First To Kill The Noob Wins $1,000 - Challenge

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yo how's it going guys welcome back to another video alright so in today's video we are joined with a hundred kids and a bad boy hallo well spotty yards so bad it's all you today tell me what's going on in the video this is a good boy job what oh okay they're not gonna stay in that box these 120 kids are going to be trying to kill Skippy and he's gonna have a bunch of youtubers and some friends of ours trying to guard him keep him from dying and the first person to kill the new Skippy what is this okay it's called new in the box alright you did a pretty good job of explaining that I can't lie thank you that's pretty much all but we have one final thing that we haven't mentioned bad well what's that if you don't like and subscribe right now you will what I'm waiting for you to offer you to say something like really bad this I don't want to say the guy is ruining our voiceover bat okay you will like this guy and we will come up punch of off punch him off watch your mom watch your mom punch him off advantage that will be you this will literally pick on you if you don't you didn't even die you want MTV nm up here that will become you over and over and over to your dead if you don't like drive yep you shop calm bad do you think they liked in subscribe probably all right cool let's go alright are you guys hey get off of me oh there's no social distancing oh yeah no he right go go go go spread out you all will defend me I will survive we will kill everyone a hundred kids they're all Opie let's do this says they're all Opie as they're holding wooden swords get ready everybody make sure everything set correctly coming out though right now just defend me and everything will be fine right bad are they out push the button ah I would say yeah but we're literally going to war and you're on a ride I'm throwing speed right now I'm 3 speed 3 2 1 go go go go go oh my gosh I'm kind of curious to see what it looks like but I don't know if I should look back and see it are they even out they're not even out they're not even out were fine why would you let them out there okay I'm running I'm running I'm running I will light the blue light the bridge all right light it light it light it nice nice that's one kill right there there's so many people yeah a responder I know this is a ten this is a dead end break out blow it up load up Laura Oh No where do I go oh I'm going all right we're out of here where are we going we're going up arrive okay why are we going up here oh my gosh okay I'm trying I'm gonna head back down I don't feel safe dad the back way okay every fall skipping alright let's go and jump into the water but don't miss there we go they'll never see it coming should we go around behind yeah okay we got this we got this everything's fine look at this skull region right here he doesn't even know what's coming oh my god oh my god he's bringing his friends maybe not there's so many of them ya know that is a lot of them oh my gosh there's a lot of them you need to defend yet away for me I'm trying to check my armor cuz I only have one more say I'm outta here see you guys up the mountain up the mountain but God guess engage them we can sit before Skippy runs holy this kid he thinks he can run or run from me what now okay I probably do all this for one kill that I did anyway dude I'm calling you scam he's gonna die of pole damage avenge the answer's no no no no no no no don't say that do they know what happens if they kill me uh should we tell them we should tell them Oh get him out of here he's so gone there we go oh my goodness oh my god dad there's so many run skippy run weird there's nowhere to run to three or 500 this could be it this could be a I'm being shot in every angle okay I don't know if I wouldn't waste it don't waste it though do I have no I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine I'm fine bye I paroled at such a waste it's not a waste Skippy we need to get out of here all right let's go where are my bodyguards oh I feel safe I feel safe now okay we'll defend you all right sounds good oh my god maybe oh no we should have thought of that I'm nearing the border where do you want to go okay I'm trying I'm trying okay this is not good just run just run why did you think it was a good idea to only give me five and your pearls now only a four this is not okay this is literally not okay how is this guy where do you want me to go bat million of them shooting at me I'm in the water I have four more pearls oh my goodness this is not good you need to like sink down and like escape while we shoot them and try and kill them there's kind of nowhere to go guys thank you thank you my ego okay Skippy I'm gonna tell them what they need to do are $1,000 to kill Scott bro right now yeah now why now you think this is the best time when I'm backed up against the border and literally can't move now you want me to waste another one okay guys I have a two million night you play you all have curls right you all have pearls right yes or no yes I'm good Perle through the roller coaster ready three two one I did it it works stupid game design I'm free okay okay okay let it let it let it it's what guys do now that they know it's for a thousand I'm just totally rude no I'm not I'm not I refuse I'm running away I'm running away I'm running away boys we're getting out of here Oh boys you play volleyball here we're on the beach we're like kind of getting a tan right now you know how it is oh my gosh oh my gosh guys I might die here I might die here alright tricky one right now please some walleye everyone spam lava right now alright alright we're gonna so many people know let's go this lavas helping you they want that grand they want that grand um I have no bodyguards and there's like 30 of them shooting me right now okay in the water under the pier no no I'm not always seen yet I preserve I preserve my items dude watch they're not gonna see coming I'm purling to the ferris wheel and three two one meet me on the ferris wheel I'm up there Oh what are you going to ride Oh what are you going to ride dude they'll never see it Ellen over TV oh man they tell me their company the company coming behind us behind us every angle okay okay there are so many oh my god there are like a million okay no I'm back in the stupid water just keep going I'm trying to think um I don't know where to go oh can you please walk I can get up here maybe there there there okay like that I need more I have a couple where do I go oh no I and a pearl Skippy you got a run I only have two stupid pearls yeah I'm in big trouble guys this could be the end very well this could be the end that broke my helmet broke okay new helmet table which ones that one right there are you sure there's a lot of people I only have two pearls left are you 104 I used a are you happy I've three hearts Oh on the island one pearl armor broken I'm dead this is the end I brought I pulled inside of you oh no no it's all the way down I'm going for it no no no no I can't do it I can't I don't have any pearls oh my gosh come on Pearl minecraft physics give me the pearl come on yeah I got it let's go let's go hey we're safe I'm at here I'm fully awake rolled away we're gone we're going we're fine there's so many more here thank you thank you okay a piece of my last set of armor all right bad bad bad bad bad close off the jail so even chance at winning okay all right start picking them off guys we got this we got this people pick them off pick them up pick them off oh my god I'm super gapping all right I super gaped I super gaps I'll get it he'll kill skills we need kills we need kills titi titi titi titi titi Tiki spamming CT I'm out of here Oh what stall I'm out I'm out I'm out now remember they don't respawn so we should get a ton of kills oh I'm getting pelted with arrows I'll pull out I'll pull out it's no big deal it's time to deal um how many hates does it take to kill them it's for only four hits only four oh my gosh oh god no no why did I do that why did I think that was a good idea no I broke it I broke out of here I did here out of here we're making progress we're making progress oh my god I mean no no no no no no no I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I think all right I'm getting out of here what just broke no no no no no no I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead boys I have no more armor I no no no no no no no no no no no kill them kill them I killed someone give me your helmet someone give me your helmet I can't die okay okay got it thank you very much all right spy feed be careful you don't have a helmet now but we just picked him up what if he's just wasted like this off the mountain that's a good idea let's roll up let's roll off three two one go okay they're coming from every angle mm die dead oh I think we killed a lot of them bad I say you let them out one more time okay and that's it after that it's it after they're out it's done and all right make sure to close it that's all they get this is the final test this is literally the final test guys they're like 50 people coming oh no no I'm gonna kill these kids I don't care fight me fight me bro you're gone wait you guys have bedrock everyone use your bedroll trap me give me a few points so we can start yeah put all tons of cobble prone the cobble no no I'm breaking the cobble you want me to end up roll out lemme think I'm gonna pull out in five seconds in five seconds I'm just taking some more kills Oh get them off me okay okay okay I'm going for the other side oh my god they're still hitting me why we think this is a good idea guys thank you thank you thank you I'm gonna pull out of here as soon as I break it open all right I'm out I'm out I'm gone I pulled out I'm out I'm safe did you get away yeah that was stress my armor solo okay they don't know where I am oh my god I haven't I did go to the casino so only 18 aeschynanthus no bet I'll meet you guys at the casino I have to go dude I have priorities in life no we made it in the casino all right yeah I got gold gonna get myself some to drink going going going going going oh this is sick we got this place under lockdown Oh one person got up my bed Oh yep get them get them get them my armor is really low like 90 hits left I just got an idea should we make it interesting how so they're ready okay gave away my location okay we are they public or the apartments coming up guys wait how there's so many of them get out of here I think we're doing good I think we're doing good you know we would be doing better if somebody didn't give away our location there's so many I say we let them in and we just go all out all right I'm gonna use all my pots and stuff kill them okay I'm gonna chill in the corner until they are dry or anything let's do it go mode all right make sure shoot lots shoot watch you lost you lost both way like in so much make an escape route make it escape route I'm trying I'm trying I'm trying train train oh this is stupid escape route but I'll try it okay oh my god this sucks break it break it get on my way I don't know where were we I'm out I'm out I'm out this is the end this is young oh my god I got out I got out I feel like I'm in some terrible action movie okay my armor is toast my armor is toast oh we're all together again okay it's a ravine dude oh dude it leads into a mineshaft ah what if you get in which leads to a mineshaft yes we're going in they'll never suspect a thing alright let's go let's go let's go I'm draining the water right now this is so dumb I'll try it I don't really know ah they may or may not have found us alright so there are they pretty much stuck up there well no there's water down here oh yeah let's put some infinite water down here wait wait where are you wanting to put water down here I was trolling but whatever you say get him get him get him yup he's gone oh one guy hey down down kill him - got hit down this is actually good tactic oh nice nice nice they're coming your numbers they're coming in numbers here we go here we go keep shooting then we can pick them off like this got one there's still so many of them what the heck ah guys I'm gonna die six hits on my pants I'm dead like I am legit dead sorry people they're coming for me they know they know I'm dead I need help I need help I'm dead this is it for me this is it for me no this is it yeah I'm done boys Oh No here come on I'm gonna block him off does anyone have pants I can have I tried I need it oh thank you thank you thank you no jeez dude I'm just gonna hide in here no no no no no but don't walk it I'm going out I'm going out I'm going up boys oh look at these idiots in the jail hahaha you couldn't get me hahaha do I win guys so I do it oh not if these guys managed to get out oh they found me yeah yeah I am 100% gone I had a good run though but this is the end you can do it Skippy what do you mean I can do it I believe in zero hits left on my chest plate that means you just see a run fast rate chest plate this question mark oh no oh god oh god oh I never caught it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god I think it's time I have to accept oh my god oh my god my chest plates on my chest ladies going boys thank you for this opportunity but gg's oh my god yeah no I'm going I won't let you get $1,000 Ted not you anyone but you no no I refuse none of these kids get thousand dollars I'm not one who deserves it to deserve anyone know where do I go you can I'm not you take not you this is good okay you can do it okay this happen but okay all right ready for this 360 I can't believe mrs. Gore Hey No oh my god three hearts who's that that's shots that I would teammate hippie go around this mountain to your life and get that cave also good place I see it the kid sees us now coming for you he's coming down he's coming down get rich off - get him get him get him all right let's go let's go let's go I'm going go straight make a left through this okay and then go straight up to that hill with the tree on it oh no no keep going straight yep no no don't go through there don't go through there go up up that hill okay no back turn around there you go yeah I bet it'll see that tree yeah no to your left yeah dear lives I mean 180 winning what hold them off hold them off love your ride oh this is good don't steer you not you kid you kid oh no no no no I don't know no way I don't know guys I don't know I'm gone oh no no no no how'd they get my chest plate how'd they get my chest plate oh my god no no not you at least Ernie earn the money earn the money Ted Juno's you want that thousand Skippy hi how could you do it to me no kidding dude how did you get that final shot on me to get the grand I don't know I just randomly shot an arrow and you got lucky yeah you know what I'm happy and my window is open no I'm happy you got it cuz when I was dying I was like someone needs to deserve it no none of you deserve it but you shot it so you know what oh one K for you shoot me your PayPal GG's GG's man thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed subscribe and lik if you haven't already sucked too bad do it right now actually don't do it right okay bad boy he looks up to him thank you for watching bye
Channel: Skeppy
Views: 1,972,354
Rating: 4.9354959 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, mine craft, minecraft youtuber, pg, family friendly, skeppy, minecraft skeppy, no swearing, no cursing, minecraft trolling, minecraft troll, funny minecraft, minecraft mod, minecraft map, parkour, trolling, troll, roleplay, custom, challenge, glitch moments, skeppy face, try not to laugh, bedwars, skywars, hypixel, first to kill, $1000 challenge, badboyhalo, spifey, minecraft $1000 challenge, first to, last to
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 13 2020
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