Diablo 4 - Barrage Rogue Build Guide Season 4

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hi everyone and welcome to my barrage Rog guide 4 season 4 this is the build I've been playing the most so far and I've had a ton of fun of this I love my first character of barrage it was the seasonal Journey extra items set basically that you get from the start and I was just kind of stuck with this all the way to Lev 100 and here as well I went back to it after trying out some other builds and I've been blasting the pit on some higher tiers I went all the way to like around tier 80 or so with no trouble whatsoever you see here I'm still blasting through the those tiers actually with the damage output I have and my gear is far from perfect most of the items here are Master work to like four or five or so I have like one greater AIX here and there and that's about it so nothing extraordinary you can make the setup work just fine pretty early on and it has an absolute blast to play so the main thing about this build is actually it's just a typical combo points build that uses puncture to build the combo points and then barrage as a spender and we make use of some of the new tools that we got from tempering namely the extra imbuement count you see this here right now this is my cold inment here at the bottom and uh I have like eight charges of this or something like that whenever I activate it I can just keep shooting those cold imbued arrows as much as I want so this is really cool and it allows you to play like a full cold Rogue for example or a full poison a full Shadow Rogue so this is what a lot of Rogue builds use these days including this one this is something you can put on your rings and ulet as a resource temper and other than that the build doesn't really require much to function there are like two skills specific aspects as I mentioned you get them very early from just playing through the season or if it's an all it's not that hard to get them one of them is in the codec anyway you can go do a dungeon and the build just works Without Really any big break points any necessary items you can play it from the one all the way barrage is the archetype on Rogue that I have played probably the most out of everything and it just keeps coming back every season and it's just wonderful and really fun shooting into a big pack with all these arrows that now also appears and then Ricochet and then split into two you get like 50 hits per second or something and lots of numbers lots of arrows and looks great just watching the spectacle and you can do like this shotgunning into a single Target on the boss for example if you stand really close to them you can actually hit them with all of the arrows that usually extend in front of you in the cone and you just try to like hit them with all of them at once and get all these hits here and it kind of deals with ads that are in the fight as well automatically because the arrows just automatically fly to them so it does everything for you you have a lot of cool outplay mechanisms with positioning in particular depending on where you stand and you know which direction you shoot you can either do more damage in like a cone and AE in front of you for like packs or you can try to take down bosses by standing close to them so I have the full updated planner here that's also a few different variants so we have the endgame pit variant we have one of uber uniques which is mostly just a h Quest then we have the leveling and speed firing version I just combined this because it turns out they're like just the same basically and we have a bossing version in case you want to take down some of those tormented level 200 bosses all in all they're all very similar though they all have kind of the same stuff you maybe switch around a few skills or so and a few little details but I kept the Paragon pretty much the same with the one exception that I changed one Cliff here for leveling and speed farming which is the exploit glyph instead of a diminish glyph here but everything else is pretty straightforward and as I mentioned it kind of just works from the start the main aspect that you want to get early on which is also in the codx is a branching wle aspect so this usually goes on the neck because it gives your barrage just way better AE clear this is useful in the hell ties that just have tons of density AOE damage used to be kind of like the big weakness of barage you just couldn't really get through large packs of monsters and whenever there was a suppressor Whenever there was a champion that made everything have a lot of damage reduction you would have trouble getting to them and actually taking them down this has become a lot better with the buff of this aspect back in season 3 and also the high velocity aspect now this is a new one that gives you plus one pierce and extra attack speed for your barrage so with this exra Pi you can get more shots more arrows in fact both of those arrows first the initial hit and then the pierced Arrow they both proc the branching volle ricochets and you just get like a lot of hits every time you fire so when you use combo points you fire eight arrows you can also go for cutting Sten board which I've tried uh to get up to 10 arrows if you use um this here but I actually didn't in the end put it in the build the main problem with this is that those exra arrows have a really large angle and you just miss most of them so even when there's like a large pack of monsters they have like a a massive cone and you just never really hit targets with that unless you're standing right on top of the enemies so I didn't use cutting stem and instead we made the Paragon board look like this but he get eight arrows he get 16 hits with The Pierces and then they Ricochet like some of them split 90% chance so he get something like 30 40 hits or something in a big pack of monsters you may notice that there are some differences here with the elements as well that we have in the setup so this is usually a cold ement build for the higher end stuff and usually a shadow IM build for the lower end stuff the reason why is that shadow just doesn't really cut it anymore when you go to the high pits and to the high nightm dungeons it's just the explosions don't really matter anymore basically it's all of about the damage of the arrows there's not enough density there's not enough like power in those explosions but early on is actually very useful utility for just clearing packs whenever there's packs you shoot a shadow imbu barrage in there the pack will blow up maybe leite is left you finish it off you move on so easy peasy this is very good for hell TI it's very good for leveling but later on you go for cold because cold just gives you more raw power in particular through mixed cold and bment you get 40% extra damage when the target is frozen which we can do with the cold mement Itself by just hitting the Target and more importantly with tempers so you can temper utility mods chance to freeze you can do this on all of your Armor Gear and the boots and even like other slots but usually try to get like one or two of those freeze tempers and like this you can activate Fria Fitness easily you can activate the cold immun easily and have a lot of burst damage all Al when you stag a bosses for example and then you activate cold viment you're going to do a lot of damage this means that in the late game you also want to prepare slightly different setups here especially on your jewelry because as I mentioned there is this imbuement temper that you can get here cold IMB last for extra casts Baseline this is plus two you can try to get a m crit on it and then it gets to plus three this is kind of nice you can put this on your rings and your emeret and then you can have up to 11 for example in the setup extra cast this a kind of Overkill already but just makes it so that you barely ever have to activate your imbuement basically because it just last forever so that's very nice and in that case there's one set up here with Cen View and one with Shadow so if you can you can try to just have like a second round of jewelry ready and keep those around for whenever we do hell ties for example the rest of the setup is pretty straightforward puncture is kind of the standard generator here that gives us resources and slow and vulnerable we also make stuff vulnerable every third cast here with improved barrage so we don't really need stuff like extra vulnerable triggers from exploit Clift that much or from the shadow mement for example those are usually some good ways to get vulnerable not really required here because you actually have a lot of attack speed you have the high velocity we have a rapid aspect here and if you want you can even put an accelerating I have that here this is optional I would say but in general you have a lot of attack speed in the setup so the cobbles are pretty fast you shoot those barges like every second or so and most of the time stuff will be vulnerable just from that for example we have Dash and Shadow step you're very mobile of this you can use this as an Unstoppable trigger so it can go around really fast you have Dark Shard here a lot of people always ask me about this this is not on a bar but it's triggered from the umber aspect so you get the free dark shrouds we have a lot of crit chance and uh guaranteed crits even from Precision so it's very easy to trigger dark shouts and you just have a lot of defense this way and down here we have like one point Co iment there's not really a point in investing more ranks into cold deum so if you happen to get that on your Helm forget about it I would say it does doesn't really help so it's just like a one Wonder pretty much and down here key passive Precision so this is where you attack with your punctures that Stacks out the pris and usually you do those three times to get the three com points and that usually gives you the four stacks of prion and then you shoot a barrage and get guaranteed crit with massive power so the more Critical Strike damage you stack the more you buff this key passive giving you more damage on your combos so you try to get as much crit damage as you can see here all these items that can have it there's the amulets with your offensive slots the Rings the weapons and the glove you put Critical Strike damage temper from The Marksman finesse recipe everywhere and like this it can stack ridiculous amounts of crit damage as you can see here buffing this Precision key passive to the moon and every time you do the combo here do a lot of damage because this is a comb Point build it's also very easy to sustain your resources we have Innovation here though to help us out a little bit in particular for boss fights this is useful because puncture does not actually generate resources when you're hitting an Unstoppable Target or a boss you need to actually hit a Target and it has to be slowed uh otherwise puncture always regenerates a little bit of resources when you hit a crow controll enemy but this just helps us in those longer boss fights basically early on I would also recommend for example in leveling you could put like a point or so in consuming Shadows because that just helps you out early on get the resources high all the time before you get you know more stuff online before you have more attack speed and so on and most of the other aspect here are just prettyy much straightforward either defensive or offensive Powers so we have an edge Masters on the crossbow we want to use a crossbow because we attack with our medic weapons anyway to build our cor points so most of our attacks use our medic weapons and this means we can go for the slower crossbow for the big burst when you have cast barrage you don't really want to use a bow for this because bows have like around 20% less damage and the downside in or the upside in attack speed is not really significant enough to make this worth it so puncture plus crossbow is kind of the way here then we have a moonrise aspect just extra attack speed and movement speed you don't really care about the basic attack damage your puncture does nothing but it's just like nice Buffs and we also have expectant here gives us extra Synergy with call points and this is pretty much the entire setup you can swap around a few of these Powers here not all of them are necessarily 100% required undying for example you can already heal just from cing strikes you don't really need this this could be another aspect this could be for example simulation for the 45 or so also have hectic here this is also not required but if you don't really have anything else to put like a Mobility aspect or maybe a frostbitten you can do for some extra damage against Frozen targets um you can do that but I like hectic a lot because especially on the higher tier pit levels it just makes it smoother to fight those bosses you can't really stagger them that easily and the bosses are by far the biggest problem so I decided to not go for frost bit I just set up and go with hectic it just gives you more mobility and uses of your dash you know more poison traps and these kind of things speaking of poison trap you may be wondering why is this in the setup well one of the reasons is the 50% damage reduction you don't really use poison trap all too often especially in easier content but at least for higher end stuff you want to put it on the bosses you want to put it maybe in an lead pack here and there you get a damage reduction occasionally it also resets your imbuement which means that your hectic procs can go to other skills which is nice and we also have the Synergy on the Paragon board so we can dive on that here we have the deadly Ambush board with the extra crit damage to trapped enemies and also we have the trapped enemy damage reduction here we have the Ambush glyph so this is like the entire like Trap board basically all in one with the Ambush glyph as well so we do a lot of extra damage we take less damage and it's very easy to sustain those Buffs with the poison traps because as long as the poison is ticking you get all of these effects for the rest of the Paragon board there are a few other important legendary notes we have the exploit weakness very easy to stack because you have many arrows especially for bosses this is very useful you have Elish Bounty since this is an imbuement based build you just get extra damage there and we have uh the cheap shot here so for nearby Crow controlled enemies we are generally kind of in close range we get this effect quite often and the rest is just sticking good Cliffs so we have cany for the non-physical damage bonus we have combat which you want to try to stack up a little bit for the extra crit damage just helps with the Precision scaling and gives us a bit of resources back which is nice and we have diminish here just gives us a lot of damage ruction from slowed enemies which you can apply from puncture and also maybe a temper so you can have like a slow temper maybe on one of your items or so but not really required and lastly we have control here for extra damage to Frozen enemies and also we have a bunch of extra Life notes damage noes and so on all over the place to make sure we have a lot of toughness in this planner here for example I go to 51k life and this is not really without any greater axes on live either there's like you know one maybe here or so but nothing crazy you can get a lot of life and you kind of want it as well I've been playing the higher tier pits and you can easily get blasted there as a rogue Rogues are just not that tanky we try to build up as much defense as we can to make sure that we live and 50k life is a pretty comfortable value and that's it for the setup here so hope you enjoyed this it's pretty straightforward as I mentioned go check out those different versions here in case you are still leveling or in case you want to take some of those bosses and so on there are some tweaks here and there but ultimately pretty straightforward build I had a lot of fun with barrage it's definitely up there as one of the better Rogue builds I think I will be also trying more stuff so for example I've played pens shot and Rapid Fire already I'm currently working on hard Seeker so stay tuned for of those guides as well I'm working on those as well and you can expect some in the next days to come so hope you enjoy this video here and see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: wudijo
Views: 94,156
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Keywords: diablo, blizzard, wudijo, D4, diablo 4, barbarian, rogue, sorcerer, sorceress, necromancer, druid, barb, sorc, necro, diablo 4 wudijo, diablo iv wudijo, diablo 4 barbarian, diablo 4 rogue, diablo 4 sorcerer, diablo 4 druid, diablo 4 necromancer, diablo 4 guide, diablo 4 guides, diablo 4 builds, wudijo diablo 4, diablo 4 stream, diablo 4 season 4, diablo 4 s4, diablo 4 pit, diablo 4 rogue pit, diablo 4 pit 80+, diablo 4 progress pit, diablo pit rogue, diablo 4 endgame
Id: dbsR_JaYI3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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