CHICKEN FARMING BUSINESS: A Millionaire From A Chicken Business? (Interview & In-Depth Analysis)

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hello everyone welcome back to this channel top 10 Nigeria my name is Pascal Guara and you are on the front row seat today we're discussing poetry business chicken really can you be a millionaire from raising chicken for business yes no we'll find out pretty soon because in this in-depth analysis series who created in order to demystify the business small-scale businesses and also encourage a lot of people to start these businesses as they are side hustle the side business something a business that you do that generates revenue in addition to your major source of income or if you are confident enough you go into it as a major business we have no provision business we have done hiking aerobics dance business we don't go to really and today we are going to analyze exactly the chicken business and we're happy for the effect I got generated among our viewers a lot of people contacted us accent to bring a certain amount of capital in order to set up businesses for their wife set up businesses for themselves and all that and I think it makes sense though because if we know a lot about this business it means that we should actually be good with these businesses but that's not true top 10 Nigeria is not the channel that sets up business we do analysis we do research we were videographer and we have a YouTube channel this is what we do YouTube is a business actually and blog in our categorize it if I don't watch that video of our top 10 most profitable businesses after Stein 2020 you need to go and watch that video the link is somewhere here or at the end of this video you can watch it now what we try to do is to go and meet the actual people that run this business shocks them so that you can see and hear from them there is not a big deal all right then we'll not analyze it and it's one of them we'll talk about the challenges that they face they will talk about the qualities that you need to have so when you buy time you are through with this series you should have an idea what qualities you to have and it's very good to you for you to do something that I have passion in don't go into business because it's profitable because it has a lot of money in it you might not be successful in it because you do not have the passion for it you'll be able to go that extra mile look what it required for you to make profits in that business so we are not a business setting or company well don't colors with telling us that you have money for you to set up or to set up a business for you we it's flattering though but we don't do that all right so we do not have any affliction with any of the businesses we interview we just interview them and mention their names and their phone numbers right - you know that this is an actual disease it's not a setup we encourage you to call them you can call them and ask them questions you know is an actual business it's not a setup and we do not have any ties with any one of them so we try to make this as down to X as possible so that it will encourage you to go into it and if you haven't been impressed get ready to be impressed because the poultry business is a big business let's interview [Music] you [Music] Wow I'm here with Frank of first choice farms in Cooper Frankie welcome to the program top 10 98 Wow Frank how many do you want on two days would Wow rockin oh god you guys being this business because the progress of the Porsche precisely so what are the challenges that like the constant checking them always in the night sweet night before my second because this idea now if you don't come back or [Music] get one from each other we all right that's very interesting no I see that there is a pipe around this this one supplies the water okay so they have water every single time they want it is not a question of in the morning come important afternoon you know there are some system that I use for this new developments Ronny de pipe a new development rapido 1d used before there are some drink of it you can see mother yeah yeah drink are before you know the MTD drink are what we the level of this pipe yes constant water [Music] the advantage of this right what of this constructional what is so nice about hi tank okay and that's where you can put maybe any drugs any drugs you want to use too if you can see now I just give them baths in now this morning and just put it in the water and all of them to prevent them from from Nimes there are some sickness that always come around so this one as a kind of progression where the virus calm how do you get these chicks is it like egg or do you buy them when they are small small and then you start to endure there are company - how long would it take before he said this was our layers how long will it take for this ones to start laying in egg and for you to reach a marketable size 17 weeks since everything else we're teaching them to me they are now within 14 weeks then when they start laying I use any time if you get you and you decide okay you have lady not let me sell you know is all by nature when they are actually live for a year and each month in their life by the time they live for idea its months you not notice that they will be a gap of the link maybe they will let you be to model the only and they also call zoom feature so in that process my you do now you'll be able to get them back every day so that now you decide not one chicken how many eggs does want you can lean it the egg you take 24 hour to form a soon without to see Wow this is wonderful now um is there any advice that you have for any of the viewers who is thinking of starting a business at least of course this one is a very big one and you're ready well trained in handling this but for those that want to start small with maybe 20 cheeks and all that is there any advice you have for them particular business you know there are types of cheating' this this particular one there are layers why the algodón was Brella okay if you are going for smaller size molar quantity of this linear yes you won't have the proper uganda protein upon because we are gaya profits is our products well you are laying the eggs so by the time you go for little number now I wouldn't give you the real numbers of egg that you serve and Garrigan and together feeds too so for my advice for those that I want to embark on this business at least you start with 500 of which what is a very intuitive business in very good if you have the capital especially we know nothing very good advice in a good business it's on to that way you start if you have the capital you can go for loot by the tide is darling I promise you the most early clay alone because there's a perfect mix you have had it from the manager of first choice funds I've got an Oscar Cooper and what are you waiting for he has told you everything that you need to know he's just left for you to not take the courage and starts the business and gradually with patience with education with all the advices he has given you'll be able to succeed thank you very much sir you are talking with me and I hope our viewers if you want you can also contact him his number is on the screen and you can contact him absent questions and if you want to buy chicken a large quantity of course I can supply you alright have a nice day hello that that was me speaking with Frank camera-shy Frank Frank said you don't want the camera on his face because he might not be as fluent as he was in that video so we obliged him and now this is the in-depth analysis and I'm trying to go about this from a unique angle the eggs now first of all to calculate how many eggs can each bed lay in the average of one year each months that they usually lay eggs daily now one year each month is 365 days which is one year plus 240 days which is Xmas totally 605 this I'm gonna ask them he said the every day to follow us he forms an EXO to blame approximately every day however I do not want to estimate wrongly I want to always admit conservatively so instead of calculating that each bird lays 605 eggs and one year it moves I'm going to reduce that number to a round figure of 500 eggs because I would imagine that they would lay eggs every single day I would imagine that they may lay egg and it gets broken all right so let me remove 105 days and see they didn't lay eggs and warned about this or if they laid egg 105 days which was broken or damaged or somehow all right so we're walking with 500 eggs so in a year each month is very least 500 eggs now a crate of eggs comprises 10 seed eggs so 500 divided by 10 C because I'm trying to find the number of grits of egg each bird lives in the average lifespan of Easter laying egg so we get sixteen point six seven Chris of egg now for our average streets of egg for you to buy it from a producer like that is between 800 and 1000 air now and the retailer sell between 1000 and 1200 depending on where you buy all right so let's take the lowest that we might get it each on Draenor 16.6 7 x 800 now is going to give us 10 ten thousand three hundred and thirty-six nail so that's to say that in the average lifespan of laying eggs daily for each bird they are going to generate you a revenue of thirteen thousand three hundred and Texas's naira now in the video he said that he advises you to start with about 500 Birds if once again make money from growing layers personally if somebody tells me that what are usually too is to increase it a little bit maybe starts with 600 knowing fully well that there might be fatalities we don't want fatalities but you know a bad dice or it get bad get infected and I started with 600 I'll end up with 500 and this calculation gene I'm going to do it with 500 throughout so you need to balance the equation in the actual production in the actual rating of the birds now thirteen thousand three hundred and thirty sea snail multiplied by five hundred remember that was a couple calculation who got from each bed so when supply to eighteen thousand three on that at 6:00 there with the five hundred birds that you have guess what we got we got six million six hundred and sixty eight thousand nail in eighteen months it woman's it in one year eight months one year eight months is 20 months so in 20 months we got six million six hundred and sixty eight thousand air or three hundred and ten to 3409 every month that's what you make from ants lead by five hundred plants every month how much are you getting paid what's your income now currently if this is your business and you make this much in addition to whatever you make now are you getting the picture catching the picture all right no let's not get too excited yet because I like money or money woman I like money so I get excited when I calculate and see that money is coming up for my effort so but let's not get too excited about it because this three hundred and thirty three thousand four hundred now whoever removed the cost because we failed the bets and you get them heading saying that you gave them passing and you get a coop where they steel cage ready stick alright so um from our research five hundred beds it's an average of two point five bucks of the effete and the cost of these 2.5 baths almost straight baths is between five hundred fifty thousand a month to five hundred thousand a month depending on the formula that you you are giving them some feeds are just normal feed some feeds our formula special formula Brewed put together to form a balanced diet give the beds so much nutrient in order to make them lay enough eggs but let's not get too complicated on this let's assume that since we are passing that we are taking the cheapest fees that we could find in the market and it costs us fifty thousand era in a month to feed 500 Birds all right no I'm not going to do this calculation because I'm trying to find out how much he may spend or you may spend if you have to reach 500 pets now I'm not going to do the calculation with 50,000 air feet I'm going to do the calculation with hundred thousand and every month the reason is because um you would need to buy the same and put every month you will need to use the coop like set amounts of money in this comet which is the amount of capital invested in building the cage or coop or wherever it is that they stay regime free range space the state and you also need to pay staff that will monitor all these things eroded cadets occur so we're going to walk this calculation that we spent one hundred thousand every month maintaining this five hundred pairs and for eighteen one year eight months and for one year eight months which is 20 months I think I need to decide which one I'll use one year eight months of 20 months I for 20 months at 100,000 air every month is true millionaire so in 20 months you have spent two million naira and managing this poetry so we're going to do dot to millionaire from the amount of revenue that we generated selling the eggs if we remember the eggs we got six million six hundred and sixty thousand air in 20 months and if we do talk to millionaire for me to be left to it four million six hundred and sixty eight thousand nine or 230 3409 every month so I just seen where we are going with this I getting paid up to $200,000 in a month alright so you're getting the picture now all right now let's not stop there because we still have the bends I hope you didn't forget that the birds are still there and they are meat actually so let us actually don't go grow as big as bro lights so when you want to sell layers is usually cheaper than broil aspirants can behavior instead therefore between 3,000 and 5,000 now however layers are sued between 1000 and 1700 now 1500 now kiss me P so if you have 500 Birds and you want to sell them let's take the minimum that you want to sell them you want to say that one 1000 they're at 500 pieces you have 500,000 are generated from selling deep breaths okay now if which you have to add that 500,000 era to the four point six eight billion air that we generated from the eggs the total that will have is 550 million one hundred and sixty eight thousand air or two hundred fifty eight thousand four hundred now this is after we have this table tell how much we spent in managing this please we are getting five million one hundred and sixty eight thousand air in 20 months or 258,000 air and the $258 four hundred every month I remember we did this calculation with five hundred beds if he had them in the video he said that they have six thousand four hundred pairs about six hundred four hundred plants now if we are to give him the benefit of doubt some guy some didn't make it some know whatever happened and they ended up with five thousand beds this speaker that will have their you multiply it by ten for YouTube because five hundred divided by five thousand is ten so you must plight this we go back ten so which means if you actually have five thousand pairs like he does you'll be making in 20 months fifty 1 million and he said five Miller said 51 million six hundred and eighty thousand naira or two point five eight four billion naira every month so what he was saying that the business was profitable he actually meant it was profitable so whichever way you want to run this calculation sit down do your own research run this calculation yourself but what we have here if you are ready to have the passion you have the passion you have the dedication you monitor them you put your soul your body and soul into it to see that equals there's no way you can't do profitable he actually went as far as saying that you can take a look and you'll be able to repeat it oh that's how confident she was I'm not saying you should grab the Kalulu video but if you have technical or no what's your dream so that's the in depth analysis I don't want to make this video too long so random oh by the way in our hike dance an aerobics video we promised to give away a 5,000 M for people who can't do the 15 minutes aerobics and give you a week for that and guess what nobody replied not one single person we searched with the hashtag and we didn't see any person so on record my facts giveaway nobody attempted it nobody participated so I'm going to remember that because when I come with giveaway when I go wrong but for now on record later on in future somebody will say you did a giveaway you never talked about who got the money or not but in actual sense nobody participated so that ends that and keep a watch on this channel subscribe like comments because there are big things coming to this channel this giveaway that you guys in participating I'm going to bring giveaway that we make your jaw drop let me see how you want participate in it so it's about time you subscribe like comment and support this channel and by time I reviewed the YouTube business you understand that it's actually a business that you yourself can start and be profitable in it thank you very much for watching this far my name is Pascal Parra this is top ten Nigeria
Channel: Top 10 Nigeria
Views: 22,015
Rating: 4.9094338 out of 5
Keywords: poltry, how to start, business plan, top 10 Nigeria, Top Ten Nigeria, Top Ten, Naija, Top 10 NG, Poultry
Id: vdn19K9juXo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 33sec (1533 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 20 2020
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