I Survived 50 Hours in 3rd Person

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That would trippy af sounds amazing. Imagine doing that and also having an out of body experience so like you see behind the camera now idk something weird!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Poptartz746 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

lol, wow thats crazy! It sounds like it would be pretty fun and trippy while on a trip. I am going to watch the video now, this is actually super interesting to me

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/OrganicMind- 📅︎︎ Oct 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
this is first person this is third person and this well this is just the person just some guy i don't know we've all played video games the third person that gives us the ability to do whatever we want even in minecraft oh my goodness oh my goodness i am so sorry this is the rig that'll allow me to live in third person with almost no lag or delay and this is lewis the guy who built it he's basically just me in a fancier font and he's making sure i don't perish while filming this video i can't do it like that so the question's simple what happens when you put a human in third person in real life for 50 hours i'm going to puke so naturally the first thing i need to do is go get an epic outfit howdy how's it going thank you these are nice pants oh these aren't pants i really like the oh that's nice after about 20 minutes of trying to find shorts in my size i was ready for the changing room sort of i feel like it's a little bit video game i'm like in a room i'm not supposed to be in is my outfit fire hey how's it going that's gonna be it this was my first and biggest mistake of this challenge i shoved my wallet in roger's face here due to my sheer lack of depth perception and he looks furious i think he said he was gonna go outside and smash my subscribe button on my youtube channel he was actually super understanding and supportive and wish me luck [Music] as i was leaving i quickly began to notice my biggest weaknesses doors curbs and my desire to pick fights with people give me some come on like try yeah there we go better watch out okay i want some coffee that's all i know we found a coffee shop it's outside it's tiny let's go excuse me oh who said that oh howdy i'm ryan nice to meet you i'm aj aj cheers obviously what where yeah there you go can i just get an iced coffee yeah starting to get a little nauseous you know yours is right in front of you oh did you already put it there oh no take a little sip is there a lid on there uh yes next i'm going to go play some basketball and i'm going to challenge the first person i see a game of pickup one-on-one any advice uh the best advice i can give you if you're challenging them to one-on-one is that one make sure they're not too tall okay [Music] all right looks like oh gosh looks like there's someone on the court excuse oh my gosh he just dunked it how's it going i'm ryan dad nice to meet you nice to meet you as well i uh i was wondering can i challenge you to a game of one-on-one wait how tall are you i literally can't tell [Music] he said six six eight yep all right well i guess we gotta do this all right check i'm gonna have to create some separation i think is the oh my gosh [Music] that's game good game sad you're going to the nba huh yep that's all right let's play uh i'll be i'll be at your games i didn't find out until after but he's actually probably making it to the nba so that's fair there's a food truck over here and i think it's about time we eat something how's it going how's it going cheers excuse me can you see what's on the menu i can't read that from here are you talking to me yes i'm so sorry i i don't know where my eyes are right now how far away am i from you right now four feet easy as i'm ordering my pulled pork sandwich i'm realizing that i am not socially anxious or nervous whatsoever seeing myself in third person is literally making me feel like the most confident man of the 21st century and we have this guy i'm in third person right now so i can see myself and you see how far apart are we right now about five years six months really i thought we were like literally face to face all right not yet not as good oh my gosh third person food haul i'm about to pass out i can't do it like that you got a pulled pork sandwich here guys that's a lot of meat never heard that in my life dude this is really messing with my brain this also makes me realize i need to maintain the back of my head the hair is just all over the place you there yeah i thought you logged out i can't see my mouth oh he has aimbot no i don't okay so what are we doing next it's come to that point of the day it's time to check into a hotel are they walking in oh sorry i'm right behind you voila wow the graphics so the guy at the check-in desk said he subscribed to dr phil so i refuse to put him on camera if you're wondering why i put myself through this stuff it's to pass dr phil subscribers i've never had a grandpa before and i want dr phil to legally adopt me as his grandson however his agent won't let me ask him unless i pass him in youtube subscribers so for the time being i'm at war with my own future grandfather and the worst part he doesn't even know it please help me please just subscribe am i good yes all right i do not feel like i've been in real life for at like the past eight hours like i'm actually just advancing in a video game rapidly right now like i just got a freaking crib this is sick my hair looks ridiculous as well dude it does dude this literally feels like a video game louis i like you but i don't like you that much all right i'll see you later we made it oh wow we set up the camera beforehand so artistic literally we got the bathroom here louis come on man what oh yeah right come on man all right dude all right all right peace out man ah yes why do i feel like i'm hiding from the cops right now this world right here does not feel like for real i'm starting to go crazy at this point reality felt so pointless that i tried figuring out like additional features to this thing i'm not gonna sit here and act like i'm proud of where my imagination took me okay but after a few laughs i got really nauseous oh i'm getting sick i need to close my eyes real quick this is some sort of futuristic apocalyptic game where people start vlogging a non-real life but i think it's about that time i order some pizza how do i order pizza the next 20 minutes were comprised of me trying to figure out if i was holding a phone or a tv remote then i remember there's a girl who can help me out hey siri call a pizza please call pizza place delivery can i order a large pizza okay do you guys do delivery to the hotel room no oh shoot okay i had exactly 25 minutes to figure out how i was gonna get to the lobby and get my pizza safely did you get a pizza by chance awesome thanks so much i really appreciate it you are going in my pocket pizza you guys have no idea how much trouble i just went to to get that shot pizza the pizza has arrived two hours later it got pretty awkward in the elevator some guy walked in dude looked mystified doesn't help that i look like a part-time nurse either yeah i couldn't believe my eyes either there's three slices of pizza missing i was checking the receipt and everything and i can't help but think that dr phil's agent has something to do with this what is this some sort of inside job i don't i don't know if this is my pizza nighttime routine my microphone died but i couldn't really tell because i can't see things properly for example that's literally skincare i was about to brush my teeth with it but i found the toothpaste we're good and here i'm just talking about how they're gonna have to conduct another census due to the rapid population growth of acne on my forehead so keep in mind i can still only see through this camera on the rig like this is what i'm seeing right now but i had to take it off to go to sleep what would you do if you looked up and for the first time in your life saw yourself from someone else's perspective with your own eyes uh coffee time i hope that's where you put the water come on there we go nice one day i'll get a car goodness my shadow looks horrifying ah that's awful [Music] ah dude if someone walked in i would have no explanation [Music] nausea all-time high had my eyes closed for what felt like hours is this what happens in video games when you log off i tried walking it off which doesn't make any sense because the nausea is caused by movement i also briefly tried doing the macarena but honestly that made it worse too unfortunately i think it's time to tell lewis that i'm throwing in the towel and i think he's gonna be really upset okay louis i bring you here today because i'm i think i'm gonna quit right now oh uh yeah go for it you're not gonna strain you're not gonna try to stop me oh no dude just like okay yeah all right uh this is gonna be so weird ah i've only seen your face in like 144p for the past two days here we go [Music] oh this is so strange i feel like a failure i don't feel well actually at least i beat that guy in basketball [Music]
Channel: Ryan Trahan
Views: 3,818,641
Rating: 4.9473438 out of 5
Keywords: Ryan, Trahan, 3rd person, I survived, I survived 50 hours, 50 hours, I survived 50 hours in 3rd person, living in 3rd person, experiment, surviving 24 hours in 3rd person, challenge
Id: XEm8McxpGeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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