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the largest aquarium in the Middle East all the sharks seem to be circling right above us right now coolest aquarians probably that I've ever seen in my entire this is the National Aquarium located here in Abu Dhabi this aquarium was built less than six months ago so it's brand new state of the art we're about to go meet the assistant curator Lewis Cox and he's going to be giving us a private tour what are we about to see inside here at a National Aquarium you're going to see over 10 different zones of the largest aquarium in the Middle East each Zone takes you through completely different areas of the world the Arctic Circle the rainforest or even the ring of fire in Polynesia we have over six six thousand animals here not just fish but also terrestrial animals birds reptiles secondly we have an awesome rescue and Rehab program for sea turtles and other animals as soon as you walk into the lobby what's really cool is there's a lot of history that they've woven into the architecture Abu Dhabi is very well known for oil it's where a lot of the wealth comes from but before before that it was actually very well known for Pearl diving and so you can see like the desk is a boat this is also a pearl there's wave-like ripples in the ceiling made out of wood [Music] are you guys ready to see the largest aquarium in the Middle East 5 million liters of seawater so many different species of fish sharks look at this wow it's massive it's enormous now what's so cool about this aquarium is it's really deep it looks like what you would see when you're scuba diving so right over there the tunnel starts but this tank is so big you can't even see through it to the other end of it okay this is the largest walking aquarium tunnel in this region of the world there's so many different types of fish in here over 25 species of a lot of ranks over 50 000 individual animals but the coolest feature are the scalloped Hammerheads we have 11 of them those are in danger they're in danger they are a pride and joy we had the Eagle Rays Natasha zebra shot we've got a bow male shark in here so the divers are actually feeding the fish in the aquarium right now oh wow that's got to be a fun job like And subscribe she just subscribed and you should too make sure to hit that red button down below wow these guys are the most popular people at the party they got the food you got the feed the Stingrays they get your teeth and that's the way they can like keep their food without other fish just seasoning off them that's their like special Technique we actually divide aquarium into two sides the first Zone which is called the hammerheads outside and then we call this the shark side so we have an even bigger sharks on this side of the aquarium sand tiger shark I believe this is the largest sand tiger electric reef sharks you can see lemon sharks it's the female lemons these are the largest lemon this is the all of it ever go away no I mean every morning I have to walk through here check if it's okay before we open in and it's actually great I get a whole place to myself and just rolling through like man I helped build this I put all these animals in and it's just great to see it it just slowly gets better all the sharks seem to be circling right above us right now this is a replica size of the Megalodon shark do you believe the Megalodon was real I believe there is definitely large sharks before this time just like there was larger rodents and larger insects I mean there's going to be larger everything right that's a kind of a scary thing to see the final shot you see on the journey the Tawny knife shark the one that's always hanging out in the cave so there's 10 different zones here and each one has a different theme this is Ocean Magic and this has got to be my personal favorite Zone you have some of the coolest aquariums probably that I've ever seen in my entire life starting with this Volkswagen aquarium this is actually a real car that they've converted into an aquarium there's tons of ammos in here the hood is where they keep all of the equipment for this aquarium well hidden the lights of the aquarium are inside right here and supposedly you can open up the aquarium and divers can actually sit in the aquarium so if you wanted to you can open up the hatch and and be inside of it maybe next time I come to the National Aquarium to let me take a photo like that if you want to see that happen comment down below right right here look at this I've seen photos of an aquarium like this but I didn't ever think it was real this is a phone booth aquarium your typical English phone booth and look a bunch of green chromis fish are in here so make it cool you can make a call look at this hello [Music] the number you have reached is not in service we're at Targets yeah we have the bamboo shark eggs they're developing right now and you can see the different stages look at that little guy you can see him in there he's wiggling wow 14 to 16 weeks to hatch a fully formed baby shark there's a cuttlefish over here check this out wow look at him the cute cuttlefish the big eye Cardinal fish right here there's so many and then we have these Garden eels look at these they're poking their heads out see dragons oh they I love these sea dragons are endangered I'm pretty sure right yeah we're very fortunate to have nine sea dragons here when they mature we will hope to start trying to reproduce them we're now entering the flooded Forest so here as you can see it complete changed they've come into like terrestrial area the rainforest a lot of things that do not live underwater this is really cool they have a National Aquarium logo made out of moss lots of terrariums we got Snakes poison dart frogs you got green frogs it's a chicken Rose oh the tarantula wow amazing timing he knows where the food's at some mealworms coming in some lettuce they're still young because they're going straight for the uh the mealworms and the superworms not interested in the salad no but later they get mature and they realize oh we need some vegetables in our lives so this is a electric eel Pikachu Pikachu yeah it's like the perfect name wow the electric eel this is so cool this guy's so active right now I'm super dangerous as well like puts out a big shot and how do you get an electric eel into an aquarium like this without very very carefully we have these big thick rubber gloves real strict procedure this is the Amazonian area so there's a massive aquarium here where there's arowana peacock bass there's a catfish they also have monkeys in here Kappa varas which are like the world's largest rodents I've never seen this many different types of species in one thing the world's largest snake this is a reticulate python and this is the exact limp it takes 13 people to hold it this is a big enclosure for a snake we decided to give the largest snake in the world a really large snake exhibit wow okay so right here is the massive river monster Amazonian tank you have two arapaimas in here massive grommets catfish these are my favorite I don't see these ever as we move over here look at the size of some of these discus and angelfish then this is the Lagoon this is a multi-species exhibit we got all the birds we've got toucan Turtles iguanas the paku we've got silver dollars and stingrays oh as if you did a rainforest tons of free roaming exotic birds you'll see the birds like flying through one just whiz by my head yeah Coco and Loco are Toko toucans super friendly Birds go you're doing a great job keep it up I've only ever seen these like on the Fruit Loops box this is a massive piranha tank this would be the perfect tank to test whether piranhas want to eat you or not exactly every day we have people coming in and cleaning and siphoning do they get in the aquarium all right absolutely until they ever get bit absolutely not never it's a bit of a myth about the piranhas and humans like blood pressure right over here we had the Cardinal Tetra tanks they're all just hanging out over here we have the bull sharks okay so what a lot of people don't realize about sharks is that they can actually in the wild swim in both fresh water and salt water so they have them in a brackish aquarium here both sharks have the highest testosterone amount of almost any animal a river is kind of murky the Sharks can't really see hunting for food and they may attack a human that's why they have this reputation of being like the dangerous shark yeah this Zone the UE Zone represents all the diversity of you know classic life in the UAE I believe this exhibit is 175 000 liters the key thing about this zone is the turtles and these are actually rescue sea turtles and all of the sea turtles in here are being rehabilitated so that they can one day be actually released back out into the ocean we are the largest rehab and rescue center in the UAE for sea turtles we receive hundreds of turtles we take them in we rehab them feed them to release them again what's the biggest one you have and how much does it weigh over 100 kg I think it's this one here the loggerheads are obviously the biggest ones it's enormous you can see on the floor here there's like a massive window look at this so you can actually walk over the fish massive sea lion aquarium in here wow look at how big this guy is right here there's basically a whole school of gem tangs really really thriving group crazy yeah most people obviously come up they see the big trevally but then they don't realize like the most expensive fish in here these little black Tings that are in the background and there's a whole school of the divers in here are Pearl divers so that's why they have these little Nets still inspired by the Pearl diving this is the Red Sea wreck this is where they keep their massive reef tank and a lot of their saltwater cram fish right off the bat you can see tons of corals in here the red she wreck is my favorite Zone in the whole aquarium so all the corals and the fish are from the Red Sea and this is one of the largest repaints in the region 500 anthias in here probably the most iconic fish in the Red Sea blue white Cardinal fish purple tame which is another iconic red sea fish a real Reef just everyone doing their little jobs minding their own business yeah whole growing here we have a bunch of different ribbon eels look at this guy so you can see these guys like slithering wow you can see him opening his mouth wow we have a seahorse tank oh my favorite every two weeks we're getting the mails giving birth so we're reproducing them real successful seahorse tank we have little box fish then you got look at the cleaner shrimp that's a Gobi down here we have three little tanks and these are some of the smaller fish just to pick up mantis shrimp he hasn't broken your glass yet hasn't broken this one is very very tame one actually wow okay so over here you can see it feels like we're like in the hole of a ship look at this guy the napodian rest super awesome iconic red sea fish wow he's like posing for us and then you also got some smaller reef fish in there check this out in this aquarium right here we have some massive groupers these are basically some of the largest fish in the ocean and they get over 500 kg they're super heavy we had to use a crane to move these fish in the aquarium look at these guys then yep you got the sardines all right so we are now going behind the scenes to take a look at three aquarium I mean this is where I'd like to hang out in the aquarium my favorite room oh um you can really see the coral from here you know the beauty of owning the retail you can get the best view at the top dude that looks like the ocean it's just enormous it's four meters deep we dive in this tank three to four times a week not only to clean but also to feed all the coral to filter 50 000 liters to keep live Coral probably one of the best calcium reactors on the market super awesome Pizza kit of course the lighting all LED programmable light super large skimmer which are at the top of this skimmer is over three meters high yeah that's basically the filtration here this is the Atlantic cave so here you'll see fish from the Caribbean to the Mediterranean horseshoe grip I've never seen a horseshoe crab this large before Oh my God they look like they're gonna be dangerous or hard to touch but actually super gentle very friendly very friendly and then what kind of puffer fish are these Ghanaian Papa fish yeah very social very odd to have a puffer fish that can live in such a big group like this this area is themed as a great ruins imagine you're like sunken into ancient times and you come across some Greek artifacts we're now entering the submarine so this uh this area the sub is obviously not based on geographical Zone but more on a deep sea environment the Pamper groupers just hanging out and you've got these Mitten lobsters they look like little faces stuck to the wall I wouldn't even noticed them yeah they got like two eyes and a mouth those are kind of creepy actually the way they just like tons of rock lobsters all just cruel in about mitosis catfish cruising around there's one okay now we're moving into the Ring of spire the ring of fire refers to this whole ring right here that surrounds the Pacific Ocean so all the fish and aquariums in here are from countries around the ring of fire this is a California tank what are these guys rest they're the kelp forest and the urchins on the Rock work then we have the Hawaii tank this is Hawaii and so that's why there's so many Hawaiian yellow tangs the lava rock the black sand oh as if you're on a volcanic island yeah people can go inside see this one's a smaller one we have a George sized one over there um we have the Japan Japan tanks are really a fan favorite because you can really get inside oh wait I do fit it's tall enough to fit a George in here just around you yeah it's like you actually go to scuba dive interactive map so kids can come in push the sand up I didn't even realize I was sand water's gonna go around and make Island oh my gosh that might be the coolest interactive thing I've seen at an aquarium wait I'm gonna build a little George Island hold on make the volcano put a hole in it and it should explode yeah look oh that is so cool and we have the Pacific Reef so this represents a very busy Reef in the Great Barrier or Polynesia with the Tiki heads there's New Zealand this is a New Zealand tank these are some cool fish the small ones are the Bull's eyes the Bull's eyes and these are old wives I have no idea why they call them old wives but moving into the frozen ocean which represents the Arctic Circle you can immediately feel it gets a lot colder in here the wolf ales super scary but this really gentle animal big war fields we have Atlantic puffin here we have 12 of them super curious super fun animals they each have their own personality they each have their own name uh we have McDonald we've got Frodo smart grave Snoop I love that I love that they all have their own little like candles yeah it's quite ingenious oh my gosh there's a puffin right here he's right here we are so close to the puppet oh my gosh look at this hello little puppet oh there's puffins right over here too [Music] back in November 2020 they were actually whale sharks chatted me a man-made Lagoon wow couldn't find its way out and they had to get it use this net that they have right here this is the actual money used a giant shark bag basically caught this whale shark put it into the bag took it out to the Raven Golf released it up we tagged it as well we're now getting a behind the scenes at a lot of a marine rehab completely overgrown in the shower with um Barnacles and it's too heavy for them it's like swimming with a backpack on once we get them feeding medicated and when we think they're really healthy we're gonna move them down to the turtle Lagoon and then pretty similar to the ocean wow look how many there are they're all full so many little turtles they're all saying hi all right an amazing experience here at the National Aquarium crazy I was very very impressed today so thank you very much we appreciate your time I'm Gonna Leave another video to another amazing public aquarium tour right here so if you want to see another video make sure to click this one it's going to be amazing George out
Channel: George Mavrakis
Views: 2,052,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: We Made Tunnel Swimming Pool - Super Amazing, home tour, mansion tour, real estate, real estate vlogs, most expensive homes, house tour, how to invest in real estate, million dollar home, graham stephan, investing, aquarium, reef tank, unboxing, new aquarium, package, coralfish12g, dark web, fish, coral, new fish, saltwater, national aquarium, abu dhabi, underground swimming pool, primitive technology, swimming pool, sharks, secret underground, how to build, tunnel, how to make
Id: 7OHt4Y2ano4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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