I Ubered To The North Pole

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I will be ubering to the North Pole I am here in Seattle Washington and we're about to go from Seattle all the way to the North Pole I have my trusty compass here that is gonna guide us on our journey we can see polar bears black bears coyotes yeah hello hello you said we're gonna see bears yeah we're about to see bears nope so the time right now is 4:30 6 p.m. we're about to head north and see what happens soo-ji which direction are we going north fun because we're going on the North Pole the North Pole is very popular and we got to see it we're gonna show you the part that's enough we're here in Seattle Washington and they're stop signs have lights on oh my good touch hurry there I'm touching it coolest thing I've ever seen in my life Wow [Music] ah though we're heading north next up against basically is Canada hey marker you raided in with me for four days yes I could deal with you forever mark don't encourage him what's seven of your best nicknames seven Marky Mark lack boilers yeah got my caramel iced coffee right here I said caramel eight eight so we did make it the Canadian border uh-huh what the border crossing is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and at 6:30 we're in line we're in line at the Canadian border are we Canadian so we have to talk different what do you ever slow I'm really nervous why because we're about to cross into Canada I don't know the language oh well let's practice ready okay ah ah hey hey hey can you tell if we're going to Busch Gardens or are we crossing a border I can't tell crossing the border by Flint has this ever been done before us is this man flossing on the edge of America big cookie we just passed the Canadian border [Applause] this is the first sights of what you see in Canada after you cross the border [Music] [Music] okay so yeah we're still we're still going north hopefully they all know what way north is let's go to Alaska last Jakob have you say it again we're leaving you in Canada yes we just saw a bear pilot where the huh all Frick keep peeling I love it I'm so afraid I'm not he was back there you passed him I passed him again so you ran away war that's the cutest thing I've ever seen there's mama right there I'm so scared I didn't know I like that [Music] so I got Tyler this protein during to the gas station now watch this if you guys want to get big eggs Jimmy good I'm trying to find my way to the North Pole but we kind of got lost I took your card so yeah we keep going north are we eventually gonna hit the moon Jacob you know we're gonna do next right that's the bear no Jacob we can't touch the boundary but what we'll do is we'll we'll get as close as we can selphie did a great thumbnail and if it charges us even better oh hey bear no they're scared of you I'm not scared of them hey guys I'm so done with them they want to go poke the bear you know what the saying is you poke the bear you lose the poke hey there's another one in the woods right there look look straight in front what are you doing bro what is he doing Jake it's not her [Music] take it don't do it in front of the bears what there are bears out here bro the Jacob shuffle goop did you like my dance moves you guys take care of how the Canadian he sounded yeah oh yeah the baby so the time right now is 1056 p.m. and as you can see it is still bright outside I don't understand what kind of sorcery or magic this is our trusty compass is still taking us north we will reach Alaska soon I'm shocked too I'm tired I'm supposed to be going to sleep right now but instead it's laid out we just passed through the Alaska custom borders I have my handy-dandy compass here it's still showing that we are going north doing great yeah Jacob so wooly mammoth do you see it every time I see an animal it's nothing when you see an animal is it's there obviously yeah because we did it on documentation right CJ yeah do you look at the stuff on the side of the road I'm looking on top of the mountains and the valleys in the water I'm gonna zoom into the mountain up here look at this over here here's Tyler look a saber-toothed tiger up of the mountain and then CJ's like oh my God look at that the wooly mammoth man leave the snow on top of that baby right there does uh he has a subscribe button I'm gonna get sugar on top of that mountain II make you a cookie this is a mountain with snow on it so it turns out for us to continue going north we need a truck so we got a truck for our mountains rain so we can have an awesome adventure you ready let's do it let's do it so Aubrey has the task of driving this car back to Seattle see James picking on me too much outside to sit in the back of the truck we're trying to I told you I see you later no I said I was going to the North Pole do you not his fly here I wanted to come to Alaska with you guys can I come in the more the merrier we don't have an extra seat look at this no one else like cool with this no so well I'm cool with Zack but not the space it is my crew them and I just started unleashing those big farts on the plane when it stopped there's like five people that play but we're all about sushi but that's where I heard like they're talking amongst themselves but is here this island yeah chicas open you goodness all right so Jacob doesn't feel good he had some McDonald's Zach looks like signature pose well that'd be miserable juice they have a lot of issues I'm perfectly happy have my Canadian energy drink sadness I just have to go you know that where it hurts your stomach so bad did you start feeling it in your legs ever and be hurt badly attention if you were a loved one was diagnosed with be hurt badly you may be entitled to financial compensation how are you doing mark if you ever want to do this do it with these guys oh yeah Jacobs yellow cards get this Jacob is like the most like friendly cuddly person you'll ever meet right well he got a yellow card for Jacob what did you get a yellow card for scored my first soccer goal and I had a Superman Under Armor titrant underneath it I ripped my jersey off ran in front of our crowds of people of ten moms slid on my knees like a professional soccer player [Music] it looks like it's 6 p.m. outside my senses night and day is distorted right now or your spidey senses are tingling yes I'm gonna be asleep at like 8:00 a.m. to like 12 where the heck are we wait wait so that's 9th day the North Pole get out we've made it okay baby Tyler we made it we made it to the North Pole we did it the best part is when you walk past it it should change the South no it still says North on where we go it's a pole dance battle oh no gosh she one Valley wine I am walking through the North Pole right now and guess what it looks like a normal freakin town who would ever thought the North Pole was an actual normal town [Music] Jacob you know what to do yeah you killed it bro run yeah we're on the Dalton highway right now which is one of the most dangerous highways in the world and I have Jacob driving please pray for all this it's one of the most dangerous how is in North America and the work truckers Turkish ha ha I'm not evil eyes a little very very looks like we're still alive this is we're over the Yukon River not that impressive concern you can't see anything but this is a big deal is we actually passed it [Music] we've been driving on one of most dangerous highways in the world we made it to the Arctic Circle onward north we go honestly though I didn't really think we'd make it we made it so I slept for about half of it because I was kind of scared on a dirt road with 100-foot drops on each side we found our first signs of civilization and a whole day's worth of travel look at this military facility I'm there's aliens inside they took my grandma when I was 12 years old I wanna bet grandpa missed you time out we actually on paved road now now that you're driving I just want to do what I do shouldn't make him eat good enough for ya I'm just dabbing on the people cold don't do it oh hi they've never seen that before oh my goodness no Tyler oh my goodness flirting to my handy-dandy compass we're going northeast we're going into the mist Tyler good luck this is the last footage you see it me Jimmy I love you this is insane here asleep knocked out like a light we have Tyler that's driving Oh Frick it's a freaking wolf I got it hey CJ yeah what are they they call mascot the mascot dancing on the moss awesome we go north time is now 8:38 a.m. we're still driving north this highway has gotten scarier [Music] mark why'd you stop it's the end of the road the end of the road yeah the comfit still says north I can't go any further I know what I must do yep it's just a little more cars just up a little bit oh that's it right there you know what North is the common well they're gone forever now don't do that at home yeah I made it north guys we made it but after you lost I even lost my glasses in the process I missed her bro and I just swam all the way to the North Pole whoa whoa after 3,000 miles and spending 70 hours in a car I was able to be a part of one of the greatest uber rides ever shout out to my brother for leaving $5,000 on the dresser Jimmy I promise I'll pay you back and a big THANK YOU to Marc we couldn't have done it without you [Music]
Channel: MrBro
Views: 2,537,975
Rating: 4.884048 out of 5
Id: VgFVpJtlt_E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 48sec (888 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 20 2019
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