing trays washing the floors and other general washington nobility now along with the hatchery there is a dairy farm over here that has 500 milk cows whatever water doesn't get used up here at the hatchery gets pumped over there and used for the milk cows so all the clean water that's used to cool these machines gets recycled and reused over and over again it's really really cool guys this is Megan Megan is website manager for Meyer hatchery so this is a young lady we've been working with throughout all of our videos with Meyer hatchery showing you how to raise your chicks so we're gonna show you right now how the order process goes so we're gonna go from printing to boxing to finding the right birds and show you exactly how it's all done so basically we print our label here first this is a small order a Meyer hat straight can do is give us three so we're gonna get a full nest box so this is a full nest whenever you do a small order you have more birds in it might be a half nest like this this is no nest and it's just the bedding in the bottom if they create a lot of their own body heat so it's just that simple it's all done my hand you put your order in a ticket prints off it gets on the top of the box these folks go in they pack the birds away they put a label on it they make sure that they're cared for and that's the main thing the birds are cared for by people that actually care about your birds it's not done by some machine that's dropping your bird on a conveyor belt awesome so I know you're curious about what's going on here and all these baby chicks so we're gonna take you around walk you around a little bit and tell you how the chicks are identified by the hatchery before they're shipped out all right so each bird is identified by the name and the number and what the bird looks like so these guys that are packing up the birds they know what kind of bird it is because of the name and the number and what the bird looks like so if there is a black bird a black jersey giant over in the Delawares he'll know it really quickly so you cruise right through here and basically all these red bins are females and then over here all these blue bins are males and these chicks have been sexed and that was done last night and boy did I want to take you and show you how to sex baby chicks but we couldn't do it maybe next time we come up we'll get an opportunity to do that now let's take you over here and show you some of the rare breeds now right here are the black copper Moran's cute little birds and these are all the rare birds right here now if it's a rare bird that's difficult to identify most of them will have a little band on their leg just like that guy right there pretty cool right there so you can identify your rare birds and your hard to identify birds now right here is a little box and this is called the Myer meal maker box and all these birds are just mixed breeds and if you just ask for them at checkout they'll give you a Meyer meal maker bird for free now the deal is if you order a meyer meal maker bird then you have to donate the eggs or donate the meat to help feed the hungry pretty awesome so awesome place guys really cool so guys we're in the Meijer had to restore here if you live locally here in Ohio or if you live locally here within two or three hours it's worth the drive to come out here and check this place out get your chicken supplies at Meijer hatchery com anything you see in this store and we're gonna walk around and kind of show you what all is in here but anything you see in this store can be bought online and if you don't see it on the web like just call and ask alright got all sorts of awesome chicken decor for your chicken coop love lives here that's pretty cool so Meyer hatchery offers a full line of chicken snacks and also out here you can get your feet and you can order your feet online from Meijer hatchery and they have a non soy based all organic food option which is really really cool if you folks that are willing to live a very clean and conscious life we've got some cool little laying boxes we're just gonna walk around here and show you what they have meat wooden laying boxes metal laying boxes feeders waterers anything for the guy that has two chickens or the guy that has 200 chickens a vast array of feeders and waterers and all sorts of stuff that you really have never seen this is a neat little display of the poultry feeding nipples so we talked to him about what nipples work the best these guys drip a little bit these guys work really good and this little feeder thing works great for bantams pretty interesting so if you got a good supply of water you can always look up these poultry nipples and save on your water bill for your chickens check this guy out I've never seen anything like that I guess you can put ice in there so that your chickens can be fed ice water awesome cruising around here we have cages to catch those critters that are trying to eat your chickens we also have an awesome little brooder box here and this is for baby chicks if you hatch them out yourself a little brooder bucks right over here I want to show you these are our brooder lamps and brooder area and here are some turkeys in the brooder cute little guys wiesen tight guys I want to thank you a whole lot for coming to my er hatchery today we're having some fun here on the hatchery come on and check us out next time on the Stoney Ridge farm channel and enjoy this farm stock 20-18 road trip alright see you next time [Applause] [Music] it's become harder whoo okay put your model faces on get your smiles on lighten up you ready fired by magic where does the lacquer admire hatchery right here these ladies don't want to be on camera but we're putting them on camera anyway curb it each gotta be right because the sun's going that way it's like I'm piloting a ship across the sea I know which way east is Google make a u-turn you want a fun travel buddy folks this is one of the [Music]
Channel: Stoney Ridge Farmer
Views: 1,971,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: farmer, farm, channel, stoney ridge farmer, chicken coop ideas, vegan, tractor, organic farming, homestead, grow, garden, chickens, stoney ridge, goats, raising goats, gardening ideas, gardening, review, DIY, garden tools, farming, off grid, hatchery, chicks, chicken hatchery, poultry, hatchery tour, baby chicks, fish, chicken, murray mcmurray hatchery, hatch, eggs, egg, incubation, white house on the hill, how to raise chickens, baby farm animals, backyard chickens, SALATIN
Id: Bb5KMny0QEQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 26 2018
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