Last To Leave Halloween Candy Wins $10,000

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okay so this is the world's largest bowl of candy last to leave this wins $10,000 let's go so you might be wondering who these contestants are this here is all great hi this is Carl my name's Jose this is Hannah hey and this is Jacob you might have seen before in a previous lastly video think of your exes putting a lot thanks good luck man those are the history of getting out first he was offered Olive Garden I respect that hi I'm John Jacob you're the first-ever contestant out of any of my last to leave challenges how does it feel but we get all of your arm you did get all garden this is literally my dream come true this is what I'm gonna get out he's sweating profusely oh no sweat care oh that's real close I'm ugly literally this could be a video about sweaty cake it looks like I ran through a sprinkler you know I'm gonna be honest it's actually pretty hot in this room it's hot even if you're not in candy she's not getting on the feet bring the water here you go no waters all in lay here why don't you just get out and get that team car looks like he's just lying out getting it I'm shutting it out Jacob and Aubrey looked like they just jumped in the ocean so I can how oranges they poured water on himself oh I'm gonna make a promise I am NOT gonna lose this challenge and you want to know why I love candy how long do you think you're gonna last in this probably eight hours there everybody else is all right but I'm no miss Morland just pulling water on you that's a smart strategy how long do you think you will last in this bowl of candy Jacob how long do you think you're gonna last literally two more hours I'd be like so my goal is it I hope they're more miserable than me there's my thing if I can't see how do I get out guys everybody look at him he's peeing guys he's going to bail I have to pee in here are we gonna be right now [Music] what are you guys doing we got bored oh okay okay okay I kind of want to spice this up some okay so you two are a team you two are team it looks like whoever can get the most in their mouth in 30 seconds wins $200 okay 30 seconds starting now what up okay I'll bring Jacob look like they're doing it good job Karl okay for you guys have to go a little faster all right ten seconds ten seconds [Music] all right and done stop okay final score Jacob Aubrey seven y'all before okay final score five seven to five all right I'll bring Jacob for the winner you guys just won $100 each basically go and then me and Hannah got cheated we had Patrick mahomes and Tom Brady throwing each other dome so anyway brings me to a good point Tom Brady they were cheating look our gum was deflated a little bit what is harder this lastly for the tree last leaf this one this one is how long we've been in here like usually two hours something way harder than the whole time in the tree altogether I can do it I can do this for another 20 minutes if you get out right now I'll give you all garden don't kid me long guard okay I won't same see just yet you really got to pay it'll get Hannah in the pool Carl didn't even know he was in this until after he just dumped helped us dump all the candy in here and we were like Carl you want to be in it yeah and that's why I took off my pants [Music] I'll help your mom texted you she said to make sure you stay hydrated so here you go does she really yes really yes she cares for you yes she does yep chug that hold water thanks mom I love you pee when you get out I've already done it that's not how this works you peed yeah did you really how does that make everybody else feel right now I'm very fine with it I'm come I was uncomfortable that we didn't have PMS to begin with I hate this no not that he peed I just hate tennis when I got in it was my dream now it's my pain it was my dream was it but then you didn't have airhead extremes yeah what making Jacob look like a hole snack Jacob you look like you're struggling right now yeah I am hey struggling I'm gonna win all right Karl's around it's been four hours apparently I don't have any track of time but I have these dots this is what I'm dealing with haha this man over here spit in peeing on himself meanwhile I look like freakin Pauly D right now with my hair DJ Pauly D wood on board [Music] did you know sweet Tyler tip safe psyche no I said get me a tea specifically no you specifically said on sweet tea you are a jerk and I never want to see your face sweet I took my pants off for this bro you think I'm scared to pee Rio I gotta get out I gotta get out my knees hurt so bad I'm starting to have a panic attack I gotta get out right here why do you have to get out Jacob my knees are in excruciating pain it's only before hours yeah yeah you're the first one out hey we ain't givin no handout you ain't gettin that ten case four hours fine my legs my finger I think oh I'm here all day yeah I'm actually year old Jacob this is the second time in a row you got out first yeah it was actually hard everyone's gonna think it's super easy because it's candy it was a lot harder than people are gonna think it was how many showers are gonna take zero I like the smell of candy Karl how do you feel about Jacob getting out first Jacob got out yeah Jacob got out first oh wait we paste on your mom now that you got out first oh yeah four hours four and a half well give him four and a half I gotta take place and my name is Karl Jacobs nice to meet you I'm gonna campaign for team Karl actually I'm lowering taxes I'm gonna win the whole thing anyway and I'll give you $100 if I live but you have to say your team Cory I'll give you a hundred - muttering - I'm not trying to brakes to ping are we this is for $10,000 yes this is for $10,000 103 then I'm sorry team Karl team Aubrey I need an answer three team all Bree all right now we have three contestants left yeah yeah yeah yeah okay so the time right now is 918 these contestants have been in here for five and a half hours how's everyone doing yo you never felt more confident in my whole life I feel like about a million bucks - nine hundred and ninety thousand cuz I'm winning all ten sprinkles hey don't stop pulling on me I'm trying to eat right no sprinkles here hello it's Jacob he's back you looking thinner now boy have you lost your mind hey Eli Manning here you thought this was a football is it good it's not good touchdown meanwhile so we have spongebob here we're about to fill him up with pickles and we're about to play a little game Tyler what are you doing everybody feels funny Volvo with pickles whoever breaks spongebob wins $100 and the winner is Hey something to get off your chest you're hitting that really rapidly this disgusting look there's pickles now spongebob took a hit Bob took a lot of like what is happening naked yeah bro this Nickelodeon slime this is gonna suck the click so the time right now is 1202 they've been in there for eight and a half hours or so how's everyone doing having a little like I'm doin see today looks like you're having a real fantastic time great Oh what are we gonna actually go ahead and start the challenge it's my question two hours later what time is it - 8 seen in the morning are you really gonna oh that feels so much better I got sprinkles all over my leg opera is now out of the challenge how does it give you a sense for how much liquid is in this shirt this used to be around my neck up here now it's a v-neck panty G thank God we have pickles I don't know what I would do without these pickles yeah the ball is pretty gnarly right now we got fresh pickles cooking those so that's exciting I'm really hungry [Applause] [Music] it is our like 2 million it's literally like 3:00 4:00 in the morning we still have this flip seat right here hey yeah I have a proposition for Hannah and I didn't want to start talking until you were here all right what's the proposition I'm gonna give $3,000 to her and she's gonna leave right now Hannah are you sure you want to do that with $10,000 on the line 5,000 or no deal she must not have heard me say 3,000 best I could do is 4,000 4,000 oh look at the time it's the best I can do is 4500 o'clock 4,000 dollars and an entire untouched McChicken $10,000 is on the line and I'll throw in a silly man this one yeah beaver so a silly band $4,000 in a McChicken deals do you respect this silly ban first would you not do that over a squirrel still advanced no I would be competing still for 10,000 an old shea butter a game but I can't listen I get a McChicken shake on it what you're doing business with you yes ma'am wait are you sure once you step foot out ten thousand dollars you won't get the chance for ten thousand are you sure are you sure pan are you sure Oh pan is now out of the bowl of candy she has been eliminated oral is now the winner Carl you just won $10,000 he won six thousand five hundred Jacob's not still in here Carl wins Hannah got a second yeah I made it with you anyway this is fun honestly thanks for letting me be amazed watch the next one guys Carl you just won $10,000 what are you gonna do with it well I'm gonna shower okay with it with the with the $10,000 what about Hannah's 4,000 she'll take her shower with the McChicken okay okay so we just finished the last to leave and it'd be a waste to get rid of all this candy so time for the next video 24 hours in candy Tyler you ready I know the drill all right let's get in
Channel: CjTheseDays
Views: 3,556,652
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5Jt07bWVONs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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