Latinos Make Better Tacos | Is It True? | All Def Comedy

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hey what's up my name is Chris Sosa I'm lumpy I'm Daffy and you're watching is it true Latinos cook the best tacos me Donald uh have you guys ever tasted really really good tacos from a non Latino person oh I've had black friends cook good meals and tacos yeah they're super seen no Larry's on there all right so what we're about to do we're about to taste test these tacos that were homemade from all different ethnicities and see which one we like the best y'all ready yeah bring out its do it do it Oh they cook the onions and they doubled the court this is lucky they doubled the corn Oh hold on hold on hold on we got a little little bell pepper in there oh I don't know that's Latino no we don't don't bell peppers in our tacos yeah there we go we don't should we taste them yeah all right let's go for it go for it oh that's not a spicy see y'all don't eat salsa like I do so that's why spicy so are we going it has yellow in it has red has like green has orange like it's really hot like it's still filling in my lips I'm gonna go with Latino on this one how do you think that you know okay what do you think I'm thinking like half Latino half white yeah so y'all ready for the next tacos yes yeah I'm ready bring up a second one oh oh oh no this is mildly the homie yuck oh this is some talk about [ __ ] these dude anybody who puts cheese like that make the shredded cheese that has the two that the yellow and the white when you google how to make tacos all right guys we have to taste it we got a tape a white do made this man oh my do a white do mate oh that's Hormel chili yo that's what you put on your hot dogs that's not even neat I think it's a white person too because this [ __ ] look like it came out of Taco Bell but it was just like this was a rejected Taco Bell Taco yes and they gave it to us like yeah that looks old yo if I could throw this at the walls Mira let's get the next topic yeah next up is please we got here we got here oh I know this song I know this sauce right [Laughter] yo yo this is the avocado sauce oh boy your local I'll tell you right now see this this is the avocado sauce from elbow your logo look yep I know my sauce this is my first time ever having cucumber in the talk yeah you know there's cucumbers in sushi this has got to be teriyaki chicken right here oh yeah I definitely know yaki yeah it's so good it was really sweet yeah I think I like this better than the first time it was refreshing too because of the cucumber like when you bit the cucumber just like I got your answer right he's teriyaki chicken cucumber the guy who made us shout out to you whoever made just this is delicious this is something I would eat when I'm faded so there's a pretty set I finished my plate so let's get out the next topic let's go let's do it oh okay okay this is one of them I know where I got this wrong they got this from dong kook oh yeah right there I know where the restaurant you go look at me I'm being they just grabbed a whole baggie full so are y'all ready to try this yes yeah like my well I made it I feel like this is Latino because it has all the characteristics we were just talking well the love when I bite out of it exactly the meat is great seasons going on right now like my face is hot and that's I feels like when I do eat like that goes just like its reelection your nose is kind of like your got a runny nose that in the Latino time if you're sick eat tacos because it releases the take somehow the fluids and you're sweating it out it actually helps you lose weight you sweat it out I think that's actually a perfect balance I guess it just doesn't work for me all right so we tried all the tacos and now here are all the chefs who made those very interesting tacos some more interesting the others and now let's talk about taco - taco - was that actually had chili inside I didn't see no vision I know what they did they just poured the can of Hormel do some salt right I'm so sorry like this thing is is I really try to tell people I can't cook and then they always believe in me and they I want them to stop belief I can't do this so we have decided one taco that was delicious to us unanimously the winner goes to taco number three step out Cheers thank you you made a great taco I like the teriyaki chicken was great I've never had anything like that that's was a teriyaki chicken grill with seasoned cabbage on top of it and cilantro avocado aioli with cucumbers fresh cucumbers that sound you made the sauce sound fancy yeah but I actually tasted it it was actually so I guess anybody can really make delicious taco right that's not just Latinos anybody can make a taco place a tremendous when you're cooking those dollars you'll get very and put love into the taco and the well that's what that's it guys thank you guys for watching is it true Latinos make the best tacos I'm out I'm Chris Sosa I'm lumpy booze you
Channel: All Def Comedy
Views: 2,332,521
Rating: 4.7740235 out of 5
Keywords: food, mexican, cooking, latinos, latino, tacos recipe, tacos al pastor, tacos mexicanos, latino americans, american, mexico, best tacos, better tacos, ethnicity, Latino people, Stereotypes, Race, Latin, Latin American, Mexican American, Is It True, Breaking Stereotypes, Trying Tacos, Eating Tacos, Taco Resturaunt, Los Angeles Tacos, Best Tacos, All Def DIgital, All Def, ADD, all def, alldef, add, all def comedy
Id: pW3z7jj-NnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 43sec (523 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2017
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