Travis Barker’s Ex-Wife Reacts!

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(upbeat music) Live from New York City, it's the Wendy Williams show! (upbeat music) Now, here's Wendy! (upbeat music) (cheering) (upbeat music) Thank you, welcome! Say hello to my co-host Stanford Studio Audience. (cheering) The virtuals at home. (cheering) How you doin'? I'm doin' good. I'm very heart-happy. Let's get started. It's time for Hot Topics. (cheering) (upbeat music) (cheering) So. Here's my thing with Bow Wow. No. No, I like Bow Wow. He'll always be a little boy to me only because that's how we met him but I know that that's a man named Shad but I have to call them not just Bow Wow, little Bow Wow. Sorry, Bow. Shad. Anyway, the brat and I are on the same page with this one kind of sorta, well, here's what's going on. Bow Wow's got an album and he's making it about his exes, and you might've heard this because I heard this before doing this story with you. I so badly wanted to do this story. So finally, we're around to doing it. So he's talking, he's talking to Bow Wow on the show Growing Up Hip Hop which was last night. However, I feel like I already saw this footage because she made so much sense. Anyway, take a look, then we'll talk. He did an album is supposed to be like a confessions album. The songs, they all about different women he been with. Ah, okay. That's interesting. Oh, you like that idea? I mean, it's interesting. It's different. He givin' details though. And he's saying names. Go on TV every day about things that shocked- Yeah, yeah. This goin' be a conversation that y'all talk about, right? It absolutely is. Like disruptive marketing. It is. That might be his plan behind it. If y'all gon' talk about it- It absolutely is. To the hood, and to the streets it's going to look snitchy. Yeah. (laughing) You're going to leave me alone. Yeah. It is going to look snitchy but here's the thing we accept it when girls do that you know what I'm saying? Taylor Swift and... Selena Gomez did a whole album about her heart being broken by a particular man who was never named, but it was... Yeah, Bieber. But he, she never named the name. We just listened close. 'Cause that's our job, to entertain you. So we... (laughing) The assumption is, a whole album about Justin Bieber. You know, she was very, very hurt. And when girls do things like that we kind of expect it like we're, those people, you know it's not bad when a guy does that, we look at it as snitchy, but you know what? And by the way, I do look at it as snitchy but when's the last time you purchased a Bow Wow album? (laughing) Like if you're a big fan of Bow Wow you're definitely going to get this. Although Normand gets a monthly service so he'll get it through the monthly... Right. (laughing) And you'll listen to every word. I'll listen to every single word. I want to know exactly who he's talking about. And I'll fill in the blanks and stuff. You don't have to fill in the blanks. He's going to name names. In every song? Every song. So this song is about Angela Simmons and then this song is about, so yeah, like he's been with some girls. I don't know that they can clap back. Girls, if you just lay low for a week there's a song in there about Sierra. Remember when they dated? What do you want to say about Sierra? You got handled Bow Wow. (gasps) Just saying. And then there's a girl named Joy Chavez. Who's his baby's mother. Are you really going to talk about your baby's mom? But now you have a fiance. Erica Mena. Are you going to talk about her or are you going to talk about Keyshia Cole? I kinda wanna listen too. (laughing) (cheering) See, it's good for him because he has us talking here on Hot Topics and then, you know, People magazine will pick up the story and Shad knows how to maneuver. You know what I mean? But when it's still very... What'd rap call it? Oh, like... It's snitchy. It's still very snitchy and guys don't do that. You know, I... Guys... Guys do implications. Girls just spill it out. By the way. No. (laughing) Just listen. And then tell me which one you liked the best. And then I'll tell you which one I liked the best and we'll figure it out. Got you. It's not going to be a whole commercial break of snitching. Goin' on around here. (laughing) Although it's funny. 'Cause what can you say? She had callouses and she never shaved her legs? What are you going to say? She can't cook? All she does is dance? What are you going to say, Bow Wow? All right. And then they can't sue back because if I was the judge I'd be like, well, there were only two people there, how do I know you don't have hairy legs? Lift up your... You know what I'm saying. How do I know you can't cook? Where in a courtroom, do you see no eating allowed? Do you understand? (cheering) All right. Remember when Travis Barker was married to Shanna Moakler? Okay. But we've already told you Travis has moved on to Kourtney Kardashian. So they're the couple. There's Shanna. But he's with Kourtney. And so I guess Shanna in her empty time goes down in Kourtney's DM. And yeah. Looking at comments and stuff like that. And she liked a particular post, a post... A fan put on the page, that broad don't got nothin' on you. Meaning Kourtney has nothing on Shanna. And so Shanna liked it. The person also said downgrade big time. I don't think of it that way. They were already divorced. They already weren't together as a couple. They co-parent. You know, and according to folklore, Travis. Travis and Kourtney have been friends since they were like young kids. And, but you know, Travis was involved in that horror, horrific accident, you know where his life could have been taken. And so sometimes you think like this might not be you or me. I've never been that... I've never been like, there, so you know what I'm saying? Angels spreading wings and, and the, and the gates part. And then all of a sudden I wake up but I could imagine if you were in a horrible plane crash that who survives a plane crash? Right? So he probably looked at his life and said, okay I'm going to do this, that and the third. And it kind of says something nice about Kourtney, because if you've survived and lived again and you have children and you say, I want to do everything correctly I want to be the best boyfriend, I don't know whether I want to get married again, but I want to go with my heart. And so if you pick Kourtney, that must make some that may say something very angelic about her. Right? Right? (cheering) But in our Hot Topics meeting... (laughing) No, the person is not in the room right now. Okay. You know, Hot Topics meeting someone said something. And I said, you're right. Said, you know what? I'm going to live like it's my last day. I'm going to rock out. And do you, you know what I'm saying? (shout) You know what I mean? So there's two ways of looking at; it either way, I think that Shanna, somebody also in the meeting said she's looking at that to elevate her followers because Kourtney has 1,000,011 followers and she has, nope. 11 million. Yeah, 111. Incredible, incredible. Unbelievable. I know, sometimes I think about changing my social media ways. 'Cause it's easier to get followers if you, if you post all the time. I can't be bothered. (laughing) I get in the house, and slam the- (cheering) I look at my phone and I go to our Instagram and I'm like, wow, I haven't posted anything since or oh, chit chattin' my way they're all... For a piece of food. (laughing) Or something. It's not 'cause I don't like, it's just because I just feel I'll see you on Monday. You know? Like that. (cheering) But Shanna has only 205,000 followers. So therefore, maybe she wants to be part of the association of Kardashians to get her followers up. And I don't know what she does for a living right now. They co-parent nicely. She certainly is beautiful enough to have gone on with her life and have a boyfriend or something like that. She'll only meet Kourtney, the more close they get. And then, you know, her kids will be over at his house and then Kourtney will answer the door in a negligee or something and say, oh hi, Shanna. You know, come in. And of course, I don't want to know about... This is too grown and complicated for us to be talking about it on Hot Topics. Because like, I just feel like somehow co-parenting is supposed to be smoother anyway Shanna, and what are you doing now? Just, you know, just let us know what, what's all going on. She looks great. (cheering) Wait until you see the final contestant for Who Wants to Date Wendy. Not, not yet. Can we keep it Kardashian for a moment? (laughing) People Magazine is reporting that Kanye is not dealing with the split from Kim well at all. See, I don't want to hear this. They say he's very sad and very anxious and he knows that he's losing. And I don't know who reported to People or how this all happened but I'm reporting to you what People Magazine said. And you know People doesn't play. When they say something, right? We call that our Bible. Yep, that's the Bible, the Hot Topics Bible. (laughing) Yeah. Well Kanye, but there's nothing you can do. You're getting a divorce and you know, Kim is, and you, you're, look, dude. You are not the same guy you used to be. And we all understand that and you have beautiful children and just co-parent, like do a great job at co-parenting. It'll be hard to be his new girlfriend now, I gotta tell you, you know what I mean? Like he might get laid but getting laid and having love are two different things. When you get laid, you know, they wait for you to go to sleep. They take pictures of you. They, they blackmail you. They steal watches, you know? And for Kim, I don't think it would be hard for her at all. Somebody in Hot Topics, it was like, I think it will be just as difficult for her. I said, why? You already know what you're getting. You know, you're getting Kim and she's a, still young enough. She's not going to have any more children. She wants you, probably, to have children. So you can blend and maybe she'll get married again, maybe she won't, but she's also freeing people based on what she does with the prison system. She's getting her law degree. You know. Her fans will always buy the moisturizers and things like that. She owns the property. You built the house, but guess what? She can do what she wants with your property. Like bulldoze. Or... We talked about this already. Anyway. It, it won't be hard for her. It will be more difficult for you. You know, he's, he's a very effective man. And I, I feel bad talking about him but the music clearly isn't the same. And if he makes new music, you know where it's coming from something sad; they're going to be all sad words. Aw. Okay. (laughing) I'm ready. (laughing) Okay. (cheering) And now people that we know a person that we know is involved. Mario Lopez. (cheering) Mario has a friend and the friend likes boxing. Mario knows I love boxing. He, he seen me, you know, at matches. I've seen him at like, you know. And so his friend Mike is 55 and really available. And so Mario goes you know that girl, Wendy on TV, she likes boxing. And she lives in, in Manhattan and you live in Maryland and it doesn't have to be a fuss. That's a, that's a three hour drive. (laughing) No, I've changed my mind since this has been going on. It's it's better to have people who aren't in the zip code. Yeah. Like, can I have a break to do my show? (cheering) You know what I mean? (cheering) Are you, what, are we going out for dinner again? Can I make friends? Cause in new life everything is new for me, everything is new. You know, I have friends that I go out with. Not guys, I'm talking about everybody friends, you know can I just lay in the house and have the whole bed to myself? You know, you get a particular age and you've been through things. So your tastes change. And mine have changed a little bit since starting this date Wendy thing. And my thing is is that Maryland is perfect, but so is Chicago. And the Bronx is good. You know? 'Cause it's not right there. It's over there. And I like Florida. Anyway, back to Mike, take a look. Hey Wendy, it's your boy, Mario. And I heard you were looking for love. And I think I may have a guy for you. So check out my boy Esterman, he's single. Loves boxing. He lives on the East Coast. How you doin'? Wendy, I want to take you on a date. What do I have in mind? I thought a nice little casual dinner nothing too romantic and stuffy. Maybe a little caviar or even maybe chill and go to a boxing match. Oscar De La Hoya. You can make that happen right? I'm a guy that has charisma, character and little soul. So I hope he choose me. (cheering) Cute. Flexible. (laughing) The first thing I'd do is ask him, okay about this wallpaper. (laughing) I like your pool table, but anyway, but no that's an old school wallpaper though. Anyway. Okay. Here's about him. Mike owns his own business. He flips houses and he flips them very successfully. Uh-huh. There's Mike. Okay. Mike has also never been married kind of made me scared. You know what I'm saying? At 55, but here's what happened. He was in love with a girl who cheated on him. Yeah. And broke his heart. So, you know, maybe he's just distrustful or something like that. I have no idea. He has no children. Yeah. Well I guess they were going to have kids, but then all of a sudden you're in the bed with the next man. All this is off. That's rough. See men aren't the only cheaters. Let me see some other pictures of him. Do we have the one where he's... Oh, oh. (laughing) What? What? That's Mike's house. Wow. Wow. Okay. Now on Monday don't ask me what I was doing for the weekend. (cheering) No, that's really nice. We don't have him dancing on the yacht? I don't think so. Oh, you know why? Because the music. Oh. He was dancing to Billy Jean and he, he danced very well. So that's mine. (cheering) The sad thing is that all submissions end today the happy thing is that we've gotten some really good ones. I want to thank everybody who participated. If you're a woman and recommended one of your man friends if you're a man and you've recommended yourself or whatever and then stay tuned, okay. Because next Friday... I'm going to choose my three finalists and then they're... (cheering) It's very difficult too, we have a picture of all of them. Just one more time. I know. Right? You better love being single. It's Christian. It's Tyrone. It's Julian. It's Jeff. It's Marcus. It's Rodney. It's Sean. It's Rune. And now it's Mike. (cheering) So here's the thing right? And hair knows hair. And we had a riot over the Tory Lanez Hair story. So apparently Tory Lanez had a picture of him playing basketball or something and there was an area... Oh. You're going to leave me alone. Well, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. So, but he has a good sense of humor. Like he... He's young enough to, I don't, I don't even know what that is. That's not even like you're going bald. That's like, did you get hair removed and put someplace else? Or were you wearing hair plugs? And then you got them taken out? So after this went viral, then he went on Instagram and talked to us about how he's fixing it. Right? And what he did was he called... What's his name? Oh, the guy- Nicki Minaj's ex. Right, she called Tyga's guy. Oh right. Tyga's guy. Tyga. Right. He called Tyga's guy and said, well, what'd you do with your hair? Like what? Like these men are playing around with their hair these days, girls. So Tyga's, Tyga was like, oh, here's the, here's his number. So when he got, have you ever heard of it where you get your blood transfused into your head and then you can grow the hair? I'm not going to suggest this to you, okay? I heard about this a while ago and I said, no, I'm fine. I like a full wig. And, and when I take it off though, look, Mike. You'll see. (laughing) (cheering) Anyway. So, so look, but if you hold that picture what I noticed, 'cause he wanted to fix his hairline, and the thing is, is that we can see, all right. Three, two, stop. No. Ah! Stop. No, back it up. Ah! Stop, stop! No, back it up! (laughing) Stop! Okay, do you see this half an inch? Do you see it's darker and thicker than the rest of his hair? You might not notice that if you, if hair doesn't know hair but I know, like I'm looking and I'm like, okay. And now it's filled in up in here and maybe that's topics on top. (laughing) Maybe Gorilla Glue. (laughing) Maybe. Maybe he used Gorilla Glue. (laughing) (cheering) The barber is just happy to be in the picture though. (laughing) And by the way, Tory Lanez, no matter how much you had a good time with us, we will never forget that you're the one who shot Megan Thee Stallion in not one foot, but two. Yup. He's that guy. He's trying to make us forget. Oh, I have to say allegedly? Uh-huh. Allegedly. Why? 'Cause he hasn't been convicted. Because she hasn't said anything. But he allegedly shot her at both feet. (laughing) You know what? Anyway, I just can't, and he's cute too, but nope. Not pow pow. No. Allegedly. (upbeat music)
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 312,688
Rating: 4.7772894 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, kim kardashian, kanye west, kourtney kadashian
Id: 0sl-t3eqVGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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