Last to Survive Volcano wins $10,000 - Challenge

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welcome back gamers Sunnah the mr. beast gaming video the premise is simple we have a volcano we have a hundred random people here's how it's gonna work there's a switch right here that opens this box and lets them roam around the map Carl is competing hello it's me me and Chris will be dropping items bla bla bla flick the switch and they're off to the race whoever is the last man standing wins $10,000 now we have PvP turned off for the moment but in a second I'm gonna allow them to hit each other okay lovers are help or turn on PvP for 10 seconds Oh PvP zone they found out they found out PvP is on for the next 5 seconds 4 3 2 1 alright cut it off the week have been weeded out I'm watching this guy die you got over here man figure it out there's actually nerve wracking you know what else is nerve wrecking about this Carl oh there's a creeper right beside you did you kill Carl I think you've got alright well I didn't think you they're all shaking their head at me Carl I'm sorry I didn't know that it would blow you up you gotta just hit it into the lava I didn't know the creeper would blow you up yeah I didn't know you were that bad that you didn't know how to PvP a creeper off move out the way the speaker doctor no oh alright boom Oh Oh somebody would don't kill him God knows does mean I didn't mean to I put the creeper down you put him down after I blew him up she was in the air yeah and then you put it down right where she landed alright Chris is on the rampage over here no kidding Jimmy alright PvP is on boys pay attention thanks gang up out of here's our oh look they're ganging up on him I didn't tell him but they're fighting for 10 grand they don't even realize it but Nana Oh banana vendor one daddy's so muddy wait wait Oh Chandler you're back where'd you go no message it mmm all right challenges you know ten grands online it's a pee-pee people hey no arena never you get the point you look for ten grand let's go yeah these cats are serving my kids - they're gonna push you off and let the cat pee in a bucket Chandler ah no my cats yeah do these pillagers they snipe people watch this Oh today really it's not Oh simp please I love how he's just dominating spawn Island are you not entertained [Music] abandon ship dog he refuses to leave Jimmy I'm making a sniper on a nest Jimmy I found a friend look Oh soup Oh sniper tower oh my gosh it's so funny Chandler what's your friend's name Bogdan say hey Barr good I'll just talk but I'll give you a sword if you kill him right now Jan no trust each other that was my test to see if you're a good friend you failed why are there so many cats everywhere their inbox will do it I'm not living this world if I'm a bad friend we need you for content what are you dr. Taylor why did you run the instant ITV's you told me okay all right I'm gonna connect this person to the other two the world cat oh oh oh that was ruthless that was robot men is ruthless fight it out Duke it out he's running he's scared Oh for that duel you've earned yourself a present oh oh not in it oh oh they tried to invade Skyfire oh my god I got to give him that that's my gift to him can these creepers explode the Rhino over I'm sorry the other one survived dude everyone's terrified a robot man cuz here's the show I'm gonna slowly break robot men's platform this guy's given bullied by three magma cubes oh my God look at him he's trying to fight him off get out of here robot man get out of here robot man oh now alright robot man fight fight to the death oh yes robots in a war but he has a sword will he win oh oh oh kill two of them how about the third the final oh oh he's going off oh this guy's a freaking warrior robot man is gonna go on a conquest until he dies Go Go oh oh where did she come from what wow dude she really jumped over here to get that she deserved that alright is she fighting let's see oh she's taking him on but sushi wins oh she killed one Oh oh my gosh Wow oh my god she's heartless oh oh my gosh oh no that's the one you gave the boat oh oh they're fighting how's the Friday face face Oh zero to kill him oh he's got a hint of pearl he just always did what whirling he's gonna lose oh let's see who wins oh she got Oh Jase hon hon hon hood go go go go get the kill oh all right let's see you'll see all right thousand ten he's back no I'm gonna pray to her she's so good Kris what are you gonna do if she dies I'm gonna be sad zero to K it died she'll turn into a mech and live on forever hey look at our go-kart cos I am this man down guys boy Jedi's back and he has a teammate this time there's the Argo is waiting for it there's only Tigger yeah they only do one end of the Nerds lives on Argo is gonna be ruthless are we great guys store guys without a sword okay oh he ran away or go oh my gosh banana thunder banana fritter go up go up all zero twos gonna go out here 200 zero back Oh zero to acting like a helpless huge anime girl mm-hmm little does he know she has weapons kill her I bet she backstab some how about this let me do this I bet they go to war oh that was so adorable alright I'm dropping a sword right here I bet I bet everyone rushes for it Argos ready to dart goes waiting sword down oh oh oh my god Oh Oh all right there fighting whose side is banana gonna help dude she's she's out for blood here's some more arrows there you go oh there's a fight on the Eastern quadrant oh oh boy Jedi oh no poor Jedi no no Jenny do banana flowers still here a 0-200 your girl's under attack you're gonna double-team my girl Oh no he did this guy looks like he wants to join in the fight here you go give me that give me it banana and apple pie are together right now they are teammate alright I feel like a Wars about to break over here in the northeastern mmm-hmm I've kind of grown a liking to Argo I feel like we've given the enemy girl too much love she's getting it so I typed in the chat I was about to drop a diamond chestplate here and I'm seeing if I can lure people in yes she said she put on the armor oh wait oh banana got it banana got it and recovered oh my god Apple got it we talked about Jedi every video and it's because he won this one he already won $10,000 like a week and a half ago alright here's what we're gonna do we're gonna start canceling certain quadrants all dude this guy was hiding in a corner the entire time here Oh fight going on boy Jedi vs Apple wait wait Charlie move away from him ooh jeez who's getting all the who's getting milk-bones Oh banana it's banana gonna get it all they're going for it they're going for it oh oh oh bananas gonna ward all right this is it this gets decide who gets the 10 grand banana by God remaining we have we have squiddy you have Anat we had the duo we have Donald Duck then we have this guy on Cat Island there you go oh oh banana is not settling bananas being ruthless here's a bow fire we hit him all right he's going in he's going in we're about to have a mainland fight oh he's trying he's trying to have peace oh they just needs he ruthlessly murdered him he was trying to team lava is gonna move them all out and they are now gonna compete for $10,000 all right they're getting close all right here we go block everything else off except for these islands over here all right so it appears we have two teams $10,000 is on the line Donnell wants it Donald what's it oh dude they like they have their bows drawn they're trying to scare people off they're so angry like they're like get away I'm gonna cut off Donald's old Island sorry Donald it is now a thing of the past go for boys Duke it out okay okay I've got it nobody's fainted oh oh dude Donald Joey go look Donald's like Hank Donald all right I like this oh my gosh all right these 3v2 quod number 1 has been eliminated alright Oh are they gonna team up on dominoed versus the world right now diode will not calm down he is an animal guys donal needs boots if it's to be won Donald deserves so he deserves some diamond boots don't let him leave you don't let him leave Amit and squid I'm sorry but only one of you can win 10 grand so you got this far but you guys got a Duke it out I'm sorry three two one fight Amit are you still in the call yeah yeah yeah Squidward wanted to split the $10,000 with you and give you five grand if he hears you right now if I had the option I want to say to God to place you with like 110 thousand places subscribe to vista beast thank you so much thomas the beasts mr. beast gaming we'll see you in the next video
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 7,451,175
Rating: 4.9499574 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, challenge, Minecraft challenge, gaming, mrbeast, mrbeast gaming, minecraft, game, gameplay, games, reaction, youtube, hermitcraft 7, grian, fun, funny, iskall85, hermitcraft, GoodTimesWithScar, mrbeast challenge, hermitcraft s7, video, 2020, 24 hours, Minecrafters, last to leave, last to, 7 ways to, Minecraft but, prestonplayz, extreme
Id: NVLSgGqHz2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 9sec (729 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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