I ONLY Ate Broccoli For A Week

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for the next week I am only gonna be eating broccoli here the rules one I can only eat broccoli - I can only drink water three I have to do a test every day to see how only eating broccoli affects my body just so I don't eat anything out of the regular fridge perfect Garrett catch alright guys it's time to weigh in right now I weigh a hundred and fifty six pounds the next time I'm gonna weigh in is at the end of this challenge to see how much weight I've lost or gained between now and then this is my first meal broccoli tastes just like broccoli that was a big bite one bolt down one week of broccoli still left to go all right guys it's day one time for the first Fitness Test which starts off with a one-mile run starting now [Music] alright guys so for my first mile I ran it in ten minutes in 20 seconds now it's time to go do the rest of the fitness test it's time to do sit-ups let's get into it now it's time to do ten push-ups and that's it for the physical fitness test for today so for lunch I decided to get crazy with it and I put broccoli on a plate let's find out [Music] hey guys it's been a few hours let me update you I'm exhausted I don't know if it's just from working out or the broccoli already is hitting me it's only been what seven hours this is gonna suck Luthor's crunch that's so good broccoli sounds like alright guys so I just finished eating I'm gonna relax umm try to get some sleep and mentally prepare myself for the next day hey guys this is started day two I've done this in sure like 10 times now already I had a feet ahead of you can I sleep right I'm feeling ok alright so it's the start of day 2 the broccoli is just getting to me so let's just get into today to prepare for today's fitness test I decided for breakfast to make myself a broccoli smoothie hopefully this will give me some energy I did oh look how green it looks that's some broccoli smoothie for you right there oh boy that tastes like broccoli oh my gosh alright guys so I just finished my broccoli smoothie I'm pumped right now let's get into this business step no sorry surprise surprise the smoothie didn't work I'm still hungry thank goodness it's lunch time I'm gonna make some food all right guys I've been trying to figure out what I'm gonna eat for lunch unfortunately there's only so much you can make out of broccoli so I'm gonna watch some cooking shows hopefully that'll boost my creativity I got it I know I'm gonna make welcome back to mr. Burrowes cooking show on today's episode we're gonna be making broccoli fries what is he doing the past like two hours he's been watching Food Network I guess the broccolis just get into them mmm anyways let's come back to the show so there are three things you need for broccoli fries broccoli salt and olive oil okay now it's time for the taste test [Music] Wow guys that is amazing you need to make broccoli fries that was actually really good I'm kind of surprised try one really right as I'm saying section not that bad okay we got sake here we go okay cool is it actually that good no I think tastes like crap gosh I can't believe you guys made me do that alright guys so lunch didn't go so well I don't feel like cooking again so for dinner I'm gonna overeat and of course it's gonna be broccoli alright so uber eats is here there we go okay so this is what my dinner looks like look at that well compare that to what you made for what I know hmm like a1 that thing was awful this is the best broccoli I've had since I've started this challenge why am i making my own food why don't you just order it it's day three I'm physically immensely exhausted I really just can't do an intro right now for you guys so for breakfast I'm just a simple man I'm gonna have myself a bowl of cereal [Music] and it's like there's sugar on it I don't know that's just from putting it in the box or what but it's frosted broccoli that's not even for breakfast okay guys so I just finished my breakfast now it's time for me to go do my run my heart is already beating out of my chest and we just started this this is only day three and I'm struggling like crazy to give you guys a quick update it's only day three and I've already started going crazy be able to say that you're fine when you're not really fun I've already lost three pounds since I started this challenge now every time I use the bathroom it hurts okay every time he's better it just hurts it hurts like right here this side right here this is not fun cameraman Frank decided to make me something he made me some broccoli soup fight oh it's good good job this is just what the doctor ordered the broccoli soup was good but it made me a little tired so I'm not gonna taking that I'll see you guys later so CJ is currently dying in the bathroom right now and I feel really bad I'm just gonna go ahead and make him his last meal so you can just go ahead and go to sleep [Music] dinnertime thanks Karen oh you look so fat my body just hurts just finish that up and then you can get a better day okay that works thanks man [Music] it's day 4 I weighed myself again this morning I've lost four and a half pounds and starting this challenge but I'm gonna get through today I'm gonna finish this challenge for you guys I'm gonna tough it out I believe I can do this so I don't really know how this broccoli has been treating CJ so he told me to go out and get like some paper towels and some more toilet paper I also got him an adult diaper CJ I got you the toilet paper I got you a diaper he said it was starting to get into your stomach for you or maybe gonna s Frank CJ you look like you're in pain I am you got this I just finished breakfast time to go see if I can do that one-mile run I really hope I can do it today all right guys stay for I'm gonna give it all I got I made you something was it just broccoli like you smiley yeah I really just don't even feel like eating so I basically been eating nothing for the past few days so my appetite is non-existent like this is maybe on this plate right here sixty calories if I'm lucky it's terrible whoa CJ only a couple more days left we got this feeling awful but we literally died I've am dying we went out this door and we got something hopefully to you we got you some board games all right Happy Birthday Princess oh wait this is it actually they're on guard yeah hang in there you got the see you are halfway through thanks guys CJ doesn't have the energy to make food I'm going to call a restaurant and request teriyaki broccoli okay thank you how's CJ what he wanted a bocce ball only broccoli broccoli thank you where'd you get this from don't eat sushi how many burgers I want any pizza to that you got to eat properly I don't CJ you really don't look too good yeah he's literally he literally was telling me how he could hear his heartbeat that's only something somebody who's dying to say because of the broccoli oh my wait I'm coming okay all right I'll be there in a minute CJ keep with the song real quick this is the C n yes I failed the challenge there Oh No just hurting Frank all right let's get you some food please turn off the camera all right and as punishment for failing the challenge my friends dress me up like broccoli hope you enjoyed the video see ya [Music]
Channel: MrBro
Views: 655,291
Rating: 4.8737726 out of 5
Id: gbTqsiysiOs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 7sec (607 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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