KimYe Divorcing!

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why not all the time? shes a daytime demon

👍︎︎ 88 👤︎︎ u/gravestoner_ 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I hate her all the time

👍︎︎ 34 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

People like her are exactly what make hollywood culture so vile

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Noicememe259 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

I fucking hate her. Especially after how she talked about benny getting shot

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/pvry 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

“Wendy Williams is a fat bitch, thats the truth, I got a jar full of niggas nuts, that’s for you” Watch Ya Mouth- 2Pac

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/tomwest105 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Sometimes yikes

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/2kking24 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

That intro is a level of conceited ive never seen before

And that’s coming from a kanye fan

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/WV_RNNR 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

never forget how her audience cheered her on when she was body shaming kanye in 2018 🙃

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Feet-Man 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies

Do not give this bitch views, do not watch this video, mods delete this. She will make make money off of us and her negative gossip

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Diet_Burg3r 📅︎︎ Jan 15 2021 🗫︎ replies
(upbeat music) Live from New York City, it's "The Wendy Williams Show" (crowd chanting) ♪ How you doing, Wendy, let's go ♪ Now here's Wendy. (audience cheering) (crowd chanting) ♪ How you doing ♪ Yeah, thank you for watching our show. Say hello to my cohost studio audience staffers. And my virtual audience at home. (audience cheering) How you doing? How you doing? I'm doing okay, let's get started. It's time for hot topics. (crowd applauding) Yesterday was definitely one of the saddest days of our lives. I couldn't believe what I was watching on TV. And look, the Trump supporters stormed the White House. Clearly there was an insurgence going on that wasn't successful. Four people died, one with a bullet. She was shot and killed. Many people, I'm sure were hurt. This man sat at Nancy Pelosi's desk, with his feet up on, just how do you get that, like, how are we supposed to feel safe out here in the streets when it's not safe there at the Capitol? And the president is watching all of this for the next two weeks, until January 20th. You're watching all of this sir and not going over there and saying something to your people? You could have ended this a lot earlier. And in the name of Mike Pence, his shoulders must hurt today. He had to wear all this on his shoulders at 3:30 in the morning. I don't know where you were at 3:30 in the morning. I woke up at two and looked at CNN and didn't see anything. They were still, you know, showing the horribleness. Well, it didn't show up until 3:00 a.m. So when I woke up this morning, that's when I found out Congress confirmed that Joseph Biden is our new president. (crowd applauding) In two weeks, in two weeks. I gotta tell you, in the name of the half a duck that I ate, I ate a whole half a crispy duck. Some of it, look, I started out with the fork, and my Louis Vuitton hot sauce. And then I realized that I'm in the house with just the cats and they love to see me eat stuff, 'cause then they they're like, mom, can we have a snack too? I'm like, Hmm, there you go, over there. Your treats, I'm eating and greasing up my remote, switching back and forth because Mathis is on, you know I love Greg Mathis. I needed something to break the monotony of what was going on, and then here in New York, there were other things happening, crime wise and protest wise, a lot of it though was done in peace, but still. In the name of these vegan leather pants. (crowd applauding) Look how long they are too. Yeah, do the length, do the length. Yes, look how, right. And look, they come from a regular store. Oh yeah, Stan Smith's. Just saying. (crowd applauding) Who are you wearing? I got some Jays on. Oh, all right. Okay. Yeah. We like those. Suss One, my featured presentation. So, I'm like, wow. And then the other, Oh wow I guess to you all, but you saw this coming Kim and Kanye and I had, listen, I'm a woman, I'm allowed to change my mind several times within one minute. You know at first I told you all, well, why bother divorcing? We never really believed in love, love, love with them anyway, I mean, yeah, I hate the CRO, but that was because they had the ceremony, doesn't mean that I believe the ceremony was real marriage, like how regular people get married and they got, you got bills and kids and you gotta fight and stay in the same house and stuff. I never, I believed that this was a marriage made in business. Even Mr. West is in the building. I knew that wasn't real love, that was like, the new black man alert, new black man alert, just saying. By the way it only took me 28 minutes to eat the half a duck. I was timing myself, because it was beautiful in New York yesterday, the sun was out, glistening on the crispy. Anyway, I changed my mind and my mind is they should get a divorce and I'm gonna tell you why, a real divorce, okay. It's going be eventually very embarrassing to the children. When they grow up, you know, they're not gonna be this small all the time. Children wanna know at least that their parents know how to conduct themselves in sort of a decent manner with each other, regardless of what the public thinks, in a decent manner. Kim should be allowed to go on and make herself available to get married again, legally married with the papers. And by the way, no, I don't think she's messing around with Van Jones, Van don't want none of that. And the word is that Van and his wife were no longer together, but no, these two, they're our friends, like me and Norman. I know right, excuse me. Sorry, Van, I like you too. I like Kim too, but I'm just saying. I don't know who started this. Clap if you believe that they could ever possibly get it in? Joelle only 'cause you wanted to be seen. (crowd applauding) Joelle is one of my senior producers, and she produced Cynthia Bailey today, and she said that Cynthia can't wait to get here and tell it like it is, regarding her own life. So here's what they do. They both want the house. Kim, you got the house. Now, first of all, she's got the best divorce lawyer ever, the Wasserman woman, who wins for all women out there in California, the house was built by Kanye, so he could say he used all of his money for all the materials, and he was there for all the designing and stuff like that. Okay, fine, that's the house that I went to, it's all white inside. It's nice if you like a sterile environment. I like a lot of clutter, my style, but it's a nice house. Very well appointed and very private. But the land belongs to Kim even before she met and married this man. So now you tell me who's smarter, Kanye or Kim? I say, no, no, because Kim got the land, she gets control of what's on the land. And if I were her, I would give a bulldozer to each one of the kids, and no, I would send them off to play at a friend's house and I would hire a company and bulldoze the whole house. And I was gonna say build some NYCHA housings there for, because well I mean, California NYCHA isn't. Right, CCHA You know, some upscale projects where everything works on the property, 'cause she's now for the good of the people she says. So, but instead here's what I say, 'cause all your neighbors are complaining you're not zoned for that. Build a lot of kale and vegetables and stuff, and you make sure that you give all that stuff to vegetable markets. When I tell you it's acres and acres, it's not just where the house is. Like when I was there, she showed me, Wendy, it goes back, it goes beyond. It goes beyond the fence. It goes beyond this fence. Yes, it goes up and beyond. So, Oh Kim, you can't ask for full custody of the kids. I mean, I get what you're saying, but because I don't think that he's well but what I do think is that make him have the illusion that he does have some sort of time with the kids but you always said security strapped up. And somebody from the mental health community, a couple of people, a few to go and don't crowd him with the kids, but just keep an eye on him with the kids, and he should be allowed to go on, and I don't think he'll ever get married again but he should be allowed to go on and be single. It shouldn't be like, we caught him kissing on a yacht, it should be like, Oh no, that's his new boyfriend, or that's his, boo for the night or whatever. Yeah. No, I mean he knows guys. I didn't mean kissing guys. I meant kissing women, but he makes music and his music, he likes his guy squad. You know what? Leave me out of this. Get the camera off of me. I wanna ask you a favor, while. What are you about to say? While we're waiting for lunch in between, 'cause it's a late day here. Can you please look up Jeffree Star? Oh okay. Get me his number immediately. Now Jeffree Star is a good friend of Kanye's and Jeffree Star is, he loves to party. He's got over 70, 17 million followers on social media. Jeffree Star is worth more money than Kanye they say. He's got makeup and I've never heard of Jeffree Star Makeup, I only know Jeffree Star who dresses in various hairs and you know, he's like thin like, like twink thin. Exactly. Yeah, he's thin, and he's got really loose lips and he does a lot of, and he spends a lot of time in Wyoming, which is where Kanye, that's all I'm saying, is where Kanye likes to stay. Norman. Don't even, don't look at me. Okay, but Kanye went on social media yesterday and said, it's over, or free at last, what was his quote? Kanye or Jeffree? Kanye. Kanye, I don't know what his quote was. No, Jeffree's already said a lot. I don't think Kanye said much since this story broke. That's not much if you do three words, it is over. Right. Anyway, congratulations on your divorce. Jeffree, please stop being so messy. Jeffree's like, you should come to Wyoming, it's beautiful here, the mountains are big, yes and he's got his own plane, so he doesn't have to wait for Kanye to say, get out. He can just walk outside, the driver's there. Take me up to the sky and off to the next place. Come on, let's move along please. Let's move on. (crowd applauding) If he would stop laughing. If he would stop giggling over there, Anderson Cooper. I know. Serena, when I saw this, I was like, my eyes rolled and I went back to eating or whatever I was doing. There's Serena Williams and her husband, his name is Alexis, and he defended his wife when this old man, 81 years old, a former Romanian tennis player, who's also a commentator. So he commentates on tennis. And he said, now we know that this didn't come through with social media, we think that this came while he was commentating a match over there in Romania. Right, so he's sitting with these other fellow Romanians and nobody says anything or tries to stop him when he goes, "At this age and weight, "she is now, she does not move "as easily as she did 15 years ago." Well, who does, Suzanne. I like your pants. Oh, thank you, they're tartan. I love tartan. You know I love tartan. Yes. Sometimes head to toe tartan, it makes you look bigger. Yeah, oh no, no, just on the bottom. I'd be willing to risk that though. Oh. Did it come with a jacket? No, no. Does it come with a matching blouse or anything? No, no. Maybe there was, I didn't see it. Yeah, we don't look for it. I don't look for anything matching. I just bought the pants, they were on sale. 70% off. 70% off. (crowd applauding) Thank you. Hey Willie, let's try something tartaneque for tomorrow. You know what, I want it at the top and at the bottom but just so you know, even if I look like an Oompa, just remember this look. Okay, all right, so, anyway, so he posted back to the old Romanian and says 2021 is no holding back when the racist, sexist clown with a platform comes for my family. He said, comes for, comes for. I didn't mind that statement. I didn't mind him saying anything, I'm glad Serena didn't say it. You know, they've got their child together. So they are a full married family doing their thing and minding their own business, but what he did do that I did mind is that he started commenting back to the people in the comment section. And you know, people in the comment section will always win because they don't show their face and their outfits, it's easy to comment when you sit there with the keys like a coward, you know. Anyway, all right, so what's next? Oh, I did wanna tell you about Lauryn Hill. Well, she explains for those of you who've been wondering all these years why it is that she never made another album after the Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, which was so big. I remember that album. (crowd applauding) That album was so big in my life, that was about the time that I had left Hot 97 and then started working at Power 99 in Philly and I went through one seven week miscarriage, and two five month miscarriages, and then I was successfully pregnant with young Kevin and that song, "Zion", that was my song on the whole thing. I mean, I had other songs that I'd like, and I listen, widen through Germantown and stuff like that, getting to the radio station and coming back, but when that "Zion" song came out, Ooh, I was like, come on, Kevin, Zion, Zion, yeah. And then I was on bed rest and didn't listen to music but she did an interview with Rolling Stone and she said that her record label never asked her to do another album. Well, first of all who's waiting to be asked? Lauryn, oh, sorry. Who's waiting to be asked to do another album? That Miseducation of Lauryn Hill put you, really put you on the map at that time. I know you weren't with The Fugees and you were able to do your own thing, Lauryn, I've known you since when you were in the Fugees, I know that you remember when I was messing around with Pras. We never did the in and out, but, oh yeah, the documentary, Lifetime. (crowd applauding) Wait, no Pause, right here, yeah, pause right here. Wyclef's on the other. Wyclef's on the other side. But there was. Uh oh. Anyway. You're an artist, Lauryn, and all you had to do, when you finish the first album and you saw it was a hit right away, 'cause it was right away, you should've said, look, you all, I have five songs already done. All I need is another six and I'm working on them right now and we can put it out and have the dates and so on and so forth. This is your fault that you didn't put out another album. And also she said there was sexism and she didn't say where it was coming from, but I believe that was probably coming from, no disrespect to what I had at one point, very brief, maybe one month, maybe two weeks. What? Yeah. I never knew this. Sleep over, above the covers nothing's happening. Right. Get to know you, get to know you but he's in and out of town and the. Oh. (crowd applauding) Anyway, Lauryn it's never too late for you to tour. Once we get ahold of this pandemic and you can tour with that one album for the rest of your life, your thing is is that you are with that Marley man at the time. And I do believe that Pras has a bit of sexism in him. I believe that Wyclef definitely has some sexism in him. And I believe that the Marley man had some sexism in him. And these are men, not for nothing who will never believe that a woman can do what a man can do, and get it on with business and whatnot and take care of herself if she wants to. And I think that Lauryn has got a touch of ticky ticky, and maybe you need to have not gone to your apothecary so many times at that particular point. And maybe, and listening to those inner voices that weren't telling you the right thing, but you know what? It's never too late for you to get yourself together and get out there on the road. And I'm not saying, leave these men alone. I'm saying, take care of yourself and do what you wanna do. I mean, now I don't care about "Zion" and now I don't care, you know, sometimes even when Suss plays a Hillsong here, you play it for a moment and then I'm the one to say, okay stop. Like, I don't want it, I don't want that. Like put on "Too Short" or something bring out the dice, come on, come on. That's how we do around here, I can't. That's it for hot topics. You're lucky I don't remember the other greasy stories we're supposed to be talking about. (upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 752,653
Rating: 4.6105771 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, kim kardashian, kanye west, us capitol, politics
Id: lAcjve5iQb4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 10sec (1210 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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