How to Start a 2000 Chickens Poultry Business with Costs and Profit in Nigeria

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see right what's going on guys welcome to another session with your boy Franklin it's exactly 6 o'clock now things a minute past so so many people have been sending me messages about audio they can't wait for - for these sessions to get started myself I'm also very very interested so I've got someone misses is it luck where I should say right ah do you know la just like me that we give me this is luck way ideality right she's got an extensive knowledge in the poultry business and she's been very gracious had a session we felt privately where she took me in a very interesting journey on how this works so I asked if she would be kind enough to come back and share her knowledge or say if somebody wanted to go into these with mm you know chickens what to expect the cost profit and potential downsides how to prepare for it so I'll let her introduce herself and we'll take you from me there you go the floor is yours ok good evening everyone thank you first of all Franklin for the opportunity for inviting me here to come a salute to your audience I really hope it to be a very good use of our time be valuable to each and every one of your audience and even if you do it intense you excited put your business until you have something valuable to take away with you in case of the future that you want to bring to the business okay so as Frankie said my name is likely at the UC and I worked in the financial services industry puts in Nigeria and it aspera I love the Hat over creating multiple incomes I'm a believer of the fact that we should not rely on just one source of income and wish you must miss our resources and how do we do that by taking full responsibility of our life of our week about a hint in terms of a financial freedom I also run program on financial intelligence that is funny how people can achieve their financial freedom but basically this evening we'll be talking about the requirements of running into town starting and running in 2000 poultry business taxes 2000 layers hide myself of God true in 2000 capacity layers running in the southern part of Nigeria we accept the operation of the business in December 2017 so we actually started with a levels as a capacity of layers that is the point of Lea and now we have 22,000 layers which is a will double what we started with of course we still have room to increase before now we are pressing in 22,000 capacity so my discussion this evening is on the 2000 requirement first of all I'll be discussing based on my experience based on what I've gone through in running the poultry business which is my own fruits although obviously there'll be different views of how the poetry should be run and other you know from different people but this is my own experience on running that 22,000 capacities since 2000 or 17 so first of all the first requirements you need in land to run the poultry business the land can be acquired by yourself or you can lease in land I think the best option is to acquire land yourself that is to buy a land if you buy a land and you start running your business at least you have that peace of mind on the whole now we know come and meet you and say you know the Nederland that you don't have to leave the place you know and that can happen because of the kind of environment we operate from in in our country so the best thing is to acquire land for 2000 capacity you need of three plots right and the reason why I said you need a minimum of three plots is that the beds they need space they needed fresh air so you don't want a special where it would be too small for the operation of your of your beds because you also depends on the type of kgs or pronounced value install you need to prepare a place value we dispose of your waste we are the depleted system of panels and we have the higher rise type I or priests IRS time and now he explained it different the difference between the depletion and the IRS is now the higher the dip later you have to play the waste of the beds like every other day that is the stuff on yourself if you're on the ground claim the waste of that base every other day but we di rise you you don't need to do that because these days already a please create beneath the beauty panels that takes the waste so the only time you need to get rid of the waste is at the end of the SACU of those beds that is when the birds have run their circles Oh poetry layers they do run in circles and actually dynamic circle is 22 months so for the waste you don't need to do anything to the 2d waste until after that blades are under circle and then by that they would have turn into mono and if you have a portion of your land maybe you're using for plantation you could pause toast mono in onto that right however the high rise is costly than the tip litter obviously because of the efficiency of out the operation but for the purpose of this evening I will be using the IRS as an example because that is what we use in our farm ok so I've talked about the I rise I've talked about the land then you need to get you need to get minimum of three plots for your 2008 capacity the nesting we're talking about we're talking about the costs that involves you section of this 2,000 capacity panels your kgs and then you feed the recipient of the birds from 12 weeks old and then deverson the medicine and you know how to kick start the operation that I bet we can start laying so for the construction of the panels as I said construction of the IRS pain house do we you will use obviously TPU that's build a place for you you need nothing less than about 3.3 million so construct for the IRS for the 2000 RS rates per house and if you're gonna do the deep with someone then you need about two million again you could see the difference in the cost but in the long term the benefits of you using the high-rise I think is far out sweetly the coastal you good - on a course that you will include also regarding a penthouse you could serve without any cages you could either use the locally made cages or you import your cages first we did import the cages from China rather than using the locally made cages the locally made cage is there okay for the durability compared to the ones in China okay it's longer and obviously because we are operating from the aspera who do not want a situation lab you know today this issue with this cage in after a month they supposed to be repaired so we just imported again for the purpose of this analysis original example of you in possibly cages so for the 2000 capacity panels you will the cages common sense and each cell can contain 120 beds 120 beds that I mean to 12 weeks points of labels because that's is where you collect your bed to be able to go into the cages so the 2000 capital T you need so I'm trying to see mine I'm trying to see my notes yes please take your time so you need 17 sets of the kgs and one cage we cost you about 2040 equivalent of sorry each sets we cost you on reptiles and IRA about under thousand air that includes clarity shipping you know delivering to your fan again I'm using the costs that we have used to to to purchase the cage from from from China so the each of the set costs under thousand era so you will need seventeen cents and that's seventeen cents we take two thousand forty forty point of late that is 40 beds because again you your operates in a capacity of 2,000 but at 40 40 bit sometimes some of those beds can be pecking each other and all that so just want to separate or some I being sick that you want to separate the one that I've been sick into a separate place so that as additional 40 space you could use that for the purpose of that so that cost of the cages will be for the 17 set would be 1.7 million so the 1.7 million when you add your 3.3 million that gives you five million and if you're right saying this is a good time to get pen and paper through two ranks so let's assume you've gotten your panels Bews you've got your kgs installed into the into the pen into the penthouse now you are ready to collect your belts that is the 12 weeks beds into the penis so you you book para to you in study the cage you wouldn't have booked it bets in advance remember you're collecting the beds are 12 weeks so that is three months whoever is your supplier as to read a bit from there or chicks of the 12 weeks some suppliers if you contact them in week or two weeks they do have the beds available but just for organization is better I do book in advance you like six weeks well you know you'll be needed Abed in six was time then you could get internship to supply Asda you will you will you will require two thousand birds and some of their do do a schedule of all you pay I don't see the supply the residue that UPD instrumental the last instrumental or costs for the babies so the birds eat right usually costs one thousand IRA so for two thousand that is two million naira for two thousand twelve weeks point of late so you're collecting needs these beds you need to fill them do the vaccinations do the medicine for minimum of eight weeks that's two months and in those two month the best underling dough in some situation the bed can start laying at 19 weeks some of them at it's a weeks but let's go with the normal situation from 20 weeks proms that's when the best ally so what I mean is that you will be feeding the bed as a you be heir with the cost of feeding the beds because of vaccination and the cause of medicine of those banks see they're 20 weeks code that you begin to drop drop eggs for you so for that two weeks based on our whole cost analysis you will need nothing less than about 1.8 million to feed those pants so the collecting the point of blame we defeat him with the medicine with the vaccination you need about eight point eight million oxy those beds are twenty weeks old and that brings sure they stick talking about the capital at Lee Adama cost to eight point eight million IRA so I always say is the catch project like not on nine million so the addition actually on breaking would before you buy this modular it's all like in 3kv generator you know your water fans your globes you know other was literally too expensive so let's say the capital actually for two thousand mayor's nine million naira I hope that escaped to the audience my minion era now for that 2000 layers you do need two stars and the way it works is if you will be part of the day-to-day operation of the business that is your hands on you are available then you need just one more stuff to to do to operate depend on mm capacity but if you we know the answer on that is you will not be available then you need to start to be able to operate the dependi mm capacity so normally you start within that those beds so from 20 we explode the bed start dropping that is the start dropping eggs for you for the last four weeks the eggs that I bet withdraw they start dropping what is called the coolants that is the smallest X then they move rapidly to decide to to the medium size right within that four weeks so the eggs that the two thousand Lea's with Elaine the the revenue that is well then you begin to seduce those eggs the rebel and we just need enough to cover the costs there's no profits for 3.24 weeks because those they're not operating at their maximum capacity they just taxing so whatever revenue you receive you will find that out it's just as equivalent to how much feeds in a fascination or sorry didn't the destination in medicine value and then the staff salary so to barely just cover that both from 25 weeks then the bed we start dropping rapidly and we do two weeks they move from medium to what is called the large eggs so what that means is that they start dropping initially with what is called bullets which is the small then they moved to medium that they move to lunch however once they get lunch then they will be on large you know throughout the lifecycle of the day laughs a coup of the pants usually the SACU is a 22 month twenty two months which is a you know one year that's one year ten months right yeah that's one near ten moans bow because when they finish this aku you have to claim the pendants you have to discipline that you never met another so let us say to two years 24 months you some of them do SC 22 months but the normal period is a 22 is 22 months so let's see 22 years for the Osaka of the beds for you to get new set of buns so we have established that you will spend nine million for your capital Utley we've established the time the greatest are Lanie the duration of the period so let's not take it from 26 weeks because by that 2026 we are sure that the bets are laying large eggs Ratna at the market the minimum price for the large eggs is 815 IRA that is different gates what I mean is that you're producing on your phone you're not taking it to the market yourself you're selling to those buying at all so right you know you are selling awesome so to do that we retail in the market right however that is what we do obviously because of our capacity if you're starting with two thousand my own suggestion is that you actually should go and sell your eggs yourself in the market because when you go to sell it in the market you will not sell this for nothing less than 1000 to 1200 okay so whoa for the purpose of these analysis will be using fan beats price which is what we do but for two thousand blades I think you can get a knotless in the market to say oh is that one thousand one thousand one one thousand two hundred depends on you know the demands and supply in the market edge and when you look at the cost versus benefit analysis of you having to go and get enough plates because you have to wait for that athlete but besides the price difference back rates we see that the benefits really really outweigh the costs of getting that athletes for the 2,000 beds they can produce by that once this week you expect them to be producing at least minimum of 75% production a nod you guess I would represent production that is the number of D X that is the number of crates in a crate no Mac greatest 30 crates 30 pieces in a crate so you expect at 75 percent your your bed should produce about 50 how'd you get inside what the fire gas is 50 multiplied by 30 which is I know some decent amount that that's one month but that's one Ds but we're just gonna use average of 30 days then divided by the number of vets so that gives you your production percentage or from 50 crates to 53 cream 53 to give you 80% production so let's do demands let's say you're operating nuts 80% 815 x 53 that gives you daily [Music] that gives you about 40 5050 nya so let's just say 45,000 IRA that's your production your sales revenue did for that 53 because when we multiply 53 by it's 50 today off at five thousand now at that age the birds will be consuming other eight Andre oh sorry Andre grams per bed each of the each of the feet the feet are coming 25 kilogram or 50 kilogram okay for the purpose of this analysis will be using 25 kilogram in 25 kilograms sauce for 3,100 Mayra and with unread grams of 2012 energy multiplied the Andre times 2000 then divided by 1000 you know it gram on well 1000 grams 1 kilo right and they divided by your 25 kilogram I'm gonna repeat for the purpose of this writing hundred grams per page x or two thousand birds the two thousand beds you then get 200,000 then you divide by 1,000 why 1000 because 1,000 grams equals one kilogram and then each bag is 25 kilogram then you divide that by 25 so you find out that you will be video mm pearls weeks its box of 25 kilogram its box multiple back three tiles on 100 that's we give you twenty four thousand eight hundred nine that's the costs of defeat paddy so let's do the maths 24800 x taxi that gives seven hundred and forty-four thousand IRA in a month do we need to feed those two thousand birds with seven hundred and forty-four thousand Iowa remember your bets are producing 45,000 IRA daily so multiply your forty five thousand IRA multiply it by taxi you are gonna get such as in a month fifty three crates much private Etsy that gives want out of fashion a tonight secrets at 8:15 era that is if you're selling at fab kids that you're not in the market yourself so that gives you 1 million three hundred and fifty one thousand 500 naira your sales revenue remember you by your feet for the month for to the other capacity 709 forty four thousand your sales revenue is 1 million three five one five hundred when you take away use your feed in costs from your sales revenue you we are the balance of six hundred and seven thousand five hundred in Iowa now the birds do we need to give them some subtle medicine every month vitamins and their what is called a SOTA is a is the kind of person for the 2,000 beds you don't need to spend more than and that's once a month about 7,500 naira let's take that from suppose there were 500 that cushy balance of 600,000 Iowa now remember you've got your little generator there you need to disinfectant your environment you need cleaning it's called about security in poetry business that's you want to keep the environment clean you you don't just any literally took petty expenses so let's go get 10,000 for that in a month and that brings you to the balance of five hundred and ninety thousand the main expenses in Raleigh or 2002 Vince defeating the medicine and you know the petty cash for your environment so I hope the holidays are crayon al-bakr to the five hundred and ninety thousand nine now if you're walking needy found yourself that is your hands on which is tough your salary and the staff salary depends on your expenses or do you do day-to-day living expenses - it should not be more than 150 K it could be lower but if I depart for the for the purpose of this analysis outputs that hundred and fifty thousand that's it's your loss salary BD stops alive that you on the ground however if you're not on the ground and you just employ two stamps it should not be up to that at all but let's assume your aunt's on you because I know a lot of your Eden audience they might want to do this for themself so 150 K if we take 150 thousand when we take that from 519 we have four hundred and forty thousand that's suppose you're using 150 some I'd just do on record as I said it depends on your expenses so yeah the balance of phone and I'm forty thousand IRA every month from your 2,000 layers I need to point out that this Junction that you will not finish with two thousand lire because they all what is called mortality this on bet we die it is passel of business I ever to really reduce the mortality to degree eres minimum depends on how you do your about security you know I will look after your environment the fresh is for the best how you look after the fields you know basically Latino like nama you might be actually look after yourself keep the you know you're doing fine you know you're not I do sweet you're not funny sick but if you're not looking at by being very merry same time you need to stop he's not being clean and all that of course you can pass bacterias to this bill sodium on the bass security is I the better for the LD you know of your bed and you make sure they're getting dibs backs I mean it gets in the last return went went after so you really do show your mentality to DPS minimum now when the bed gets to forty weeks old remember you'll give them hundred grams from twenty six weeks right so when the bed gets to forty weeks old you need to income because it's just like a baby the baby's grown maybe you suck on Sarila I know that now they that it's you know solid food so you need to increase your feed to under than 15 grams so the end of the of the circle you need to increase it to another 15 grams so now so let's go the difference because as they grow older remember this seventy five to eighty percent production you can reach ninety percent production depends on how you manage it so if you're on the ground as an ant phone on your phone you should be able to target at least maxi percent some people get to 95 percent I've seen I've heard about if I'm getting to 97 96 so you can actually go higher but for the purpose of just dis analysis we just need 75 to 80 percent so now for 14 remember at the beginning I did said you get the point of the actual weeks you will feed them and look after them for two months which is that brings t23 chew that Benson to five months remember they said when they start laying in one month you're not getting anything whatever they produce exactly goes into the cost you know the asbestos of defeating another so that's six months three months forget the bed and three months before they start laying and I said the second or the Sakura Bates is 22 months so while you take away this six month from the 22 you get four same ones left right now the 14 months no sorry not for ten month I think you gets the same month left yeah it's 16 months because system plus 6 that's 22 right yeah you get the stamens left however just like every human being the beds they we keep growing and growing when you get to the Train six months of their life the level of their productivity will be decreasing that is the non us at the same 80% automatic percent like you know you just like a dog with a woman you get ego it's something I know there's Miroku ball just saturate probably lose all things income the person can't give back again to your son so now after the system wants less use for 10 months because that 40 money this should be at their peak performance with management so you're for 40 multiplied by four same month that gives you that gives to six million won 160,000 that is six point one six right now the last two months let's assume that their production we know even Azumi does the reality that we are in production of drop so let's add those two months you were able to just after 250 keep that since 500,000 rather than the you know almost 900 King so when you add that six point one six then you have six million six hundred and sixty six minutes on that 60,000 all right and that ends the sucker so your beds remember while all this is going on you're paying yourself monthly salary you're all the cost of the beds you know up in Maine so this six point six that we're talking about that's what is left after all expenses let's assume that you're separating your profit you know you're something in Apple that you didn't have to go and take like 1 million you dip in your hands to the capital or you're just you disappear yourself to just your successive us as if you're walking fall you know any company paying you - salary and that's what you live in on ok so you have the six point six six six zero remember we said at the cost of production when you collect the beds actually the feeding it medicine a loader for those two month you need about 3.8 million mm-hmm right so that 3.8 million because that's what you have to put aside for your nest sakhu that you're gonna run again because then you need another 12 weeks food of 2000 kappa city then declare yourself that you gonna feed it you know medicine fascinated beds so you set aside three points it's below and that leaves you with two points eight six zero two point eight six zero right that's two point eight zero is more or less like your profit remember you you're not taking any profit that's different from your salary your salary is faculty cost of running the business after all if you're working for a company you're gonna get it so you're being paid until your monthly salary so you are now left with two points it's it's zero I want us to remember that these two point eight zero can't go off because if you're not selling at fun games you can make money if you're not running the find yourself obviously you are not going to pay the staff exactly what's you're going to pay yourself so both again we are less visit on these two points it's six million naira that is what should we likely me at the end of the Saku for the 2,000 apiece capacity it can go up what is being equal you know equal you coul decide not to sell at the fun bit as I said are we advised me 2,000 capacity it's not big enough to sell at the farmgate take your take your ads to the market and maximize your profit and reduce your cost of all production of the of the bed so that brings us to the end of the analysis of the twin towers of its capacity well I've got just short note I need to make claim nothing on the political and economic scenario of our country is not just because of the coverage we know that the government have been shouting on our agriculture can provide source of employment for the unemployment youths in our country so if you are able to establish these two thousand capacity it is it's actually give you that's opportunity of assessing the intervention funds provided by the federal government divided the CBN for a creek because they've seen that you have made efforts provide what you provided you register your business I think it's important to emphasize you're working your bank accounts so there's evidence that become event to debunk because most of the time DC B&B no access to a location directly they provide banks so provided we of obviously and honestly I expected to have your company bank account be there for the 2000 capital that you'll be you'll be running so because they want to see that that's a stop that's the only way you can prove that you're running the you're running the business and so with the successful implementation of this plan would be attractive you know to this front but the plan in the area of working capital finance or if you want to expand your business or what I've said is on that the absorption of the projection that this would be financed by the owner that is your knob or any money to kick-start this tooth out capacity or bed size the money is going to come from your private fund because if you or get a loan to kick started obviously you have for that expenses of you know interest on this loan and order and the numbers shown as I've discussed it's actually based on the current ten that is what is existing now we can actually discounting the costs of your culture what I mean by that is that the cost of your capital your kick-started this business is nine million if you factor on in the inflation period what nine we learn we buy now in the in the next ten years let me know will not be able to buy that so this analysis that more taken into consideration the discontent of your cost of capital you know did that inflation impact on your nine million and the revenue and because as shown as a today's prices assuming the cost of production increases that he defeats increases what is expert a is that you we have to pass the the cost to the customers that's easy to be covered with increase in the price of your eggs the cost of the land acquisition has been excluded as land who always appreciate in value that is whatever they are much amused to purchase your lunch for whatever part of the country then you decide to a pitcher Poochie Landry always go you know increased jnanis increasing value so ceteris paribus with the 2.6 million your payback period for your business should be back for sake you should be able to do pack whatever you have used to establish that's what has a capacity provided you're known if you're expanding obviously you do what is called the flower back that's it you're trying back you know deposit interest fashion and an order well sorry can you possibly especially it just a bit on you know what you said earlier about if one has successfully put their money into doing a minimum of say two thousand capacity how are they going to be able to access you know the fundings that you said you know they can policy I would have found this a lot of people don't probably don't even know this that they might be able to act something from the government to help them then grow the business further can you talk about any black soda bottles go if you go to CBN website clearly that you know supports for a Greek for SMA for poetry for crops production and other Oda and CBN of God nezam which is a microfinance Bank created by Bankers Association of Nigeria and their main assignment is to support SME businesses I don't know what you can assert this one is job and that you're bunking with a Zenit with a gypsy with our stomach cavity see we relative our husband CBN I've got the process with them all you need is to ask and if you actually for us instant we get email all the time if you want support you know we can put these together for you but if they don't do that they don't say that to you all you need is to ask like that what are the opportunities that you want to do an expansion because it will see being sanctioned them if they don't disappear not giving them a targets that they need to use yearly to support SME so if they don't use this form they are evil penalized yes function few of them who is function as then it was one of them that was function last year and if you go to Zenith website you see them shouts it out the supporting businesses I mean I know that so is it just based on how do they assess the business owner is it based on they look at your track record they look at your your numbers do they ask you for like cool lateral you know if you've gone on the properties so I think if you are asking for less than ten million they're not asking for you like land or things like that know what they are asking for what they are asking for what you can do for example if you acquire your land that you do not lose you hold that lunge you use your money to establish the farm so they will send that stuff to come and um welcome to come and realization of your business premises I know that I think the usual one of the valid II engage which is GD Tiwa so they get what was that stuff come D u we have an account of SAC comes to the farm look at everything because they want to see that this is actually in existence remember your cash flow has been passes through the account and all that and then what I expect is that as you manage your business you don't you don't spend all the money so first I what we do is that we have like a you know like a mutual fund or just cook that just went that just finish in a minute bonds another she could be put on some of your money indeed so they also see that you discipline it on your no but no at Grant zero you know as in you're making this trophy bow you can't there's nothing you are country soul is you know every month is like a one hour twenty that's like one day no they need to see you know that if you if you're been operating for twenty four moans you know for six months I mean there should be something yeah even if you are easy to buy another land for your same artist something to show that this is what this is Michael this is what I'm using for another oh yeah yeah protein for Fatima but there's nothing you just know I've asked you to emphasize on this which is very important is there is these mentality which is also common amongst a lot of small business owners in Nigeria and I think lack of knowledge people tend to self-sabotage because I personally when I go to Nigeria you see people with you know various types of businesses they tell you they're running businesses but there is no paperwork so it's not properly documented and then what you then do is you're unable to access potential funding to get to expand and then people don't complain to say oh the government is not helping or we can't get this but the clever ones are able to access those things yeah so if you for the purpose of accountability for your business for the purpose of being able to - - to watch your progress for the purpose of you knowing all you're doing so it's good to keep your books it's actually good even without you even need in any loan is good to keep your books because that's is the only way you'll be able to know how you're doing you know where you started from where you have I know you know where you want to go be able to set the goals and efficient you know what you are interactive we target so it's actually good practice for your business and again imagine you wanna go to embassy or send your kids to school abroad or something this August document can also help you with your application and that's fantastic fantastic that's that's that's good so have you covered everything so that we can go into question answers yes I think I've covered I've covered everything okay ladies and gents thank you for paying attention if you haven't hit the like button hit the subscribe button but if you've got your questions please type your questions now so I can you know randomly peek them and pin them to the screen so she can answer you to the best of our knowledge and then we can wrap up the show okay so please if you've got questions put your questions in the you know in the comment section so I can pin them right now I'm waiting let me look guys there are questions right somebody said where are the birds coming from somebody else does so there they are farmers - I think she's under the impression that the birds come from China because people have reservations about China I don't think so am i correct no no debates doesn't come from China actually most of the band's comes from Germany okay today Italy to do chicks they come from Germany do we not have them to do group you'll have them locally in Nigeria no I'm not aware of the and is actually some set of people and if some if the audience are familiar with a poacher business people like ammo and market a huge players in the industry these are people are producing millions of crates of eggs daily so they're the big import out this literally today rules so they don't serve deals to other farmers then money debates from they would to 12 weeks actually the owner of the farm as in like me or somebody in 2000 can actually manage it from there Odom sir they come by the day old but then they would need extra attention to Diesel's and for you just starting out I think it's address able to start with 12 weeks as you grasp the expertise of the industry of how the best at least then you can you can start you can because if you raise it from there yourself that reduce the cost of your production remember I said each cell is sewed for 1000 you my rate when you raise maybe about 700 or 750 but then you you the risk is if you get its wrong the body needs to be to best contact somebody somebody asks a question how he's on the screen how was she able to money managing staff along the lines of performances and best how have you been able to car we've not talked about a very important point that you told me you actually show them now because that questions as coming of a cashless right yes yes please go oh and we know the challenges that we have in our country about text you know unfortunately that's something that's 20-month that we have to do as a business owner so what we have done as I said I can I would hope for my own my own experience so what we've done is that we actually went cash cash lists what I mean is that we do know except cash in alpha nice if you want to buy you go to the bank you make your payments into a business account that's GT bank calls anyone so I get my several miles on get email a lot of the payments we have a GM the general manager that gets the test a lot and then the fund manager he's looking at the the teller that customers African she used to pay and then checking it with the Alex from the front manager right so we act we do cashless we do not collect cash you cannot if you bring cash in no we cannot set you go to the bank and make your payment so with that cashless we are we were able to reduce the opportunity for thefts so the be eres minimal okay another thing we are now come to the Malaysian understand another thing we did is we sell in POC as I said which makes 2040 so the minimum number of plates of EDS there were sales 50 quids because we are selling at farm games price so we selling book and what we've done is done the customers are actually divided into the days of the week so what that means is that a customer that's that the days of purchase is Mondays cannot just come on Wednesday to say I want to buy more more it's no you follow details that you have been allotted right so with the cashless with the rotation of the customers even though I'm known the ground I am able to know the number of customers that comes daily to that farm I remember is a repetitive task I've an idea of what each the number of Bin's on it's that the customer buys so somebody bind on the Devon week you know that this is a B and C buys on read every week the mrs. de you know vastrel decreed every week so right da da and in terms of this stuff in sense of the stuff remember we have me doing cash lists we rotated the customers into this we sell in a book we selling authors as you practice you get as you get familiar with the way poor chilies run you then get an idea of a certain age of those birds what's their projected production of eggs should be bustling what feed do be eating Sookie expenses as I've explained earlier is defeat and the medicine what we have done we do not produce our own feet boy is good if you can produce your feet yourself but we don't just our feet right now in Nigeria discusses your means so even people producing their feet they have a challenges in getting meals so some of them are results in it's commercially yeah that question on the screen what you're talking about this is good it's good to produce your feet because you produce your feet against UV crush your production cost which we can increase your profit so if you really want to go and fully maximize your profit you know it's good it's good to go for them we would get to dusty but we further we need to have mom you know increase more of our beds you know before we start the project of feet of it go for now we buy in backfield so now we register at with a company copula is one of the biggest commercially and commercial feats in Nigeria so I pay directly oh my heart front pay directly a divorce we ability to have access to account to the to the supplier directly all the so practice which grants supply in the in the farm so they supply the truck remember I said I have an idea of what base the number of feeds the ill the number of feed in the truck and also for the medicine and the fascination we did with tallow faith which is being one of the biggest in again whip-it directly and they just go to deliver so these three costs remember defeat the medicine is we taking care of BIOS it gave me two steps to the barest minimum bhai about what we do is that we look after our stuff we really really look after herself I start we've not had any stuff done over since we starts we look after them they get lunch allowance every week together they go they have holiday and again leave allowance only day as well so and what we have done is that because they are working for us they've got family by the time they live in our company we grow old or whatever they live in the company provider you're not living based on theft or being sucks or being in this or beam discipline then there's a something you know we're prepared for you you know which are phones in Obion question so also Sochua so we do look after seven do corporate social responsibility in the village we operate we have relationship with the people there so yeah that's what kind of marketing do you do to sell your chickens do you sell them to markets or groceries a restaurant do you have contracts with them okay so what one want one part that time is before committed are questions that you see when those birds and I think I mentioned it when debates are food you know I said when it gets later in two months that the production have started dropping so the best are costs planes layers what is likely use their productive life so you'd answer those bits when you serve those beds right well you said those beds then those beds is actually what you know you get money and then use it to buy your pol pol is point of limb now come by coming back to the markets in actually before we started we were thinking how we gonna markets you know the the production of the bed imagine to that capacity producing over 500 crates daily well you know what before we actually starts oppression of the foster penis which is delivered as a capacitive customers already came to register which was what my mentor told me the consultant uh kudos to remember we went still is name without having a clue of all the businesses but were fortunate to have it mentor in consultant who are very highly evolved instability of character I want us to succeed and ready to take off by the art we make payment to him both plus it's definitely find the co girl results so the customers came themselves to say they heard s affirm opening in this area so it would be for the best start dropping the already register and rack now we don't oh I'm not like I'm not sure maybe he's good or bad we don't do marketing because the bad they come too bad but maybe in the future as we expand you may need to do market same buffer now we don't do market CD content to back so we don't have any contract any restaurant you remember the selling book so what we find is that somebody call me to take two battery throne retreats weekly is actually going to supply like a restaurants but we do supply restaurant directs women they come to buy wholesale they'll go and sell and make their own profit so we don't do much about contracts as long as you move your stock I think what are the pros and cons I think you've already talked about the pros were can cause financial loss and setbacks so what can cut fat be kidding me number one kitten is management's management's management you need to pay attention to what is going on if you have decided to go into portrait business you need to equip yourself with the knowledge and skills of the industry you do not go in and men on a casual otherwise you're gonna end up in karate if you have no idea of all the businesses wrong so you don't be a novice in the business you have decided to go on in question you prepare yourself to blame it's not difficult I don't know anything about Portuguese as I said I work in financial services and I can't have activation but I knew alone about business not because you have just go in there Suffolk myself with knowledge and skills also what kind so if you're not converse on what is happening people would take advantage of you so you get that kind it's lost the again these cleanliness you know the about security because poetry the beds the is easy to bacterias and all that boy if you again if you don't pay attention to outdoor environment isn't about security the cleanliness and all that disturbs uniform making sure they're trained into their hands you know the discipline that an order order in the can lead to again problem and you know if you're not conversant video I mentioned that there is supposed to be set up medicine for the best every month imagine you don't know where that if given the medicine this month no you have no idea so two three months the beds are not to be there but I made a la SOTA of course gonna actually fully faith that we affect your production and of course if you're building and that also lead to mortality and the birds dying in and stuff yeah that really see that yeah that really so much Holly see that with these two loss you know and again if you're like Edessa Kyle you're not keeping me right cause you don't know the custom you don't know what I'm gonna selling you have no you know you just kind of eased eggs day obviously you would even know where this Cheney wet day you know until things have a pool you know you're not watching what goes into York I know do you know the customers pain so so if if they start find out that you're not paying attention to what's exactly in your fan obviously they would just be kept in themself with some crates I know that and because you don't know what's happening then you find out oh to Madonna Madonna he's drawn in at a loss I know that because yeah people have been Epping itself it's your business yeah so basically I advise you have the daily report a weekly repo we have a monthly report which is what we do yeah we talked a great consolation yeah so this one says off topic but any insight on a good city or state in your Berlin to find land for rice farming I want to connect my poetry to other firms thank you for the info I don't are you able to respond to that I haven't no please rice is everywhere you know depends on the location you choose to go on praise you know operates under size and the capacity you know I believe London's area the only place I know that you may know final energies are may be in the act of Legos the reason is because if you go even if there's a land that you can't start development which she did and before you know that neighbors to stock on plena died in smelling I know that so it's good to just go you know into in remote you know like a village on you know farmland we operate from as a societal part of Nigeria basically open state yeah so most people you know they a lot of farmers I mean who say they take that stuff so they go signal to burn stuff you know because uh you don't want no one open in a tsundere or you know before you move to 2-bedroom fastest-rising of the woman bedroom self-contained apartment is rising and they just find a 70 in the city in the midst of new residential obviously they gonna complain enough frustrates you yeah so right so this person said how do I get learned for farming from government in Nigeria due to the lantern air system in Nigeria is it possible I don't know how you get land from governments yeah you have to be what I researched on that well what I know is that you can buy land for your say your name your business name you know you know you all needs you know yeah and Tibetan land is not farmland is not so expensive in Nigeria I mean yeah he's know like you wanna buy land real a key for 50 million oh no schooling for 30 mil on somebody's are absolutely good idea if the very we actually intend to do that this year because we to input solar system on the rasa-lila onto the arm and they'd be able to do CCTV obviously with code we could not you know where we got but that's part of our impact on assignment could yet to do on the phone yeah yeah now what kind of really structured you put it for the bed is a high-rise penis I think maybe you'd enjoy notes right from the beginning is a high-rise penthouse that we listen and what IRS final thought is that the west of the bay is not in contact with the beds they did on the ground and the best I hope you know I run the beza oh so you don't declare a waste every day or every other day on see the end of the cycle you move it we've plant some plants in as in yet Francine on some of parts of our land so at the end of psycho the staff to carry demon on wamp onto the front came and then yeah yeah so they did nobody with that task of having to create waste but if you do deplete our system that I talked about that is less expensive and again that the high-rise then obviously you need to be clearing on the way because I think this person came late I'll advise you to watch the video back but if you just answer this is very quickly one line for him he said how much is good enough to start a poetry if you haven't learned already she's already been through the figures for us we already yes the figures I know that yeah I think we tell we've written that line em you should be able to say mm you know capacity you can watch a video from the beginning or just financial and co-production he feed everything we've we've already talked about that yeah so this one said on on average how much do you eventually sell your old layers they're no longer me eggs when the conservation last yes end of the circle the last layers we actually sold at 1200 puppy power remember you get bubbles yeah remember I said I'm attention on the lines so that additional you buy 1000 that additional 200 you know we make for the mythology that you have experienced and most of the time you will seal up some games depends on the economies of scale in number of your capacity you know so like 11,000 page capacity at the end of the at the end of game spent time if you select 1.0 1.3 as a month I literally don't want to throw then you could see that like a 2 million you know that is your gonna you will be buying new set of period when table from that money you would still have about you to name or something you know it can be more than that because they've studied for one tons if if you're selling at the December or November time you could sell us a thousand a 1700 because it because of the festive or period another thing you could do is that it gave me because of our hone each number how many a level tells of a side will take to the market so grammar same but with the 2008 you who actually could take your best city market to answer because rats in the market desk said it for nothing less than 2000 to 2004 so you gave me 2000 waits you cannot take it to the market you may buy your void you cannot let for your head so take your best day as well I'm going retail but for somebody like you know with 11,000 it's just gonna be too much so we need again he would advise and book they come to buy underground selling everything moku mm there's nothing wrong you're taking your best city market cool and sell yourself and then you must master puffy some a few people have been asking this appreciate you can answer this one they ask him that why didn't you build your kgs locally like use local suppliers why go to China why not give business to look cool well I know you said earlier about maybe quality and Stoffel do you want to talk about that briefly yes yes so remember I said we have we have we added meant so an echo the hawk telecourse on Santa kudos true and I am NOT the scrupulous so that if you do not know something as you want to do something and somebody has done what you're trying to do wisdom suggests yeah you listen to advice because you cannot be too clever especially when they're coming in as a novice yeah alright so this person I've been in the business for over two decades made a success of the business so for horse if I had him as a consultant we needed to live which we cannot be together because we wanna cut costs and I do understand that you wanna give business to the local you know locally produced my understanding was that the admin perfected the hearts of make of the quality and durability remember Anakin with children aspera I'm not on the ground we want to cut any issue of something breaking you know what about ought to make that commitment yeah so what I found was that the locally made have a lifespan of maybe four or five years or six years but the imported ones we have a lifespan of about 10 years from up to 15 years so yeah obviously the locally made would be cheaper less expensive than the imported ones again we wanna maximize a small bottleneck as possible and that was what he comes on advices I'm sure in the future as this progress in Nigeria if we're able to do you know a quality quality ones you know why not and if not so far people are asking what are the environmental compliance policies you have to deal with any of anything like that in terms of compliance yeah fortunately laws you know some people buy lands that are actually known meant for fun area according to the plan of the states was in the particular land that people have used for from salty is not actually land of famelon by design of the states obviously we you know do things to measure before our own farm by design of dust it's right from the ocean is actually designed as a family and large right so we are we are using it for the purpose for which it was meant for right okay any inquiries not to blindly by piece of land I will then become problematic exactly what because if you go and buy a land and ten environments are you know your troll you have to deplete our system the best waste smelling you know you find a self Dallas - I rise just about you know 50 meters to you and people complaining so you're bridging you know policy yeah yeah fine if you're doing like on bread baked on red bits at the back of the yards or 50 or 10 oh yeah maybe there's no issue oh by the time the Sun gets into you know capacity then is but that's it just to me it's right yeah so people are people are asking if do you provide consultation services or will you be willing to take people under your wings and I know Nigeria they will come at you in thousands and so I've got to ask you that question on the spot if it's not something you can cater to you don't have to so so to be honest we've actually got two I've got two friends here that actually went in to meet we again the the waited three blindly so do you know with proper management and order so it wasn't something that I planned but because of the relationship with sex to come in and after that we've had a few other people that we then absolutely consultation form so there obviously is that if the opportunity presents itself in the serious minded person results I want to do maybe we are maybe the business I can do it this way my brains kicked in right now the business mind means kicked in we can collaborate things cuz I'm in the process of setting up my website I can have consultation we can talk numbers in the background if that's something you're interested in I can always bring you can I have private sessions for people are interested in it oh oh you can have people directly its we have people to achieve their dream you know - and fulfill propose to generate a streams of income and make something you know of themselves because what I found out that hello people people wants to do this but you know how do I do it where do I start you know yeah so far you wanna do something you wanna get it done you wanna be do half as I be doing and then have why not this one said [Music] funny enough free-range egg from him again so the free-range egg family I know in Europe they don't do to traditional Cajun obviously because of the animal rights I'm gonna order yeah it's actually costs more to do your free range okay well again left to look at the society which are operated from you have to look at to your targets markets so let's say forests and now I'm at the fam games and cell mr. Hale is selling other crates at 8:15 and I'm saying because I'm doing free-range is gonna cut one thousand two on page the typical Nigerian a lot a lot of them no bath its we've never go little bath so you need to look at the scenario of the market that you're you're operating from I will said that wall can't do free range at family ball you have to be sure of your target market the markets that you'll be able to send it to because you don't want to grandstand something that's gonna costs where more than the traditional at family and then you find out that you know you're not really you know breaking even so you need to watch and study the kind of markets in which you are preaching from if you are personally places like Europe knew you all us there matured enough to understand it I'm tellin ya what's the different which one is varying which one you know is it not the same thing you understand so you need to watch the market but I would say that we should be open enough you know to improve our process I know that but it takes process it takes stages you know so again study the market see which are operating from and yeah six opportunity when the opportunity presents itself if the opportunity for free representing self why not and if not football for now remember we are not on the ground so yeah right and so far you've not recorded any losses and in terms of how you've been managing you're quite confident with the progress you're making the bezel remember I told you we started with 11,000 capacity yeah and I'm sure based on the 2000 Duke and applause - for 11,000 capacity as I said I'm an account of a tradition I work with elijah services nigeria sitting here I love numbers I don't joke me numbers so and of course it it was good for us that's why we wins interest function if he was in love you know where would you know expand into loss should get my phone yes - chlorophyll obviously there is what is concludes that does happen sometime right okay easy Kenna yeah so there's some situation that what is concludes that was Apple in the in the industry that's what the or growth means that where you are having more must supply than demand right so what we normally do is I'll you targets your big customers the big customers so customer buying 300 by 250 crates weekly so you'll a us with them so pushing additional book so instead of ila 250 because they compile at 500 and because they're be consistent with you you know there selling you used to them so you can actually grant them credits for that premium so they pay for the 250 you give them credit for additional 250 because you still need to move your stock mind you you cannot stop birds from producing birds does not understand growths they're dead they produce them daily so you have to devise a means of getting rid of the stock and that is what we do and that has been working for us or another actually could reach to expand your market as an remember sell video market I know that so let's say then suddenly there's more than enough weights right now we only sell a new constant we do suddenly goes yeah why not use leave us market you know to push the goods or well I've got the last question and then I'll ask you one more question from that this person said does anybody need on the farm so nobody lives in the farm ok we are security that resumes in the evening and close in the morning when the stars comes in the reason why we do not have anybody living in the family that remember I said we in the village all right so we found out that the cost of accommodation for staff versus if we build in the farm because is actually we're less than we do these structures it defined in am actually amid number person so disturbs their brains in the village which is just about 10 minutes walk the is is 15 minutes walk to the farm and then the landlords of this accommodation are paid but I done lost taking part of the land and in impedance structures maybe if the there's no accommodation near but we might have been you know conned a commercial to bridge structure well fortunately gas were apples so we know that the CB analysis that cost-benefit analysis who was looking for the stars live outside the fan which is the same 15 minutes walk to the fan sir yeah we scroll back confidently okay this person asked can you confirm if $150,000 is enough for salaries monthly don't get me wrong I said another 50,000 for you my do 2001 you need GM for do you understand yeah yeah I have a GM because I'm we haven't we actually 2000 capacity all right remember economics or skill TB guys yeah be more you can reduce your cost of production and the higher you can maximize your profit before it won't it's all it has a capacity you don't need a GM yeah you you you you you probably need a security depends on where you operate from you probably need a security and this should be good into the person is in the diaspora and then they would need it the farm manager right yeah they would it if that's why I said if you're not handsome you need different manager you need to stop the other farm manager is like okay making the poster sound cool alright we call me Lee for two thousand the way by did you people get it should be Anton it's not about you being both something cool you're a son get your entity and until the work so yeah it would be a bit excessive yes it's me it's really because most of the time for that 2014 to be honest you don't need to burn I IDs seola to do that stop asking for lawn chair even that they want to come and work in the fan you know mind government I think I'm a piss them textile zone that goes into teaching they would be you know like thank you thinking do we pay will be more than that enough fun but I'm just saying that you know yeah they're Whizzer own I mean for aside if we think you need to own a thousand you know well my own understanding for especially for a business that you're just taxing that you want to really do discipline and see right so seat it's doing well and they just assume that if you're working for somebody we they pay you that Emma if not why not discipline you know and uh you know don't don't go on frivolous in spending although I should go too deeply and to the capital for your business yeah if you can't discipline yourself you do - Theresa cool I mean you can expand of obviously you can be Christian you're the profits your bottom line and all that yeah fantastic I think we've had fantastic session I'll talk to you behind the scenes you know later on about the idea so thank you everyone that's been on the session I appreciate you as it stands it's been a wonderful session thank you very much so I think we'll wrap it up we'll call it off day and in terms of consultations I'm working on my website I think I said that before once my website go I'll contact you behind the scenes I'll let you know and then tell you what my proposal is in terms of you know if people want a consultant how we can collaborate and see how that works for the wider community but on the final note thank you mrs. ideal team na I appreciate you I'm sure everybody does and yeah that's me down hit the like button hit the subscribe button and do have a good evening I'll catch you in the next one peace and love bye-bye
Channel: Phrankleen
Views: 91,640
Rating: 4.8488321 out of 5
Keywords: How to Start a 2000 Chickens Poultry Business with Costs and Profit in Nigeria, starting a poultry farm in nigeria, how to start a poultry, how to start a poultry farm in nigeria, how to start a poultry farm business in nigeria, how to start a poultry business in nigeria, how to start a poultry business, how to start a poultry farm business, poultry farming, chicken farm, poultry farm business, phrankleen channel, phrankleen videos, phrankleen, phrankleen say it like it is
Id: 7iEJ2a56cZA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 0sec (4620 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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