Wednesday, November 11

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♪ Feel it, feel it ♪ ♪ Feel it. ♪ Live from New york City it's the "Wendy Williams Show." ♪ Oo yeah ♪ ♪ Feel it, feel it ♪ ♪ Feel it ♪ ♪ Feel it, feel it ♪ ♪ Feel it ♪ ♪ Feel it how you feeling ♪ ♪ When we feeling how feeling ♪ ♪ And we feeling what we're feeling ♪ ♪ Here we go ♪ ♪ Woo woo ♪ ♪ Woo woo ♪ ♪ And then I like that ♪ ♪ How you doing Wendy? ♪ ♪ Lets go ♪ Now, here's Wendy. (audience cheers) Thank you for watching our show. Say hello to my co-host, my studio audience there first and the beautiful people at home behind me that's my virtual audience. (audience cheers) How you doing? Good. Great, today let's get started, it's time for Hot Topics. (audience cheers) And it works, okay. That's wonder woman. And I always keep this on cause I don't wanna drop it. Okay, I'm minding my own business I'm in my office and I'm thinking of you and I'm thinking of, you know, the people that we have on the show and the people coming on the show and friends on the show, like the show, the show, the show, you know, and my food, my food, my food. Okay. So I decide to text and you'll figure it out right away. Heart emoji, this is me. Heart emoji, you can't fool me, Mimi forever. Who am I talking to? Nick Cannon. Nick Cannon. So three minutes later, he texts back from LA, "Ha ha ha, what do you mean???!" And I text him back three minutes later, Brittany and whoever else you're doing you- No listen, uh, uh, uh. You and Mariah will capital W-I-L-L this is me. You and Mariah will get married again... Not now, but eventually. And Nick text back right away, "I'm not mad at that idea." (audience claps) Handling business on my broken phone. So in the meantime, here's an update, over in Beverly Hills, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star friend to the show, Erika Jayne. You know, she's the one who was, well she's 49 now and her soon to be ex-husband is 81. And remember, she was a waitress at a cocktail bar and he basically stalked her. Like he would show up all the time you know, eventually he was showing up regularly by himself and finally he asked her out. And at first she was like no, but he persisted and she finally said yes, next thing you know, they're inseparable. They've been married for 21 years, no children, 21 years. So this is the big one. She announced divorcing Tom last week. Now, when Erika was here, remember she told us that her glam squad alone cost her $40,000 a month. Well, I gotta tell you, hair was expensive and you know, she's not just rich, she's R-R-I-C-H. I mean, for 21 years this is the lifestyle that she's been used to. So what kind of spousal support do you give Erika Jayne? If he's worth you know, over a billion dollars, what kind of spouse... And he's got kids of his own and grandchildren. I don't know this for fact, but I'm just gonna pitch this to you. What if she found out that she is not in his will? Because that I didn't say it's true. I said, this is me theorizing. That is the only reason why a 49 year old woman who's invested 21 years in this billionaire. Why couldn't she, he's 81. She could have held on for a few more years, you know what I'm saying? So, if she's, if she found that she's not in the will then she might as well divorce him and start collecting that child that spousal support and also divorce him. So in the California courts, you know, the wife gets half. And remember, remember- (audience claps) ... she already said that they do not have a prenuptial agreement so 50/50. Now, I don't expect that Tom being the smart lawyer that he is, would give her 50%. But I think that she would probably get somewhere around... And I know this is cheap Norman, I'm not even gonna look at you. Don't look at me. $50,000 a month. Boo, boo. Well, she's not getting $ 1,000,000 a month. Well- She has no kids by him. I agree. She also knows how to do her own glam and she admitted that on the show, that she knows how to do her own glam she knows how to clip in her own clip-ins, do her own hair, do her own makeup, pick out her own clothing. She's got closets and closets full of clothing, all that's hers. Right now, she's living in a one bedroom, one bathroom home. Excuse me, excuse me, $7,000 a month. So you tell me what this place looks like. The kind of place that Otro Cinco needs to live in, remember I was telling you. Right. It's probably fabulous. You know, sometimes in life, we need to learn how to zhoosh down in order to appreciate. Right outside of our door there are homeless people laying on the sidewalk people losing their jobs, everybody's zhoosing down and why shouldn't she? I mean, it's not right. She's a lovely woman. I know she's got lots of followers on Instagram and social media. I know that she does lots of those cabaret shows and I know that glam is all a part of it. She gets it, I get it, you get it. But 40,000 of that $40,000 a month for glam squad, no. You keep one of your best glamors on and you have him zhoosh up what you've already done. So in other words, when he gets to the house you've already put on your eyelashes, you've already done what you can with the eye shadow and your foundation and the hair is in. And then he just comes through like, who was that? Wendy from Potomac. Remember when that glam squad person tried to crash into her to fix her up and then she got mad. Right. When she knows doggone well that she asked him to come in there. We saw it, we saw the front door receipts. Right. Anyway, I'm sorry to hear about this. Again, Erika Jayne, you've got friends here, five, five, five H-E-L-K. (audience claps) So, this is really bad and I don't believe he needs to go to jail for this though. And I believe that they need to be adults and settle this. And Future this is gonna take your part, not hers. Cause this is your baby, you already took the test. Yes, that's Future. He's been called a liar by one of his baby's mom actually his baby's mom, number seven it's Eliza Reign. See they're eight babies moms. At first, I thought it was nine but that's future in the middle. Look, look, the same two that don't wanna be identified. Jessica and the other one, they don't even wanna be seen. I have no idea what that means, maybe he does drive-bys by them or maybe, you know his money's no good to them or maybe he pays them already accordingly. Eliza Reign is baby's mother number seven. In the court document, it says that Future is downplaying his finances to avoid paying child support to his one-year-old daughter. Her boobs look hard though, don't don't they look hard? I'm just, I'm just saying, just saying. Future, Future though testified, testified, testified that he's renting a two bedroom, two bathroom home and he's driving... He only, he put the word only in there. He only drives a 2017 Range Rover and doesn't own jewelry. Eliza's attorneys did some digging. And so did we, this was so easy to find out. Future has a five bedroom, seven and a half bathroom mansion worth $2.3 million, hold on, that he purchased in his mother and his sister's name. Okay, okay. He's not that dumb, okay. But the jewelry thing is as easy as... Look I can, I can drum that up on my broken phone. Look, look, look at Future flaunting his jewelry, what the negrosity. (audience laughs) Now look here Mr. Wilburn, you have got to do right by your one-year-old and I don't care that you don't get along... (audience cheers) Spam, I'm not opening that. Anyway, Eliza's lawyers, lawyer wants to hold Future in contempt of court. Now, what does that mean? Contempt, that you lie to the court and so you could do possible jail time. It does you Eliza no good to have him in jail for six months, one year, three years or whatever, it does you no good because you and I both know that the money is not in the sales of the records, the money is in touring and when this Corona is lifted and Future is able to get out there and tour, you know and I know Future's got plenty oh dough hidden someplace. And you and I both know that Future's got lots of cars and that he... While the mansion is owned by his mother and his sister, if you dig deeper there's probably another mansion someplace else owned by him with a couple of girls laid up in there. What they need is an arbitrator, don't clog up the courts. They need an arbitrator and they need their lawyers there also as witnesses and they need to walk out of there with a settlement. The only thought for the two of you needs to be about your child. And by the way Eliza, do not invite the other baby's moms to join in with you. This is your fight, they're the ones who open their legs to him like you. So, but whatever you get is your money and what Future I'm sure we're scared of, because a year ago when she first filed he wasn't worried about her. He was still driving around like in Ferrari's and stuff and living in the mansion and doing big things. But now that she's laid the heavy hand of the Lord down on him, I know he's worried about Cindy and Joy and Brittany and India and Sierra and Jessica and unidentified. What, what are they gonna ask, what are they going to ask him for? You know, so whatever Eliza gets is gonna set the precedence and, and that's a lot. Look, Future if I were you, I would just tie it in a knot. You know, take care of your kids and get back on tour. (audience claps) Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible. I apologize in advance but I must go along with OJ Simpson. The juice has made people furious, people on social media as well as the Brown Simpson or the Brown family. OJ is the one who announced over the weekend that Nicole Brown Simpson's mother passed away. The family didn't get a chance to make the formal announcement. OJ was sitting in his house and he also said they had a great relationship. Well, take a look. Trying to raise two kids by myself, I could always call Juditha, she always was there for advice, she was always there to listen to what I had to say. Right up to the end, no matter what the situation was. It wasn't always about the kids sometimes it was just about what I was going through. Juditha was always there to lend a ear. And people are saying how could he have the audacity to post this? And I say, because OJ like... Love you, but the Kardashians, Kanye, Future these people are living on another planet that we don't identify with and, and nor do we want to. He didn't realize I guess that the family didn't post it. He didn't realize that it was a secret. He probably thought the family posted it. OJ is living in his own world. I do believe though, that he probably had a terrific relationship with them because you know, when their mom was killed the kids were young and she wanted to see the kids and the link to seeing the kids was to see OJ because OJ took care of the kids, remember. He'd stopped taking care of the kids once the glove didn't fit, do not acquit or something. Anyway, at some point the kids were not, not in his custody but up until that point if she wanted to see the kids she had to get along with OJ. And I do believe also that she talked to OJ about other stuff besides the kids or Nicole, you know, OJ was living the football life always on the road. Maybe he missed the kids, you know. Can you show them on FaceTime? You know, hi Judita, would you- Juditha. Juditha, you know, can you tell me how the kids are doing? How's Nicole doing? You know, I'm coming home this Saturday. Can you make, you know, that meal that you make that I really love? Do you understand what I'm saying? I, I do believe that OJ had a particular relationship. Why does he still have to be good looking? Damn it. Time for the Romance Report, hit it. (audience cheers) From E News Lilliana Vasquez is back, okay. Dancing With the Stars, not the show, the divorce. Yes, so there are a fair rumors swirling in the ballroom on Dancing With the Stars. Over the weekend, Gleb Savchenko and his wife Elena announced that they were splitting up after 14 years of marriage, but they had different approaches to how they announced this split on social media. So Gleb posted a beautiful photo of his family with two kids. He said that he posts this with a heavy heart that he is asking for privacy and that they are going to co-parent their children. Well, if he wants privacy then why does he put his daughters out there? Exactly, it could have just been a photo of him on Dancing With the Stars. Well, Elena was not having it. She instead posted a very cryptic quote, which read, "I don't hate you, I'm just disappointed you turned into everything you said you'd never be." With a broken heart emoji next to it. And as if that wasn't enough, she then did an interview with People. And she went on to say that he has torn their family apart. And I'm gonna read you the quote Wendy. Okay. She said, "No wife should ever stand by and watch while another woman gifts her husband expensive presents, lures him out to dinners and seduces him at every turn. Last night was the final straw and I can no longer turn my head the other way." Well, you can imagine fans of Dancing With the Stars were talking and immediately went to his partner on Dancing With the Stars. Her name is Chrishell Stause, she's from Selling Sunset- Is she single? She is single and- Does she have children? She does not have children. Okay, go ahead. So they are, she is available, he was not. But Gleb said that the friendship, it's a friendship, it's platonic nothing there. And Chrishell is also denying those allegations. Now, basically saying that there was nothing going on there. And her statement on Instagram said this, "It is unfortunate that this has caused rumors to swirl about my personal life. Having gone through a public split myself I would not wish this on anyone. As you can imagine the countless hours of training a dance rehearsals has created a strong supportive friendship, but nothing more." I don't believe it. Yeah, I think a lot of people are wondering here because where there's smoke there's fire. And if you look at the two of them, now they just got booted off Dancing With the Stars. But we have some pretty hot and steamy photos of them when they were partners. But that's what people like to see on Dancing With the Stars. Unfortunately, that's the stuff that causes the affairs behind the scenes and in front of the scenes. And we've seen this happen. Yeah, and you've also seen other relationships play out. You know, you have Nikki Bella and Artem, they got married and just had a baby. So do you think this environment propels people- Yes. ... into these... Yeah, yeah. Yes. And I think that's why fans are saying there's no way that nothing is happening. And apparently on set, the two of them had gotten a very big fight offset so we'll have to wait and see what- But at least they don't have children, Gleb and his wife. Oh no, they have the two daughters. They have the two daughters. At least the wife is young enough and beautiful enough to move along from him. Absolutely. And also I have to say that him becoming everything that he said that he wouldn't that's what happens when the cameras turn on and the lights get bright and you realize you're on TV. You know, some people, they just can't handle it and they become that person. Yeah, absolutely. So I think for her move on, she's gorgeous, she has two beautiful children and let him go be the cheater that he is. All right, now let's talk about Julianne Hough, okay. So her and her husband did not make it through quarantine. It has been good for some couples bad for others they announced back in May that they were splitting up. They was taking a break from each other- I remember. ... but now it's official. She has filed for divorce from her ex hockey player husband Brooks Laich. The only tied the knot a few years ago, back in 2017. So they haven't been together that long. And they don't have children? And they don't have children they have a beautiful dog together but they don't have children. Okay. Urgh And people are- The husband or the dog? Both. So that is Brooks, but people are saying that there were red flags in this relationship long before the signs were really there. For example, Julianne said that she did not wanna take his last name. He had an issue with that. This is okay well, what, wait, she's a Hough. The Houghs are established dancers. Absolutely. There's, there's her brother. Yes. The whole family. She's a- She's a brand, right? Yeah. Yeah, so- You're a hater man. Yeah, I know and then she admitted that they had started seeing a sex educator early in their relationship, to keep the spark alive. All right, I understand that Dr. Drew was here the other day and suggested sex ed, you know, going to sex classes but that's when you're middle age and you're already married- Exactly. ... and you're trying to figure out how to spice it up. You know, then he said he doesn't mind that, these two people are too young to be going to some sex educators. I agree. And then we also read a little bit about Julianne's sexuality. She did an interview with women's health, where she said that she was- How you doing? ... not straight and that she didn't reveal that to her husband until four months after they were married. So I think she's been going through a lot of discovery and it just so happens that that didn't happen together. They didn't stay on that same path together. Well, there both only 23 years old. They are little bit older, but I agree with you. They are both beautiful, successful they will find there right partners. Well, not him. No. Not, not, when girls find out exactly what he's done and that he holds his dog with the tail sticking out, which means that his arms are on the booty hole. Oh wait. Oh, no, yeah, yeah. The tails is to the eew. So for people that were hoping that there would be a reconciliation with these two, it's not gonna happen. Oh wait, we never got to Mike Tyson in the prosthetic penis. What? Oh, we're gonna do it tomorrow? We can totally go there, what story is that? Alright, stay tuned for tomorrow. Yeah. Thank you so much Lilliana. Thank you. Lilliana Vasquez everybody, we got more great show for you. Everybody up next, it's Todd and Savannah Chrisley, they're here. So grab a snack and come on back. (upbeat music) Please welcome Todd and Savannah Chrisley. (audience cheers) Hi, welcome back. Hello Wendy, how are you? Fine, Thank you Todd. Hi Savannah. Hi. You get more beautiful every day. Thank you. Well, thank you. She wasn't talking to you. Well, I was gonna take it anyway. Let's give you all some shoe cam. Savannah, you first and then we'll save you for last. I'm at home, so I'm, you know, comfortable but stylish. Right, okay. Todd, what have you got? I'm at home and I'm comfortable and where is it? Okay. He's wearing tether shoes. We like those. All right, and Todd by the way, you don't look like you've had a facelift at all. I know you play with the Botox but you look beautiful. You look really good, not in a facelift way. Lets not tell him that. Wendy, listen, you know, you and I are kind of the same people I like to think. I like to think that one day I'm gonna be as famous as you, but no I haven't had a facelift, will I do that when I'm 60 if I need to? Yes, but I do the Botox, I laser and I do have, I do have a skincare regimen that I do. And that's pretty much it. You're so secure with yourself Todd and you've taught that to everybody in your family. Like I love the boys... By the way how's your mother? Oh my gosh. My mother is doing wonderful. I mean, she, she is... Listen, we are so blessed to be able to you know, she's 76 and- 77. ... she's 76. She tells me she's 77. And this right here is a prime example of why your kids should go to a public school because a private education doesn't teach them how to do math. She said she is 77. Well, then she's crazy as hell, she's 76. So Todd, here's the deal, but you have such a secure family and you're so close with each other and your show is so widely, wildly successful. Why do you bother getting back at the haters? Cause I, I follow you as you follow them. I love that you follow me because now I'm gonna follow you because I want to, I want to always be friends with you. You know, I, I get bored if I'm laying there in bed at night and I see these trashy hags out there talking then I come out. And you know- I'm not too mad about it because it just improves my engagement. So I'm like, go after him all you want. I mean, if they're talking about me then I kind of laugh and let it go. But if they're talking about my kids then I'm gonna have to drag them to the street. Savannah, your fans are judging you on some rather risque pictures that you took and posted by the way, I think that this is beautiful right here. Like, do that while you can. Thank you. I still always think of you as 15 years old, but how old are you now? I am 23. Okay, and, but you wearing shorts but by the way, I know that you were trying for the sexy in the black and white picture who took that picture? It was just a photographer here in Nashville. I had my makeup artist with me and you know, I felt, I felt confident. I was good. I took it too to help promote my cosmetic line sassy by Savannah that launches today at 12:00 p.m. So I'm excited. Good for you. I wasn't excited about, I wasn't excited about the picture. But can I be very honest with you? And don't take this the wrong way. Todd, I know you'll get what I'm saying. The black and white picture is not as good looking as the one with the shorts and the tank top. And not as good looking as the girl I'm looking at right now and the one I see on TV, you are much better looking than trying. Like you don't have to try, you just are, yeah. I'll take it as a compliment. Thank you. Wendy as I said, when I, when I saw the picture would you like to tell her my response? He got all, he was upset. She says I was butt hurt. And I said, first of all, when you are as pretty as you are there is no reason for you to try to do what's already been done that worked for somebody else- Yes. ... work your magic with what God gave you. Yes, Savannah. So now the lovely Savannah who's only 23 was also engaged to a 23 year old man. These two are too young to be engaged. Todd, this is the first boy that he's ever brought, that she's ever bought home that Todd actually liked. So Todd, you've maintained a relationship with him? We all have. I mean, Nick is still at our table, you know, two or three times a week. And you know, we're all good friends and we love him. And he's a good guy, but you have two young people with great careers. Both of them are very ambitious. And Nick, you know, there's that thing of, you know, I've raised Savannah to be very strong and independent. And I am woman hear me roar and that she doesn't need a man. A man's, you know, is not a necessity they're a luxury. And you know, Nick is, Nick wants to be her guy and Savannah's a lot. I mean, Savannah is kind of doing her own thing and can support herself. What does Nick do for a living? She doesn't need that. What does he do? He's a very successful real, he's a, well, he retired from hockey and he's a very successful real estate agent here in Nashville. Nice. But you know, it's just, I agree with your father. Now are you dating Savannah in between moisturizing and stuff? Right now, I'm just keeping things quiet. I'm focusing on my cosmetic line and just my dreams because I'm at a place in my life where I'm 23 years old. I have my voice and I want it to be heard and I wanna prove that I can create a business and I can create any business that a man can do and the fact that I can do it better so. And that would be one of the reasons that would be one of the reasons Wendy why the relationship kinda, kinda went to heads with it. Yeah, it's okay. When are you moving to New York? I mean, Atlanta is great but when are you moving to the Capitol of the world? What if I told you- She's been begging me for two years to let her go to New York and live for a year. And I said listen, you're 23 years old, go live your life based on what you know is the right thing to do and what is going to feed you. And don't worry about whether or not it me off or your mother, live your life, it's yours to live. Savannah, when are we doing this? You know. I'm a great roommate. Aint, aint nobody a great roommate. Todd- If you ain't sleeping with them they aint a good roommate. Todd, you had COVID in April- Yes, darling. ... and you were hospitalized. Yes. How do you feel now? Yes, I feel great. I mean, it took me... I mean, it was probably the sickest that I've ever been. And it took me about two months after getting out of the hospital to truly get back to where I felt like me, but now I feel great. (audience claps) So season number eight of "Chrisley Knows Best" starts this week. By the way, I watch your show. Remember- Thank you. Remember I was nervous in the very beginning but I watched your show. As a matter of fact this past weekend, I watched at least 20 hours of it. Like it came on in the morning and played all day long. So now I'm all ready for the new season, number eight. What can we expect? Thank you. Cause I'm here for it. You know, I think that you're gonna see a lot of growth with the kids. You're gonna see a lot of stuff that you know is going on in our life on a day to day basis. And you're gonna see a lot of stuff going on with my mother who at 76 has kind of started living her best life. Between your mother and your youngest son, I can't believe that he... First of all, he still sleeps with you in the bed, but he's still- Not anymore, no, no, no, not anymore. Okay, okay. Those were the old episodes He's 14 now, he's gotta be, yeah, he's gotta be in his own bed at 14. 14, I think of him as a... Wow, he's a grown young man. I can't wait to see what he's up to too. Listen, Chrisley's thank you so much for being here. "Chrisley Knows Best" everybody airs Thursday nights at 10 o'clock on USA. Celebrity Look-a-Likes is next. (audience cheers) (upbeat music) Welcome back, it's time for Celebrity Look-a-Likes. I love this and this. Our first celebrity look a like comes from Angela who watches the Wendy Show on KCPQ in Washington. Angela thinks that she looks like Halle Berry. Well, here's the real Halle and here's Angela. Oh yes, yes, yes, Angela. Okay, our next celeb look-a-like comes from Jacob who watches the Wendy's show on KTTV in California. Jacob thinks that he looks like Liam Hemsworth, okay. Here's Liam Hemsworth and here's Jacob. (audience claps) Maybe better than, yes, Jacob. Okay, our next celebrity look-a-like comes from Franklin who watches the Wendy's show on WNCF in Alabama. Franklin thinks he looks like Akon. So here here's the real Akon and here's Franklin. Yes, yes, you know, maybe Akon's first cousin, yeah. All right, our last celebrity look-a-like comes from Amy who watches the Wendy's show on WPXI in Pennsylvania. Amy thinks that her pet Gus looks like queen Elizabeth the first. So here's the queen and here's Gus. You know what? I love Celebrity Look-a-Likes. If you or someone you know, looks like a celebrity, sharing is funny go to Ask Wendy is next. (upbeat music) We're back and it's time for Ask Wendy, Tiffany's in Pennsylvania. Hey Tiff, how you doing? How you doing? Tiffany, what's your question? How can I help? Well, I'm a broker and owner of a real estate company. Okay. And my husband is our CFO. We have grown to many locations and as we are growing so have my responsibilities. Okay. I feel he takes my broker's position as being a bossy wife. However, I wanna respect my man's ego and let him know he's still the man of the house. How can I balance being a boss in the boardroom, but a wife in the bedroom? Okay, explain to me and maybe some other people don't understand. Are you the boss of your husband at work, are you his boss? Yes, yes. How long have you guys been married? This we're going 22 years. Okay, do you have children? Yeah, two girls. How old are they? 20 and 15. Okay. You gotta find a balance, you and your husband and this will be a conversation between the two of you but also more of action on your part. You know, like don't bring your laptop. Even though I love a laptop in the bedroom and I love to be on my phone in the bedroom and I love the TV on in the bedroom and whatever else. But there are a lot of people who say that that's not romantic. Perhaps you're one of those couples who need to pull back on work responsibilities in the bedroom, maybe read books instead in the bedroom or talk to him or meditate or something, you know? But, but this is gonna be up to you more than him because you're his boss. Congratulations girl. Thank you. Okay, Brittany is in Las Vegas. Hey Brittany, what's your question? Oh my gosh, gorgeous. How can I help you? Oh, oh, check one, two. Hi Wendy, my childhood best friend of over 20 years recently just became friends with this other girl. And every time I try to hang out seems like they don't want me involved in their activities. We live in different cities and every time I come to visit, she'll say she's busy or whatever but on social media, I'll see that she's going out to brunch or dinner or drinks with this other girl. I know you're territorial with your friends like me. And I feel like she might be trying to take my friend away from me. How do I let her know that I'm feeling left out without seeming too needy? You're not needy. First of all you live in Vegas, how far does your friend live from you? About a six hour drive in California. Yeah, so you go out of your way to go see her, only to- Right. ... only for her to say she's busy. Now, do you just pop up on the scene or do you tell her you're coming to see her? I tell her and my family lives there also. So you know, when I go, I'm coming to see my friends and family and it's always a let down, you know, the last three or four times I've gone, I haven't got to see her, you know. This is, this is a straight conversation with just you and she and it should be in person. Like the next time you go see your family you know, make sure that you call her and, and act needy you know, act whiny and say you just wanna see her, you miss her. Can you guys just go out for coffee or something like that? And then let her know. I find there to be nothing wrong with this. And I do think, that your other friend, the other friend is moving in on your territory. And I also think that after 20 years of being friends, your friend might have different interests than you. Friendships do grow apart, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, but I don't want mine to grow apart. Life happens. With her, yeah. Life happens though. Sure. Good luck. We'll be right back. Thank you. (upbeat music) We love birthdays here on the show. Our birthday shout out now goes to Mary in Maryland, who is 69 years old. She's a nurse working on the front lines, she's got four kids and five grandchildren and Mary we're sending you our birthday crown. If you wanna birthday shout out, just go to We'll be right back. (upbeat music) Everything you wanna know about this messy sloppy show is available at Why my eyelashes hanging? I don't know where Morel is, but you know what? There. See it first, see it now only at We'll be right back. (upbeat music) Well, we did have chicken and waffles for lunch, so that might, he might be... Did you knock on the bathroom door? No. Aina Van Sat tomorrow, celebrity beauty products. I love you for watching, see you next time on Wendy, bye. (upbeat music) How you doing? Nice.
Channel: The Wendy Williams Show
Views: 223,347
Rating: 4.8246379 out of 5
Keywords: wendy williams, the wendy williams show, #youtubeblack, entertainment, celebrity news, talk show, hot topics, ask wendy, romance report
Id: rX3zl4Zt4dQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 29sec (2429 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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