Larsa Pippen Spills The Tea!

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(energetic music) (audience cheering) Live from New York City, it's "The Wendy Williams Show". ♪ Oh yeah ♪ ♪ Feel it feel it, feel it ♪ ♪ Feel it, feel it, feel it ♪ ♪ Tell me how you feelin' ♪ ♪ And we feelin' how we feelin' here we go ♪ ♪ Feel it and feel it and feel it like that ♪ ♪ How you doin' Wendy ♪ ♪ Let's go ♪ Now. Here's. Wendy! (audience cheering) Thank you for watching us. (audience clapping) Say hello to my co-hosts, my staffing studio audience. And my beautiful virtual audience at home. How you doin'? (all cheering) How you doin'? I'm doing great, 'cause Boris is coming. Yeah! Let's get started it's time for Hot Topics, come on. (smooth music) (audience cheering) (audience clapping) Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy, Wendy! Thank you. (Wendy laughs) So. You know Nick, you might fool some people but you will never fool me. (audience laughs) They're saying that Nick Cannon is back with his baby's mother. Now I say that Nick Cannon does what Nick Cannon wants to do and he has a big heart and a lot of love. But as Mariah said in her book, and this is the only thing that she said bad about him, which wasn't a bad thing, Nick needs to grow up. He's so boyish. But in a lovable way you know what I mean? Nick always said he wanted to have five children. Okay. He was spotted last night with Brittany Bell on their way into Nobu for dinner. Now Brittany already has a one-year-old with Nick, a three-year-old, oh there she is. And if you'll notice, she's expecting any day now. (audience groaning) Back, yeah. She's expecting any day now. It's her birthday. And. Their son who's three, his name is Golden. So what do I think? First of all you go to Nobu to be seen, everybody knows that. Second of all, the whole Nick, Nick is a flashy guy, I mean he wears turbans and sparkly shoes. (audience laughs) (audience claps) Oh how I love thee, I can't even count the ways. Then later on, what's her name again, Brittany? Brittany Bell. Brittany. Showed off a new Bentley, for her birthday. Now who do you think gave that to her? Nick. People are assuming but I think it's pretty safe to say Nick gave that to her. He's got it, he can afford it. Nick works 25 jobs, he's big on savings and collecting, and you know doing like solid man stuff when it comes to his money, and taking care of his kids like a solid man. But when it comes to these girls, (audience laughs) let me tell you something. All right so this'll be baby number two with Brittany. And he already has two with Mariah. So he needs one more. Now Mariah, don't even bother 'cause you got the twins. You're the first babies mother. (audience claps) Mm hmm. The one who he was married too. And by the way, I still see you and Nick getting back together, and and no I've said that all along. Norman? Yeah. I've been saying that all along. Consistently, yep. Through the good times and the bad times. Uh huh, right. So. Here's what I think, based on reading a passage in her book. She wants to get back with him too. (audience gasping) She says she could see herself getting back together with him. And the only reason why they aren't together now is because egos, probably their two egos. And lawyers got in the way. But when they're like a solid 70 and 67, (audience laughs) or something. Right. Well she's a little bit older than him. Like three years. 10 years. Yeah, oh. (audience groaning) (audience laughing) Right. 70 and 60. Right, right. I do believe that Nick will slow down and realize that the love of his life is truly Mariah Carey, that's all. (audience clapping) You can't fool me Nicholas. (audience laughs) And Mariah, I'm rootin' for ya. (audience claps) Okay. (Wendy laughs) Kim Kardashian's ex best friend Larsa Pippen who used to be married to Scotty Pippen, is speaking out against the family. (audience groans) Well. Nobody has filed a lawsuit against her, so you figure. All right look, Larsa told the people at Hollywood Raw on a podcast, that she blames Kanye for she and Kim's falling out. (audience groans) I want you to listen closely, by the way, drink in her beauty, 'cause this is her all made up. (audience claps) This is her all made up, but I've met Larsa and I've seen her like with no makeup on at all. She's got all the structure, like she's got it going on. Okay, take a look. I just feel like Kanye was in a place where he you know really didn't trust anyone with Kim. So I feel like I was the person that was like, oh don't like don't be so close to her. But if Kanye feels like Kim and him are better without me then let them be without me, I'm okay with that. I have my, do I look like I'm suffering? Do I look like I'm in pain? I'm okay I will survive. He literally has brainwashed the whole family to thinking that like I don't even know what. (audience claps) She also shared with us that Kanye at one point used to call her at odd hours. (audience gasps) Like three, four, five in the morning. Hold her on the phone for hours, and not sex, he would rant to her. To the point where she ended up having to block him. Like he would rant, I guess about life and, you know his ideas and what he wants to do. And she was there to listen. And Larsa's a smart businesswoman so I could see where this is going. But. When she blocked him, I think that probably pissed Kanye off and that was probably the beginning of okay Kim, you don't need to trust her, you don't need to be her friend. And you know what, Kim makes a great friend, but until she does something about her relationship with that man. I would rather not be friends with Larsa and get along with Kanye until the fourth wheel falls off. Yeah. Of the car. It costs Kim nothing to let friends go, only because she's got her sisters. You know what I mean? She's got her sis, they're a gang. She's got her sisters. (audience claps) She's got her mom. She's got her grandmother. You know and then, making friends for Kim, Kim is sweet. Kim could make friends any day of the week. But most importantly she's got her family. I feel bad for Kim that she's trapped like this you know? What else did I wanna add about this? Oh oh oh. Larsa also revealed, hold on, that she dated Tristan before Khloé. (audience groans) Okay. Take a look. Uh oh. I kinda was seeing Tristan before Khloé, before Khloé or any of them even knew he existed. I was seeing him, I had him come to LA. I brought him to a party Kim had, I introduced him to all of them. And then a week later, maybe 10 days later, he started seeing Khloé. Which is fine, I don't even care. Did Khloé know you were seeing Tristan, or dating him? Yeah I'm sure she knew. Yeah I'm sure she knew, I brought him to an event. You know one of Kim's events. (audience groaning) I also believe that. So far I believe everything she's saying, you know what I mean? And unfortunately when you cross the family it's almost like, when you get involved with that particular family, there rules that are said and then rules that aren't said. But you're always being watched and observed and you could be dismissed at the drop of a hat. Yep, yep. The Kardashian's say that Larsa talked behind their back. And that she has toxic energy. Oh! That's the most-- Well doesn't everyone? (audience laughs) I'm talking about talk behind backs, you know? And you know what, yeah she showed up at the party with this guy Tristan. And 10 days later all the sudden, but that's how they move. They will move in on your man, right in your face. (audience laughs) And wasn't it Kylie who, Kylie called up. Travis Scott. Travis Scott. 'Cause he was at the club, and Larsa was sitting with him, but she had girlfriends with her like it was a girls night out and everybody's at the club. And Kylie was I guess on her social media and got word, Larsa's flirting with, what's his name? Travis. Travis. Mm hmm. And so, Kylie called up Travis at the club. (audience laughing) Yes, yes, yes, yes. You know they go crazy for those black men. (audience clapping) This is why Kourtney is so un-bothered girls. (audience laughs) Anyway. Larsa denied flirting, she's like look we were out, Larsa you keep talking and anything else you wanna say call 555-HELP. (audience claps) That's the bureau here at the show. I am swimming in material, right? (audience claps) I love it, I love it. Look it's like a high, it's a high waisted, this skirt is so wool and it's so warm. And uh huh, thank you. And then it's really high waisted. Look it almost looks like Verrazzano Bridge right here. Just, right here right? (audience laughs) Uh huh. Right? It's almost the shape of the bridge. And then there are pockets on the skirt which is nice. And then this, two separate designers right. It's tucked in. And then it's tucked in but I will wear it tucked out like with some jeans or something like that. There's a lot of material like tuck, it's like tucked in. Uh huh. And then braless, because it, yeah, no because it's a bustier. (audience claps) Everything is. I'm bustier-ing. Hey. Well Boris is here. Yeah! (audience claps) Oh I love to tease him. (Wendy laughs) Okay. So speaking of Kourtney, Scott may have a new fling. (audience groans) I don't approve. Scott here you go again. Kourtney, come get your man, your babies father, or whatever. Over the weekend this past weekend he had dinner with Lisa Rinna's 19-year-old daughter Amelia Hamlin. (audience groans) Amelia Hamlin. Now. 19. Scott is, 30-- Seven. Seven. Do you understand what's going on here? They had dinner together, and then last week they went to Kendall's birthday party together. There she is. Cute right, if she was with a boy her age. But to be out with a grown man, father of three, and a nagging babies mother. And Hot Topics judging. This is the deal. A guy that old shouldn't even be friends with a girl that young. You can't even be friends with. (audience claps) And I don't care that you run in the same circles and you know a lot of the same people, it's just inappropriate it doesn't look good. Again Scott, it does not look good. Are they involved involved, well two dates says to me, there's something going on. And I hope that her father Harry Hamlin would step in and have some sort of control over her. You know and Lisa Rinna, I'm on the fence as to whether you like this or not, 'cause I know you love a show. Yep. And. I don't wanna say this but I'm gonna say it, she seems like the type of mother that would applaud something like this. Like you're in with the first family, you know. And you're going places and you're modeling, and you're doing things. This is her with her two daughters. Mm hmm. But Harry. And your affair that you had with Ursula Andress years ago does not even count. Well he was 28. And Ursula was 44. (audience groans) And they had a baby. Well, but you know what? The age difference was 13 years, number one, which is still a lot. But it looks worse when a man dates a younger girl. For whatever reason, guys are always look at as like yeah you know, you got an older woman. It's like you know, at least in my lifetime I don't think I'll ever see the day when it's applauded that a young man gets with an older woman and it's out of respect and love by his friends by his bros. Okay let's move on. (audience claps) Okay. No 'cause I got a lot of good stories today. And then we're doing a fashion show with coats and stuff. And Boris is here. (audience claps) And you know, but I gotta get to my Hot Topics, I gotta get to them. Okay. There's this rapper that I've never heard of, but welcome to Hot Topics. (audience laughs) He snuck onto the Neverland Ranch and filmed a music video. No! (audience groaning) Oh yes, oh yes. TMZ, Harvey, everybody over there, thank you very much. They reported that security saw three people with GoPro cameras on, oh and an iPhone. And they were shooting a video for a rapper named Daeshard. Welcome to Hot Topics Daeshard. (audience claps) Clap if you know who this is. No! No no. Nope. Okay look Daeshard we're giving you this look for one time but you gotta keep it going by keeping us interested in what you do next. Anyway look look look. Over at Neverland, Michael Jackson's old place. Which I believe is owned probably by investors and the bank or something. And the estate. And the estate. Mm hmm. I don't believe anybody lives there. Anyway, security told them, "erase all the footage and leave." Well. Last week Daeshard released his video. (audience laughing) This is yes, there he is. (audience clapping) Look, look. And Michael Jackson fans were quick to recognize that he's at Neverland, which makes him cool. You understand? Like security, first of all I'd fire all of you. I wanna say good for you Daeshard, 'cause you're on Hot Topics, now you're in the family. But temporarily, unless you you know. But I would fire all the security. How old are these cops, like 85? (audience laughs) Erase the footage and then go? And they were asked by you know the official police, why didn't you call us to begin with? And security said well, we saw them erase the footage. In the meantime, you know what they did. Save. You know what I mean? (Norman laughs) Stupid stupid, I would fire everybody on duty that day. (audience clapping) Look, look, look, look. And this is not his first time there. He's jumped the fence before. (audience laughs) Okay he posted a picture at the ranch back in July. He said, "nobody has been able to hang out "at the Neverland Ranch, not even Janet and them." (audience laughs) Do you understand how disrespectful this is? Do you understand that me and Norman are here for it? Yes. (audience clapping) So. Daeshard is claiming that he had permission to be on the estate. The owner, people, are saying that he's lying. Owner people, please don't waste your time trying to sue him. He does not have anything. (audience laughs) He's got nothing to sue. And don't sue him for whatever money he makes from the music. His fans are gonna buy the music up. Norman likes the song. I do like the song. I haven't heard it yet. The song is called, "The Hood" but in parenthesis Neverland Ranch. (audience laughs) So he's like really, capitalizing off this. (audience claps) (Norman laughs) Daeshard, this is what you do. You keep doing you, and if you need any help from us, call 555-HELP, we're here. (audience claps) Tree's got a new man. (audience groans) Tree. Tree. Mm hmm. (Norman laughs) Joe said I'm family, Tree. Tree. Teresa has a new man according to page six, she's dating a Jersey businessman his name is Louie. Who kinda looks like Joe. But if you squint in that one he looks a little bit like Andy. A little like Andy too. (audience claps) Just saying. Anyway, he's a good looking man is what I'm saying. They were spotted at a football game over the weekend. Oh! (audience groans) That's nice right? I hate whoever took this picture and invaded their privacy though. But Tree went right home and put it on her social media. You know to get ahead of the story. So she's 48, Louie is 46. Louie is a philanthropist. He has two sons, one of them is on the spectrum. And so that's where he channels a lot of his fundraising for children's charities. So he's got a big heart. You know he probably doesn't want any more kids. Tree has enough kids. I don't picture them getting married any time soon, but I see this as a good, I think this is a good match. (audience claps) Congratulations Tree. And you know we all know that Joe is over in Italy. The girls, some of the girls are over there with him right now visiting. Yeah oh there they all are. No, no, different. Yeah that's from the past. Some of the girls are over there. Joe was here last month and he let us know that he does have a lawyer lady that he's seeing. That she does not have keys to his home. And that she helps him out a lot. So he's happy, Tree's happy, we're happy. (audience cheers) (upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 746,542
Rating: 4.7294011 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, hot topics, larsa pippen, kim kardashian, kanye west, khloe kardashian, tristan thompson
Id: iFscTFR-SSk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 9sec (1329 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 10 2020
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