Epic $10,000 Prison Escape - Challenge

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in this video we have hundreds of prisoners and they're trying to escape by the helicopter as you guys can see we have tons of random minecraft players here and I don't want any of them to score we won't let them through yeah yes sir whichever prisoner scores the most wins $10,000 we did two of these before and you guys want a little easy autumn Chandler stand right here Carl stand here Chris yes stand here all right open the gates Carl don't let any pass Chris don't let any pass Roger Chris they're gonna pass across their passage no who's passing Chris I'm gonna help i equip the boys with really oh please snowball help hold them back help help help oh well I'm through Chandler don't let them escape I'm just going through and putting creepers everywhere has anyone scored yet I don't think so let's let some people score everyone stand out I can't stop I don't know if the scores working wait how do they sport this man's in the helicopter no everyone's in here now die ha ha beat it beat it start that timer all right 10 seconds Carl you ready for me Chris are you ready oh all right Chris is setting up some mobs ok I'm getting ready okay let's see if it even get through me all right I'm gonna put some pillagers up here to snipe them Carl they're getting through no no we're good whoa a lot of leg oh boy jet Ida no no you're not first bro sorry let's let one person through they're not scoring from my side yeah Carl Keith um oh wait here's a Demon Slayer skin he's going go go go up there we go everyone has exactly one point Chris hmm you're gonna let him through you weep don't even think about it they're gone such a good job waiting $10,000 is supposed to be hard yeah you shouldn't just waltz right in and get ten grand and here's the other thing in this hide-and-seek video we went easy on someone with besmirch his damn shot mr. Bies we have to go easier it's fair and you guys got kind of mad so you know what that means boys does that mean no mercy target the besmirched no mercy no stop having mercy no mercy stupid gone car it's been gone I'd like to point out that Chris's defenses are much slower than mine oh really everybody's getting deleted every time Chandler how's your job you know I'll just be watching the boys Oh Oh Carl one got through Oh Carl you one got through no one has scored in five minutes guys I said we go a little easier on ya I'm gonna just close my eyes and then I'll just click the button and whoever dies dies yeah I'm not gonna move anymore so I let him go oh hey hey boom all right Chandler's in first place because he keeps accidentally walking into oh my goodness Chandler I'm trying to let some go through him use only the sword now Carl switch your sword let's be nice oh oh my gosh it's so much harder I'm gonna stand here and kill people all right there's a lot of people getting through oh hey it's um Squidward let's see if they just walk into my sword whoo handsome Squidward oh look people are literally just walking into my sword sorry sorry everybody sorry everybody I'm killing I didn't mean to Oh dharna actually kills handsome Squidward not an subscribe word yeah I'm gonna stand here and just whack people whack whack whack oh okay all right know what go through go through guys alright we're going back to being easy on besmirch wait Carl yes did you dig a tunnel no Chris did you dig one no I didn't dig a tunnel Chandler did you know there's a tunnel here who took this who Doug dimmadome to that all right here I'm gonna put lava here just to screw the cheaters I'm using hacks guys I'm just blowing up the map now guys I thought of a genius plan what if we just did this now they can't xscape wait where's everything let's see if our defenses work oh oh how did he do that oh wait wait how'd they get another tunnel oh it's somebody's giving him a tunnel who's building this stuff I promise it's actually not me this time so I think someone's competing wait so you're saying one of these people competing has creative Oh we're hitting each other up they're hitting each other up only the biggest of the brains are winning right now ten seconds left come on guys ten grands on the line I'm putting creepers to blow people in there all right round over como como round one is over everyone is trapped here open the gates boys let's show them what round twos gonna be about we have this insane obstacle course for them to go through but the thing is we left the sides open so they don't actually have to do this obstacle course but if they go around the side to have to deal with Chris or coral so this is what the mazes they climb up here they bounce they go here they jump they climb then they jump jump climb up if you miss it you got to start over and then you get up here and you jump into the water go through the middle what are you doing guys you're gonna die well I mean they have options it's so weird because the same thing we'll keep going through there and dying like you think they would learn after a while what we're trying to do here is not make this straightforward we're trying to have intelligence play a role the left and the right side are open but every five seconds creepers explode oh man so how many times are they gonna try to go through here before they go through the only open path a bunch of silly willies they're hitting each other in the lava bill it way through currently is the obstacle course the left and right side are just illusions oh wait oh wait he made it through whoa Haley there is a way to get through I am the judger I judge currently croisine is in first with a decent lead you know what this obstacle course is too easy I'm gonna make it harder all right like always since this is second round they get 20 points per score the blazes they're like dodgeball throwing at them you guys are so cruel this is ten grand it's not supposed to be easy Chandler I have a plan come with me okay let's destroy some of this glass and snipe through it shot mr. beast already won a video yeah that's right you better burn make sure no previous winners win target them yeah we hate previous yeah targeting whoa croisine you will not a new wave is spawning through I kept them in spawn for a little while now they're coming through as hard as they can Boyka Pinkus zoink u-joint you you know what sucked for these people were getting by some blazes uh-oh shot mr. beast kill them kill him do not let him win again I got him I got him in the butt oh no that guy got killed by creepers I feel bad that was all my fault there's always be saying he feels bad right after doing something very intentionally a lot of people just made it through the right side yeah the right side apparently can be exploited if you hug the wall is that how Castro no I got a head yeah only the smartest survive man all right let's make this way harder let's put creepers all over all right I gotta get some let's get a couple of these bad boys all right what a ghast in here why are there just gas wouldn't it be rude to put a Ravager in the maze what if I did this look the gas is blocking the entrance right here oh my god he's sitting there chilling what this is probably the hardest one we've ever done currently I've blocked off all paths there's no way to score wait these people are just taking damage through the lava with him old lame or Carl Chandler you guys go see if you could score all you guys play oh come on a blaze hit me in midair wait there's only 20 seconds left I'm gonna do it it creative I'll do it and creative let me see I'm doing oh I just didn't fly them up the ladder I guess oh no I'm doing it I'm doing it rounds over no more scoring no more scoring no more scoring no more story Jimmy will get made it to the end that is the end of round 2 Chris how do you feel I feel like we've got a really good job accomplished we didn't let hardly anyone through Castro you are currently in the lead with 200 points as of right now you would hypothetically win the 10 grand if the video was over how does that make you feel I'm feeling pretty confident money if you lost would you be sad why don't you stand you know no ran three just walk away right now just you're right actually let's do that that's it for this video I'm blocking off this side of the map and I'm blocking off this side of the map Carl I want you to join in the competition and see if you can win Oh bye okay boy Jedi I know I've been killing you but now I'm on your team now before we start the third round Chris Chandler come over here let's switch to survival mode and let's see if we can beat this what just show you how it's done I want us to attempt this so we understand what they're going through all right thanks a lot Chris Chris hey hey dude oh how are you supposed to get that jump all you got to be hop it alright I know what to do Oh Chandler got it Oh do you guys respect it contestants more now uh nah I'm gonna try one more time boom boom then you come here then you go bada boom bada BAE Wow anyways the point is this is really hard so whoever gets this money deserves it go to the end and make this way harder do whatever you want say no more start the next round left side is blocked off right side is blocked off one way through $10,000 okay this might be a little bit illegal but I like to cheat because I've never won yo this last round is worth a lot more points good luck everybody and they're off to the races let's see how it goes I don't know why these people think that they can get through over this way they can't but we're gonna hide here for a second so nobody sees us do this oh I can't place a block they're all falling dude whoever makes it through is just pure luck Oh hockey buns hockey buns hockey but no oh this guy or whatever its ik what he's a guy huh okay I actually want to try okay oh can he make that complicated jump yeah oh no don't stand in it you got a jump I'm sad this is impossible this is the new segment I call Chris trying to pronounce names Chris what's this guy's name uh that guy is a growed what's this guy's name his name is Jim am prov oh wait drum said it what's this guy's name that is um le no that's um dead and that concludes Chris trying to pronounce names you guys have no idea how difficult this is it's like everybody's working against each other there's people that have sacrificed winning $10,000 just to make sure nobody else can get through I'm so annoyed the target Karl ah they're giving up their chance to win money just to make me sad guys you guys stay over there so it's not too suspicious I'm going to make a secret tunnel oh wow wait there chasey karl is literally come to spawn Christy p2b planet there's people literally chasey like they have Carlton town they're going after it why are they going to have to him stop haha you noob wait I got a hold up let me try that no oh we should a hundred percent just pay them just for doing I should hire someone just to kill Carl every I will kill you I'll murder you all this is a last round that's four minutes left this is where they spawned I'm gonna do a super secret thing damn he'll see if he doesn't let's see if Carl does it [Music] Donham oh my god somebody was making me a tunnel hahaha Chris make a bunch a quote unquote secret tunnels but it's just holes secret tunnel initiative he just he just walked away from it oh he felt Castro is still in first he did manage to score look at all this right here isn't this beautiful oh look a diamond on the ground give me that oh my Chris time to just literally pull holes in the ground that if they go in they're stuck I'm just gonna wait for Carl to come out and snipe them every time I see you you fall in the hole you die Carl's flying comes flying whoa cheater let me move out the way you know what about the type go ahead and type it sir /ban what'd ya get banned nerd then I want to teach you to cheat nor minecraft server why you cheated no somebody else was on my account guys five minutes left open up the sides hurry let's let some people squirt open up a side handler let people's score you know amit has won before oh no we can't have it om it's about the score Amit just scored twenty seconds left I'll do the creepers a ten seconds to left oh my gosh five seconds left um I cannot believe Amit won again but see the viewers are gonna think we're Vitus no we literally killed everyone we solved we showed no bias to be clear you're saying you're not biased you just spent like ten minutes of that round just trying to kill me Amit what happened why do you keep winning you want me to tell the secret yes I literally said to myself oh yeah that's just playful fun I didn't even thought about winning you know just another day in the life of a gamer a mess for the rest of the challenges we are handicapped at you you're not allowed to win more money I'm gonna join the disk or chat see what everyone's saying all right well thank you guys for coming out hit the subscribe button and we'll see you in the next video
Channel: MrBeast Gaming
Views: 8,146,560
Rating: 4.9379392 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, challenge, Minecraft challenge, gaming, mrbeast, mrbeast gaming, minecraft, game, gameplay, games, reaction, youtube, hermitcraft 7, grian, fun, funny, iskall85, hermitcraft, GoodTimesWithScar, mrbeast challenge, hermitcraft s7, video, 2020, 24 hours, Minecrafters, last to leave, last to, 7 ways to, Minecraft but, prestonplayz, extreme
Id: IYrCm21WLys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 19 2020
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