Lark Souls 2 - Episode 1: Bizarro Dark Souls

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we're coming at you at all we're gonna get some goddamn Dark Souls 2 good Dark Souls to practice I have like I played like one inch of Dark Souls one before I have like never touched Dark Souls 2 even in the least it looks good the game is good oh it has a name scholar of the first sin so this is actually there was like kind of an updated version released and that's what scholar of the first sin is okay so it's like like prepare to die edition kind of yeah DLC but it also has like I don't like a bunch of different enemies and [ __ ] too just like in the game that's cool so there's like additional content basically immersive and I thought today to celebrate we would drink all the beverage of the gods from our stool mugs Oh folks for you all watching at home Jacob just slammed like a gallon jug of Sunny D onto the table and he's now pouring it into our skull mugs we have not quite magic school months but they the air both skulls works alright so now here's here's the question do does Costco make it out alive after Dark Souls 1 and make it to this 100 this you remember the cutscene from the last I do I forgot about that I'm ready to get first sinned let's go to cheery point cuz wins plus I know those heyy we know this do we don't clay it the last game it was Lord Ram and I was drangleic Oh different so you're familiar no she needs an orthodontics yeah she needs braces stat get those on that [ __ ] now the cool touch here you'll notice the reflection is slightly different from the actual Oh reality very slightly like things things are just more built more tall hopefully the all-city music they like they lighten up oh yeah look there's way more torches in their reflection yeah oh and a door don't do it [Applause] bye hey that's that's us we can't say bye to them and that's us Oh me also every Firefly went down in this pit so if there isn't just 10,000 fireflies in the doom dimension um it's things betwixt okay privileged portal I'll green fingers gross so can you tell that we're in the game like that see so subtle difference things betwixt oh all right so you'll notice we haven't customized or character yet it's still just this schmuck oh and all the goons are the schmuck - who are you very freely bizarro Dark Souls now like now yeah now that you finally kind of like got the hang of Dark Souls 1 now they like changed a bunch of [ __ ] alright but look at that health bar we got it seems to cap off at half for some reason we're cursed very strange yeah it's like a curse we can liken our right to run around those little ski buddies what the heck was that skipper dude they're just skipper dues running around take like a little gum on balloons well I'm seeing some water yeah tell me your thoughts besides just that you see some water is this the intro to The Witcher 2 no we're just in the Handmaid's Tale yeah and now we get to see like these same characters like begging to be compared to the intro cutscene where it looked really good yeah we did she said we'd end up at the gate yes maybe that was a different old lady well giving her the drank she's getting some sunny day they should get me a nice tall glasses sunny Pete okay try to recall your name oh yeah I don't know if I remember okay so there's a link do we I don't think we should bring class go back I think she likes to go yeah alright did I get veggies so we gotta do a new thing I think do you want to do that or today what about together what was your idea because I'm have any ideas I always wanted to name maybe like a firstborn son or something like Wayne barrows bike way narrows incredible I like bike way narrows okay Alfred bike way narrows that is an incredibly strong option oh [ __ ] Mike Wayne arrow hold on just do one are the old woman did they just like have her read every name possible so she can tell us our name marrow sculpture cute yes so I 3d printed this those are swirls in the new humanity in this game oh that's cool a lot of the items have been changed and humanity isn't that human effigy I think that's I think that's kind of cool we're actually yeah yeah oh and it's got the little a symbol of a dark mark yep before we do that can we go faced just amazing right away this is really [ __ ] up it already and then if you hit random just over and over again you can get complete monstrosity he's orange he looks like like literally an animal yes are we choosing a random head for mr. bike way narrow see me we'll see what we get I'm going to its best is my little fingers I see whose little fingers carrying him fast oh yeah I don't look he's God which was Elstad our eyes are definitely pointing in a different direction Oh Margit alternate universe oh he's kind of just anything's coming agents can like tweet that he looks like a goron let's do that just just bold let's do we're making Bob the Tomato hair color wow there's some options here oh [ __ ] oh we might have to do hair just I was just weaker dealer colors yeah we gonna do green hair this tomato oh Jesus what is the most tomato like is it a bolt cutters at this thing with a little X temple cut no Costco Costco whole cab you can't copy him we got to do the No More Heroes Travis touchdown sure let's go know what that meant but okay disgusting they're too close together that's been is too close together you're damn right I'm gonna shoot a hole mark yeah thought you know what is just huge it's like a like a bruise like he's a bruised tomato yeah yeah let's do you like slightly different is bruised tomato yeah peel them a little bit you know he's in some big demon that had like a napkin tied around its neck it was like a licking its lips and it had a peeler it was what be like guys lightsaber nearly forced across the room become his arm Bob the Tomato we gotta give you full words dude should I go all the way yeah all the way this is disgusting man this is physically frightening it's horrible it's horrible looks like a snail oh good we're going we're going small nose I think I mean we need to like okay yeah well unfortunately he's a tomato so it's got to be wrong rusik blood like the bottom left yeah it's big fat to Zeke ripped or not Oh round round smooth and dolphin Harbor horrible are you ready to go night into tomato yeah let's play the feud bikeway now those of class to maintain your giggling oh nice that's a little depressing God you some [ __ ] chapstick lady diseases get Burt's Bees going simple it's tax yeah by the way the game is Dark Souls Joe I guess it really was a scholar of the first sin magician and we're playing huge holes they used to be firekeepers they were tired that's like not this like all we know about them it's kind of interesting that one of them is sitting by a fire mm-hmm keeping the fire you can't use it as a bonfire though so are you - oh yeah he'll get up at us if we talk to them oh she's yucking - they all do like the three nice lamp when that young if you don't do the three nice lamp when you young I will slay you know she's doing it it's [ __ ] one two three you can't kill these things when I was doing the audio test earlier I don't want to do it I will say that that lady will bet once you go complete a certain amount of stuff and you come back here she will give you the soup ladle as a oh it is a terrible weapon what Jesus does like no damage but you can use it it was just one human effigy that's bad what are the life gems okay so healing is a little different in this you still have estes but I believe we start out of only one life one use per bonfire and we might not even have it equipped but life gems are like a usable resource they find in the game okay and like they're just like comment every where and like they you like crush one in your hand and then they like heal you slowly over time rather than bestest where it all just goes like Oh Oh God we're drinking beer no I'm just not used to drinking anything carbonated oh yeah so this is kind of a little tutorial area torches you'll know that the tutorial is notably shittier in this game what was it in the first one it was oh that's right that you just start out on that island the undead asylum with Isaac or whatever his name was Oscar Oscar Oscar Isaacs from us to do that yeah the torch mechanic is is good in this game it's kind of cool you all right yeah you're coming with me no he lived [ __ ] them up well you guys are sad they are sad I mean their tutorial is looking great oh good who's that friendly fellow no he doesn't he looks like a hippo well we do movie too also you got the by step oh it's a back like slice yes not so much a backstab as it is a back combo but whatever here's a little guru Cesc somebody I was knowing that in my head beautifully Skyward Sword I actually that's the one I haven't played I haven't played it either Billy I know what Bruce looks like just from waiting means yeah there's some good names he's like Bruce right also I have Safeway brownies here oh hell totally frosted I tried to go with the motif of light and dark than shown in this game the white frost or the white flakes on top of the dark frosting this guy by quite narrows loves big swords that's true he's just like kosgeb that's good like sickened big swords up asses maybe there's some kind of like family lineage going on yeah like the spirit got passed on from Costco maybe alright we're going through and we're looking oh do we need to see that I don't wanna turn do a little ball who's saying that so it's saying there's a little crow somewhere this is similar to the trading crow in the first game you remember that yeah I've never used do I drop a life gem in there mmm might as well does not do anything right now if you got a petrified something I think he could have dropped it oh I see hey you know I said it took a while for us to use the petrified something but I think you actually literally use it right there Wow sad also we know how to slide down the ladders you know did you just press me I press B yeah that's what made you slide down the first game I think you need to be holding down and also press B and like hold it Jesus all right I think that's what it is oh my life just you no longer cap to half yeah it's gonna be like Dame movie became human did you get to say will bright weapon okay let's do it I don't need a torch oh it just went out though yaps that wasn't the way what's your way it goes that it works like that sad I'll just be lit in my ass oh is it gone I'm scratching my there oh we only got four more seconds that work yeah keeping the torch out for a really long time is probably not a great idea yeah rip it has a timer but we'll be able to find torches later oh oh tell me Ida so it's laid press in the left stick while running oh wow you that was risky fortunately I think oh yeah the real test yeah nice to do that ladder gah is there a letter yeah okay let's do it how do I slide up sadly or you can climb faster if you hold B and while you're blowing up I think yeah it's skull I believe is the term scuttle but I don't think there's no loser II wall I'm here but I will say in this game you don't hit it loser II walls to activate them you press a Oh does it give you a little prompt - no no you just go for them and you press alright jump so you'll notice this guy's actually just a statue hey we got encouraged you can't get past him you can't hit him we have to use an item that we find later on to make him a human again to make it a human but it's funny because you turn them out of a statue and then they just instantly die thank you motor gorgeous view ahead defeat required ahead this is just the room right before the main entrance to the game right arm required ahead but trying woman classy joke as a hope ahead tears Madhuri Oh Oh gorgeous right over the hip up its medulla don't worry about it I just get that ball don't worry about it well this is gorgeous yeah right isn't this a nice looking area you can look out at the water it like actually animates oh that's awesome hey cool sing a little village oh this is so nice this is a bonfire we'll be using quite a bit in this game it's like has a nice little fire circle this is just like this is basically the equivalent of Firelink shrine in bellos game okay awesome what a charming little area just ahead there for strike toad there's a merchant that will eventually be sitting on that rock that has big tits that's what it's a great chest ahead Dark Souls classic so this is water did most every time somebody's dying in this edition of the game oh my god isn't that pretty cool it does it's very Menace these guys Wow it's like you kill themselves now this is the most [ __ ] video game [ __ ] ever it's guys like I'm a blacksmith all my stuff's in there well I lost buki so oh yeah someone locked the door and he doesn't have the key to his own place I guess if you fetch me twelve bare-asses you voted on by the way I actually haven't yet oh god it's really good I literally got ain't gonna help the episodes it's really [ __ ] funny it's like on my big next list but I just I haven't there was an episode of the came out recently where a centaur [ __ ] of B and has a child with the B and a B gets like pregnant like a mammal for some reason and then they they sire this weird like be worse human hybrid that like gets bullied by all the other bees because it has a human face good [ __ ] you know the treasure chests are wooden now oh yes if you strike them a few times they'll break so in that means if you do that before oh my god carbonation before you open a chest and it has an item in it you don't destroy it oh god sorry then it will become rubbish the item will be like unusable a Sam yeah so you gotta watch out for that we've the latter right now look at the space I didn't mean to why would I ever want to try that it's just a hole here there's items down it it crazy and people that have died well I guess I'll go down there next I use a lot I hate that it like beats you out when you hit any like kind of goes to like reach for the doorknob it goes all stop ooh wait I'm hitting that knock that [ __ ] around and you go hey a corpse I say we got this display sorry okay so that oh so we get a couple of those you make a full Estus flask that means that we get another Estus flask oh these guys you might want to watch out these actually Oh what they take a lot of damage yeah not too hard to deal with but you can let yourself get killed but it's clicking per say I'm going in the hole all right mmm I'm going in the hole all right it's best that you experience this on your own well okay it tricked me we got gypped I got gypped you know that's the quintessential Dark Souls to experience is trying to go down the whole little beginning instantly kind of sad you don't get to like a little cutscene but the statue like ticking one more for your first death actually when you it didn't happen this time when you died for the first time in this game you get an achievement that says welcome to Dark Souls hey I'm cute I only play through this game wants yeah I played it for like quite a while because it's like comma long game but I I don't have quite as much memory of how this game goes so this is gonna be they're gonna be parts that are gonna be surprising for both of us all right I'm excited we're gonna meet a discount Solaire discount so later it's a he's not quite he's different disappointing he's just kind of replaces the role that solare had six sword though yeah I do well there's a snatch my mother's statue very easy we're gonna be seeing a lot of that interesting all right as a chunk there was an item right there there were six items right there he didn't make me go get the items she's him through the wall oh he's got a massive nut sack holy [ __ ] does he are you seeing this oh god he's got a bulbous Oh what is this let me kill it it's a it's a freak of nature no no the oh it's so smooth compared to Dark Souls 1 no God no I will never talk about his nuts and oh there's these who is they were trying to pull a lever and then they got turned into a statue and therefore blocked it off class everyone else that's a [ __ ] dick move you think it controls feel better so you're saying I think so so I suppose people disagree I tend to disagree I it's I mean it still feels fine yeah but it also go ahead and heal them oh cool all right guess we're just gonna go back to their fans it's the Emerald Herald I'm the next [Music] disease tomato disgusting he peered into the essence of soul can vendrick mm-hmm love that another power of your Emerald Herald that by a tower of the Emerald Herald so remember how we level up the bonfires in the last game now we talk to her below oh okay up or down go I actually forget we're both of these go on a whim we're going to heaven because one nice way oh I think this is a dead end but we get to see so covenant the gemstones should I enter ietter oh my god i know going good all right tanner actually no no no just hardens it maybe um whereby might be a similar mechanic in the last game if you killed that black dragon calamy that we never killed oh yeah you get a ring called the calamity ring that makes us see take double damage Jesus so they suspect that might be a similar thing there's a contraption there but it needs a thing needs a thing alright we're going this way okay Avery going down down I've been saying that's so [ __ ] much play caller like it's all your fault like I will always blame you for that like my viewers must get so into it they all longer to go into ancient Basin go back where you were kind of where that torch is there's a very hard to spot switch on the wall there that you yank oh yeah it's hard to spot yeah like a train whistle or something alright what are you respecting the some kind of heathen all right well you know I there are so many people died in this man people died there's nobody even in here how did all these people die probably lured an enemy out of this area that we're stepping into night Solaire so you may notice we can't actually talk to that guy that's an enemy he just doesn't give a [ __ ] that were there Oh actually we're just not a threat to him Wow so oh come on yeah you ready for this [ __ ] okay dude just a huge dude all right well I don't have a shield and that kind of weirds me out we could probably equip one you're probably not 100 my your life I'm such an idiot yeah you know the first enemy killed me that's and that is the way the news goes first things first or give me one of those hot damn brownies yeah they're kind of booby booby so alright I wanna touch your teeth marks to my teeth oh okay surface slope souls will serve as Bacon's okay Bacon's classic lobbies are some serious cubes they are thick Browning's all take that fat chomp these are thick they don't think mmm damn good too right I've been ditching to do this you know I've been kind of like half dreading this playthrough because this is like bizarro Dark Souls yeah and they're hurt like it's just gonna be a ride there's so many like questionable decisions in this game I'm ready but it's still like it's still pretty sick there are there people who sort of loud this game as being their favorite but it's hard to tell if there be any contrarians are not interesting gianna kiss at the exact same time that we said that said it's still above average oh yeah it's like Zelda games you know like Twilight Princess a lot of people consider one of the lesser ones but it's still like Twilight Princess man it's still awesome like better than so many other games if you look at our health there it's kind of capped you know that's kind of weird oh god please don't be every time you die does it go down I wonder why it does that don't it is you could even nail here the nail on the head every time we die we lose a little bit of max health it's miserable wow this is happening I didn't anticipate that big guy more like big die try again next time no the rest of that bonfire but that's just gonna reach Oh will it I can do better yeah no those are responding guys those are just standard enemies in this area yeah no there's like a few of those guys that are just like sitting there kind of just like pondering life uh-huh wasn't the High Knights which is like kind of like the same as the name Oh craps blue eye orb and they just do not give a [ __ ] and they are incredibly tough they're like endgame enemies so if you were to like attack one you'd be like right there would be 90 you'd be like all right take face yeah so there's three guys here and although begin the prepare to die tradition of this game having a lot of ganks just a bunch of oh whoa you burn you do a little shimmy oh oh begin yeah this guy's got a slightly different weapon he does what he's trying to do shoot me again you tried to shoot me around oh so now they're like all right you killed our friend we kill ya [ __ ] face a lot of like getting proficient at this game is just learning to like be patient with like luring and enemies around yeah because the game will skank you like that sometimes interesting like the a lot of the criticism that this game got was based around just like spawning a [ __ ] ton of enemies rather than having like more compelling difficulty Oh interesting so it's a common thread I feel like there's definitely a switch somewhere around here that I'm go try to find is that guy guarding a chest so what that was over there I will see after I've done fighting this guy okay Oh like Jim's kind of go like candy yeah they really do but we get a lot of them at the same time maybe I'm he is guarding messages yeah he's sitting directly in front of chest and we have to engage with him to open the chest no no yeah so I'm just gonna go in go in but you know you have to do we have to look at him when you go in oh my god okay okay no this has become like wider Oh boss boss right now there's a there's a common strapped to get this kind of fall off the side I think I saw you like try and I needle and turn your area beginning I tried to sort of lure him over if he does the right attack at the very beginning that you can get him to just you decide not a minute waiting this you can still like sometimes get them to do it without that one spat but that's like the most reliable I think way to do it oh this sucks I'm using another life jump alright life gems be gone no switching to the city the great great always switch off so we stopped the so I sweet Lord how long has that been happening we've only there didn't even realize this is the soundtrack oh oh oh God the soundtrack of this game is the one that I am the least familiar with - it's pretty cool stuff participant it oh god oh I'm just taking a sip oh god I forgot the rule oh god this sucks we're right on all right here you go should I even bother killing these guys or just kind of like skip a stop you can do whatever you want babe let me like practice alright we didn't have too many souls did me nothing I should like if I like gonna die are these guys is whatever this is switch that you can pull to shortcut some cuts that no it's not a shortcut but it actually makes the platform in that boss room look bigger so there's like less chance for either of you to fall oh I see which kind of makes it like harder to choose him but also hard for you to just fall I see I'm just gonna keel I'm just gonna practice on that guy and then right there but I can't choose the boss I'll see what I saw you take the saw and then you sawed it in half and then you get to a big hole and you clock little and you're out that was a year dad Jim oh you [ __ ] that's beautiful well you do a running joke you play all right okay I didn't count the didn't count yeah everyone don't look close your eyes you take Mulligan's of deaths like that yeah I told you guys to close your eyes why are people still watch it you're still watching they saw it happen I'm not happy there's a boss in this game that had a maiden name that reference to Joe Joe character in part three actually so yeah so I'm I'm kind of hoping that you get to that point in part three before we get to that boss it'll probably happen Dan you men say war Amendola nowhere else whoa okay you can get the cheese all right I'm joking again he does occasionally do a little jump back move oh oh we gotta taste it fix it I had to make a sipping Senate before I actually took a sip but didn't risk like sucking Sunny D into my lungs oh you want the brow nose skew in my little [ __ ] stick my little snob you just glorg to that brownie chunk Jacob is back at the helm and we are losing health rapidly we are how do you undo this horrible curse you using human effigy you burden one so do you still become a human if you burn injury does it just picture him you can come at you man again just like that cut song from beating the beast that actually that song for me please is it called human again yeah is it when the Prince turns into a human again no it's all the little like furniture people fantasizing about what they're gonna do once they once bell and beast fall in love classic it's not called humanity more it's called human effigies Wow said done run I see oh I see the switch although yeah oh you're trying to pull the switch to make the arena bigger yeah but you know what we don't need that if if that yep I'll pull the switch poins this ain't Costco Costco died in Dark Souls 1 this is by Quaid narrows [ __ ] I could also attempt to throw the switch just kamikaze it kamikaze yeah I think that's like reasonable oh wait is there a switch there it's I maybe I need to beat the guy for the switch to like pop up or something cool like we're also drinking beers right now we don't just have Sayyidi should i mix them I'm gonna wait a good two seconds for chapter Espada yeah yeah yeah yeah yes track should I mix my beer in sunny Bee Gees try looking at the screen two seconds she's dead weed seized him nice job got him all ready folks what did you say that's the sound of me mixing beer and Sunny D and then drinking it well so one thing that is nice about this game is that from the very beginning we could teleport between oh I noticed that exhaust oh we can travel it gives us a nice little list here and we get travel travel between every bonfire that's cool like we don't have to [ __ ] worry about just be nice to be arbitrary bonfires that don't get a teleport was that lady there the lady of the level up lady no Oh was there did I just like walk right past I was looking for a lady oh yeah there she is alright so we combine miracles and a [ __ ] secret chime from her if we so desire look it's a sacred chime we can get the ring of Prayer and you know miracles I don't care about miracles I am a miracle the only miracle I need I am bikeway narrows I am beautiful I am a masterpiece they're so big how'd they get so big just kept the even boob stephene so there's a lot of bosses in this game that we will have like I guarantee you we'll both eventually forget about Dragon Rider oh he's already he's already gone he's just part of the past now it's I mean there will be a play well we will be reminded but a couple maybe there's a lot of forgettable bosses in this game that actually I don't know they're not like forgettable there's a lot of like easy yeah make sense but there are there are certain situations in this game we're just a bunch of enemies like a room full of enemies can be harder than a boss frequently elite you're so okay Oh Oh what the hell so we're losing our hair what happened because we're following something I actually really like about this game is the way every time you die you sort of get more and more messed up visually oh god and it has real health bar to tomato on the windowsill too long yeah [ __ ] grew gross back step back step back step oh no don't kill me so you may know this Estus flask oh he's taking us up as despues take way longer yeah in this game you [ __ ] like you gotta come into the process look can we get a good look at you can kind of see is like realize there you know I lose team anything tiny tiny little realized weird interesting additional mechanic they added statues blocking your path there will be so many god damn points where we like are excited after beating a boss there's like we just found a new area and then the old paths are just blocked off like goddamn statues and we're looking great oh yes penny I'm the one super fired ahead by the way hitting them in one superb art ahead is a mouthful of message and now we're at no-man's Wharf pirates the old pirate area so it's I am actually going to be a cautious here and I'm gonna go back because I know there's another area that we missed that we missed that is gonna be a slightly easier than this one you don't want to just go to the Goonies places travel around yeah so we got to go back to this lady to level up but we can travel under bonfire so clearly matters cool okay we prayed like prayed or yeah pretty sick she's like get away from me you tomato man strength that's classic wait ABP isn't there like some biology [ __ ] yeah TV TV laughs that's the energy to cells freakin biologist and I still mess this up all right she gets a little away with you she's like [ __ ] you at your level of marine magic whatever there's so many blood stain make a lot of these there's people running off the cliff oh they're trying to make this jump is this some undead burg to Darkroot garden actually this is kind of it's a long dead birdie Oh friend right there they oh god he's cute oh god I got cornered they get like a truck and they follow those Falls Oh God actually kill all these guys first he's like weird oh he's kind of cheong it was a [ __ ] fungus he didn't fall that time that's just I think I'll have a little war that's how it goes wait did that say Elizabeth mushroom and an item did she die maybe that was our friend she died didn't she no she was in the she I think she was possibly already dead when dirt CIL's once started and who is that mushroom we talk to is like I know that was when we went to the past until some more white sea okay that's right these guys come blend into the back they do kind of blend in nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare dark isn't legend like there's a lot of corpses oh what's that that of course is at all I just do did his dudes weigh him down just some bros laying down you know under just lay down spread across the courtyard with your bros let me nightmare you fine oh my god this is a close tie you may notice that the corpse physics are no longer present in this game yeah that's severely nerfed that's actually very sad do you hear my computer just chugging away you're hit a goodbye enemy dang it I didn't even notice that that toll-like had a right path I'm just kill a bone ambush a head and then ambush a head damn a classic message in this game is fine work skeleton I was kind of hoping it would say if they find work skeleton yeah it's like fine works diligently oh I see oh there is a triple ambush ambush ahead try butthole Oh folks another classic one try um butthole alright we're going out okay I was thinking that right now overwatch I think that both the stairs [ __ ] Foy rooms this the the note system is upgraded its yeah there's a lot more options oh wow starting to turn our life is getting too low is it stops don't do math what yeah half it stops going down that item tricked you you fool even you utter fool you fell into my double reverse backwards trap my desire and snare your trap oh that guy came from the high heaven he's come in the [ __ ] upwards and outwards what is that I think that guy was up here oh oh I see I think you can jump to that but [ __ ] I'm not gonna try yeah no thanks oh you're right your Chum log all right well that gave me the excuse to Estes finally and [ __ ] beat the [ __ ] beat the creamed corn out of that guy literally creamed corn is leakin oh really dead backwards to use like okay we can take revenge on the fireline rap vanish Wow kicks me off oh no nightmares oh he's given the wall up there's some pretty schemes kind of famous for some pretty egregious repeating textures you can kind of see him on the pillows down there oh yeah and we go to a castle later it'll really be obvious doesn't bug me too much yeah doesn't love me either but like some of this game got [ __ ] on for rip oh oh wow he's still it he's still bent over right he's just he's bowing he's just gonna sneeze in the ground he's doing downward dog I keep looking for I remember the first time I played through this game I did not remember what the I didn't know that you had to press a to open every wall so I missed like every illusory wall in the game because of that dang I just thought they weren't into the game but whatever now we know I guess I on the right into the wall journey of discovery I know there's something that bonfires behind them that's everything so yeah you trying the wall right there I doubt it yeah all right we got a door I think very very good what is that on the left there Oh what that pile of [ __ ] in the corner that's a merchant all right it's a dude what is he buying what you buy kind of looks like that a little bit by something anything as a Japanese laughs broken streets whoa thanks Wow it'd be nice to get anything but [ __ ] traveling merchants as she did says we can buy her clothes just to offer back and yes well either it's expensive explodes to do magic damage ferrous lock stone I might as well get that while we're here when there's a key is that that thing that was like the contraption hey they took her wait what key is this - it's the blacksmith shop no wonder it's like this marriage my panic she stole it she's selling it for money that's extortion I'm pretty sure but whatever we're going down doo doo dee dee I always thought that was from High School Musical for some reason but I might be wrong on that try not hitting the wall once in your life Andrew try doing literally anything else it's clearly not working oh my good and now it's from this new type of all I'm going to the controller back no I'm thinking throw away it's my plan the plan I think there are dead zones are there dead zones in this game on the control scheme cuz I always feel like there are but I can never quite pinpoint it oh that's sword oh my god oh my god that sword holy [ __ ] you just missed something great did I this guy's sword it stopped moving but it like clipped into the wall it was like dancing the [ __ ] around now it's just gotta know oh can happen that sign doesn't say great job skeleton skeleton by the way skeleton all the ones referring the skeletons are great he's like one of the Ninja Turtles from that like a live-action reboot that happened I forgot about until right now do you think himself but a damn use of the pills fit me we were the one slightly embarrassing it's a little embarrassing Elizabeth mushroom I wonder so if you walks through those they don't go off yes that same thing in the same place alright so I didn't want to interrupt you but the sparks that come from his sword hitting that's what ignites the barrel kickflip I'm sorry headphone users they just tend to scream at that and it was wood we could just use the fire bomb and throw it at him could we just not use these single fire bomb last game that's true actually can't it be ever use Fire Blast mix out crazy crazy we had only one right now let's toss it but I'm gonna use it on it because it's means me our mean school have you seen that clip of David Bowie saying meme school oh god oh god well crushed he says meme school and then he oh god and they kind of like winks he like sort of like smirks at the camera oh I [ __ ] wasted or one thing so you're saying that use from the future that's what a lot of people say is that he like knows he knew about memes if like anybody was from the future to be honest it'd be David Bowie yeah his left elbows have got him dying that's true okay so I'm gonna skip Donatello we're gonna see a nice little moment here there's a crow carried somebody away there is a dude check it out I'm gonna pick up as many as we can before he gets trough he shows all awesome this is the first suh-weet what the he's a bad guy on the [ __ ] grandma sighs we got cursed [ __ ] off he's floating he's floating so oh yeah who is this madman oh you go ahead what happened was you ever cursed so first thing is a little different in this game I don't actually remember exactly how curse works but I think it's a little bit like poison isn't that guy sick he's souped in there on a crow and now unfortunately I think if you go there again he'll not show up oh really which I guess is like also kind of a good thing as he kicks ass but I'm gonna leave like one chance to kill him yeah and he shows up at several different locations oh that's actually so cool it's like he's Jason bad yeah don't know wow we can go longer than that you can go ahead and you didn't take missiles whatever I brought it in the fire sale whatever you are still rotten damn everyone end spade oh man don't let Don tell you [ __ ] you up Donatelli oh Jesus was I supposed to do not do that not try to climb a line of all turtles [ __ ] for some reason I thought he could make a few unplanned no more mowing of give us back at the wheel but I'm gonna drop here this is a little strat are you doing nightmare him he just fell off a niece of mine he's outta school jerk oh yeah oh wow this is just a [ __ ] oh oh yo cut this [ __ ] it's just dude over there who's like wait and arrow right like goddamn chest oh where did you come from it come from oh oh porn in weird okay we're drunk this we have to go down here down that's my favorite song might fall out the game's tricking we're going dad exactly I'm still exist I tried to kick just now it might be a different control it might be like press the stick in or some [ __ ] I don't know so much chat tell us how to kick is there kicking there must be kicking oh I so there's just people Oh God nice [ __ ] wow this is heroin heroin heroin drug God what's that okay just came by very strange good thing I wasn't here - oh yeah hit by this I was just about to say I've said that you're not playing this part because then I would have been like inspect this little area here it is very easy to just run off a cliff they're just [ __ ] short of the summit rotted and then there's a bastard up here I think it's a bastard he's like scrounging in the dirt what the [ __ ] filth pile I'm guessing AJ I think he's like making a map or something yeah okay thank you kale you taste good in a salad [ __ ] remember why he was here yeah some kind of curse strange so it's similar to the bank of information that we're accessing I've always been fond of Matt that's exactly I was thinking oh we gonna give you a house key so we talked to them like a thousand times and finally oh and finally he was like I'll give you a key all right is there anything else yeah yeah he got it oh my god he's still saying more he won't stop oh here we go perhaps we'll meet again I'll be in majula soon you're sucking down that brownie I'm meeting some more Brown move these parades are so good oh I truly delicious if holiday was a brownie it'd be this there's a fire bomb guy Oh God okay we're gonna god this is a sad state of affairs look it was like low framerate birds up there zipping around [ __ ] Christmas tree oh [ __ ] I miss the sad it was an interesting choice that backstab that just like didn't happen it didn't happen who said how's that Joe tasting it's all right it's um it's cold oh yeah Joe YP it's called geo IPA this this stream sponsored by and show idea exactly it tastes like a beer it tastes like Joe so those barrels there these ones trying to learn the fireball gun oh never mind never mind just completely crush the barrels just [ __ ] them up entirely that's women oh yeah careful careful though this crossbows yes they're massive drops boom you're standing right in their way he's taking a [ __ ] sorry sorry man that's Peter certain applets Peter sarah dapple wits taking a [ __ ] cheetah laughs Alice so this guy do you know Peter enough wood says no he's in he's English actor he played Darth Maul okay in the Harry Potter movies exactly and also use him like using spaced he was in Playboy Edgar Wright [ __ ] you that little troupe okay shaun of the dead he was like the douchey new boyfriend that Sean's ex was with oh my god start small that's the thing that dark mold yeah and that's also this guy he's in the scheme because he [ __ ] blows Dark Souls I love that yeah my cousin even Fillion was like halo and est cuz he was like hey whoa she listened to what he was saying that no to be on he said there's a bunch of [ __ ] in this room there's treasure ahead but it looks like it might be risky it's a jerk baby maybe she'll listen that was too busy thinking with third mole oh I'm so looking forward to finishing this beer and then never having to drink a beer ever again for the rest of my life no you smell this smells like booze bubbles we're making decent progress you're all saying illusionary wall yeah I don't think any of these are gonna loosen Ares as you put it the only guy reference Wow holy [ __ ] it's been a long time nice little two trailer reference yeah yes down here yeah you freaking idiot yeah he was saying that he met somebody who was like an unsavory bandit oh okay that guy from the first one he pushed us into that Thanks chuckles chuckles no he's news patches what do you get for me a green blossom he's got that there it's times like that I wish we had facecam to see just how ridiculous director when do we upgrade ma'am what that isn't good all right I missed him it's fine don't what I rolled through those boxes first time oh what's that there's a shadow there very interesting but there doesn't seem all for it I mean actually what the hell give him that swing hold on what does that mean we got a saw you remember how oh that's what the curl wanted it so yeah I was just about to say remember I was saying give me smooth give me silky yeah that's exactly it wants a smooth and silky stone both I have you got one both things like it won't solve that what was up with that invisible guy those are just a guy in this game like those those show up every once in a while and they carry things booby the plunge [Music] oh so they're just invisible guys yeah so the lure in Dark Souls 1 was pretty a dank is the is that the Santa case in this one it's it's still like Danish that's like one in three are really good lore wise whereas two is kind of like a interesting but there's still it's so cool there's still a cool ass [ __ ] so what's the cool [ __ ] behind my invisible guys I don't know no idea they just exist I'm gonna burn a human effigy so we get our health back I and so we could be a beautiful tomato man again that's smart or wait hello we need to use it oh shut up never mind said well now sonic can't come and kick our ass for those of you who don't know sonic oh we're playing large so a word guru tomato we killin it finally let's be having you let's be having yet it's actually where I grew up be havin no let's beat Avenue oh let it look like my joke well no actually no no no hard no it was a stupid joke pass in your stupid but yeah you okay well by really zoom down there yeah you fall fast in these games Wow and in real life very true wolf accurate not too bad we killed the dudes now there's a fire bottom guy we're gonna I'm gonna try to lure into throwing a fire bone right here sit blow up the wall maybe alright well so what's the deal with life gems like should be like the cracking them all the time or should be mad they're pretty they're not terribly rare but I feel like we should try to conserve them a little bit oh my god whoa that's one way to do it song body and then eASIC word the [ __ ] bonfire final firebomb go get my souls yeah I guess it could have just like suicide run in there and tried to [ __ ] him like do the thing that worked the one time he threw the ball far enough oh oh you just put that together oh wow oh [ __ ] lay on the punctured your tomatoes skin there Mike tomatoes skin watch now your stamina and don't even get me started on your pistols what yeah it's like stamen and pistols you know her plant biology or hi folks we are a biology meme channel here but the big thing sticking to the ground they're here oh let's say yeah yeah there's a giant sword no no no no that's actually sick yeah that's so cool but might be a bit of trouble getting back oh no those guys drop oh no don't roll dude what can I do what can I do Wow well I got this bow there's a classic Dark Souls - Jake it's like leading you out of that cool ass area enemies enemies pouring out wow the whole like life going down every time thing is kind of brutal it is brutal thankfully it'll spoil it in Dark Souls 3 it doesn't do that well that's nice [ __ ] I'm dead oh no not if you live that's the trick you're just so oh you're gonna blast it over that he doesn't know what the [ __ ] going on any other one and these guys are annoying surprisingly annoying for being chumps oh yeah very annoying well of course you just sitting up okay alright hmm that may be your soul see that's a double-edged sword because now I have to go up there deep every zone Lee like a thousand yeah getting it matters very much not really alright we're doing it playing the few where's Donatello he's gonna come out here and mope here uh you accrue to him just on your own you made it worse true soup is way away this door dude it's a shortcut isn't this nice nice have a little loops around that is nice reminds me of Dark Souls one reminds me of my favorite memory no I just like okay nightmare this guy anyone I'm like man not even a nightmare okay he's got a lot of moves come on weird awesome yeah this guy's awesome it's like a sick looking boss what is he but it's kind of easy oh it's got a hold for fights or what the hell in the safe you've got like a massive sword stuck there oh he was like oh he has so many swords in it and he was chained up he's mad now over here oh god oh he's so lucky Wow he's just trashing the place is a lengthy dude so you know some basic like swipes the rest kind of stare into his butt crack I'm just gonna [ __ ] stare up as I have some slashes ankles okay but I'm gonna the other joints we will find out really that's a very major plot point of this game we click Giants were in Dark Souls 2 right that was like that guys hammering were giants universals one you jerks is one for me you just took off his arm um he's using it as a weapon that's [ __ ] yeah he has a lot of swords in him Oh bye see ya so this is a pretty cool room soul the last giant soldier key okay don't mind if I do hmm kind of [ __ ] doubt it oh wait it's got such a high rating though it's got a 123 rating but it's this is so not i'll see you can't keep reading the message i don't think that would block you from this case evading law of baiting with the illusionary walls don't think yeah that's life it happens all the time I mean it happens all the time in Dark Souls 1 2 we just didn't see it very much in our playthrough there are a lot of bosses like that where they look really neat but then you just beat them you're like oh just like in this game it's less of a like a boss and we're just like a cool enemy yeah there will be some [ __ ] bosses later on though that will really screw us up they're not a fan with a couple that are really crazy where we going down I'm kind of thinking well we could lower this area a little more level up and then I'm thinking no-man's Wharf that place that we got to warp is in this game Wharf yeah Wow fair seek seek lest this is whenever you talk to this lady she says and you skipped through all her dialogue boxes she goes there seek seek lest that's just like a class say it's like you know because everybody always ever sold one because it's always the same thing she's just like whatever yeah your [ __ ] level up you gross tomato man we gross we're cute gonna unlock this guy's house oh that's right we got his key let's get the sniff Len across okay you know wouldn't you be like overjoyed that finally you can go into your damn home it's just gonna keep sitting there he's like oh I'm really comfy here dude I'm not sure he's like you're like Borderlands 1 know all the NPC's have like something over their mouth so they didn't have a lot of like animating and mouth movement that's hilarious oh why don't you come back later and they'll be in my room I was like there's no way that that's on my same like I saw that thing traveling all the way across the screen I didn't think it was on my same level of death but they just like read me the [ __ ] out I'm hurting no oh look I wonder if there's an enemy over here seriously the bigger guys so he's a little bigger he's like Shrek or something they're guys in this game tomorrow Shrek it's pretty an excellent even more so than the last game Jax yeah sighs that shield like check if we have any other shield this shield [ __ ] sucks we just got the buckler make sure ya take a little gander come on now taking your word for it and then they're using [ __ ] better shield yeah we would have gone on without using the better shield yeah and I hate tables that was some good crack oh my God he's like cracking every bone in his body oh stop it I can use that shoulder over and over again oh yeah open it what the hell was waiting for this guy 3d treasure I don't remember when mimics show up but I think it's also like they wait a little bit okay I know it's you last time I seriously don't remember very much about this game so your guess is as good as mine this is a rough neighborhood is it rough McRib yeah he's gone guys hang out Dana I see him the whole time unbelievable that's risky oh man they're just pouring in you and me baby do me baby if your shield is that you'll die yeah oh oh my god are bit stunned that's the trick to this game you can't keep fighting the big cluster of guys damn it cluster guys eventually we will get a shield that has 100% blockage and it will be great eventually yeah sure oh [ __ ] that happened just crumbled dark plain resin that was I don't know I didn't see a match today I did the very thing that I criticized before dear you scum [ __ ] bastards Oh rats rats we are the rats don't tell me it's involved because it's a frickin rat who say you're a dog now shut up Wow well I guess rat game rent we are a rat gang Wolfgang oh hey it's looking to you sick hat look at Tillis sick impact and sick mask this is a woman look into you of Mira okay this is some kind of another solar esque character but with a sick yeah it's like you can get outside of course good [ __ ] good [ __ ] how much do I need to talk to you for you to give me something is this a common low red the way she she might know hmm but we can summon her for fights later okay hey this is my favorite kind of note that's like the actual helpful pure person and they actually like made it like fun looking yes as a treasure then try attacking try attacking alright we're doing good no man's Wharf no like no man's know so what do you want to bet this is a lawyer what do you want to bet in somebody else's world there's a sign you know there's almost definitely those guys really put some swing in their step bat dung is called guano I did damn that's like my one fun party fact I'm a bad guy remember we're talking about invisible dudes yeah there's another invisible dude right right yeah how did you see him I just remembered from the first time I played this game that was the first invisible guy do they always drop silken stone movies yeah I think so maybe they might drop other things sometimes I remember the first time I went through this game I was like oh look there's like weird collision because I was like run into him fix your broken game and then I like oh [ __ ] is that the duck oh I just saw her like Neal Sisera gasps oh yeah I didn't post is doe doe in the Songdo doll he uses the dug theme along with a once in a lifetime by the talking today oh okay looks like we argued visible oh my god i flaming house that was pretty badass the double flaming arrow crossing through me is that a snapchat of me walking up the steps yeah creepy then I walked up the steps and said didn't go off and you were like can't that how long do you think you want to go for we've been doing two and a half hours like the wait so like half one hour more alright so that's my three hours is a nice round stream time I've been trying to keep it to three hours with the dk64 with a whole night take that set sound amount it is oh there's a guy over there oh wow you were wrong on that [ __ ] I was ready but what game larks eyes I see fire nightmare nightmare you're especially decided I wanna play you go I died fast I'm always like with Riley unreclaimed dk64 I really just hate playing dk64 but just play right so I just give the controller to Riley like half the time and because of that you've become like you went the wrong way again Jesus Christ is become the bird dk64 player of the team to us but a bike way why are you looking your lips Meek's toward there's such a chump you just [ __ ] him up Oh careful it's the talk that breaks [Music] explosives that you went that way he misses the way right no also really quick I just want to tell everybody I'm good at the game I just want to let everybody know that I don't die yes oh my god hey Mulligan it I'm William oh man did not really that was just a Hannibal I didn't realize it was a pit either I had just been walking across that sad sad it came from the Goonies I should we should light the torches yeah we should do that actually but I'm gonna kill the enemies in the area before I do that especially if something exciting happens when we light the torches I certainly hope nothing happens okay okay you did jump out of this guy Oh Rita Morgan that put his face in his hands you know why because had my tray table up all right we can't see you there full group you know I looked on them all about the querque there with you but it's 2019 you know as long as they eat you I also do not remember I there I know there was a time when I knew it that time is not now I don't know if I remember the beginning with all the turkey but if I like if Weird Al could like start me off then I feel like I can finish it yeah did you ever commit outside no generally listen to a comedians like stand-up routine so much that you like room you could like basically just go along with it let's talk along with comedian routine no I actually never really watched comedy I there were like a few there was a Brian Regan tape there was a Jerry Seinfeld tape and I listened to them so much you just but I realize had them like committed to memory yeah I was never a big comedy guy weird just for everything yet they're actually like if you light every torch in the area there's no like crazy thing that happens but it is useful to keep them with us to keep the light going well I'm gonna light every torch in the area right fun use your East deuce oh my god you thought I was gonna get hit by it didn't yet in this game we've taken Estes know your character has to go like okay let me see here like reaches Andrews a little too well he's like oh my god it's [ __ ] on the screwing the lid to his SS and he's like this tasty burger and he goes and he screws it back in on me let me just stick that right this chemises shoulders a little bit and sticks right I can feel that lead to take sigh this story's like okay I'm ready to fight that's how long the estus animation takes in this game a play-by-play a Sesame Street educational thing the Sesame Street just like stole a bunch of Beatles songs at one point and then for the Beatles man yes Billy got soon I might not have Beatles so they like died yeah it's like if you like piss off the mouse Mickey Mouse [ __ ] alright seen this area just looks so much more healthy now Oh me it does actually look pretty homey I'm gonna be lit those torches I'm thinking you should put one of the green plums in there and see what happens yeah well I'm thinking Arby's so me too I'm always thinking RVs oh my god don't die running is fine running very viable strategy that definitely won't get me killed and get our souls lost and usually swear it's gonna be hard to recover them there's a lot of people after yet you're just it's a little conga line and don't you worry there's gonna be even worse than people coming up here soon what is this what are those Wow nice meme hey Black Panther nominated for seven Academy Awards minute one of those joke this is fun hey we're back here in blank town yeah oh yeah this kind of is boy town esque can't me to plunge my right sorry you're right tomato soup up top deep bump adobo Buddha Papa eat baby don't go baby baby don't even bother to eat they don't load eeeek around these guys so these guys a little tip the reason I was saying we should 12 [ __ ] so much is it they afraid of them well they're free to light so they they scare away they go like yeah interesting yeah yeah sweet you did the exact thing Wow right in the [ __ ] fire oh the table wait they're lighting wine is so good that was like some Wiley coyote [ __ ] it is a well it's a fragrant branch of yours so the fragrant branch of your makes those statues go away that's what that is oh alright this is the time we knocked down that damned bridge it's so it's frustrating doing the little like changing like exchanging off every death it's like we just have to like learn the way out no go [ __ ] that oh my god I'm gonna do that [ __ ] and then get like one step further and then die and then the next life you're gonna get the same step further and I know everything we've sadly stopped doing our rules no yeah the role what oh [ __ ] they all came out since Raisman since when does that room just get a groom I'm default rate these long oh my god oh we're fine he almost screwed me up cuz I was targeting him and he like moved so curved my roll around hey we're fine we got that area - done with done I don't care about enemies I just care about the bridge now and that's what I'm doing good so on I'm not gonna bridge down I wish okay oh well that's a first dog is just gone now oh sorry choking on his own dick they go away oh that's right I forgot you mentioned that there's these spawn so we built that dog enough times that it's just gone now so if we kill these I'll go bug hosing up they're just gone I think it's 12 times Jesus it's the limit this work is hard there's one thing I learned it's just and the thing is it's like none of these enemies are hard it's just there's so many yeah there is so many the massive amount we only have two Estus so it's like you can't really like thank you like Ilham that's what people really don't like about this game is it's kind of got like an unsatisfying way of dealing with difficulty run past it I mean just spawning a bunch of enemies Mia holy Sh there's enemies galore sucks there's like nowhere to go I have to break these to get through them oh wait why don't you just face through them you fool you forgot about phasing well there's enemies everywhere that bridge is coming down Daphne is coming out now of my life I think this is a I think that's actually gonna be pretty beneficial so you can send we like God having run motions myself wait wait you run that by me one more time I think having twice as I'm sure that will be helpful I'm not getting this I think twice as myself is a good thing try and give me with that fire one more time [ __ ] brooch Isis look at me hit me with an auxilary arrow Hillary arrow I think I meant ancillary I like auxilary I think all arrows are auxilary thank you Oh what is the definition of auxilary I don't know I'm thinking of what do you call a guitar that's not hooked up to anything acoustic acoustic all arrows are acoustic fact you gonna try it now you have full help I really think we could do this what the fun for real it's a bowline that's so stupid [ __ ] finally we did it oh now the world is our oyster I'm gonna just go [ __ ] run to the boss or actually oh no I need to do a thing to make the boat do a thing hmm yeah you know yeah I miss things I know the things I've seen a few things in my day it really puts us back into that it really puts us back you know a lumberjack okay oh there's guys [ __ ] where those oh wow I think like I was talking about dead zones on the controls earlier that definitely felt like some dead zone zone there's a bell that'll be after brain I think it's actually inland we probably should have done that first but whatever oh they don't like that's like their light animation light around what's going on oh yeah damn actually that's just gotta be something mind yet oh I they're freaking out I just said freaked out new word invented you did say free pit out just yet sir lunch people they are long boys you know they say about long arms long feet he's got one sword for you and one sword for you some of these guys definitely have more health than others oh hey oh it's gamblin so never really need stuff to the snake and the first game to sell it yeah it's gotta fire [ __ ] oh okay so does he show up in the main town after he's always lonesome no but good guy good guy get one good guy good heart good mind good dude good beard okay I don't know if I need to kill the boss in this area ten oh we just feel a lot of people screaming might be a good time to stop cuz I think people are starting to party downstairs all right I'm done whatever but you guys may be my final line you can do another life and then we'll call it quits what is happening downstairs oh look look we're fine are we are we go we are just fine I'm not I'm not fine this area's been like tilting me dude greatly improved I'm kilt proof to everybody Dark Souls 2 we almost got passed on dead Wharf and we beat two bosses today that's not that's not bad that's true they were too short losses but we uh we did beat them in the area the guy in this area is also a chunk boss actually hold on I'm gonna guess a good view of you human effigy just so you can get the right tomato look to make him Purdy tomato pretty I tried and then next time how look at his look is beaming face hold on let me get it closer yes yes visions of charming visions there it is let go oh man are you excited I'm still excited about this game this area is kind of stupid whatever I'm down some stupid area sir I don't care we had a tree in the last one you are a pirate
Channel: grayfruit
Views: 164,433
Rating: 4.9619999 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 25sec (4945 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 21 2020
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