Laughing out Loud | Randy Skeete (GYC)

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god is good and all the time let's try that again god is good and all the time psalm 100 verse 5 for the lord is good his mercy is everlasting and his truth endureth to all generations good morning everyone i said good morning everyone did i walk into a cemetery good morning everyone how are you how many of you love jesus can i see your hand quickly ah god bless you god bless you i love him as well so i'll raise both of my hands i love christ i'm delighted to see you i thank god from the foundation of my soul for this sweet privilege and this holy honor to fellowship with you in this way and my prayer is that the lord will tell me precisely what to say that your lives may be blessed but higher than that that god's name may be glorified can i have an amen before i go any further who is with us who is not a seventh-day adventist match your hand you are not a seventh-day adventist merch your hand raise your hand wherever you are and move the hand ah god bless you my lovely sister thank you for coming god bless you we are delighted to have you with us anyone else you are not ah god bless you god bless you my good brother just do that for me god bless that's it now you'll go to heaven just keep it off keep it off keep it off all right anyone else take that thing off anyone else you're not a seventh-day adventist anyone else come on say amen say it again two weeks say it again god is good all the time yes he is god can't be anything but good now time flies quickly so i have to plunge into the message the title of this morning's message is laughing out loud what did i say now for those of you who were born in the facebook maternity ward of the social media hospital you know that laughing out loud is referred to as what ah lol do you know the bible as well as that okay l or l but our subject is laughing out loud i understand there's one called rolling on the floor laughing am i right yeah there's another one you can't mention from the pulpit but so l or l is our subject for this morning before i go any further you need to help me i'm always need of help what's this ah come on what's this what's that what do i want you to use yes now we're meeting for the first time so you don't know how to get along with me i am telling you how bring a bible to the service i want to see you walking to the hotel lobby with the bible i want to see you walking on the streets with the bible someone may say to you are you a christian and i hope you'll say yes the person may say where are you going to gyc what's that you tell them may i come yes we thank god for technology this is not a bible this is the holy bible this is not the holy iphone bring a bible now how many of you have bibles raise your hands you have raise your hands ah god bless you the rest of you who don't please repent and bring your bible tomorrow all right this has viber snapchat is it snapchat instagram whatsapp email uh google what else what else you know them don't play as though you don't you do what does this have only the word of god no temptations with this i came into the meeting last night there was someone on the phone just uh you know god can kill you for that no i'm serious he can kill you for that we must respect god something else to do for me i want you to pretend you're in the presence of an earthly judge now what are some things you cannot do you can't talk something you can't chew gum who said that i like you god bless you what else what else you cannot do you can't text you cannot even take the phone into a courtroom what else you cannot do you can't drink water a courtroom is not a restaurant drink your water before you come you will not die of thirst can you say amen all right pretend you're in the presence of a judge now convert that to the judge of all the earth show god reverence if you agree say amen what's our subject all right so this off the bible on second favor while i'm speaking pray for me and say lord put your words in that man's mouth that's based on jeremiah chapter 1 verse 9 then the lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth and the lord said unto me behold i have put my words in thy mouth faith number three think isaiah 1 18 come now let us reason together saith the lord you know young people are treated too much like young people what do i mean when you take the s.a.t when you take calculus when you take honest physics you're serious right or wrong yes you're right you're right but when it comes to the bible you giggle and laugh and ignore it i want you to be rigorous in your thinking god deserves it heads bowed eyes closed father in heaven you know how honored i am to stand in your presence to speak to those for whom your son shed his blood in the all-conquering name of jesus christ their god give me the words give me the sequence of ideas help me to speak their god with boldness fearlessness but humility bless everyone who has come but father in a very special way bless the visitors their god those who are not seventh-day adventists who have come to be with us a double blessing on them now their god take all the glory and give us the blessing in jesus name i pray let god's people say amen and amen genesis 5 reading from verse 3 quickly genesis 5 reading from verse 3. the bible says and adam lived 130 years and begat a son in his own likeness after his image and called his name seth and the days of adam after he had begotten seth were 800 years and he begat sons and daughters and all the days of adam were 930 years and he died and seth lived 105 years and begat enos and seth lived after he begat enos 807 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of seth were 912 years and he died and enos lived 90 years and begat cainan and enos lived after he begat cainan 815 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of enos were 905 years and he died and kainenan lived 70 years and begat mahalali and kainen lived after he begat mahalalel 840 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of cainan were 910 years and he died adam seth enos kainen adam 930 seth 912 enos 905 k is 910. what we will do is total those life spans we're going all the way to noaa and then come up with an average minus the life span of enoch verse 15 and mahali lived sixty and five years and begat jared and mahali lived after he begat jared 830 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of mahalalela were 895 years and he died and jared lived 162 years and begat enoch and jared lived after he begat enoch 800 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of jared were 960 in two years and he died and enoch lived 60 and five years and begat methuselah and enoch walked with god after he begat methuselah 300 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of enoch were 365 years and enoch walked with god and he was not for god took him remember we do not include the lifespan of enoch because it has not yet ended and it will never end he did not die and so we have adam 9 30 seth 912 enos 905 kainen 910 mahalil 895 jared 962. we pass enoch we go to methuselah verse 25 of genesis five and methuselah lived a hundred eighty and seven years and begat lamech and methuselah lived after he begat lemek 780 in two years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of methuselah were 969 years and he died and limit lived 180 in two years and begat a son and called his name noah saying this same shall comfort us concerning our work and tall of our hands because of the ground which the lord hath cursed and lamech lived after he begat noah 595 years and begat sons and daughters and all the days of limit was 770 and 7 years and he died so we've reached lamech beginning at adam the last of the 10 patriarchs before the flood is noah verse 32 genesis 5 and noah was 500 years old and noah begat shem ham and japheth and how long did noah live chapter 9 verse 29 and all the days of noah were 950 years and he died we pause let's calculate from adam to noah minus enoch the average lifespan 912. if someone were alive today and that person was 912 he was born hundreds of years before columbus he could tell you about marco polo and how he met him he could tell you about john wycliffe the morning star of the reformation 912 is a long time to live those are the 10 patriarchs before the flood let's look at 10 patriarchs after the flood what's our subject quickly laughing out loud or shorten it yes lol genesis 11 reading from verse 10 has anyone prayed and said lord put your words in that man's mouth yet anyway ah god bless you god bless you wherever you are i am profoundly grateful thank you very much genesis 11 reading from verse 10. these are the generations of shem hashem was a hundred years old and begat our factsad two years after the flood that we have shem a son of noah and hashem lived after he begat our facts that sick 500 years and begat sons and daughters so shem lived 600 years verse 12 and our facts had lived five and thirty years and begat salah and our facts that lived after he begat salah 403 years and begat sons and daughters and salah lived 30 years and begat eber and salah lived after he begat iber 403 years and begat sons and daughters and he lived four and thirty years and begat peleg and eber lived after he begat peleg 430 years and begat sons and daughters let's pause from shem to eber shem lived 600 years our facts said 433 salah 430 438 for uh facts for salah salah 433 and eber 464. now the next longest life span would be peleg who is next and rio who's after him both lived 239 now the 10 patriarchs after the flood stretched from shem 600 to abraham 175. so we have 10 before the flood 10 after the flood won't cross both sides of the flood that was noah now why am i saying all of this in the days of enoch methuselah noah champ kianan inos mahalil 900 was nothing to be amazed at are you with me 900 was customary methuselah had his first child when he was 187. i checked on the life spans in various countries no country on the face of the earth has a lifespan for any citizen beyond 90 not one country the leading country i think japan sweden there in the high 80s united states in the 70s you take it online in syria countries you may be shocked and mortified one above 100 above 90. 900 i say was standard but listen to moses as he describes the lifespan of abraham go to genesis 25 let's read first well before we go to genesis let's go to genesis 17. we're looking at now a change of mindset genesis 17 we'll read from verse 15 our subject laughing out loud and god said unto abraham as for sarah thy wife thou shall not call her name sarah i but sarah shalt her name be and i will bless her and give thee a son also of her behold i will bless her and she shall be a mother of nation kings of people shall be of her that's what god said to abraham if you have the king james version read verse 17 with me are you ready let's read then abraham fell away on his face and laughed left at whom god why because god said you will have a son at the age of a hundred sarah will have a child at the age of ninety abraham fell on his face and l or eld and for those of you above the age of 25 he laughed out loud why did abraham laugh at god because abraham's mind could not entertain the thought of someone having a child at a hundred even though his forefather had a son at 187 what am i saying the thinking had changed sustained exposure to certain conditions changes the mind in the book patriarchs and prophets page 95 paragraph three ella white writes speaking of the anti-deluvians as sin became general it appeared less and less sinful and they finally declared that the divine law was no longer in force and that it was contrary to the character of god to punish transgression and they denied that the judgments of god were to be visited upon the earth that paragraph ends with these words their minds had become so blinded by rejection of light that they really believe noah's message to be a delusion they really believed hundreds of years of sin no judgment from god they could not accept that god would finally send judgment my young brothers and sisters i'm saying to you sustained exposure to a certain condition changes the mind now god said you'll have a son abraham last he could not even accept what god said because his mind had been so changed he is now accustomed to a short lifespan and so he fell on his face and laughed at god god is mercifully understood it's good when husbands and wives cooperate in chapter 18 sarah also laughed but the bible had her in a tent door behind god and abraham so we don't know if she fell on her face but she laughed now let's see how moses under the inspiration of the spirit of god describes the lifespan of abraham genesis 25 we read verse 7 and verse 8. genesis 25 7-8 these are the days of the years of abraham's life a hundred three score and fifteen years verse eight then abraham gave up the ghost and died pick up the first with me now come on and died in a good old age finish the verse an old man and full of years pause 175 is an old man a good old age and methuselah had his first child at 187 something had changed in the mind of humanity they now accepted a lifespan less than 200 as a long life and so abraham was an old man full of years he died in a good old age because in his day 900 no longer made sense chronologically or physiologically if i'm getting through to you say amen all right let's leave abraham and go to an age when it got worse go to psalm 90 what's our subject what book did i just say what chapter one verse i didn't say you're listening god bless you psalm 90 reading verse 10 we're going from abraham to david hundreds of years later from abraham to david are you with me read with me if you have the king james version what does the bible say the days of our years are what three score and ten and if by reason of strength they be what fusco stop in david's time abraham's lifespan made no sense 175 oh no 70. from 912 at the average lifespan before the flood the 10 paycheck after the flood the average lifespan 316 from shem to abraham in abraham's day 175 long life in david's time 70. and if you follow ella white's counseling councils and dads and foods maybe 80. the thinking had changed to the point that not even god's word was accepted let me explain what i mean go to second peter chapter three reread from verse three ii peter three reading from verse three find these passages quickly time is slipping away as it always does do you have second peter three say yes or no all right what verse did i say knowing this first that they shall come when in the last days who scoffers walking after the only lust and saying what where is the of his for since the fathers fell asleep all things continue what from the what yes they were saying where is the coming that's what they'll say for hundreds and hundreds of years we have heard jesus is coming he has not come he's not coming taking too long i have said all of that to say this we have lived in a world of sin for approximately 6 000 years listen to me carefully don't sleep weakness is passed on from generation to generation i didn't say sin i said weakness i can't pass my sin to my son weakness dispositions attitudes are passed on from generation so each succeeding generation is weaker than the one that preceded it after 6 000 years of the earth being a sewer of sin we have come to the place listen to me carefully as in abraham's time 900 years made no sense as in david's time 175 made no sense we have come to the time where it makes no sense to many christians among them seventh-day adventists it makes no sense to say it is possible to live above sin we are surrounded by sin your college campus on any given night somebody is sleeping with somebody else who should not be in that room i say college because you're all young people on any college campus someone is introducing someone to marijuana and it may be on our campuses as well on any college campus someone is being introduced to alcohol on any given campus someone is doing something contrary to the standards of god and the environment is so steep it reeks with sin to the extent that it is difficult for christians to believe that by the power of god they can conquer sin and so when someone says it is possible to conquer every sin in the life we l or l we serve a god for whom nothing is impossible let's go back to abraham's experience we go to genesis 18. this time sarah is the one laughing remember the thinking of change in abraham's day 900 years make no sense but god does not relate to time the way we do genesis 18 we read from verse 10 this is god speaking to abraham of course he came into human form with two angels when i said he came in human form in abraham's day that was not the incarnation are you with me the incarnation required the virgin birth are you following me you have to be born of a woman it was not the incarnation but he came in human form if that's clear say amen i'm not convinced christ appeared in human form in genesis 18. he consumed meat drank milk put butter on the bread it was not the incarnation if that's clear say amen what was required for the incarnation he had to be born of a woman he was not born of a woman in genesis 18 but he appeared in human flesh all right in that condition he sat down with abraham spoke to him verse 10 and he said i will certainly return unto thee according to the time of life and lord sarah thy wife shall have a son that's what god said and sarah heard it in the tent door which was behind him now abraham and sarah were old and well stricken in the ears and it ceased to be with sarah after the manner of women therefore sarah laughed within herself saying after i am waxed all shall i have pleasure my lord being all also sarah said look i am to all to have children she laughed abraham left in chapter 17 said the example sarah followed in chapter 18. read verse 13 and the lord said unto abraham wherefore did sarah left saying shall i of a surety bear a child which i'm old now let's go to verse 14. read the question in verse 14 the first part out loud you read it i'll listen to you is anything too hard you answered a question loudly no that was not loud i said loudly no no if nothing is too hard for god listen to what god is saying remember the context god is saying i don't care if the life span is no longer 900. that's not a problem for me i don't care if the physiology of human beings has changed that's not a problem for me i don't care how sociology has changed that's not a problem for me that's a problem for you abraham and for your giggling wife it is not a problem for me so is anything too hard for the lord the answer is no now question for you answer me loudly yes or no can god's vague view victory over your addiction to social media yes or no yes i walked to the lobby last night there were four young people sitting on a couch looking very comfortable they're probably a gyc group i don't know everyone on a cell phone so i deliberately walked close to the couch to see which book of the bible they were reading you know what they're doing take a guess playing games and with concentration reserved for an honors program and they're playing listen to me we're familiar with addiction to alcohol addiction to drugs addiction to pornography there is addiction to this that's why when i say turn it off you find it so hard to obey but if you disobey me you may fail all your exams when i say turn this off turn this off are you listening to me does god have power to break your addiction to pornographic websites yes or no yes does god have the power to break your connection with that boyfriend who's not of the church ah say yes loudly say it again say it again yes and some of you are guilty i see it in your lovely vegetarian faces and before gyc is over break off those relationships did you hear what i said break them off adventist home page 67 paragraph one to unite with an unbeliever is to place yourself on satan's ground you grieve the spirit of god and forfeit his protection our scripture reading where did it come from june 24 25 blessing is upon you what does it say now unto him that is able to what keep you from falling and to present you how faultless before whom the presence of his glory with exceeding joy listen to the verse again we shall read it microscopically now unto him that is what what does able mean give me a longer version a longer word that expresses able it means ability or capability yes now unto him that is able to do what keep going you so we have him what else do we have ability to keep whom you the ability does not lie in you it lies where in him as long as you think the ability lies in you to conquer sin you will fail now you may conquer that individual sin of that individual sin or i may conquer but you and i will never conquer the power of sin until we acknowledge the power for that lies in jesus christ and so now unto him god that is able remember it's anything too hard for the lord to keep you from what falling we've lived so long in a world of sin as i said earlier we read that verse and we say no way when you do not believe god's word you effectively call god a liar let me say it again when we disbelieve god's word we effectively call god a liar he that believeth in the son of god have to witness in himself he that believeth not hath made god a liar because he hath not believed the testimony god gave of his son first john 5 verse 10 he that believeth on the son of god have the witness in himself he that believeth not hath made god a liar listen to me carefully my friends when you say whether by word or attitude that god is not able to give you victory over your besetting sin you have called god a liar let me take it one step further and alarm you the liar is satan listen to john 8 44 just listen ye are of your father what the devil and the lust of your father he will do you will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abort not in the truth because there is no truth in him now the bible says jesus is truth john 14 6 the holy ghost is truth first john 5 6 the father is truth deuteronomy 32 verse 4 the whole family of heaven is truth jesus says there is no truth in satan when he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar let me alarm you satan is a liar the bible says when we doubt god's word we make him a liar do you see where i'm going you sure i don't see you trembling is virtually equating god with satan to disbelieve the plainly revealed i am not referring to ignorance the plainly revealed and stated word of god the seventh day is the sabbath of the lord thy god it is plain it is clear to preach sunday's sabbath is to call god a liar and to equate him with the originator of lies satan when you say god cannot give you victory over sin you are calling god a liar and you ought to tell him i'm sorry this morning what's our subject laughing out loud there are too many christians laughing at god by laughing at his word because the word says if ye do these things you shall never fail because the word says now unto him that is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless what does faultless mean without sin effectively how are the last they believers described the end time generation revelation 14 5 say it with me and in their mouth was found come on say it loudly in their mouth was found no guy why for they are without fault before the throne of god not before the white house the kremling or number 10 downing straight not before your friends but before god how you appear before your friends is not as crucial as how you appear before god [Music] am i too hard on you are you sure do you want to marry had a little lamb sermon tomorrow morning there's something you're doing you've been doing for years you need to stop you've been doing it not because you're so extraordinarily vicious because you really don't believe you can stop you just don't believe it do you know unbelief is a foundation of sin this is the words of jesus nevertheless i tell you the truth it is expedient for you that i go away for if i go another way the comforter will not come unto you but if i depart i will send him unto you and when he's come he'll reprove the world of three things what are they sin what's the next one righteousness judgment now jesus lists the three and then he comments on each one of sin because they believe not on me there's something you're doing you must stop not only are we affected by the fact this world has been six thousand years of sin and so the thought of a sinless life is virtually uh unwelcome to everyone's mind virtually but also because pulpits no longer preach the the question of sin because sin is uncomfortable don't tell me about sin tell me how to be rich tell me how to get a husband or a second one tell me how to prosper tell me how to find school fees tell me how to get a larger house tell me how to feel good about myself give me some psychology give me some how to win friends and influence people give me some think positive and grow or whatever it is think and grow rich don't tell me about sin come tomorrow morning and the next morning and the next morning to hear what god has given me for you for this morning as i come to the final moments of laughing out loud i want you to change your thinking regarding the nature of sin and the power of god yes the greatest power in the universe after god is the power of satan what did i just say this side this side what did i just say next time don't be so slow i'll go to that side the greatest power in the universe after sin he after god is the power of satan and the power of satan is the power of sin to break it you need god bible commentary volume 5 page 10 83 paragraph one ellen how many of you have heard of ellen white can i see your hand hands down wrong question you've never heard of ellen white makes your hand you've never heard of velen white can i see your hand all right how many of you read a book of illinois within the past 10 years can i show ah god bless you let me pause and make a commercial i was not asked to do read the writings of ellen white are you with me this site said nothing i said read the writings of ellen white read messages to young people huh read letters to young lovers read education read mind character and read those books and put down harry potter let your life change read the writings of ellen white if there's a booth go and buy all the books leave that pizza alone buy the books read them bible commentary volume 5 page 1083 paragraph one ellen white writes bear in mind it is none but god that can hold an argument with satan the only power that can break you and me free from sin is the power of god and the power is available through the word of god but it has to be believed my brothers and sisters let us stop laughing out loud at god you can gain victory over your sin i don't care what it is pride selfishness always lit for church but early for class you can gain the victory over sin if you agree say amen now listen to me carefully my time is running if there's a particular weakness you have and right now you want to commit that to god and say father i want the victory over this this is very specific i smoke in secret i drink in secret i'm a professional fornicator whatever it is i want to break away from that if you will identify a particular weakness and you want god to help you stand up and stand up quickly i won't call to the front just stand right listen to me carefully there is a particular weakness you have watching a lot of movies buying cds from taylor swift and lady gaga and beyonce and uh what's the other girl named blac chyna and and uh uh ziggy aguilera or whatever her name is and um and all their cousins which is an entrance the devil gets into your mind you want to stop wasting god's money and ruining your minds you say god give me victory over my love for the world let me love jesus how can you put beyonce and jesus and you prefer beyonce over jesus it's because you don't know jesus i'll repeat a call one more time i ask you to stand having identified an individual weakness father i want victory over that beginning now amen as the words of god to abraham ring in your mind is anything too hard for the lord give me the answer no can god break your addiction to social media yes can god break your addiction to movies yes can he give you victory over immorality yes can he help you break that out of church relationship yes do you want it say yes has bought eyes closed father in heaven if i was too hard on you people they god forgive me my heart is love look at these beautiful young people they god you want them but the devil also wants them and sometimes their god it looks as if you're losing the battle and the devil is winning your word says remember now thy create in the days of thy youth the devil functions the same way he wants them when they're young the same way name you can ask one day the young people in whom was no flemish skillful in all wisdom cunning and knowledge he wanted the best the devil wants your people their god but you want them to as proven by calvary dear god some of my young brothers and sisters are trapped in one weakness after another they may have reached a point of hopelessness i can't conquer this i can't conquer that and they'll laugh out loud effectively not believing your word in the name of jesus christ who conquered death hell sin the grave of satan let them leave this place believing they can break free from that sin that has handcuffed them to satan give them that deliverance their god let them experience freedom in christ bless us for the remainder of this day bless every speaker that god let lives change i pray we thank you we praise you in jesus name let all god's people say amen and amen [Music]
Channel: 2CBN TV
Views: 46,307
Rating: 4.8528137 out of 5
Keywords: Gaither Vocal Band - Hear My Song, Lord Gaither Vocal Band - Jesus Messiah, Gaither Vocal Band – Reaching, No One But You (Live) - Hillsong Worship, King of Kings (Live) - Hillsong Worship, Hallelujah – Pentatonix, God Only Knows - Pentatonix, Mary, Did You Know? – Pentatonix, Can You Feel the Love Tonight? – Pentatonix, LLUC | Heritage Singers, Katy Perry - Harleys In Hawaii, Taylor Swift - ME!, Katy Perry - Small Talk, God Only Knows – Pentatonix, Wintley Phipps
Id: x3AC6MoRkq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 20 2021
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