Late Night Prayers For Sleep | God's Promises | Fall Asleep To God's Word

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jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd [Music] i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ [Music] pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day [Music] thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect [Music] so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night [Music] may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything [Music] i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ [Music] you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word [Music] i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind [Music] thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus [Music] bless your holy name amen one thing that you need to make a practice of is praying before you sleep make it a habit and a routine to pray before you lay your head down to sleep we sometimes take life for granted we take god's protection for granted but let me tell you that you are most vulnerable when you're comfortable and the devil loves a comfortable christian god calls a comfortable christian lukewarm and that's because you're neither hot nor cold you're neither here nor there there's no urgency about you and there sure enough isn't any fire to your prayers however saints i want to emphasize the importance of prayer especially before we go to sleep we need the lord to watch over us and to protect us you see when you fall asleep you are in your weakest state as a human being and it's during the night when most people are vulnerable to spiritual attacks you need to understand that the forces of darkness operate in darkness both spiritually and in the physical too the devil is cunning and he certainly doesn't play fair he will wait until you've let your guard down when you are asleep and don't have your wits about you that's when he will attack but today i want to encourage you and remind you of the protection that we have in jesus christ the devil may try whatever he wants but we are guarded by jesus christ we're shielded by jesus christ the blood of jesus christ has formed a perimeter around our homes the angel of the lord encamps at our residence when we call on the name of the father i encourage you not to fear whatever comes at midnight the lord is a protector he is our savior jesus christ will cover you and block the enemy so before you sleep pray for the divine protection that comes only from the son of god it's the kind of protection that rebukes bad dreams and nightmares it gives no power to spiritual attacks such as sleep paralysis david who is a man after god's own heart said in psalm 119 verse 62 at midnight i rise to praise you because of your righteous rules i encourage you tonight to also rise and praise the lord thank him for all he has done thank him for all he is doing and for all that he will continue to do now let us pray my dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and you deserve to be honored you deserve to be praised for your faithfulness lord i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place i pray that the presence of the holy spirit will be strong in my home i pray that you would watch over me as i sleep tonight i pray that you would wrap me in your loving arms and keep me safe lord defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all troubles and all unrest lord jesus protect me from the evil in this world and preserve me from the attacks of the devil [Music] i will forever sing praises to your holy name i will lift up the name of jesus christ on high higher than all of my cares and my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness lord your word says in psalm 57 verse 1 it states be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by indeed i will be sheltered all the days of my life when i am hidden in your presence so right now i praise you master tonight i will cry out to you alone lord jesus the one who performs miraculous works for me you are my hope and god you are my rescue i will sleep in peace because i know that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god the creator of all the ages and you will strengthen me the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind give me peaceful and relaxing rest lord i come before you with a heart and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus your love and your protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and my confidence in you lord in every situation i face every battle i face i will put my trust in you give me ears to hear you master give me ears that are sensitive to your instruction and to your guidance give me eyes that will see your goodness always and lord i pray for a heart that will always remain faithful to you jesus you are the solid foundation that my life has been built on you are the son of the living god you died on the cross for my sins and your blood was shed for me so that i may never be defeated lord i have total faith and confidence in you because even death was powerless to hold you lord when you watch over me i know that the enemy will be powerless over my life you are my risen savior who has the power to resurrect my spirit and my faith today lord i receive your resurrection power and i declare that there is no dead thing in my life there is no evil that can come near me because the blood of the lamb of god protects me i declare that there are no cracks in my foundation because christ is the solid rock i stand on god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the precious name of jesus that i pray amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know [Music] psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor [Music] thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with a boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory [Music] the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray [Music] heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth [Music] please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom in liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight root tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind [Music] thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord let us pray [Music] all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy [Music] the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord [Music] and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy loose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you lord jesus i pray that you would see me in the middle of this challenge i am facing i pray that your hand would mercifully lift me up from this situation and deliver me [Music] lord i pray the words in psalm 18 verse 1 to 6 and i say i love you o lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death encompassed me the torrents of destruction assailed me the cords of sheol entangled me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called upon the lord to my god i cried for help from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears i pray that you would rescue me king jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way i come to you father with all that i have you have promised in your word to take the heavy load i carry you've promised to take my burdens and so i bring all that bothers me i bring all that weighs me down to your feet i pray that i would hear your voice speaking despite the storm i face despite the challenge i face may your voice be the ruling authority over my affairs the bible says in psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is majestic so i ask that you would look down on me mercifully and speak the words peace be still [Music] help me master to continue to persevere even in the middle of this challenge i face cast out the fear and invade my mind my thoughts and my heart with faith faith in your word faith in your promises promises that i will continue to hold on to because even though i may face challenges i am promised peace that surpasses human understanding so my prayer lord jesus is that you would lead me move with me walk with me and speak to me continuously may the holy spirit be my counselor and the still small voice that guides me though whatever i face when fear tries to attack me and if worry tries to overwhelm me i pray that the holy spirit will empower me to overcome and to defeat the spirit of fear in jesus name though the challenge i face may last longer than i would like though it may be uncomfortable keep me from becoming discouraged lord give me the pure joy of the lord so that i will be strong and if my heart is to feel burdened and weary may i find rest in you may you lead me to greener pastures jesus great is your faithfulness father your word in psalm 29 verse 10 and 11 says the lord sits enthroned over the flood the lord is enthroned as king forever the lord gives strength to his people the lord blesses his people with peace be blessed and lifted high lord jesus it's because of you that i can overcome any challenge i face it's because of you that i can be victorious in all of my affairs and so i thank you lord i confess that everything i come against anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards is already defeated in jesus name any spirit any giant or stronghold i bring it down in the name of jesus christ my lord i thank you for you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind so i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i pray that your peace may be like a shield around me may it protect me from being discouraged and from losing hope may your peace put aside all anxious thoughts in my mind give me the grace to overcome the troubles that i may face [Music] lord you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness you have been good to me you continue to be good to me and so i will bless your name every day in jesus name i pray amen thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me [Music] may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost [Music] continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you [Music] help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word [Music] i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind [Music] thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ [Music] before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates [Music] call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know [Music] psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world [Music] i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name [Music] i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue [Music] god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence [Music] i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen [Music] thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world [Music] let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord i might make plans but it's only by your grace that my plans are established [Music] may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction [Music] all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen one thing that you need to make a practice of is praying before you sleep make it a habit and a routine to pray before you lay your head down to sleep we sometimes take life for granted we take god's protection for granted but let me tell you that you are most vulnerable when you're comfortable and the devil loves a comfortable christian god calls a comfortable christian lukewarm and that's because you're neither hot nor cold you're neither here nor there there's no urgency about you and there's sure enough isn't any fire to your prayers however saints i want to emphasize the importance of prayer especially before we go to sleep we need the lord to watch over us and to protect us you see when you fall asleep you are in your weakest state as a human being and it's during the night when most people are vulnerable to spiritual attacks you need to understand that the forces of darkness operate in darkness both spiritually and in the physical too the devil is cunning and he certainly doesn't play fair he will wait until you've let your guard down when you are asleep and don't have your wits about you that's when he will attack but today i want to encourage you and remind you of the protection that we have in jesus christ the devil may try whatever he wants but we are guarded by jesus christ we're shielded by jesus christ the blood of jesus christ has formed a perimeter around our homes the angel of the lord encamps at our residence when we call on the name of the father i encourage you not to fear whatever comes at midnight the lord is a protector he is our savior jesus christ will cover you and block the enemy so before you sleep pray for the divine protection that comes only from the son of god it's the kind of protection that rebukes bad dreams and nightmares it gives no power to spiritual attacks such as sleep paralysis david who is a man after god's own heart said in psalm 119 verse 62 at midnight i rise to praise you because of your righteous rules i encourage you tonight to also rise and praise the lord thank him for all he has done thank him for all he is doing and for all that he will continue to do [Music] now let us pray my dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and you deserve to be honored you deserve to be praised for your faithfulness lord i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place i pray that the presence of the holy spirit will be strong in my home i pray that you would watch over me as i sleep tonight i pray that you would wrap me in your loving arms and keep me safe lord defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all troubles and all unrest lord jesus protect me from the evil in this world and preserve me from the attacks of the devil i will forever sing praises to your holy name i will lift up the name of jesus christ on high higher than all of my cares and my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness lord your word says in psalm 57 verse 1 it states be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by indeed i will be sheltered all the days of my life when i am hidden in your presence so right now i praise you master tonight i will cry out to you alone lord jesus the one who performs miraculous works for me you are my hope and god you are my rescue i will sleep in peace because i know that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god the creator of all the ages and you will strengthen me the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind give me peaceful and relaxing rest lord i come before you with a heart and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus your love and your protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and my confidence in you lord in every situation i face every battle i face i will put my trust in you give me ears to hear you master give me ears that are sensitive to your instruction and to your guidance give me eyes that will see your goodness always and lord i pray for a heart that will always remain faithful to you [Music] jesus you are the solid foundation that my life has been built on you are the son of the living god you died on the cross for my sins and your blood was shed for me so that i may never be defeated lord i have total faith and confidence in you because even death was powerless to hold you lord when you watch over me i know that the enemy will be powerless over my life you are my risen savior who has the power to resurrect my spirit and my faith today lord i receive your resurrection power and i declare that there is no dead thing in my life there is no evil that can come near me because the blood of the lamb of god protects me i declare that there are no cracks in my foundation because christ is the solid rock i stand on god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the precious name of jesus that i pray [Music] amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ [Music] before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know [Music] psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy laden and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ [Music] i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me [Music] i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name [Music] i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds [Music] and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved [Music] you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth [Music] please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom and liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight root tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind [Music] thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord let us pray all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you lord jesus i pray that you would see me in the middle of this challenge i am facing i pray that your hand would mercifully lift me up from this situation and deliver me lord i pray the words in psalm 18 verse 1 to 6 and i say i love you o lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer [Music] my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death encompass me the torrents of destruction assailed me the cords of sheol entangled me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called upon the lord to my god i cried for help from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears i pray that you would rescue me king jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way i come to you father with all that i have you have promised in your word to take the heavy load i carry you've promised to take my burdens and so i bring all that bothers me i bring all that weighs me down to your feet i pray that i would hear your voice speaking despite the storm i face despite the challenge i face may your voice be the ruling authority over my affairs the bible says in psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is majestic so i ask that you would look down on me mercifully and speak the words peace be still help me master to continue to persevere even in the middle of this challenge i face cast out the fear and invade my mind my thoughts and my heart with faith faith in your word faith in your promises promises that i will continue to hold on to because even though i may face challenges i am promised peace that surpasses human understanding so my prayer lord jesus is that you would lead me move with me walk with me and speak to me continuously may the holy spirit be my counselor and the still small voice that guides me though whatever i face when fear tries to attack me and if worry tries to overwhelm me i pray that the holy spirit will empower me to overcome and to defeat the spirit of fear in jesus name though the challenge i face may last longer than i would like though it may be uncomfortable keep me from becoming discouraged lord give me the pure joy of the lord so that i will be strong and if my heart is to feel burdened and weary may i find rest in you may you lead me to greener pastures jesus great is your faithfulness father your word in psalm 29 verse 10 and 11 says the lord sits enthroned over the flood the lord is enthroned as king forever the lord gives strength to his people the lord blesses his people with peace be blessed and lifted high lord jesus it's because of you that i can overcome any challenge i face it's because of you that i can be victorious in all of my affairs and so i thank you lord i confess that everything i come against anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards is already defeated in jesus name any spirit any giant or stronghold i bring it down in the name of jesus christ my lord i thank you for you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind so i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i pray that your peace may be like a shield around me may it protect me from being discouraged and from losing hope may your peace put aside all anxious thoughts in my mind give me the grace to overcome the troubles that i may face lord you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness you have been good to me you continue to be good to me and so i will bless your name every day in jesus name i pray amen [Music] thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs [Music] you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life [Music] you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything [Music] i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word [Music] i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom and liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life [Music] holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind [Music] thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen [Music] psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord [Music] let us pray all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again [Music] father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully made you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me [Music] great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you lord jesus i pray that you would see me in the middle of this challenge i am facing i pray that your hand would mercifully lift me up from this situation and deliver me lord i pray the words in psalm 18 verse 1 to 6 and i say i love you o lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death encompass me the torrents of destruction assailed me the cords of sheol entangled me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called upon the lord to my god i cried for help from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears [Music] i pray that you would rescue me king jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way i come to you father with all that i have you have promised in your word to take the heavy load i carry you've promised to take my burdens and so i bring all that bothers me i bring all that weighs me down to your feet i pray that i would hear your voice speaking despite the storm i face despite the challenge i face may your voice be the ruling authority over my affairs the bible says in psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is majestic so i ask that you would look down on me mercifully and speak the words peace be still help me master to continue to persevere even in the middle of this challenge i face cast out the fear and invade my mind my thoughts and my heart with faith faith in your word faith in your promises promises that i will continue to hold on to because even though i may face challenges i am promised peace that surpasses human understanding so my prayer lord jesus is that you would lead me move with me walk with me and speak to me continuously may the holy spirit be my counselor and the still small voice that guides me though whatever i face when fear tries to attack me and if worry tries to overwhelm me i pray that the holy spirit will empower me to overcome and to defeat the spirit of fear in jesus name [Music] though the challenge i face may last longer than i would like though it may be uncomfortable keep me from becoming discouraged lord give me the pure joy of the lord so that i will be strong and if my heart is to feel burdened and weary may i find rest in you may you lead me to greener pastures jesus great is your faithfulness father your word in psalm 29 verse 10 and 11 says the lord sits enthroned over the flood the lord is enthroned as king forever the lord gives strength to his people the lord blesses his people with peace be blessed and lifted high lord jesus it's because of you that i can overcome any challenge i face it's because of you that i can be victorious in all of my affairs and so i thank you lord i confess that everything i come against anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards is already defeated in jesus name any spirit any giant or stronghold i bring it down in the name of jesus christ my lord i thank you for you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind so i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i pray that your peace may be like a shield around me may it protect me from being discouraged and from losing hope may your peace put aside all anxious thoughts in my mind give me the grace to overcome the troubles that i may face lord you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness you have been good to me you continue to be good to me and so i will bless your name every day in jesus name i pray amen [Music] thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me [Music] lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord [Music] i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction [Music] all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling and my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father [Music] thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises [Music] lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 eight nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power [Music] teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in 2nd corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom in liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight root tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind [Music] thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord let us pray all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long [Music] i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over [Music] father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy [Music] the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy loose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for imperfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude [Music] and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you lord jesus i pray that you would see me in the middle of this challenge i am facing i pray that your hand would mercifully lift me up from this situation and deliver me lord i pray the words in psalm 18 verse 1 to 6 and i say i love you o lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death encompassed me the torrents of destruction assailed me the cords of sheol entangled me the snares of death confronted me [Music] in my distress i called upon the lord to my god i cried for help from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears i pray that you would rescue me king jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way i come to you father with all that i have you have promised in your word to take the heavy load i carry you've promised to take my burdens and so i bring all that bothers me i bring all that weighs me down to your feet i pray that i would hear your voice speaking despite the storm i face despite the challenge i face may your voice be the ruling authority over my affairs the bible says in psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is majestic so i ask that you would look down on me mercifully and speak the words peace be still help me master to continue to persevere even in the middle of this challenge i face cast out the fear and invade my mind my thoughts and my heart with faith faith in your word faith in your promises promises that i will continue to hold on to because even though i may face challenges i am promised peace that surpasses human understanding so my prayer lord jesus is that you would lead me move with me walk with me and speak to me continuously may the holy spirit be my counselor and the still small voice that guides me [Music] though whatever i face when fear tries to attack me and if worry tries to overwhelm me i pray that the holy spirit will empower me to overcome and to defeat the spirit of fear in jesus name though the challenge i face may last longer than i would like though it may be uncomfortable keep me from becoming discouraged lord give me the pure joy of the lord so that i will be strong [Music] and if my heart is to feel burdened and weary may i find rest in you may you lead me to greener pastures jesus great is your faithfulness father your word in psalm 29 verse 10 and 11 says the lord sits enthroned over the flood the lord is enthroned as king forever the lord gives strength to his people the lord blesses his people with peace be blessed and lifted high lord jesus it's because of you that i can overcome any challenge i face it's because of you that i can be victorious in all of my affairs and so i thank you lord i confess that everything i come against anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards is already defeated in jesus name any spirit any giant or stronghold i bring it down in the name of jesus christ my lord i thank you for you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind so i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace [Music] i pray that your peace may be like a shield around me may it protect me from being discouraged and from losing hope may your peace put aside all anxious thoughts in my mind give me the grace to overcome the troubles that i may face lord you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness you have been good to me you continue to be good to me and so i will bless your name every day in jesus name i pray amen thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs [Music] you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost [Music] continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established [Music] may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind [Music] thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor [Music] us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen [Music] the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom and liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord let us pray all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore [Music] so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you lord jesus i pray that you would see me in the middle of this challenge i am facing i pray that your hand would mercifully lift me up from this situation and deliver me lord i pray the words in psalm 18 verse 1 to 6 and i say i love you o lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death encompassed me the torrents of destruction assailed me the cords of sheol entangled me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called upon the lord to my god i cried for help from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears i pray that you would rescue me king jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way i come to you father with all that i have you have promised in your word to take the heavy load i carry you've promised to take my burdens and so i bring all that bothers me i bring all that weighs me down to your feet i pray that i would hear your voice speaking despite the storm i face despite the challenge i face may your voice be the ruling authority over my affairs the bible says in psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is majestic so i ask that you would look down on me mercifully and speak the words peace be still help me master to continue to persevere even in the middle of this challenge i face cast out the fear and invade my mind my thoughts and my heart with faith faith in your word faith in your promises promises that i will continue to hold on to because even though i may face challenges i am promised peace that surpasses human understanding so my prayer lord jesus is that you would lead me move with me walk with me and speak to me continuously may the holy spirit be my counselor and the still small voice that guides me though whatever i face when fear tries to attack me and if worry tries to overwhelm me i pray that the holy spirit will empower me to overcome and to defeat the spirit of fear in jesus name though the challenge i face may last longer than i would like though it may be uncomfortable [Music] keep me from becoming discouraged lord give me the pure joy of the lord so that i will be strong and if my heart is to feel burdened and weary may i find rest in you may you lead me to greener pastures jesus great is your faithfulness father your word in psalm 29 verse 10 and 11 says the lord sits enthroned over the flood the lord is enthroned as king forever the lord gives strength to his people the lord blesses his people with peace be blessed and lifted high lord jesus it's because of you that i can overcome any challenge i face it's because of you that i can be victorious in all of my affairs and so i thank you lord i confess that everything i come against anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards is already defeated in jesus name any spirit any giant or stronghold i bring it down in the name of jesus christ my lord i thank you for you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind so i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i pray that your peace may be like a shield around me may it protect me from being discouraged and from losing hope may your peace put aside all anxious thoughts in my mind give me the grace to overcome the troubles that i may face lord you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness [Music] you have been good to me you continue to be good to me and so i will bless your name every day in jesus name i pray amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with a boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness [Music] i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me [Music] i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name [Music] father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world [Music] let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord i might make plans but it's only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit [Music] replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen [Music] i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you [Music] help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen one thing that you need to make a practice of is praying before you sleep make it a habit and a routine to pray before you lay your head down to sleep we sometimes take life for granted we take god's protection for granted but let me tell you that you are most vulnerable when you're comfortable and the devil loves a comfortable christian god calls a comfortable christian lukewarm and that's because you're neither hot nor cold you're neither here nor there there's no urgency about you and there's sure enough isn't any fire to your prayers however saints i want to emphasize the importance of prayer especially before we go to sleep we need the lord to watch over us and to protect us you see when you fall asleep you are in your weakest state as a human being and it's during the night when most people are vulnerable to spiritual attacks you need to understand that the forces of darkness operate in darkness both spiritually and in the physical too the devil is cunning and he certainly doesn't play fair he will wait until you've let your guard down when you are asleep and don't have your wits about you that's when he will attack but today i want to encourage you and remind you of the protection that we have in jesus christ [Music] the devil may try whatever he wants but we are guarded by jesus christ we're shielded by jesus christ the blood of jesus christ has formed a perimeter around our homes the angel of the lord encamps at our residence when we call on the name of the father i encourage you not to fear whatever comes at midnight the lord is a protector he is our savior jesus christ will cover you and block the enemy so before you sleep pray for the divine protection that comes only from the son of god it's the kind of protection that rebukes bad dreams and nightmares it gives no power to spiritual attacks such as sleep paralysis david who is a man after god's own heart said in psalm 119 verse 62 at midnight i rise to praise you because of your righteous rules i encourage you tonight to also rise and praise the lord thank him for all he has done thank him for all he is doing and for all that he will continue to do now let us pray my dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and you deserve to be honored you deserve to be praised for your faithfulness lord i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place i pray that the presence of the holy spirit will be strong in my home i pray that you would watch over me as i sleep tonight i pray that you would wrap me in your loving arms and keep me safe lord defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all troubles and all unrest lord jesus protect me from the evil in this world and preserve me from the attacks of the devil i will forever sing praises to your holy name i will lift up the name of jesus christ on high higher than all of my cares and my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness lord your word says in psalm 57 verse 1 it states be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by indeed i will be sheltered all the days of my life when i am hidden in your presence so right now i praise you master tonight i will cry out to you alone lord jesus the one who performs miraculous works for me you are my hope and god you are my rescue i will sleep in peace because i know that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god the creator of all the ages and you will strengthen me the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind give me peaceful and relaxing rest lord i come before you with a heart and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus your love and your protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and my confidence in you lord in every situation i face every battle i face i will put my trust in you give me ears to hear you master give me ears that are sensitive to your instruction and to your guidance give me eyes that will see your goodness always and lord i pray for a heart that will always remain faithful to you jesus you are the solid foundation that my life has been built on you are the son of the living god you died on the cross for my sins and your blood was shed for me so that i may never be defeated lord i have total faith and confidence in you because even death was powerless to hold you lord when you watch over me i know that the enemy will be powerless over my life you are my risen savior who has the power to resurrect my spirit and my faith today lord i receive your resurrection power and i declare that there is no dead thing in my life there is no evil that can come near me because the blood of the lamb of god protects me i declare that there are no cracks in my foundation because christ is the solid rock i stand on god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the precious name of jesus that i pray amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ [Music] i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness [Music] i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind [Music] as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ [Music] i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 13-14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost [Music] so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord [Music] lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom and liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight root tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord let us pray all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over [Music] father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe [Music] you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you lord jesus i pray that you would see me in the middle of this challenge i am facing i pray that your hand would mercifully lift me up from this situation and deliver me lord i pray the words in psalm 18 verse 1 to 6 and i say i love you o lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death encompass me the torrents of destruction assailed me the cords of sheol entangled me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called upon the lord to my god i cried for help from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears i pray that you would rescue me king jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way [Music] i come to you father with all that i have you have promised in your word to take the heavy load i carry you've promised to take my burdens and so i bring all that bothers me i bring all that weighs me down to your feet i pray that i would hear your voice speaking despite the storm i face despite the challenge i face may your voice be the ruling authority over my affairs [Music] the bible says in psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is majestic so i ask that you would look down on me mercifully and speak the words peace be still help me master to continue to persevere even in the middle of this challenge i face cast out the fear and invade my mind my thoughts and my heart with faith faith in your word faith in your promises promises that i will continue to hold on to because even though i may face challenges i am promised peace that surpasses human understanding [Music] so my prayer lord jesus is that you would lead me move with me walk with me and speak to me continuously may the holy spirit be my counselor and the still small voice that guides me though whatever i face when fear tries to attack me and if worry tries to overwhelm me i pray that the holy spirit will empower me to overcome and to defeat the spirit of fear in jesus name though the challenge i face may last longer than i would like though it may be uncomfortable keep me from becoming discouraged lord give me the pure joy of the lord so that i will be strong and if my heart is to feel burdened and weary may i find rest in you may you lead me to greener pastures jesus great is your faithfulness father your word in psalm 29 verse 10 and 11 says the lord sits enthroned over the flood the lord is enthroned as king forever the lord gives strength to his people the lord blesses his people with peace be blessed and lifted high lord jesus it's because of you that i can overcome any challenge i face it's because of you that i can be victorious in all of my affairs and so i thank you lord i confess that everything i come against anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards is already defeated in jesus name any spirit any giant or stronghold i bring it down in the name of jesus christ my lord i thank you for you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind so i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i pray that your peace may be like a shield around me may it protect me from being discouraged and from losing hope may your peace put aside all anxious thoughts in my mind give me the grace to overcome the troubles that i may face lord you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness you have been good to me you continue to be good to me and so i will bless your name every day in jesus name i pray amen [Music] thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome [Music] you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ [Music] you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen [Music] 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray [Music] our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you [Music] i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name [Music] i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen [Music] father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen [Music] thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction [Music] all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom [Music] lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night [Music] may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father [Music] thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen one thing that you need to make a practice of is praying before you sleep make it a habit and a routine to pray before you lay your head down to sleep we sometimes take life for granted we take god's protection for granted but let me tell you that you are most vulnerable when you're comfortable and the devil loves a comfortable christian [Music] god calls a comfortable christian lukewarm and that's because you're neither hot nor cold you're neither here nor there there's no urgency about you and there sure enough isn't any fire to your prayers however saints i want to emphasize the importance of prayer especially before we go to sleep we need the lord to watch over us and to protect us you see when you fall asleep you are in your weakest state as a human being and it's during the night when most people are vulnerable to spiritual attacks you need to understand that the forces of darkness operate in darkness both spiritually and in the physical too the devil is cunning and he certainly doesn't play fair he will wait until you've let your guard down when you are asleep and don't have your wits about you that's when he will attack but today i want to encourage you and remind you of the protection that we have in jesus christ the devil may try whatever he wants but we are guarded by jesus christ we're shielded by jesus christ the blood of jesus christ has formed a perimeter around our homes the angel of the lord encamps at our residence when we call on the name of the father i encourage you not to fear whatever comes at midnight the lord is a protector he is our savior jesus christ will cover you and block the enemy so before you sleep pray for the divine protection that comes only from the son of god it's the kind of protection that rebukes bad dreams and nightmares it gives no power to spiritual attacks such as sleep paralysis david who is a man after god's own heart said in psalm 119 verse 62 at midnight i rise to praise you because of your righteous rules i encourage you tonight to also rise and praise the lord thank him for all he has done thank him for all he is doing and for all that he will continue to do now let us pray my dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and you deserve to be honored you deserve to be praised for your faithfulness lord i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place i pray that the presence of the holy spirit will be strong in my home i pray that you would watch over me as i sleep tonight i pray that you would wrap me in your loving arms and keep me safe lord defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all troubles and all unrest lord jesus [Music] protect me from the evil in this world and preserve me from the attacks of the devil i will forever sing praises to your holy name i will lift up the name of jesus christ on high higher than all of my cares and my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness lord your word says in psalm 57 verse 1 it states be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by indeed i will be sheltered all the days of my life when i am hidden in your presence so right now i praise you master tonight i will cry out to you alone lord jesus the one who performs miraculous works for me you are my hope and god you are my rescue i will sleep in peace because i know that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god the creator of all the ages and you will strengthen me the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind give me peaceful and relaxing rest lord i come before you with a heart and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus your love and your protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and my confidence in you lord in every situation i face every battle i face i will put my trust in you give me ears to hear you master give me ears that are sensitive to your instruction and to your guidance give me eyes that will see your goodness always and lord i pray for a heart that will always remain faithful to you jesus you are the solid foundation that my life has been built on you are the son of the living god you died on the cross for my sins and your blood was shed for me so that i may never be defeated lord i have total faith and confidence in you because even death was powerless to hold you lord when you watch over me i know that the enemy will be powerless over my life you are my risen savior who has the power to resurrect my spirit and my faith today lord i receive your resurrection power and i declare that there is no dead thing in my life there is no evil that can come near me because the blood of the lamb of god protects me i declare that there are no cracks in my foundation because christ is the solid rock i stand on god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the precious name of jesus that i pray amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched [Music] you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness [Music] i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me [Music] i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who was oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend [Music] i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen [Music] thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose [Music] so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor [Music] help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen one thing that you need to make a practice of is praying before you sleep make it a habit and a routine to pray before you lay your head down to sleep we sometimes take life for granted we take god's protection for granted but let me tell you that you are most vulnerable when you're comfortable and the devil loves a comfortable christian god calls a comfortable christian lukewarm and that's because you're neither hot nor cold you're neither here nor there there's no urgency about you and there's sure enough isn't any fire to your prayers however saints i want to emphasize the importance of prayer especially before we go to sleep we need the lord to watch over us and to protect us you see when you fall asleep you are in your weakest state as a human being and it's during the night when most people are vulnerable to spiritual attacks you need to understand that the forces of darkness operate in darkness both spiritually and in the physical too the devil is cunning and he certainly doesn't play fair he will wait until you've let your guard down when you are asleep and don't have your wits about you that's when he will attack but today i want to encourage you and remind you of the protection that we have in jesus christ the devil may try whatever he wants but we are guarded by jesus christ we're shielded by jesus christ the blood of jesus christ has formed a perimeter around our homes the angel of the lord encamps at our residence when we call on the name of the father i encourage you not to fear whatever comes at midnight the lord is a protector he is our savior jesus christ will cover you and block the enemy so before you sleep pray for the divine protection that comes only from the son of god it's the kind of protection that rebukes bad dreams and nightmares it gives no power to spiritual attacks such as sleep paralysis david who is a man after god's own heart said in psalm 119 verse 62 at midnight i rise to praise you because of your righteous rules i encourage you tonight to also rise and praise the lord thank him for all he has done thank him for all he is doing and for all that he will continue to do now let us pray my dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and you deserve to be honored you deserve to be praised for your faithfulness lord i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place i pray that the presence of the holy spirit will be strong in my home i pray that you would watch over me as i sleep tonight i pray that you would wrap me in your loving arms and keep me safe lord defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all troubles and all unrest lord jesus protect me from the evil in this world and preserve me from the attacks of the devil i will forever sing praises to your holy name i will lift up the name of jesus christ on high higher than all of my cares and my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness lord your word says in psalm 57 verse 1 it states be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by indeed i will be sheltered all the days of my life when i am hidden in your presence so right now i praise you master tonight i will cry out to you alone lord jesus the one who performs miraculous works for me you are my hope and god you are my rescue i will sleep in peace because i know that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god the creator of all the ages and you will strengthen me the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind give me peaceful and relaxing rest lord i come before you with a heart and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus your love and your protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and my confidence in you lord in every situation i face every battle i face i will put my trust in you give me ears to hear you master give me ears that are sensitive to your instruction and to your guidance give me eyes that will see your goodness always and lord i pray for a heart that will always remain faithful to you jesus you are the solid foundation that my life has been built on you are the son of the living god you died on the cross for my sins and your blood was shed for me so that i may never be defeated lord i have total faith and confidence in you because even death was powerless to hold you lord when you watch over me i know that the enemy will be powerless over my life you are my risen savior who has the power to resurrect my spirit and my faith today lord i receive your resurrection power and i declare that there is no dead thing in my life there is no evil that can come near me because the blood of the lamb of god protects me i declare that there are no cracks in my foundation because christ is the solid rock i stand on god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the precious name of jesus that i pray amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched [Music] you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness [Music] i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or for depression not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name [Music] i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen the holy spirit is our helper the holy spirit is our comforter saints how we need the holy ghost in our lives his wisdom power and counsel jesus gave us the complete helper when we yield and open our hearts to accept jesus christ when we invite the holy spirit to enter our lives do you know what he does do you know what that means for us for you and i as believers the holy spirit establishes a new relationship between us and the lord but this is only the beginning this is just the beginning of his work within us ephesians 1 verse 13 to 14 says and you also were included in christ when you heard the message of truth the gospel of your salvation when you believed you were marked in him with a seal the promised holy spirit who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance until the redemption of those who are god's possession to the praise of his glory the holy spirit marks us as belonging to god we are marked and sealed by the holy ghost [Music] so saints let's not harden our hearts let us be willing let us surrender let us invite the holy ghost and experience the helper that jesus christ spoke of let us pray heavenly father my savior and king jesus christ you said in john 16 verse 7 to 8 nevertheless i tell you the truth it is to your advantage that i go away for if i do not go away the helper will not come to you but if i depart i will send him to you and when he has come he will convict the world of sin and of righteousness and of judgment i thank you lord that the holy spirit is here for my advantage he is here as my advocate may he indeed convict me to remove all sin and unrighteousness from my life i pray that the holy spirit would be so real to me so that i may experience his power may he move within me and keep me in the will of god and even when i endure trials and tests sometimes i may feel alone sometimes i may not be able to see beyond my present circumstances i pray that in those times the holy spirit will remove the veil from my eyes i pray that he would remove the scales from my eyes during these times may i be so in tune with the holy ghost that even those around me will be affected jesus said in his word but the comforter which is the holy ghost whom the father will send in my name he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever i have said unto you so when i do endure difficulties and despair threatens to overwhelm me bring to my memory god's promises remind me that jesus is my healer my savior my redeemer the one who destroys strongholds and i pray for direction in all areas of my life jesus teach me to let go of things that are weighing me down and show me how to hold on to the blessings i have received so that the enemy will not come and steal them away from me remove my longing for anything detrimental to my faith any toxic things that will lead to my demise i pray you would cast them away set my heart only on jesus release me from all of my sorrow and all of my worries your word lord jesus in john 16 33 says these things i have spoken to you that in me you may have peace in the world you will have tribulation but be of good cheer i have overcome the world i claim and receive the peace you offer lord and i declare that i am of good cheer even in the midst of tribulation because of you jesus i pray that the holy spirit will continue to walk with me i long for a deeper encounter i yearn for a fresh touch by the holy ghost i want to live a victorious life in you jesus so i ask that your spirit will help me to live in your power teach me the ways of god holy spirit open my mind and my understanding and remind me that i do not know everything when the way looks dim bring me back to the promises of god reveal to me god's will for my life and draw me into a saving relationship with jesus christ who made the ultimate sacrifice for me to be saved you have come not only as a comforter but one who will lead me into all truth convict me of my faults holy spirit and bring me to true repentance as i seek to walk in the way of truth please grant me the wisdom to discern between truth and error and give me the strength always to choose to do right before the lord lord i take comfort in your word in second corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 which says now the lord is that spirit and where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty i thank you for giving me freedom and liberty king jesus i believe that as i draw near to you and you draw closer to me i will be free from the hold of sin in my life holy spirit i am weak but you are strong so empower me as i pray may i have a mind fixed on the kingdom of god i invite you to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my weight root tendencies and desires free my mind from worries and cares for i have not been given a spirit of fear but of love and of sound mind thank you for your presence i now claim an abundant and victorious life through you i submit to you my will my hurts challenges desires and aspirations bless me holy spirit and remain with me in jesus name i pray amen psalms 150 verse 6 let everything that has breath praise the lord praise the lord let us pray all praise belongs to you lord jesus all glory and honor belongs to you king jesus you are my redeemer my savior my mouth is filled with your praise declaring your splendor all day long i praise you because satan's attacks have no effect on me i praise you lord because with you on my side i will always be found to be standing victorious when the battle is over [Music] father the ability for me to live a victorious christian life is not down to my gifts or talents it's down to your grace and mercy the ability for me to live with joy and faith is not a matter of my willpower or a positive mental attitude it's because of my relationship with you lord and for this reason i praise you forgive me if i've attached myself to things that are detrimental to my faith and growth as a believer i pray that you would break those ties break the cords of anything that tries to choke my praise break and loose every chain from the enemy lose me from anything designed to hold my hands down so i do not lift them up in praise and surrender to you lord lord i praise you i lift my hands as a sign of me relinquishing all control to you i am abandoning my ways lord and instead i am following your word your will and your ways because your will is better than mine i praise you king jesus because rather than relying on my own might i can rely on a god who has proven himself time and time again father so long as there is breath in my body so long as i am still standing and i have life in my veins i will praise you today and forevermore so even when disaster strikes even when i feel tired and weary i will praise you and glorify your name today and forevermore john chapter 4 verse 24 says god is spirit and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth teach me how to truly worship you in spirit and truth king jesus teach me to be a true worshiper lord you are my god and i will exalt you and praise your name for in perfect faithfulness you have done wonderful things in my life i will always thank you lord each and every day [Music] and with all my heart i will tell of all your wonderful deeds i will testify of all you've done for me i praise you because i am fearfully and wonderfully babe you have made me in your image and you have called me loved you have forgiven me you have held me and kept me great are you lord and most worthy to be praised your greatness is unlike anything we know or can fathom i will praise you at all times i will honor you with all my being your word says in psalms 95 o come let us sing to the lord let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation let us come into his presence with thanksgiving let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise for the lord is a great god and a great king above all gods how great you are king jesus how mighty and awesome you are lord you are the king of glory the lord who is strong and mighty the lord who is mighty in battle forever faithful and has never ending mercy for this reason i will praise you i will continue to praise you because that's all i can do to show my gratitude and so i honor your holy name for you alone are worthy to be praised i praise you lord jesus i pray that you would see me in the middle of this challenge i am facing i pray that your hand would mercifully lift me up from this situation and deliver me lord i pray the words in psalm 18 verse 1 to 6 and i say i love you o lord my strength the lord is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer my god my rock in whom i take refuge my shield and the horn of my salvation my stronghold i call upon the lord who is worthy to be praised and i am saved from my enemies the cords of death encompass me the torrents of destruction assailed me the cords of sheol entangled me the snares of death confronted me in my distress i called upon the lord to my god i cried for help from his temple he heard my voice and my cry to him reached his ears i pray that you would rescue me king jesus and make a way where there seems to be no way i come to you father with all that i have you have promised in your word to take the heavy load i carry you've promised to take my burdens and so i bring all that bothers me i bring all that weighs me down to your feet i pray that i would hear your voice speaking despite the storm i face despite the challenge i face may your voice be the ruling authority over my affairs the bible says in psalm 29 verse 4 the voice of the lord is powerful the voice of the lord is majestic so i ask that you would look down on me mercifully and speak the words peace be still help me master to continue to persevere even in the middle of this challenge i face cast out the fear and invade my mind my thoughts and my heart with faith faith in your word faith in your promises promises that i will continue to hold on to because even though i may face challenges i am promised peace that surpasses human understanding so my prayer lord jesus is that you would lead me move with me walk with me and speak to me continuously may the holy spirit be my counselor and the still small voice that guides me [Music] though whatever i face when fear tries to attack me and if worry tries to overwhelm me i pray that the holy spirit will empower me to overcome and to defeat the spirit of fear in jesus name though the challenge i face may last longer than i would like though it may be uncomfortable keep me from becoming discouraged lord give me the pure joy of the lord so that i will be strong and if my heart is to feel burdened and weary may i find rest in you may you lead me to greener pastures jesus great is your faithfulness father your word in psalm 29 verse 10 and 11 says the lord sits enthroned over the flood the lord is enthroned as king forever the lord gives strength to his people the lord blesses his people with peace be blessed and lifted high lord jesus it's because of you that i can overcome any challenge i face it's because of you that i can be victorious in all of my affairs and so i thank you lord i confess that everything i come against anything that comes to frustrate or pull me backwards is already defeated in jesus name any spirit any giant or stronghold i bring it down in the name of jesus christ my lord i thank you for you have given me a spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind so i pray that you would help me so that the things of this world may not affect me so much that they would result in me losing my peace i pray that your peace may be like a shield around me may it protect me from being discouraged and from losing hope may your peace put aside all anxious thoughts in my mind give me the grace to overcome the troubles that i may face lord you deserve all praise for your tender mercies and kindness you have been good to me you continue to be good to me and so i will bless your name every day [Music] in jesus name i pray amen [Music] thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me [Music] may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost [Music] continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen [Music] i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises [Music] lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word [Music] i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor [Music] help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen jeremiah 29 13 and you will seek me and find me when you search for me with all your heart [Music] beloved if you seek the lord if you search for him with all your heart you will find him we often spend so much energy we spend so much effort and time seeking things seeking people seeking money we expend a lot of energy seeking affection seeking approval on all kinds of things things that are temporary things that will pass away but today saints my message to you is that we need to seek jesus christ before you seek the things of this earth call on the name that is above every other name the name of jesus christ i encourage you to seek protection under the lion of the tribe of judah seek tranquility from the prince of peace seek god almighty the one who is who was and who is to be i encourage you to seek to call to chase the one who commands millions of angels the one who speaks and creates [Music] call on the one who has the keys to life and death in his hands so whatever situation you face today whatever circumstance or situation you're up against god wants you to call on him jeremiah 33 verse 3 says call to me and i will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know psalm 50 verse 15 says call on me in the day of trouble i will deliver you and you will honor me and so i want to encourage you when you look at god's word when you look at his promises he says trust me in your times of trouble and i will rescue you he says abide in me and i will restore you he says come to me all who are weary and heavy-ladened and i will give you rest so let your hope be found in god he has the perfect solution each and every time so call on him whether it's day or night with this understanding let us pray our heavenly father [Music] my lord and savior jesus christ my redeemer and the good shepherd i come before you today with a humble heart and my faith lifted up your name is set high and above all other names thank you lord for your amazing and your endless love i praise your holy name today and i acknowledge that you alone are god yours is the power and the glory and the honor thank you father because you are faithful to equip me with all that i need you are faithful to have given me the resources that i need to walk with a boldness and authority in this life your wisdom is unparalleled and your power is unmatched you are a god who provides us with all that we need with more than we need above and beyond all of our expectations whether it is healing restoration protection or peace we look only to you we look only to you lord jesus when i'm weak lord you're strong so i pray that your holy spirit may empower me [Music] may i have an open mind as you reveal heavenly things to me and guide me to walk in the path of righteousness i invite you holy spirit to be my counselor and my friend set me free from my wayward tendencies and desires as i look to build a relationship with jesus christ free my mind of everything that seeks to hamper or slow my development as a believer free my mind from all constraints of stress or depression for i've not been given a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind as i embrace your presence and power i ask that my life will reflect my journey with you you are a god who has always been faithful whenever i needed healing i found it in your arms every time that i have felt empty i have found wholeness in your presence and i thank you lord because even when i felt lost you've been closer than a brother you have been a lamp to my feet may you give me the strength required for each day may the holy spirit lead me into a future that is rooted in christ i pray that you would renew repair and revive my heart my mind and soul i speak peace into every area where there is unrest i pray for closure in every area that has any voids let nothing of this world unsettle my heart i declare your word over my life and i say greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world i say my god shall supply all my needs i say that nothing is impossible with my god [Music] i say that i can do all things through christ who strengthens me i thank you for giving me the strength to overcome the devil i thank you for giving me the power to walk in victory and the power to defeat sin it all comes from you so i bless your holy name i humble myself and i surrender all that i am to you i trust and believe that you will redeem me and you will make me whole grace upon grace is what i will experience in my life in jesus name i confess that all is well within my soul all is well within me i confess that all is well in my life and in my home may the holy spirit grant me boldness and courage may he help me to be strong and firm in faith i pray that i will not be found to be fearful in any area of my life i pray that i will not be a believer who is oppressed by worry by anxiety or by stress in jesus name father i claim your word and say surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life i have victory in the name of jesus victory over any evil victory over every goliath i declare that i have victory over the obstacles set by the enemy through the power that's in the blood of the lamb power that allows me to overcome daily to be blessed daily to wake up in your grace and mercies each day thank you for hearing my prayer thank you for hearing my prayer king jesus amen father god i thank you for inviting me to have a personal relationship with you you created the heavens and the earth and everything in it and yet you still call me by name despite my flaws despite my failures despite my rebellion at times you've invited me to spend all of eternity with you lord i desire to know you more to know you deep within my soul so father teach me not to take your love for granted but to approach each day with a grateful heart and grow in my understanding of you lord help me to truly live for you help me to be authentic in my love for you i want to know you not just know about you i want to know your heart your character your desires your plan for my life your word in proverbs 8 verse 17 says i love those who love me and those who seek me diligently find me lord jesus i want to treasure you so much that i am willing to suffer and sacrifice for you jesus i thank you for dying on the cross for me i consider an intimate relationship with you to be the most beautiful holy and worthy thing i could ever pursue god i want you to become real to me not just some distant being with little to no impact on my life no i want to know you as a father and as a friend i want to know you deeply lord to fellowship with you and to bask in your presence i pray that my knowledge of you will go beyond memorizing scripture or church doctrine i want to know you deep within my heart and soul i invite you to come dwell in my heart so lord help me to constantly monitor and evaluate the state of my relationship with you don't let my love grow cold give me the habits and the attitude i need to cultivate that relationship may the holy spirit convict me and give me an appetite to spend more time in the word to spend more time in prayer to live out your commands in the world around me may everything in my life reflect the love i have for you and as i come to know you more help me to become more like you let my words my actions and my desires come to imitate yours so that on that judgment day when i see you face to face you will not cast me aside so that you will not declare that you never knew me instead you will look at me with love and say well done my good and faithful servant i praise you and glorify your blessed name thank you for hearing my prayer i pray this all in jesus name amen thank you lord jesus for being with me thank you for being there for me lord i am grateful for all the times that you have fought for me whether i knew about it or not thank you for your hand that has been on my life it's you who leads me it's you who strengthens me it's you who protects me may you be exalted in my life may your name be lifted high on my lips you are the bread of life and in you i will never grow hungry you will meet and satisfy all of my desires and spiritual needs you are the light of the world and so i will follow you lord because in you there is no darkness because you are the light of life you lord jesus are the good shepherd i pray and submit to be under your care may i be like a sheep that knows your voice let me be able to identify your voice despite the many opposing and conflicting voices in this world let me be able to recognize the voice of my good shepherd the one who will protect and save his sheep at any cost [Music] continue to guide me lord i might make plans but is only by your grace that my plans are established may the holy spirit speak to me and help me to know when i need to stop and seek you when i need to stop and listen for your direction all of your ways king jesus are perfect so help me to remove all sin and everything unclean help me to remove every sin that tries to grieve block or diminish the voice of the holy spirit replace every unholy desire in my life replace every craving with the need to seek your presence and help me to grow and mature as i bear good fruit for your kingdom lord keep my feet from stumbling in my mind from wandering i pray that i would walk in clarity and purpose so please reveal to me each day where you want me to be and what you want me to do for you help me to understand what your plan is for my life and how to make it happen i pray for guidance from the holy spirit with a thankful heart lord jesus i will praise you day and night may your will your promises and your word always be in the meditation of my heart [Music] i praise your name for you are the god of the impossible you are the i am meaning all things can be found in you there is absolutely nothing too big for you to handle there is no problem too great or challenge too difficult for you to overcome [Music] you are a god who is limitless a god who can do anything i pray and declare that i am protected by the blood of king jesus christ [Music] you are a merciful god a loving father thank you for your precious word which gives me hope that i do have a future which is secure in you i pray that even through the trials and difficulties of my life even through the deep waters through the fire and the many different seasons i may face help me to always be committed to you help me to always be a faithful servant help me to let go and fall back into the safety of your arms into the safety of your word and promises lord help me to keep trusting in you even when i'm tested even when i'm challenged or opposed give me a heart that is anchored in your word [Music] i declare that i have nothing to fear or worry about because you are by my side i have nothing to fear because god has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind thank you for your gentle grace thank you for your unmerited favor help us to remember to rely fully on you fixing our eyes on christ jesus we bless your holy name amen one thing that you need to make a practice of is praying before you sleep make it a habit and a routine to pray before you lay your head down to sleep we sometimes take life for granted we take god's protection for granted but let me tell you that you are most vulnerable when you're comfortable and the devil loves a comfortable christian god calls a comfortable christian lukewarm and that's because you're neither hot nor cold you're neither here nor there there's no urgency about you and there's sure enough isn't any fire to your prayers however saints i want to emphasize the importance of prayer especially before we go to sleep we need the lord to watch over us and to protect us you see when you fall asleep you are in your weakest state as a human being and it's during the night when most people are vulnerable to spiritual attacks you need to understand that the forces of darkness operate in darkness both spiritually and in the physical two the devil is cunning and he certainly doesn't play fair he will wait until you've let your guard down when you are asleep and don't have your wits about you that's when he will attack but today i want to encourage you and remind you of the protection that we have in jesus christ [Music] the devil may try whatever he wants but we are guarded by jesus christ we're shielded by jesus christ the blood of jesus christ has formed a perimeter around our homes the angel of the lord encamps at our residence when we call on the name of the father i encourage you not to fear whatever comes at midnight the lord is a protector he is our savior jesus christ will cover you and block the enemy so before you sleep pray for the divine protection that comes only from the son of god it's the kind of protection that rebukes bad dreams and nightmares it gives no power to spiritual attacks such as sleep paralysis david who is a man after god's own heart said in psalm 119 verse 62 at midnight i rise to praise you because of your righteous rules i encourage you tonight to also rise and praise the lord thank him for all he has done thank him for all he is doing and for all that he will continue to do now let us pray my dear lord jesus you deserve all the glory and you deserve to be honored you deserve to be praised for your faithfulness lord i invite you into my heart and into my home may your presence be found in this place i pray that the presence of the holy spirit will be strong in my home i pray that you would watch over me as i sleep tonight i pray that you would wrap me in your loving arms and keep me safe lord defend me from every attack of the enemy protect me from all troubles and all unrest lord jesus protect me from the evil in this world and preserve me from the attacks of the devil i will forever sing praises to your holy name i will lift up the name of jesus christ on high higher than all of my cares and my problems higher than every principality and power of darkness lord your word says in psalm 57 verse 1 it states be merciful to me o god be merciful to me for in you my soul takes refuge in the shadow of your wings i will take refuge till the storms of destruction pass by indeed i will be sheltered all the days of my life when i am hidden in your presence so right now i praise you master tonight i will cry out to you alone lord jesus the one who performs miraculous works for me you are my hope and god you are my rescue i will sleep in peace because i know that you have said in your word that i should not be afraid for i have you with me i should not be discouraged because you jehovah are my god the creator of all the ages and you will strengthen me the only one with resurrection power that will help me i speak with the authority in the name of jesus that i will not encounter bad dreams or nightmares i will not encounter spiritual attacks while i sleep in the name of jesus instead lord i pray that you give me a sound mind give me peaceful and relaxing rest lord i come before you with a heart and a mind that is focused on you keep me in your arms tonight lord jesus your love and your protection is more real than what my natural eyes can see i place all of my trust and my confidence in you lord in every situation i face every battle i face i will put my trust in you give me ears to hear you master give me ears that are sensitive to your instruction and to your guidance give me eyes that will see your goodness always and lord i pray for a heart that will always remain faithful to you jesus you are the solid foundation that my life has been built on you are the son of the living god you died on the cross for my sins and your blood was shed for me so that i may never be defeated lord i have total faith and confidence in you because even death was powerless to hold you lord when you watch over me i know that the enemy will be powerless over my life you are my risen savior who has the power to resurrect my spirit and my faith today lord i receive your resurrection power and i declare that there is no dead thing in my life there is no evil that can come near me because the blood of the lamb of god protects me i declare that there are no cracks in my foundation because christ is the solid rock i stand on god i thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the precious name of jesus that i pray amen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Grace For Purpose Prayers
Views: 27,793
Rating: 4.8609467 out of 5
Keywords: Meditation, Christian, Sleep, Relaxation, Godly, Meditate, Abide, Peaceful, Scriptures
Id: J0RUsKvXfl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 377min 44sec (22664 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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