Last To Fall In Sumo Event Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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yo how's it going guys welcome back to another video all right so in today's video we got a hundred kids and put them on a sumo arena and we had two teams fifty first fifty now bad what happens to the loser team and the winner team so the loser team is eliminated while the winning team is going to be divided up into two teams and we're gonna rinse and repeat until we only have two people left and we're gonna have an epic 1v1 okay i think that made sense if you don't understand don't worry it'll make sense but basically 50 people move on and then 25 people move on and so on until there's one remaining player that wins a thousand dollars if you could make sure to subscribe and lick right now or else bad yes subscribe and also no no yes i like all that stuff is great yeah what what happens if they don't subscribe i'm not doing that again no no what what happens bud what happens what happens let's ask the chat what happens if you don't lick and subscribe what are the worst possible things in life this is a really long challenge all those things in the chat will happen if you do not like and subscribe so do it right now don't take the chance bad boy halo will literally kiss you all right wait let's go all right bad are you ready to do this yes i am let's do it okay so right here we have the red team on the redstone and then over here we have the blue team on the diamond there are about red oh my team is going to be blue then no red team no blue's gonna win this event trust me red i have all my money on blue oh i have all of your money no no no no listen listen listen blue team gonna win red team gonna lose we have about 60 players on each team is that correct yep roughly give or take so we have 100 something players on the server sumo event bad i think it's time you turn on pvp one with their fist with their face yeah start it out people will give them better items as we go it'll progressively get better and better okay this is gonna take forever all right i'm getting rid of them no trust me i have a plan hearing obstacles do you want to do a countdown uh yeah pvp will be on in 10 seconds do not fall oh my goodness last team on the platform wins oh my gosh okay so just to clarify if you're on the blue team you can't hit another blue teammate command they can't die of losing hearts so they have to get knocked off to lose correct if they get knocked off they will die they'll have weakness uh regeneration so this should keep them from dying from being punched to death perfect let's go ahead and turn on pvp yeah let's do it three two one go oh my gosh oh oh oh someone already almost got knocked off oh my goodness no one's fallen yet yeah that's actually surprising look at the middle this is cake oh that was the first death oh and it was red oh i told you blue's going to win this blue guy take that blue there goes another blue okay who do you think will win well see the thing is the teams technically change every round they do so who can tell because there's only going to be one winner my money is on red well you have to put your money on a person shirley what on a single person oh look at these people dying there's literally so many people though all right since everyone's gonna stay in the center and it's gonna take a million years here's what i say adding giant hole to center all right you can't mess up my platform like that i have to they better move out of the center all right no just replace this no no no no no no no get out of the diamond range five four three two one cut oh oh god oh it's fine it's fine it's fine let's just do that in case yeah this is really interesting who's gonna win do you think i have no idea also for the spectator arena we not only have one spectator arena in the o but we have multiple this is so well planned out people already came over to this i know this is the most popular one this is a crazy event look at this it's a 50 v 50 plus a little bit more melee like that's literally insane oh i think red's got this come on man honestly probably hey this guy went on our bedrock get off the bus off five four three two one he's not listening dude oh wow right that's what i thought what is going on i uh you deserve that you deserve that oh my goodness you know what we should have jumped in on this oh you think so let's jump in next round pick one team and to be on that'll be wait am i on red team or blue team well one of us will be on red one no what's above my head is that red or you're blue oh you're blue too i'm blue yeah and you were voting for red no no i'm gonna fix this right now oh my gosh okay okay tell me what color am i now i don't care about your color i'm gonna replace all stone brick with air uh-oh yep replace near stone [Music] yeah come on red you can do this it really looks like red's about to take the w this round i think so unless blue can somehow make it some amazing comeback hey wait is this look what it's this guy who this guy oh this is the guy who won yeah no way he wins twice in a row yeah i know we've never had anyone win two events ever we haven't that would be insane wait is blue making a comeback no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no nippy blue is making a comeback oh my god really yeah there's a lot of blues compared to reds how did that happen i don't know that the people who are left on blue are really they're ganging up on the road this is not as one-sided as i thought blue is gonna win who's gonna win blue's actually going to win this oh my gosh how yeah i know it's over yeah looks like that guy is not in fact going to win again unless something drastic happens but the odds are really stacked against red here come on verb you gotta represent yes he's almost got him no verb's gone come on furby no no no he's done oh my goodness that's it oh oh how did he do that now he has to kill this is kind of close no it's not no it's not it's verb in one other guy yeah there's no way if red takes the w here i would be so surprised that would be oh there's still one guy left dude there's no way there's no way dude this would be the ultimate comeback yes i want to see it no way please yes oh my gosh oh he can do it yes oh yes do it come on dude i won't believe it i won't believe it i will i think he got one he got another one it's a 2v2 2v3 come on come on come on come on what please please do it oh no this guy might get knocked here oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god what i don't believe what i'm seeing there were like 10 of them yes verb's like a madman he's killing so many people i don't believe this come on first i don't believe this yes oh no oh oh my god gg blue next round blue continues oh my god i can't believe that dude i can't believe that okay so let's tp all the blue memers back here we go i'm kind of sad at the beginning you said red and i was against it but then i i don't know i guess you changed sides to blue no i wanted red to win oh i'm on the blue team this time okay so i'm gonna be on red you're gonna be on blue and we will we'll each compete this round okay all right i say what we do is give them knock back one sticks from the start what do you think they need the sticks of knockback oh my goodness all right i'm sending red to the center and then i'm going to send blue to the center all right are we playing this round yes we're almost ready i'm all right give everybody one knockback stick all right mega we need your help you're gonna get rid of blocks and stuff like that make it harder so you got this all right dude red versus blue which team are you on i'm on red let's do this five four three two one go let's do it let's do it red team get out of here my goal is to get one kill here i just want one you know what i want one too i just want one i just want one die oh my god oh my god oh my god not fun not fun not fun there's three of them on me i need my team to win out here dude it's tough times get out get out oh i gotta kill i gotta kill i gotta kill i see you i see you i see you i'm going for you i already killed someone i got what i wanted where are you it doesn't matter where i am ooh ooh the middle's open oh geez i didn't see that yes did you fall in no i'm fine i'm fine i'm just chilling dude i'm just chilling get out this guy takes like no knock back oh my god you know what blue's got this blue has got this i got another kid out of the game i got him let's go and oh no i got knocked off yeah i'm actually bad it's fine my team's still gonna win scare me i'm not even on your team oh you're so gone look at how many blocks that's what i'm saying and blue wins bad the round is over blue did it gg blue that's two times now in a row wait that means you get a play in the next round oh that does mean i get to play in the next round let's bring everyone back create two new teams and let's do this oh i hope you get put on red this time no no no no no yes nope you're red you gotta stay what do you mean oh okay you know what i'll take it i'll take it the last two were blue that means red has to win oh man now i'm rooting against red now let's go red all right sending them to the center maybe we should get rid of the center at the start i'm gonna do that right now all right three two one it's gone well i'm ready when you are so i'm gonna count down are you ready yep all right five four three two one go bad i've decided i'm gonna be nice to my team and not play this round because i'm so confident that they are going to win no come on guys take round i'm just that confident no come on go red no blue red go red no if red loses you're out skippy they won't lose look at this come on oh my gosh if i win the thousand dollars does that mean i don't have to give it to anyone oh my goodness no i will technically technically does no come on no technically i want to win one of my challenges that's ridiculous it's too late oh dude it's so over it's so over oh my goodness that guy is gone no he can do it he can do it are you kidding me are you kidding me how about we make this easier for him no replace all of this uh the red stuff oh no i'm no you can do what you want all right i like my red team stone to air that's not gonna do anything is it well replaced near dude he's gone do what you want to do how is this one steve surviving the song he's going to win he's going right now oh my god no he's not and guys hurry up and kill him you're failing at world edit come on end this guy and what did you do that didn't help at all and now he's gone gg bad i'm so determined to win my own game i'm very upset right now scary let's move on to the next one fine ah you gotta put on red again sky i don't mind red i like red at the beginning i was a hater but now i'm good so you finally admitted that red is the best team we'll see let's go into the next round and we'll figure it out let's get some knockback two sticks going all right so how many people do we have honestly probably 20. all right this is it scabby are you ready i am ready very ready two one go come on red come on red come on blue am i worried no you should not in the slightest bit oh god and there goes the red guy oh god yes get him no i got one i got one come on blue you can do this stay together yes go knock skippy out no no no no no no no no no yes all right i oh my god i almost fell this is so scary i think my team's got this though oh my goodness get that muffin out yes yes yes give one more come on yes come on oh god oh my god there's too many there's too many no am i gone nope you're still in there's five blues and three reds so you're you're done it's over for your team no no no don't say that don't say that yes don't say that i'll cut this guy off cut the camera come on what no why did i do that why did i do that is it it's up to this guy please please please please no i'm so bad yes you've lost it for your teams kevin please panda guy panda please please no i'm putting too much pressure on him he made it this far he might be good oh my god please please please i'm so mad at myself for trying that job it's okay you did good oh nice he's oh oh goodness that was so smart this is skeppy it's literally one i can't believe it he's gonna do it he's gonna do it he's gonna do it i know he's gonna do it come on he's gonna do it come on he's gonna do it come on he's gonna do it dude i'm so close this is too much no oh my god oh no can i win at my own challenge it's up to this guy it is literally up to a panda for me no no no no i'm gonna turn up the chat you can do it bendaman please win just not give off oh i'm rooting for panda guy yeah me too open away that was amazing just saved me thank you that was so epic scubby i don't think i've ever seen a round that great that was intense do i still have a chance at winning yes these are the remaining champions including me should we tell them what's at stake here skippy i think they know so no i think they know so how many people do they have counting you two four six eight perfect we have literally the perfect number of people all right skippy we're gonna remix and go for the one of the final rounds this is gonna get intense oh no i don't have depends on my team oh i'm not confident all right hey you're on blue again skeptics i'm not really confident in my team all right are you guys ready yeah okay this is gonna be pretty intense kevin you're gonna get knocked off here i know i am three two one go oh my gosh you're just coming straight at us why are you leaving your team skippy i don't have an answer i almost got hit there there goes one oh my god oh my goodness oh my god help teammate oh my god yes i'm taking so much knock back here i knew dude i knew it that red was gonna get out oh my goodness your team might still win this no way oh my god no way no way i had no faith i had no faith from the beginning the panda guy is out yes it's these two oh my god no oh my god oh my goodness oh my god oh my god okay fair enough fair enough i came far i'm happy with that the panda's moving on i don't like the panda anymore did he knock you out i don't know i'm just mad our final four are panda guy panda guy well his name is chef but you know and english party one of these four is gonna win skeppy literally we have two teams of two i'm so mad i'm just no i'm not i knew okay fine let's do this who do you think is going to win let's let's place pads anyone except panda guy no anyone except him team red come on team red bring it back for me three two one go oh my gosh oh my goodness come on blue come on blue come on blue come on i want blue to win come on i don't want to see panda guy winning a grand come on fred you can ah this is kind of close no no no come on red you can do it panda guy yes yes yes oh this is too much i can't take this yeah i know sam i can't watch this oh he was so close yes yes yes i don't know what i'm thinking about him then help your teammate no no no no no no no [Music] panda guy and i'm just gonna be sad okay this is the final 1v1 one thousand dollars oh my goodness why would you tell them that now they would know there's no way they wouldn't know their hearts are racing are you ready shake your head for yes okay he's ready they're both ready five four three two one go oh my gosh oh my goodness come on pentagon no yes he's still gonna win you're so gonna win are you kidding me what just happened watch him fall off right now honestly i think so if i was the panda guy i'd stay in the middle oh he's going back oh oh he's going in dude why is he going in why is he going in i would not do that oh come on come on no it's over unless um no it's done it's done hello hello you did it i congratulate the guy did it you won i have a love and hate relationship between you what's going on how do you feel i feel great bro you know the latter of them mm-hmm i got second in that so that was the first event i've done this is my second event no way second in the first oh i remember thank you now i remember now it's all coming back to me dude that's hilarious you deserve it gg man yeah how did you feel on that last you were pretty confident right yeah the guy was bad he did good what happened when you were 2v1 on the third round okay so like basically what i i was thinking is like okay well i should probably get a better angle so that's why i jumped over to the nearer part like closer to the middle that was more circle and then i hit the guy off and uh then you know just the 1v1 i don't even know how i won i was like i'm bad at sumo ggs man shoot us your paypal we'll get the payment sent out to you congrats man thank you so much for that this is insane no worries at all dude peace out thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed make sure to subscribe and lick if you haven't already subscribe yes i always say like congrats to panda guy for winning bad do you have anything else to say uh subscribe and lick i guess hit the like button it's the like button all right thank you for watching goodbye
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,722,200
Rating: 4.949338 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, sumo, minecraft event, minecraft challenge $1000, minecraft badboyhalo
Id: 6xs8dxTalr4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 14 2020
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