BEHOLD THE MAN - Randy Skeete 2021| Stream facts

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and our subject behold the man behold the man  john 19 reading from verse 4. it's good to see you   god bless you let me thank god again for the high  honor of being here to minister the word to you   it really is an honor and i thank him for  it and my desire right now is to lift up   christ as effectively as i can because  he himself said and he cannot lie and i   if i be lifted up from the earth you finish  it for all men unto me of all religions of all cultures of all colors of all economic  backgrounds and if that's not being done   then the problem is we're not lifting up jesus   are you following my reasoning christ  said if you lift me up i will draw all not just blacks black white blue green pole cannot  pin stripe i will draw all because the gospel   is for all sin is not a cultural expression sin is  a human expression are you with me and the cure is   christ if you're buddhist your problem is sin the  solution is christ if you're rich your problem is   sin the solution is christ if you're female or  male your problem is sin the solution is christ   if you're educated or not your problem is sin the  solution is christ when we strip down the gospels   to its essentials we are not nearly as intimidated  as we tend to be by the prospect of going to   this group or that group or that culture i was  talking to i think it was my wife or somebody   and i said in every culture people understand  what a smile means in every culture you smile   you get a favorable response in every culture  if you show respect you get respect back   in every culture a hungry person wants food  in every culture a thirsty person wants water   in every culture someone in a  burning house wants to be rescued otherwise trips it down to the bare bones and  even beyond that when she wrote there are only   two classes in the world today and only two  classes will be recognized in the judgment   those who violate god's law and those who obey  but long before she wrote the holy ghost told us   then peter opened his mouth and said of a  truth i perceive that god is no respecter   of persons but in every nation the greek word  ethnos meaning ethnicity he that feareth god   and worketh righteousness is accepted with  him let me say it again differently if we   would view humanity the way god does a  lot of the suffering we would not have   i don't need to preach two sermons but this  is on my mind the fact that adam's sin did not   mean the world should be as miserable as it is  today yes christ still had to come and die but   the world could have been a much more pleasant  place than it is now had we done certain things adjusted our thinking to think like god god says  there are two groups obey disobey do what's right   or not those are the two groups he didn't  say white black blue green asian tall short   two obey me disobey if we  follow that divine sociology all the tribal warfare all the class warfare   all the ethnic cleansing all of that  satanic rubbish would not blight the world and so we have to see things through god's  eyes not ours through god's eyes who was it uh   brother kerr is brother kerr spoke this morning  told us how god sees every person a christ saw   every man every woman as a potential candidate  for the kingdom that was it a potential i was   talking to a in zimbabwe a business person  who came to my hotel room to talk with me and   i told him and his partner when someone walks  into your business do not see a customer first see a child a potential child of the  kingdom of god the customer side will   take care of itself are you with me do not see  a customer first because if you see a customer   right next to the customer will be a dollar  sign or euro sign whatever sign australia uses   see a potential member of the kingdom of god you  see that first and let god take care of the rest   anyway do three little favors for me favor number  one please open this and turn off your phones several years ago i was preaching in australia  i don't recall what city brisbane melbourne or   uh what's the other one sydney right here and you  know outside of australia we think australia has   three cities brisbane melbourne and sydney and  that's it nobody ever mentions perth on the other   side of the universe but uh i was in some city  preaching and the lady sat we were in a theater   you know sloping seats the pit where the band  plays and her phone rang and she reached into her   handbag took out the phone answered it conducted  a conversation right under my nose and then when   she finished she put it away and continued  looking at me as though she'd never sinned   so i uh is the most extreme experience i've ever  had with a phone in the presence of a holy god do   you know if you go to a courtroom well in my part  of the world you can't take the phone in there   here as well if you're a man well let me  not say that because there's a man that i   don't say all right you can't drink water  in a courtroom drink it before you come in   you will not die if you don't drink during  the trial just drink it before you come in   the courtroom is not a restaurant you can't  massage your wife's neck play with her hair you   can't do that are you with me but we do it in the  presence of god all the time i see it with these   and so when i ask you please turn your phone  off and speaking from god's perspective   god loves reverence you know god has  killed people before for lack of reverence   and he hasn't forgotten how so please  turn your phones off if you can   all right favor number two pray for me while i  speak and simply say lord put your words in that   man's mouth i think of the words of david  in second samuel 23 verse 2 where he said   the spirit of the lord spake by me and his word  was in my tongue very precise i only want to speak   god's words if you pray god will answer and you'll  be safe because what i say will be god's words   your mind will be safe because once i say what i  say and it enters your head you can't get it out   let me say it again as you listen to me and what  i say is entering your mind you cannot get it   out and so if you pray what enters your mind  will be the words of god and there's no need   to get those out and favor number three think  as you listen think i've often said and we'll   always say if people would think they would  not do the things they do they wouldn't smoke   if you stopped and really fought what smoking  does to the system people wouldn't drink they wouldn't date the people they date   if they would stop and think what am i doing  are you with me let us think as we listen   to god's word let's borrow heads and pray father  in heaven thank you for the gift of life we thank   you so much for acts 17 28 in him we live and move  and have our being we acknowledge you today god as   the source of life and the sustainer and preserver  of life and as we prepare to listen to your word   we ask you first day god remove the static that  interferes with our grasp of signals from heaven   and that static is sin forgive us father grant to  us the spirit of truth jesus said in john 16 13   how be it when he the spirit of truth is come  he will guide you into all truth dear god   instruct your spirit to guide us into truth  or we will surely guide ourselves into error   now father let the angels surround this place  protect us as we worship you be not only with   me but whoever else is making a presentation now  bless that person i pray in jesus name let god's   people say amen and amen our subject behold the  man behold the man john 19 reading from verse 4.   we read from the king james version of  the bible john 19 reading from verse 4   and if i don't wait for you to find the books  bear with me because time flies very quickly then pilate therefore went forth again and  saith unto them behold i bring him forth to   you that he may know that i find no fault in him  verse 5 then came jesus forth wearing what the   crown of thorns and the purple robe and pilate  said unto them what behold the man here he is   here is your jesus here he is pilate presents  jesus to the jews behold the man take a look   at him i find no fault in him now you and i are  looking at the same man i find no fault you seem   to find every fault here he is take a look at him  behold the man but my emphasis today is behold god   now why do i say that for most of my life and  i grew up in a christian home very godly mother   she still is 97 lives in berrien springs campus  of andrews university and prayed all her life   she's lived all her life for her children  and she still does that today at 97. and so from my childhood up i always see the  bible as old and new god the father in the old   jesus in the new that's how i have seen the bible  until much much later in my more advanced years   and i had time to reflect without the interference  of other somebody else's opinions or philosophies   that i realized and of course considerable insight  from the writers of ellen white and i thank god   for that woman's ministry and the other pioneers  i really do sometimes i just thank god and i go   down the list thank you for ellen white thank  you for james white thank you for jana andrews   thank you for whomever just thank you for these  people and of course the modern writers who love   the bible and respect ella white's office and  i realized based on scripture and the writing   from the prophet that it is not god the father  in the old testament and the son in the new it   is jesus from genesis of revelation are you with  me and if that being the case everything we do   every subject we study every ministry we promote  or seek to develop should be done in the light of   the son of righteousness jesus christ in order  for it to have its proper meaning and to take   its proper place in our lives everything must  be done from the perspective of jesus christ nobody said amen amen hallelujah   all right the blessing is upon you  now let us go to genesis 1. genesis 1 but before we read that let's read two verses  prior to that hebrews 1 1-3 our subject behold the   man hebrews 1 1-3 when you found it say amen who  knows all 66 books in order can i see your hand   you know them in order you can just recite  them in order we have one anybody else   two three you didn't raise your hand with much  confidence are you sure all right you're not sure you give no we don't want to give it  a go we want you to do it or anybody   else the books of the bible from genesis  to revelation without missing a book who all right you're all modest you don't like  to show off i understand all right let's go   to hebrews 1 reading from verse one i don't mind  if you read with me we need more group readings   of god's word read with me god who at sundry  times and in diverse manners speak in time past   unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these  last days spoken unto us by his son carefully   now whom he hath appointed heir of all things  by whom also he made the worlds stop by whom   also he who is he the father made the world who  is whom jesus christ by in other words the father   instructed christ to carry out the father's  wishes which was the creation of the world   and christ did it at the request of the father by  whom he made the worlds now let's go to ephesians   1 and have that teaching backed up ephesians  not one for ephesians 3 reading from verse   9. reading from verse 9 read with me what  does this say and to make all men see   what is the fellowship of the mystery which from  the beginning of the world has been hidden in god   who created all things how by jesus christ okay  so here again we have you know the bible says   in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every  word be established so we've just established and   we can find other biblical witnesses that christ  created yes but at the request of the father   but the one who created was christ let's  go to john 1 our subject behold the man   our overall theme what is our theme knowing  the time john 1 we read from verse 1   when you're there say amen the bible says read  with me in the beginning was the word and the word   was with god and the word was god stop let's think  now when you conduct your bible studies read the   verse you intend to study many times a minimum of  10 times each time you read it read it as if it is   the first time you're reading it and when you read  listen to the words now read out loud by the way   if it doesn't disturb anybody else read out loud  when you're memorizing also memorize out loud   you listen to the words as you're listening  to the voice of god literally in the beginning   was the word and the word was with god and the  word was god how many persons do we have in verse   1 2 name them the word and the word god and the  word we have two the verse says in the beginning   was the word and the word was with god and the  word was god now since they're two two can be one   numerically two is two one is one but two can be  won qualitatively what do i mean by that in spirit   in character in nature in heart in ambition they  are one word and god the word was god equal with   the father first two the same was in the beginning  with god how many do we have two name them no god are the same yes but the same means  the word but i want you to be precise all   right look at verse three now you read  it for me all things by and without him now listen to that again  all things were made by them but how many did we see two but when  creation is described how many are mentioned   one all things were made not by them but by him  and without come on verse 3 and without him was   not anything made that was made which makes christ  absolutely what without him was not anything made   that was made that makes christ absolutely  in this principle christ is indispensable so when the bible says in him we live and move  and have our being to whom is it referring to   specifically the creator jesus christ now having  said that keep this in mind remember john 1 1   in the beginning was the word the word was with  god the word was god our subject behold the man   now go to genesis 1 as i originally said  genesis 1 we'll read from verse 1 to verse 3   a 1 to 5. read with me in the beginning god  created the heaven and the earth stop does that   sound similar to in the beginning was the word and  the word was with god and the word was god there's   a similarity you go to first john 1 1 that which  was from the beginning which we have heard which   we've seen with our eyes which we've looked  upon our hands have handled the word of life   same person in the beginning god created the  heaven and the earth and the earth was without   form and void and darkness was upon the face  of the deep and the spirit of god moved upon   the face of the waters and god said what let  there be light and there was light and god   saw the light that it was good and god divided the  light from the darkness and god called the light   day and the darkness he called night finish the  verse and the evening and the morning of verse 5   were the first day now who said let there be light well i can't i can't de-merit  you for that but i jesus christ he's god yes they're all god  with respect to their divinity   but they do different things are you following  me now they can all do the same thing   but they do different things they have  different administrative responsibilities   but in essence and substance they're the same  now it was christ who said let there be light it was christ who said let there be a firmament  in the midst of the waters verse 6 verse 9   let the waters under the heavens  be gathered together unto one place   whatever you see let there be in genesis 1  it is jesus christ speaking the creative word then the bible introduces us to whom  christ so as verily as pilate said what   behold the man the bible says what at this  very beginning behold the god behold god   behold the creator who will one day become the  savior we are introduced in chapter one to christ the first chapter of any book is indispensable  to understand the rest of that book am i speaking in left field oh left field  means nothing to you am i way off am i way off   listen again the first chapter or the  introductory part of a book is essential   in order to understand the rest of the  book the bible introduces us to christ let there be light that was christ now listen  to second corinthians chapter four verse six   i actually go there then we listen read second  corinthians 4 6 our subject behold the man   now why am i making this  presentation i hinted at it earlier   we must do nothing unless it is  connected to the cause of christ thank you again sister i can only assume perhaps  you're thinking or you're sleeping with your eyes   open i'm not sure which it is but i'll let  you know when i determine which one it is   all right second corinthians 4 6. do you  have that read with me for god who commanded   the light to shine out of darkness stop read  that and give me the uh the australian version uh well that's correct but that's not  the version i want but you're correct   based on what we've said about jesus give me the  what's this place called bethshan bethshan version   for god who commanded the light to shine out  of the darkness say that differently for christ   who commanded the light to shine out of darkness  go on have shined where in our hearts come on to   give the light of the knowledge of the glory  of god in the face of which is his own face so we are introduced in the bible to  jesus christ and we subsequently discover   that jesus christ introduces us to somebody else who is that the father now why  was that necessary go to isaiah 59 isaiah what's the nickname for isaiah the gospel prophet what's the nickname  for jeremiah all right okay fine isaiah 59   let's read verse 1 verse 2. isaiah 59 1-2 read  with me this side read for me my left side   your right what does it say behold the lord's  hand is not that it cannot uh neither his ear   that he cannot now listen carefully to verse  two go on your iniquity is gone have separated   her between you and your god keep reading and  your sins have hid his face from you that he   okay now keep this in mind your sins have  separated between you and your god your iniquities   and your sins have hit his face from you let's  go to acts 20. read something interesting   read verse 20 and 21 of the book of acts acts  20 20 and 21 the bible is very precise book   salvation is a scientific process when  you think of science you must be precise what book did i say what chapter what verses  this is paul giving his final address to the   elders at ephesus he's about to leave them they  cry on his shoulder at the end of that chapter   he'll never see them again so these  are the last words of a dying man   are you acts 20 verse 20 read with me and how i  kept back nothing that was profitable unto you   but have showed you and i've taught  you publicly and from house to house   testifying both to the jews and also  to the greeks now read carefully go on uh-huh now okay let's read that again  testifying both to the jews and   also to the greeks what did he testify  and say repentance towards god stop we repent to god why it's his law we break now finish the verse repentance towards god but  for that repentance to be accepted it must be   on the basis of what finish the verse and faith  in what in our lord jesus christ is sacrifice   now this is very precise we say sorry to god  on the basis of the sacrifice of jesus christ i pause briefly for that to sink in  brother you can say it again i will i will   repent and make several statements about  this very thing repentance towards god   now read revelation 13 8 without going there  and all that dwell upon the earth shall worship   him whose names are not written in  the book of life of the lamb finish it   slain come on now listen carefully  to me i'm not trying to create any   headaches for anyone what do you understand by  the lamb slain from the foundation of the world say that again all right played and  organized planned and organized uh-huh   but slain from the foundation of the world say that again the passover lamb  all right sister you're correct okay represent symbolized by the  animal that was slain but we're   not gods through the animal adam did before  sin there was a sacrifice provided uh-huh   he knew the end okay all that is correct well  let me ask you this well you're not on the   wrong track you're in the right direction  yes you're in the right direction but   maybe the wrong road okay how was  abraham saved tell me quickly in what in a redeemer all right what's a redeemer samantha  who does what dies redeems or buys back what's the   price of that buying back his blood his sacrifice  now the bible says christ is the lamb slain from   when the foundation of the world in other words  the effectiveness of christ's blood was the reason   why abraham muslim was saved are you following  me there are not two ways to save anybody   there's one the blood of christ abraham  was saved by the blood of christ amen   i believe elohim writes in bible commentary  volume 1 page 10 84 paragraph 8 that the   blood of christ was just as effective to save  abraham as when he shed it on calvary's cross now let me take your mind one inch deeper   can god die no can humanity die all right if the  blood was slain from the foundation of the world   then the humanity of christ was effective  from the foundation of the world okay i lost you you don't look lost but  you're lost listen to me again well let's pray   father in heaven i'm just trying  to give what you've given me   help me to do it very very clearly so no  mind goes astray in jesus name i pray amen   first timothy 6 16 says who alone hath immortality  immortality means you don't die if the blood of   christ was effective from the foundation of the  world and divinity cannot die so divinity does not   shed blood are you following me then the humanity  of christ must have been just as effective from   the foundation of the world in order for his blood  to be effective from the foundation of the world   are you with me because you cannot separate  the blood of christ from his humanity one   of the reasons he became human was that he  might taste what death come on for every man so if his blood was effective  from the foundation of the world   his humanity was effective from  the foundation of the world here we are introduced to  the bible the word of god we have offended god and the only way back to this  god is through whom jesus christ don't hesitate   it's through christ and so we are introduced in  the very first chapter of the bible to the only   way we can return to god and that is how through  jesus christ so as verily as pilate said behold   the man genesis 1 1 says behold the man who is  god now behold god who will one day be man we   are presented with jesus christ now listen  to christ himself let's go to john 5   as we continue behold the man a quarter to 12.  john 5 christ is a beautiful chapter by the way   at just a beautiful chapter and i hope you'll find  it within your busy schedules to read it several   times slowly prayerfully meditate day their night  upon it we read from verse 45 of john 5 when you   finally say amen read with me do not think that  i will accuse you to the father there's another   that accuses you who's that even moses in whom  he trusts for had he done what believed moses   you would have what believe me for he wrote  of me now stop tell me the books moses wrote   most genesis actually okay the first five genesis  being the first one jesus said moses wrote of me he wrote of me now listen to christ  again in luke 24 verse 44 i believe it is   luke 24 reading verse 44 are you there  all right begin reading what does jesus   say and he said unto them these are  the words which i while i was yet   go on all things must be fulfilled which were  in the and the prophets and the psalm concerning   me now he gives the whole spectrum of the old  testament the law of moses first five the prophets   the psalms now in verse 27 of the same chapter  let's go there you know it very well and   beginning at moses come on and all the prophets  he expounded into them and all the scriptures   the things concerning himself why because if you  work back you say jesus is in all the scriptures and we're so familiar with john 5 39 what  is that saying search the scriptures come on   for in them you think you have eternal life  come on and there are they which testify of me let me say it again as we continue the final  section of behold the man the bible introduces us   to the mediator between god and  man in the very first chapter   the very first words spoken in the  bible as recorded were spoken by christ let there be light now let me give you a witness  to that that no one can refute go to hebrews 1. you know noah you know all the arguments about  divinity are usually around jesus christ not   the father are you following me people don't  argue about the father he's divine he's what   he's everything it is always about christ the  argument swirl and the controversies very few   arguments swirl around the legitimacy of the old  testament it is all about the new testament that   people have these arguments whether the books are  reliable or not the old testament is virtually   free i said virtually free from controversy all  right listen to god the father now as he weighs in   on christ hebrews 1 let's read from verse 7  first we can all read together hebrews 1 verse 7   when you found it say amen read with me and of  the angels he saith who maketh his spirits and   his ministers are flame of fire verse 8 but under  the sun he saith thy throne o god is forever and   ever a scepter of righteousness is the scepter of  thy kingdom verse 9 thou has love righteousness   and hated iniquity therefore god even thy god hath  anointed with the oil of gladness above thy fellow   stop now take a deep breath now who's speaking  the father about whom the son now listen to what   the father says about the son in verse 10. come  on read and thou lord in the beginning come on   has laid the foundations of the earth go on  and the heavens are the work of our hands whom does the father identify  as the creator jesus christ then who said let there be light jesus christ but at the request of whom the and father  in chapter 1 we have presented to us   this is the one through whom  you and i can approach god jesus it's the same thing in exodus leviticus  numbers come on say the books deuteronomy come   on joshua judges ruth first samuel ii samuel  first kings second kings first chronicles   second chronicles ezra nehemiah esther job  psalms proverbs ecclesiastes songs of solomon   isaiah jeremiah lamentations danny ezekiel  daniel hosea joel amos obadiah jonah   micah neham habakkuk zephaniah hagara zechariah  malachi come on matthew mark luke john acts   romans first corinthians 2 corinthians galatians  ephesians philippians colossians 1st thessalonians   2nd thessalonians come on titus 1st timothy 2nd  timothy titus philemon hebrews james first peter   second peter first john 2 john third dawn jude  revelation and who's the superstar jesus christ if we do not adopt that approach we  will miss deep truths from god's word christ is the center of the bible he is introduced  in genesis 1 and spoken of in revelation 22 21   surely i come quickly even so come lord jesus  and so today i simply want you to rethink the way   you read the bible even if you read all  the begats read them in the light of jesus   when i say jesus the man and his righteousness are you with me christ's righteousness is  the backbone of the bible whether you say   jesus or christ and his righteousness  that is the spinal column of the bible   you know every book has a spine you know  that the spine of the bible is jesus christ   as you read your word of god  the word of god look for jesus i only recently realized that the  superstar of revelation is not the beast   but if you listen to the way we present prophecy  the beast gets more attention than jesus now you may disagree that's my  observation the beast gets more tension   than jesus the king of the north  gets more attention than jesus   but the central figure of revelation is christ  and of course his eventual victory over satan   and all the agencies through satan works  to frustrate the word of god jesus christ   is the central figure of revelation and  his companion book which is called daniel now the bible says in second corinthians  3 verse 3 let's go there i'll close   just want to make a comparison second corinthians 3 verse 3 we just said  christ is the central figure of the bible   now i'll read second corinthians  3 verse 3 what does this say   for as much as you are manifestly declared  to be stop paul calls us an epistle if we are an epistle are you with me what should  be the central figure in this epistle of my life   jesus christ who's the central figure in this  our real epistle who should be the central figure   how many will say lord help me in all i do  to make christ the scent of my life can i   see your right hand do you mean that come on be  honest with me do you mean that stand up with me the central figure and the reason why we  do whatever we do and i really mean that   and that applies to any age whether you're 17  or 117 christ must be the center of the life doctrines are merely designed to explain christ  but a person who is god and man at the same time   he must be the center of our lives you know we're  well known for our health ministry but i sometimes   wonder if we do disservice by just presenting  eight laws of health all of which are fine   but i wish adventists would say the number  one law of health is confess your sins   amen confess your sins yes drink water you know  stay out in the sun as long as you like you know   get fresh air whatever else their laws but confess  get right with jesus are you with me eloise writes   the consciousness of right doing is the  best medicine for disease bodies and minds   the consciousness of right doing and  right doing simply means living out   the righteousness of christ heads bowed eyes  closed father in heaven we thank you for jesus   uh what a sweet savior he is a god who's also  man and in this lord almost unexplainable state   he understands our problems and as god he can do  something about it he understands the way we think   as man he understands the way you think as god  and in him he puts my hand in your hand the father   and unites us we thank you for jesus  dear god it is by your will that he   created heaven and earth it is by your will  that he is the central figure of the bible   help us the god to re-define or to rearrange  our thinking so that christ is first and always   in all that we do and all that we think bless us  now as we continue this camp meeting let christ   be seen clearly because as clearly as he's seen so  clearly will we reveal his character because your   word says by beholding we become changed bless us  we pray bless the food we're about to eat the god   merit nourish us so that we may understand  spiritual things bless those who provided it   we ask in jesus name let god's people say amen  and amen god bless you enjoy the rest of the day you
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Keywords: Behold The Man - Randy Skeete 2021| Stream facts, randy Skeete Sermon, randy Skeete, stream facts, Sabbath Sermon, pastor Randy skeete, randy skeete sermons, randy skeete sermons on marriage, randy skeete sermons 2018, randy skeete sermons on relationships, randy skeete sermons 2021, randy skeete sermons gyc, randy skeete sermons on prayer, randy skeete sermons 2019, randy skeete sermons august 2020, sermons by randy skeete, randy skeete latest
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 59sec (2579 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 29 2021
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