First To Raid Area 51 Wins $10,000 - Challenge

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welcome back and restore another mr. beast gaming video this is an exact scale replica of area 51 I know because I went to it this right here is a government facility and this is where we do alien testing and we have 100 random minecraft players right here so here's how this works we're going to open the gate and let them raid area 51 every time they jump in this portal they get points whoever has the most points at the end of this video wins 10 smackeroonies dixie in points and I have gathered you here today because I recognize your guys names and I need you guys help to let me win you guys are both one it's my turn all right 5 4 get ready creepers agree the gates are about to open - no 10 grand for you left oh hey here's hey last time oh you took dead boy Jedi's the one who want the last one of these I'll try em he just went 5 grand no oh all right I'm gonna let poor Jedi through Chris sorry sorry oh is this home gonna be slick 360 oh not again by me ain't nobody get Bobby Oh creeper all guys now remember the golden rule if the FPS merch on let it through our dan has besmirch on let him through he practically hand them the $10,000 boys here we go no don't a few don't let him through no bad Ravager you do not kill people oh my gosh stop lawn mower bird Taylor pick left or right right all right right it is I'm blocking off a little bit of right what's up lava okay here we go just make a tunnel all the way to the border yeah I'm gonna build it right now you guys keep working I'm still my leaderboard I'm catching up yeah right yet on the leaderboard and then this way whenever I'm done with the tunnel that'll be good to go no Chandler you killed the other guy that one finger is good they don't need it true while we're mercilessly slaughtering all these Minecraft kids I want to let you guys know that side this guy PewDiePie's editor is now editing for us as well we put out this tweet asking for editors and now scythe is our editor so we have this save editor as pewdiepie sigh are you editing this video yes it's me sigh sigh what do you think of this video so far it's an epic con system I'm interesting so it's very interesting all these people have a chance of 10 grand except for that person and that person oh you deserve to live you dodged it and that person oh this guy has a PewDiePie skin get out the way clear a path for PewDiePie guys we gotta let PewDiePie win since we took his editor I'm literally just standing here swinging and occasionally people literally look at even movie dude look they're literally just walking into it that's the guy who won $10,000 so do us part enough to avoid it run 1 is over and parade is currently tied for first place with Yoshi they are tied for $10,000 and Dan who mine shows where these mergers in third place should I help him out a little bit alright boys we gotta have a meeting meet on top of central tower all right here's the deal we are the government hmm and we have alien secrets we must protect yeah then why are so many people coming through Taylor start using explosive snowballs Chris start doing literally whatever you have to do Chris you're the FBI and you're the CIA and currently you're both like childs all right I'm making the money printer go birth you guys have unlimited funding open the gates I gotta destroy everyone's dying gates have been opened no mercy everyone no mercy get away get away get away boy go take notes a grad no cigarette note a grinding grinding grinding grinding OH Kratz a lot are going did you guys only focus on window 10 grand 10 grand 10 grand oh there's a rim skin killer Chandler carpet bomb the crap out of them there's so many blazes on the map the blazes dude you so much okay right here come up here alright Chris here's the new game plan we're gonna block off the left and right with lava we're gonna build a confusing maze in the middle and that's the only path so they have to solve the maze we're gonna picture only the intelligent people win all right where is save the maze for next round it's gonna get so hard you don't even understand Jimmy I trapped all these people and now they just have to die Carl did you dig a hole what is this there's an underground hole stop worrying about that no no no no let me put my game the hole is gone bean game barn come here boy I'm killing every other person that comes across you can pass you can I'm the Guardian you can pass you can't we can't let him get the aliens guys there's too many aliens getting grabbed the Big C has 340 aliens already I'm really does enjoying hitting these kids oh my god everyone keeps taking shots for Jedi lawn mower gopher that is the end of round 2 everyone decide the next round is the final round and we don't just want luck to be a factor nah we don't want luck to be a factor we want big brains we want whoever has the biggest brain to win so what we're doing is we're blocking off the left side and we're blocking off the right side and we're giving them very complicated mazes they have to solve to get to the end but but since this is the third round every score is 30 points instead of 10 so if they solve this they're gonna rack up points quick and possibly win 10 grand per round three they have to complete this incredibly hard maids or if they're the biggest of the brain they'll find a little hole in the ground here those are their options let's see who does it for 3 to unleash oh let's see what they do pink all right boy we've already got some point dummies going right we got lots of people little do they know this is a dead end wait oh my gosh I did block off this time block off this side all right I'm fixing it fixing fixing so we have lots of people doing the maze did anyone find my little path over here Oh some people have figured out the path on this side have they figured it out it looks like they have okay these people have used the big brains okay so we got big brainers over here how are these people getting through the villagers are just destroying people wait they can just walk through this oh look at this pillager waiting for them oh this guy's got big brain plays Chris let's block off all paths that are not the tunnel oh they're so mad they're so mad all right all paths have been blocked off except for the maze okay so we've got some really smart people coming through the sides right here and they're doing like a strafe jump oh wait Hales made it through she made it through the lava and then she died this maze right here is now the only way through whoa - earth is in first so he's going back up the waterfall now he's gonna give it one more shot a lot of people are getting stuck in the swim in animation cuz it makes you go faster but oh they're bullying him they're pushing him into lava wait they're literally ganging up on him cos he's in first wait wait where it early only going after him you're trying to hit him out of the water and all kinds of stuff where is it losing up the water right now yeah there is this smell this is the guy in first place right here go go go he's blowing it bro Carl are you bullying him oh they keep hitting it off yeah dude he this is his chance for ten thousand and random minecraft nerds keep pushing him off there's one two minute left oh my gosh we have a tie currently with one minute remaining heinz ama is sprinting through it he's dead it Dan gets the dump right here he can win Oh No jump - fell in the lava No ten seconds it's a tie between zom todd on oh boy Levi or Dan score oh dude damn might just win Dan oh my gosh did you see that the last second the very last second Dan jumped in so we're all on the same page I'm gonna open the gates and whoever scores first one time wins $10,000 that's it there's a very complicated maze you ready alright three two one go Santos finally off to a good start alright let's see oh he's going for it he's gone alright Dan what are you doing Dan think about it smart you've got plenty of time map it out map it out ladders up just push them in the lobby just won $10,000 how many hearts did you have half a heart I'm not gonna really realize if you would have just burnt for one second longer it took a little bit more damage ooh little lost ten grand thankful can you give us a victory screech are you turn do you have a parent or anyone that you could just throw on the mic so I can just let him know I must give you a large stack of cash oh oh I'm so proud of for the I don't know if that we saw subscribe to be serviced is the best gaming mr. B's gaming you heard the mischievously scribe button right now congratulations
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 15,432,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pKTx3sLcHLk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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