Wendy Williams Disrespects Kris Jenner (Full Interview)

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I never even knew this clip existed! Crazy to watch considering none of them would ever appear on her show now

👍︎︎ 38 👤︎︎ u/catholicschoolgrl420 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wendy looks very healthy in this clip, and Kris sounds different and less polished. Nowadays she wouldn’t show it if a question bothered her, she’d just stay silent for a second then give a non-answer. I’d love to see Wendy interview Kris today, but that’d never happen for obvious reasons

👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/thewestfamily 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wow Wendy is something else. I didn’t realize the divorce was announced while Kris was promoting her book

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/Xoxneesa 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol, asks like it's a bad thing, I'm certain all Wendy Williams cares about is her money and power.

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/shoshanna_in_japan 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wendy Williams is a toxic ass woman

👍︎︎ 51 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

I am extremely impressed by Kris’ responses. People talk about how PR proofed her interviews are today, but she was the same back then, just chose to give off a relatable vibe rather than the professional one they’ve been going for.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/whyu44 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

Wendy Williams is the worst.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/Katedodwell2 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

So many interesting things about this clip. Funny to think that Kris, Lamar, and Scott are NO longer with the girls. They discuss Khloe’s “fertility” issues. It’s all very interesting.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Justchilllin101 📅︎︎ Apr 28 2020 🗫︎ replies

I loved this interview! And I love the fact Wendy doesn’t hold back and asks all the questions we wanted to know— even if Kris gives us some fake answer about God.

👍︎︎ 20 👤︎︎ u/thatgirlscarlett 📅︎︎ Apr 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Applause] [Music] [Applause] some people say the Kardashians are famous for being famous I say they're famous because of our first guest we've all heard the recent news of Kim Kardashian's divorce and the many rumors circulating about well here to address that and more including her revealing new book Kris Jenner and all things Kardashian please welcome to our show Kris Jenner [Applause] I talk to you and at you so many times in my head that it's nice to finally have you here I watch so many of your shows and when you do mention us or you have the girls on you've always been so amazing I feel like after watching you on Dancing with the Stars and everything very well okay so pleasant trees aside let's talk because this has been a very crazy week for you and your family and you know Kim who has fled the country she had him here speak yeah you know she did have these obligations that she had had you know scheduled six months ago and I think that honestly Kim is had to do something very difficult this week and um not only her family but you know many people and her fans and her viewers she feels like horrible and doesn't want to disappoint anybody else so she decided not to cancel in Australia and to go on and do what she needed to do and she'll be home tomorrow but as her as her weight please please but as her manager what the business really have suffered if you sent Khloe to promote the bag line while she either a does the talk show circuit and talks to her public her disappointed public herself or be just stay in the house with the blinds shut if she's so devastated couldn't she have put aside business for a week or two well you know what asked her I'm really not acting as her manager right now my job right now is just to be her mom and I just really felt like she needs me and her family more than ever and that was her decision and I really had to respect that it wasn't even about I didn't care what she was going to do I just and she was with Khloe and I think that on some level it was a great I'm you know I'm just talking myself this not these aren't her words I think that it was a great escape for her to get on a whatever many hour flight to Australia with her sister Khloe so she could just sit there and pull her blanket up over her head and maybe that was her way she lives in a neighborhood that has no see I told her you know she just comes to my house cuz I have a gated community and she can be with me and Mason and the kids and I'm sure she'll do that when she gets home she actually cut half of her trip short she got over there and I really needed her family so she's on her way home so what was your reaction when when she first you know told you like mom would be I mean listen you a ma at me I speak for me I just want my kids to be happy and it makes me really really happy when they're happy I mean that's like my whole life all I wanted to do was have kids and a family and the white picket fence and you know the whole thing Mike that since I'm 14 years old so when you have these kids and you see them grow up and you see them have success and just happiness and lives and get married all she ever wanted to do was get married have a raise a family have babies she wanted the dream too so this is surprising you know for all of us you know when I found out that she was unhappy I was devastated and I'm devastated that she has to make this kind of a decision you know for all of us involved because it hurts the kids both Chris and Kim so yeah it's it's awful it does is did you ever think that that Kris Humphries was really the one you know as a watcher mhm I never thought he was the one and I've said it and you said it all so [Applause] you know what here's the thing and I and I promise you this is the truth I don't second guess my kids choices I happen to be somebody who I met and married Bruce Jenner in five months that's kind of shocking and I'm here 21 years later to tell you you know we've been married 20 years we have 10 kids all together big mouth Khloe's second guessed it right there at the wedding she whispered over I think the quote to your hopefully ex good friend we'll talk about in a moment Kathie Lee was I don't give this something about effing six months and then Kathie Lee you're the godmother to Kylie and Kendall and you're hopefully ex friend got on TV for the benefit of her own show and and revealed that statement at the wedding I did not you know III don't know what Chloe could have been kid you know Chloe's Chloe's [Music] windy to be a Kardashian Khloe comes out of her face with a lot of the things that we think of like Chloe called her now ex-brother-in-law a Frankenstein monster on TV I thought watch you know what I'm talking about I don't you know she says that all you care about is money a lot like she she gets after you Chris she does get after me because I'm intense and I'm a control freak and I'm like you know when I go it when I get up at 4 o'clock in the morning and I start my day it's all about business and I have a lot of people it's not necessarily she teases me it's not always about the money it's about my kids and their work ethic and their jobs and we work just like everybody else 18 hours a day until we fall down still part of the issue so an insider I adore Kathie Lee and I know she didn't mean any harm by that I promise you I have been excreting cat no Kathie Lee Gifford has been in my life for 35 years and would never do anything to hurt me ever she's been through too many divorces and marriages of mine you know mind my kids my burst my you know she's a family family friend and she's a dear a dear sister Christian mine and she would never do anything like that purposely so just Kris Humphries make any money off of the divorce I don't think anybody would make any money off of a divorce at this shorter period of time it's I don't really know I'm not I'm not privy to what they're you know your papers are I'm not sitting in an attorney's office if they have you know something going on or their agreement not in a million years I don't believe that well I can't I can't there's a there's probably a prenup but I don't I don't have any access to know he'd be able to write the tell-all but we're all going to read I don't think so I don't think either one of them have that kind of attitude towards each other I just think that you know that you I need to wait to see what happens with Kim when she gets home and because she's feeling and so how about this one there the rumors are out you guys know about it that the wedding was set up step-by-step between use and E and that Kris was casted as the role of the husband oh my god that is the most and that the Achilles thing I bet they looked around for Nix and and nets and jets and people to cast eggs and nuts and jets okay well listen I don't think Kim would first of all ever do something like that no no she's not our Kim she you know we're a pretty open book we share every single thing that happens in our lives Chloe came and said she met and married you know Lamar Odom in 30 days and everyone said that was that was pretend so you know in two years later they're the happiest most enough couple how was she doing with the baby project we were reading that she was doing what fertility or some just fine no she's 26 years old and she has a long time before she needs to worry about having a baby so those rumors are not true as well and yesterday on the cover of a magazine it was Kim as single and pregnant Kim is not single and prank you can't just because it's written down Wendy and here you know this and it's published and it's on the front page of something or somebody perpetuates it by saying it over and over doesn't mean it's true so are she gonna give the ring back if that is you know what here's the thing I think at this point and as the way Kim feels and what I hear in her heart nobody's worried about or thinking about jewelry right now we're just trying to get through a really difficult time I'm sure that if he asked I'm not if that if she that's between them would you not give the ring back absolutely not [Applause] I'm teasing I'm trying to find one little light of humor in all of this if there is any just two you know I teach my kids try to be good people have integrity do the right thing and be honest and they live like that they live like that since they were children so there she's not gonna start being dishonest people have tuned in to our show and watched our show since day one our fans and our viewers and they have gone they have invested a lot of emotional we have and we're not gonna start seven years there are seven 60s in LA and saying oh this is a fake wedding we have enough going on in case anybody hasn't noticed that we don't have to make up fake weddings and Kim doesn't need to go begging for boyfriends I mean you know what's the thing about this about them having a meal together downtown Manhattan prior to this whole announcement being made about the divorce has sheet that's true huh well they named the restaurant hot topics has been there several times to try to talk to somebody is there a picture well if they have a security camera do you hope that she gets back together with Reggie no I don't hope she gets back together I don't think she's ready to be with anybody after going through something like this I think that she needs to take a minute and find out what's going on you know with her heart and her get her business in order and and you know her heart in order and that's what I mean by that and just take a minute for herself she's obviously in a lot of pain and I don't think the last thing she's thinking about is dating anybody I think she just needs to figure it out will there be of because it was rumored Vera Wang Bridal line that Kim was going to be working on will that still be in place um I don't know anything about a Vera Wang Bridal line but if she was going to work on on it then you know she's all about romance and believes in marriage and wants the happy ending and the kids in the family so why not so what do you really think about Scott Disick you know what this is gonna shock you I'm kind of in love with him right now he has been the most amazing dad to see him with my grandson Mason is very cute is he's pretty adorable man they're really cute together and he's changed and he's sort of done a 180 and he he'll call me up and you know tell me funny stories he was on the road the other day and he called me about something and he had me laughing yeah you know and he kind of broke up my day and I he said he's looking like the golden child at this particular point is it with Kris Jenner after the break keep it here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we're back with Super Mom Kris Jenner and we're gonna get to your book in just a moment they're just two things that I have to ask you about so as you've been going from show to show you've been saying that there was no money made off of the wedding so other than the the reality show the regular you know Kardashian show and and the wedding special and a few pictures sold two magazines there was no money made off of the wedding well there was money made off the wedding with the pictures that were sold the wedding pictures to People magazine and there was money made our regular salaries that we get for shooting Keeping Up with the Kardashians which then turned into the wedding special yes at the end of the day they used that money to pay towards the wedding and then Kim paid a lot of her own money to add to what was still you know it was a very big deal and so she still owed money so there was no profit from the money so she didn't make bazillions of dollars at the end of the day not in a trillion years and that's what so you know unfortunate if these numbers are printed like you know people are just plucking them out of the sky how come you guys in front of that - we know we mentioned that many times I think people because it's it was mixed it wasn't a big sensational story it was like this is printed one day Kim made you know 42,000 billion trillion dollars off of her wedding well it's so ridiculous that you think who's gonna pay attention to that you say no that's not true or you tweet it and that's the end of it but then when something like this happens all those stories are perpetuated and then the the gifts because I can know like Giuliana and Bill they were invited and she went through her cancer situation and and so I asked them I said well so you didn't go to the wedding I leaned into them this was when we've gone to commercial when they were here and I said well yeah what did you get them you know for a gif didn't Giuliana was like everything is so expensive so now what happens with the gifts well I I'm assuming I haven't spoken to Kim about gifts so this is just my take on it I'm assuming she'll send things back and she's also I know that the other day she made a very generous donation to a wonderful deserving charity that she's involved with and which she does very often very quietly but she did this one in honor of all the gifts she had given so she took the amount of the things that she had register and gave more than that to a wonderful charity at home and you know she does things like that Kim first of all has one of the biggest hearts of anybody I know and she's beyond generous so she does she'll do the right thing we like your family we just because we've invested so much time so you know I feel like you know we want to know stuff so not just on it Chris isn't Christmas and you wrote in the book about an affair that you had on your late husband Robert Kardashian with a guy that you thought would then turn into the next man but you walked in on the next man in bed with his another woman it really sucked yeah that was a bad bad time in my life you know I had met Robert when I was a teenager we had been together for many many years and had a lot of kids and I think I just kind of grew into a really bad place in my marriage that I wasn't really old enough to realize that marriage does have its ups and downs and I talked a lot about that in the book to kind of give other people you know an insight into how I was feeling and I walk you through my whole divorce and I had an affair and how horrible it was on my self-esteem and how it all turned out and I thought like life was just over and you know as soon as I really sort of surrendered my life to my kids and where I should be at home in my marriage into God and to putting all my priorities back in to the right place I became happier I became much happier as a person but I learned from all those mistakes I do call my divorce my greatest you know regret in my life I mean that was that's like that was my lowest of lows what I feel like you've made such a mistake it took that to get you here and you can say what you know you want about Kris Jenner but one thing that you are is a fearless tiger mother and as a mother [Applause] so I got it I get that the book also sheds some light on your friendship with the late - Nicole Brown Simpson yes and the murder you explained that Nicole had pictures and a safe can you tell us that story but thank everybody eventually saw those pictures but right around the time when she was killed she had asked me to come over to her home and she wanted to share it all of that with me but then she hadn't done so previously so and I couldn't go and we were supposed to have lunch that day that she was she was murdered and so that will always be a huge regret of mine that I think anybody that has ever had a friend and I'm Nicole was the most amazing girlfriend and the the best mother I had ever known she was all about her kids sure ho that was her life you know she was the best mom the best daughter the best sister and you know when you have a friend like that and something terrible happens all of us I'm sure that where her friends felt like gosh was there something that I could have done and anytime that they do bring into like the evidence of domestic violence for example you know you feel like wow why didn't I see that I'm a terrible terrible friend you didn't notice that are you a better friend or a better mother um I think I'm a better mom my my kids are my life I understand you know so have you spoken to OJ at all since the trial I have not I have not spoken to him do you ever catch up with Sydney and Justin Justin I could stay close to Judy and Lou Nicole's parents and her sister Tonya I talked to Tanya I just Ted was texting with her yesterday yeah it was an amazing young woman and goes around and gives speaking and speaking engagements and she's got such an amazing family who've been through you know a lot and are just really just beautiful people you were able to have your way with your daughters you know the three stars of the show but then you have two ones you have two coming up behind them and Dillon Kylie and Kendall and Kylie and Bruce is definitely it looks like he's ready to come in and challenge yes in the direction that you put any Wells daughter's Gila so I can't wait to see Bruce get that backbone conversation with us kris kardashian excuse me kris Jenner's a new book is called Kris Jenner all things Kardashian it's available in bookstores now and everyone in the studio audience is going home with their copy [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: videos in my folder
Views: 1,235,735
Rating: 4.4738722 out of 5
Keywords: kris jenner, wendy williams, kim kardashian, wendy williams kris jenner, kardashian, kylie jenner, khloe kardashian, wendy williams kim kardashian, wendy williams meet kim kardashian, wendy williams meet kris jenner, keeping up with the kardashians, the wendy williams show, kim kardashian west, wendy williams meet khloe kardashian, kim kardashian wendy williams, wendy williams meet kylie jenner, shady
Id: Xm6p3wfMUPA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 07 2019
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