First To Mine Netherite Wins $10,000!

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do you guys know why I brought you into the nether no no - give us diamonds well here's the deal boys you guys have one hour and whoever has the most nether right when this countdown hits zero wins $10,000 Oh oh yeah whoever has the least has to kiss Chris's saw oh yeah if Chris loses then he has to kiss Karl saw ogress yeah what are you doing this 59 minutes left you tricked me I'm very slow I've already got another gold mine in it hey Chris hey bud Oh Oh easy now that's not very nice don't find some nether right I'm getting nether gold you need gold I'm actually pretty epic I'm mining what if I just go ahead and end this video real quick huh what did you get ancient debris shut up I'm just kidding I was actually really excited for you and happy for you whoa oh hey also Chris if you kill me alright there's a creeper oh man hey Chandler hey yo back up every time there's creepers chill it just eat them hey Jimmy hold on hold on watch this oh yes Chandler whatever dude I'm literally gonna die ancient debris every time you see debris it makes me think of Capri Sun debris Sun can you sleep in that bed for me oh he's getting you to mind for him you cheater you guys know what why you have to be at right what no you didn't know that no I've just been mighty regular I'm actually pretty epic Oh watch out I was over here trying to find my why hey Carl there's more I'm pretty epic don't fall oh my gosh Carl is surrounded by like seven creepers brah I'm confusion am I supposed to get down to the Y I'm supposed to get down if there's lava there my thing is I didn't know you had to get down to a specific Y what oh oh my god oh my god please hey you did not get it ancient debris did you it's called ancients trap whenever you dig it but yeah I got it all you guys can't sabotage I don't even hey you and Chandler near each other if you want to do get out Oh Lala huh you guys gonna fight no not until I find something stop dude frickin he's rad yeah come over here I have officially reached the why I reached the why it was very hard and there's a lot of dangerous things around me you reached low why Carl how do you feel yeah after you killed Chandler um I actually feel bad I thought he was trying to kill me cuz he said he wanted to kill me uh-huh save my life Blackstone hey Jimmy look at me in the eyes man do I look like I'm kidding when I say I'm gonna win this one kinda also don't forget whoever comes the last has to kiss us ah I'm more worried about that than worried about not winning $10,000 for some reason girl you should just be worried in general because until you win you don't get a facecam will never see how anguished your face was right then I'm like dream except better at Minecraft hey Chris are you excited to kiss Carl sock I'm not gonna have to kiss car luck at all and I feel like I'm close that sounds like the cry of somebody that's about to kiss a sock oh that sounds like somebody's gonna kiss a sock there Carl want to say that you guys have 40 minutes left until someone kisses a sock what if nobody wins and you all just sucks wait what is this what is this well you look like ancient debris anymore no uh-oh oh my gosh oh yes I've been mining these tunnels for quite a minute Jimmy Carl that's right now you won't get a facecam you know I'm getting tired about winning I really am this is where I'm at imagine how I feel Carl yeah we will know exactly when he finds it cuz it'll just be the sound like that feel like I'm getting closer Oh watch out Chandler watch out Chandler turn around as if this wasn't hard enough Jimmy's over here trying to kill us and I mean we want to just I want to mine that way well I see you I see you I see you it's got all the ones on the map apparently I don't get it I've blown everything up me and Chris muted our Mike Chandler doesn't realize this but he literally walked past it are you dying see if he gets a vein of three Carl would be the person to kill me and then take my spot in fine stuff Carl is so lucky he really is call is the luckiest person I've only Chandler had luck maybe his luck will turn around what are you guys doing walk fast at like five times did you guys spawn it there no but he is using beds to mine out large areas why Taylor why didn't you split the wool we didn't know there was wool to be had Hey he's cheating it I only got one dude what the heck I wish bets could stack that would be a bunkbed wouldn't i Carl want to see your first bet explosions I really hope he knows how to do it I do not he's gonna kill himself wait stop being SpaghettiOs I want to know how to do it talking in a cute voice when I get you insider info brah oh shoot I'm dead I'm gonna sneak in watches christos that way I can do it I need to just get back to where my stuff plus there's a llama everywhere now I think you hit like it's Chris can you mute your mic for me real quick how do you blow off a bit all right so what you do is you take the bed you put it down look you just put a block in front of it I was trying to trick you into showing Karl and you just killed yourself wait is this it let's freakin go I found one freak Oh baby another one oh my god how did I die I put it over the freaking bed where do you put the block you I'm in a teepee you here Karl to random tunnel wait do I lose all my stuff because of that like my ancient debris no you don't get it back I'm gonna give you your armor and tools back I wish I could just find where my original spot was I got me one oh there's an intimate I don't know where I am I spawned where you told me to spawn and now I'm gonna die alright so the biggest thing is I got to get back to negative 30 which is this way but there's an entire thing a lava so I don't know if I need to go up some first or down some first but I'm worried I'm gonna hit lava Chris I'm worried you're gonna have to kiss a sock I kind of made myself have to be a sock kisser even more importantly than you kissing a sock if you don't step it up Carl gets a face cam Oh gross yeah I mean Carl's not gonna win what the whole oh I forgot no no why am i trapped in lava no please haha Carl big talk for somebody who can't even find ancient debris you idiot I found it already in vain' also tied look at both of us we're killing it ha okay Jimmy I know what to do but I need your help I need to retrace my steps I'm gonna drop you all your stuff for you sorry you go ahead and do that and I'll go ahead and dig up this ancient debris if that's good with you Jimmy all right I don't think I ever find any more you just gonna quit I mean I do I need to keep going they're clearly bad come on come on come on come on come on whoa I found it hey yes I found it I found that I found that it counts it's going in my inventory Carl what are you gonna do about this I'm gonna win that's what I'm gonna do Jimmy isn't it funny that Chandler's in first place but when he first found the thing he didn't even notice if only somebody hadn't have told him guys there is five minutes remaining Carl how are you doing I'm great you know what I'm fantastic you know why because I'm about to find the first eight stack anybody ever has another right and I'm gonna win oh sure oh cool hey if you're gonna blow up a bed-warmer first so I can not lose my spot I blew up a bunch for you hopefully you find some don't think I will see in this house it's all filled with lava thank you though all right that's good help Carl yes great plan all right Carl I gave Chris ten explosions I'm giving you ten explosions just keep moving forward and exploding all right Carl one explosion two explosions oh yeah you're right I didn't find any there's three minutes left by the way so Chris how much dad the right do you have I have three nether rights crap do you have zero nether yeah Carl how much nether I do you have I have three ancient debris did you have zero as well Chandler how much dad the right do you have one ingot guys you have two minutes left all right well I just want like you beat me maybe not one but definitely didn't get last oh yeah it was a three vein oh I'm gonna cry wait so call here in last place now wait stop shut up a minute and a half remaining wait to meet Lester cool I think you'll need to five beds oh okay it was your bad but it's cool I'm gonna lose Renta all right there you go that's your problem Oh Chris have you made it I have to get back to my chest 25 seconds first you money we gotta make it dude I only have to smell one of them bra if I didn't die from the exploding pet I would have won dad I made a labyrinth it slum literally going in circles at least I don't get last two what too late Carl too late no wait I didn't need to find the chest I brought it all with me the thing is whoever has the most nether right one how much nether I do have Chris Zira Chandler how much do you have one Carl how much do you have zero okay which means you and Chris must duel to the death then Taylor before they do it for last place you just won $10,000 let's go my first win ways that your first win on the gaming channel yeah so what are you gonna spend this ten grand on I'm thinking about buying a house okay all right whoever loses this duel has to kiss the other person suck duel oh oh oh go go it what are you doing you know that fighting off bucket of lava doesn't seem very fair you didn't even hit the bucket lava I got pushed in the lava those fair alright so Carl take your shoe off 4:14 yeah there we go thank you for watching Congrats on your 10 grand to Matt's amusing
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 29,813,587
Rating: 4.9172211 out of 5
Id: cJp8thYqiOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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