One Of USA's Best Saltwater Aquarium Stores: A Reef Creation (ARC)

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testing testing Shadow polyblab I love my new hoodie [Music] what is going on racing fan March and Dia here at frag box TV in the shop we are gonna do a very different sort of video today where are we going Mercy in Buffalo we're gonna jump in the car and we're gonna go check out one of the most well-known and oldest shops in all of the United States big shout out to Randy and Joe for taking time out of their day to show us around not just the store but also two separate Farm facilities yeah they were absolutely amazing like full of gorgeous gorgeous corals and we're so excited to show you guys we're going to show you some stuff you've never seen before super healthy fish amazing display tanks and these guys are just have so much knowledge and so much experience and stick almost to the end because Randy's gonna share with us how he got into the hobby to begin with I think it's really cool hope you guys enjoy this episode of fragbox TV on the road okay team no coffee no worky you know how we do and we also don't have these in Canada guys we have arrived here thank you to Tia our Uber driver we are here at a reef Creation in Buffalo New York so it's basically like at the airport like I don't think you could get any closer there's a plane right there literally taking off as I speak so when you're importing corals up see the plane when you're importing corals this is awesome because you just you could walk over to the runway and grab your stuff I haven't been here in probably 10 years maybe even a little bit longer Arc these guys have been around a very long time where are we right now oh thank you oh wait muscle oh I think it's this way foreign okay I have not been here in 10 years we're here at ARC this is a different location the shop has moved they used to be down the street he was telling me the owner Randy that it got thrown down so why did you move here five years ago October 20 2017. wow so five years this is a pre-covered store first thing I noticed walking in as a store owner myself um it's clean it's orderly and it's laid out properly so unfortunately not every store is like that but it's nice to see not only me someone else obviously cares about the way the shelves look Red Sea big seller for you guys yes yes like bread and butter Staple in in the hobby right oh okay you know what this is a question I always forget to ask um what salt are you using on your Coral systems here so right now we've switched over the Tropic Marin we use Red Sea for about 10 years we switched over to Tropic Marin a couple years ago uh I'd say it's about the same about the same just more expensive yes more expensive oh interesting and which red sea salt we're using just so people can know uh it's a pro it's all there's got a higher alkalinity so we use this on uh some of the coral systems and then we started some of these tanks off with zeovit systems and then we were using the blue salt to keep the alkalinity a little bit a little bit lower and then add the calcium and magnesium back in yeah yeah this is what we use in the shop on the entire store that's our preferred one this is quite the Tank Man wow how big so this tank uh the display holds about 450 gallons uh it's nine feet long by 36 inches wide by 28 inches tall oh my god oh what up Miracles this is a Canadian tank they're made by Miracles okay I'm really glad to hear that that's cool Miracles shout out to Miracles if you don't know what he's talking about they're in Orangeville Ontario and they've been making tanks for what 30 years yeah long time if you're looking for a big custom tank and thank you Peninsula someone else gets it it's the best full access um let's start with the lights that's interesting the hybrid so that's the T5 hybrid yeah that is uh forget who makes that Aquatic Life yeah and uh yeah we just wanted to give the radeons more pop originally had just radions and uh being so tall we wanted to get a little bit more of a punch for this SPS system you got eight of them it looks like it's quite the punch yeah it was started with six and then uh as the Acura started to grow we just there was some shadowing so up to eight and uh and then I'm pretty pretty happy with it and then yt5 you like T5 score Acro or for a while we liked T5 for acro but honestly I don't think it's necessary anymore with most of our systems we we stopped doing it uh just adds a lot of heat to standing here I can feel it electricity electricity bulb replacement yeah when did you make that change over when did you feel like LEDs were on par if not better than t5s uh about two years ago yeah I'm about the same everything since then has just been 100 LEDs all of the new setups and all 100 LEDs you guys have seen me do a lot of stores it's Radeon or nothing basically yes yeah yeah that's just the industry standard you you have a shop you want to grow and sell corals go get some radeons yeah this is yeah this is really quite the tank mp40s mp60s we started with two mp60s added a couple 40s a couple neros we just added two of the sevens oh nice how do you like it uh it's great for how much it costs uh and four thousand gallons an hour um for 299 bucks U.S yes not bad but we do have a pants array 63 where it's hiding coming in okay I was gonna say I would definitely see it there's so many pumps in here we added these uh the four of these uh red sea reef waves and it's just it's just not enough so we're we have on order of pants and raid to throw you really you really can't get enough flow when it comes to Acro yeah yeah this is kind of cool what you've done here in the middle I guess that's is that a closed loop or just your return no those are the returns so the original design which is to have two Returns come up through the bottom and so we we plumbed uh we plumbed it in two returns and then teed it off with some of those uh random flow generators it looks like using some Vectra l l two this is two l2s running the Returns full Neptune Apex holy that's a lot of doses a lot of doses what do you got going what are you dosing so this system right now it doses the KZ uh Coral colors elements oral system I believe it's called one two three and four and then there's a magnesium calcium and uh alkalinity from Red Sea and then uh a carbon Source from uh from KZ oh like to reduce nitrates phosphates any amino acids uh that's all done by hand so we add different aminos to the system by hand what am I looking at here what kind of skimmers protein skimmers those are ASM protein skinners I've never seen these uh they are if you ever heard of Euro Reef the original Europe uh guy made his protein skimmers out of acrylic and his partner wanted to make it out of this cast classic and so they split up into two companies Euro reef and ASM the output of the ASM skimmers overflows through that tube so when the sub level changes the skimmers perform the same that's so smart so all the other skimmers that use a valve to kind of slow the flow out the water level in the Sun so whenever you're doing water changes we don't have to mess with the skimmer just leave it alone and then it's always skimming at the perfect level yeah but the drawback is their Splash and make a lot of Saw creep so I kind of like how you keep it open though like to show like I don't know show people what's going on I just earlier I was showing a customer just kind of how this stuff works and it's just nice to be able to show them man this tank has got it's so many corals like do you frag out of here if let's say I wanted a piece of something like this or yep yeah that's the worldwide corals yellow tip nice tag and yeah we do frag out of there most of our live cells we uh we pillage this tank every couple months I guess you have to because otherwise they're all just going to grow into each other right what eventually happened they all just kind of fused into it so when we were pulling out the big colonies for polo Reef there was four or five colonies just we couldn't even separate them you know brought them to him and I'm like one big rock oh my God look at this Monty on top of Monty what's touching this is a like a paloensis the the red one is they call it the Cherry corals cherry tree Monty I believe it's a paloensis and then that's the stellata up front so cool how they like literally fused growing into one another do you have any trademark Arc pieces in here uh our trademark fireworks uh went to Polo reefs oh that was a nice our biggest colony of it I think there might be a little piece left this blue there's a little piece that's the trademark Arc fireworks so if you guys watching this don't know what I mean Arc is a reef creation so he's been around a long time and you'll see that acronym in front of a lot of corals some blastomous says blue Ravens there's zoas there's acros these been around he's this is it this is not a new shop this is how long you been in the industry I've been I started in 95 so almost 30 years wow then I started this business as a maintenance company in 99 and then branched into retail in 2005 so yeah I've owned my own business now for 24 years it's incredible you've seen a lot in the hobby of change industry over time huh everyone was using halides back then even when we moved here we had to mostly halides left over from the old store so uh you know that's what we had to start with but uh yeah quickly switched to LEDs I'm in love with this organ turret yep wow how about that hiding under there enjoy there is the uh Reef gen um blueberry fantasy that is so cool I don't know if it's a granulosa or the ripes uh I get stuck between those two trying to but it's got that smoother pile of uh or smoother uh textures look at the polyp extension on this wow that everything in here looks super healthy do you go through a sort of uh quarantine process if you're going to add something new yeah nothing comes into the store without being uh dipped in Bayer oh very interesting but this is the last tank that anything new would go into so we're very careful uh same thing with like our Farms like nothing's even allowed to go down there unless it's just skin uh you know no bubble algae or have taste of Getting By nothing there's a little army of yellow tangs going on in this thing yeah it was right before the band actually we set this tank up in January and the yellow tanks went in I think in February or March and then and then that was it the band came through and no more yellow things for a while if you don't know what he's talking about complete band on export of fish out of Hawaii that's why we don't see yellow tangs right now with the exception of some captive red ones from biota but they're quite rare what is this uh angel I'm looking at that's a red is it it's a Regal Angel um she's not a Red Sea doesn't have a yellow breast but uh Regal angel that was doing really well in our quarantine system for six months so I decided to throw him in here doesn't touch any corals no he uh we went a weekend without feeding the tank it was like a holiday weekend we came back in and all the LPS had bite marks in them oh so there was trach affilias and uh not anymore so the only thing I couldn't take out was that big maze brain and there was chunks of it missing but we fattened them back up and he hasn't really messed with it since so that was that was two over two years ago I don't think I've ever seen such a healthy large mazebrain in a captive tank and that that's amazing my very first Australian shipment when we first started getting Australian corals 10 years ago 2009. I got my first wild box of Australian corals I got a frag of this it was just a small two to three inch chunk and I sold it to my buddy and he's not a coral cutter so after 10 years he's like am I getting out of the Hobby and brought it back like man that's I can't believe this how big it grew so you know what I think I came here your last shop around the same time because I remember walking in and you had like an eight by four Bed full of acan Lords and I've never seen an acan Lord and you had it stocked I'm like what is this and you're like oh yeah we're getting these now from Australia yeah it was cool times you know just new Unique Corals coming what do you what are you feeding these fishmen they all look just perfect they uh they get a mix of mices brine uh we feed them algae uh Nori on the cliff so everything basically shut up yeah like I said you got to keep them fat otherwise that angel might start to pick and with that many tangs yeah this tank gets a tremendous amount of food okay but it still doesn't have a lot of phosphates and nitrates I have to add uh once in a while add some phosphates and nitrates otherwise the corals start to get pale it looks like you have a nice collection of roses too look at this redhead oh man yeah we just lost my I had a feminist in here that was in here for a year and a half and jumped no oh no you got to live yep at that I learned after the first rash jumped out let's put a screen on but because of the way the tank is eurobrace you don't notice the The netting it's just above eye level it's so perfect um so yeah that keeps the rasses in what a tank I think we could stand here all day and talk about just this is that for the summer that's for the summer yeah that'll kick on when it gets a little bit warmer wow one more fish and then maybe we'll move on What's that the red one hooded fairy Rass of trying to think of the name I put a pear in here male and a female and the other one turned into looks like a male uh do you keep them because you like them or for press control uh the red the fairy rashes because I like them the melonaris and the halcores like that guy there that's more for peskin just in case something makes it pass a quarantine or yeah yeah it's always good to all look even the emerald crab everything in here is this big little monsters really no hair algae a little bit of cyano I don't see on the bottom there was a little bit of hair algae which is why we added the emeralds and the cyano yeah it's uh new nutrients we uh we did a I did a chemical dose and uh just came back after six months so probably two for another that's another it's definitely not flow related no it's not that it's not enough flow um hi Tia is this a crazy tank isn't this a crazy tank I know I wish we had the room in the shop for something like this I love I just realized there's a sofa here there's a sofa oh try it out how's the sofa how's the view check out the tank wait don't close it it's a little low I wish that the sofa was higher because the Tank's designed to be viewed from standing yeah so it's a little low but that is my favorite view looking down this is gonna be the thumbnail actually hold on it is called clickbait yeah get a blonde girl in a reef tank I'm gonna get everyone to click on it okay so let's move on what do we have here this looks like your large LPS yeah this is uh actually this is kind of new for us so for a long time we didn't do any importing right um after the shutdown of endo Flex uh I hired a new guy who was kind of into ordering stuff so yeah we set these tanks up for uh incoming wild stuff selenias chicken fillias I love black sand yeah it really makes the corals pop the contrast is just so nice and we actually had radeons and uh t5s on this we had to take them off because it was just too much for some of these Laguna type corals they really don't need a lot look what he's running he's got one strip on and they they alternate so this one's on for three or four hours and then it'll go off and then this one will go on for three or four hours look how high up it is in the air on some awesome t-slot aluminum if I might add it looks really cool and then the tank is quite deep you know usually we're having these in 12 inches this looks closer to 16 or maybe 17. uh yeah 16 inches these are 80 gallon Sephora tanks and you have an online shop if anybody who's watching this and wants to buy stuff you ship right yep so yeah a reef is our website so it's kind of like two separate businesses where we have our retail store walking customers locals and then we have the online store where we do live sales and different types of promotions awesome yeah we sell a lot of our tank room stuff on the website how about the fish available online oh that sucks I was just actually when I just did a little walk through these are some of the healthiest fish I have ever seen in any Reef store anywhere period like they just look there's not there's no ick there's no disease there's no scratching there's no dead ones on the bottom which you would think isn't obvious but it's not for some stores they just look good they look healthy yeah they look great any secrets I can see some massive UVS hiding behind there yeah we've got the UVS and we do run copper through the systems for these uh for these guys to try and keep uh Cafe um and uh and yeah that's just trying to keep them well fed it looks like you know what you're doing man they look really really good fish isn't something we do too much of they're kind of a headache headache and hard to yeah it's hard to make money on it okay coming from 30 years of experience you guys hear me and moan all the time about fish on the channel it's not just me I'm a youngin I'm new to this I got 10 years under my belt 30 years you're saying it's hard to make money hard to make money on it but it brings the customers in so we have to do it to keep the customer flow in so it's almost like a loss leader where you you have the fish it brings the customers in but once you're in the store you're screwed once you're here you think you're leaving what's a budget I don't know what that word is yeah just be careful when you walk through the door um this looks like a traditional sort of four by eight frag oh it's not traditional this is Zola Heaven what is going on in here yeah this is uh just some of the overgrowth of zoas oh my God uh which is actually why right now I think he's got these cracks for five dollars uh just to move some of this as always hold on I heard five dollar francs let's see these are five dollars over for heads just to move them out covered not just one head sometimes you pay a hundred dollars for one this you're getting 50 for five do the math on that kids wow any secret to growing zoas or keeping like they look really healthy uh secret I mean we do add amino acids I do add a lot of uh Trace elements and things like that um but I guess just light and flow I think people don't realize that sometimes it's always you know they do like some some flow um sometimes our Zoe is in the tanks that don't have a lot of flow don't look so Lush and open I find it helps keep them clean yes yeah they're kind of a dirty Coral like they'll get gunked up and if they do get gunked up I do go through and actually base the the dirt out of them manually they clean them uh it's one of my guilty pleasures is just going through with a pipette and just blasting the corals and just cleaning them up and you obviously know what you're doing here um are the fish just because they're freaking gorgeous or to add some extra nutrients and to the water nutrients the clownfish in this tank uh were like the starter fish for the store when we first moved these some of the last ones that we've read they're so nice so they were just kind of the nutrient uh pool and uh so we've had we've hung on to them but the tangs and the rashes are the workers of the their employees yeah they're the employees I think those are the biggest Polito grandest I've ever seen those are some monster Brands holy those are what are you giving me steroids uh no light just light and uh we do feed a little bit of coral food and kind of cut back we used to feed power plants uh Rick droids um another Canadian company I I do like their product um but uh I noticed at first when I was doing it daily when a phosphate started to climb so now I just give these tanks maybe once a week they'll get a slurry of olive radi power is that on a schedule or whenever you sort of feel like it yeah I'm kind of getting to that with age it's like it just looks like it's time for a feeding yeah you know those are really nice what do you call these those are bam bams I believe orange bam bams okay I have to do this thing where I don't talk about zoas because that's all I care about so I'm gonna be I'm gonna try and I know you guys want to hear about other corals yes maybe some anemones oh here mount a nice mushroom what's this uh that looks like our Colossus mushroom so we have a few different uh mushrooms it's the Colossus the gummy bear bounces to the left of it pipe there these are so nice is this a standalone system and then this is a Red Seas Peninsula 500. ah look at that this is my this is my kind of shop not one Peninsula but two display peninsulas to display peninsulas um this one had a little bit of some Growing Pains um so we had more euphilias on the top and they weren't very happy we pulled them all out but uh the acans and some of the lower light stuff seems to be really happy I think so far there's a lot here but this is this piece that is really speaking to me that's that's a really special acheck I wish I could remember the name of it you can make make one up on the spot no it's bsas you're allowed you're allowed to now you can make with with your experience you're a veteran whatever you call it we're just going to follow you anyways so yeah that's the BSA kill shot akan that's amazing Mardi Gras is right to the left even this is this a chalice and then that's a plate Coral that is Diablo Tia the thing you call the Chalice like these girls are having the best time over here on the sofa March rolls with the ladies uh this plate Coral is I mean this chalice is not a chalice no it's a play Coral this yeah cool that's crazy it's it's really unique actually I have a few different dicerats uh and that one just it's it gets the purple and the green and uh yeah it's really a really unique one what the am I looking at right now these giant mushrooms you started with one of these like hairy mushrooms these rodactus and a little piece of the skin stayed on the glass I've never seen this they're they're just they're a plague though but they're very cool first I thought it was like I at first I thought it was a green star polyp and then I thought it might have been a carpet nem thank you I don't know if he's confused or I'm confused but he's not acting like a mushroom oh my God you're hiding in plain sight what is this guys that's not an enemy what are you trying to host there's no tentacles that is the uh to mycitian the Space Invaders uh mycidium ginormous chalice that uh I call this the Raja Rampage knockoff yeah basically Roger's on the other side and then this is the the knockoff not as colorful look how they've really just taken to this piece as if that's it that's their home yeah do they ever lay eggs in there uh those guys I haven't seen eggs uh some of the other clowns have they get a little aggressive when they start laying acrobed and then yeah this is just one of the retail Acro tanks you know ten dollar frags up to 250. check that out you guys want to spend ten dollars or if you're bawling Balling on a budget lots of money this is very nice everything's laid out with prices if you're watching this and maybe you have a store and you're taking notes this is very important um not every store I go to does that and unfortunately where we're from some of the stores the price changes depending on the car you drive and the watch look before the words came out of my mouth with the watch you're wearing will change the price I don't like that uh no the price is the price so yeah we got actually to try and stay really consistent if I don't know a price I look on our website and whatever we've sold it for in the past it's typically what we'll charge so we try and stay very consistent these are some things that come with experience that you learn over time [Music] in here you have so much actually fair this is these easy some of the Monty's I would sell for 50 bucks stuff like this look at these mushrooms I mean that's what I would charge yeah it'll survive look at these these I think these are probably pieces you're growing really well right yeah and maybe that's reflected like look down here in waiting in line waiting to be cut these tiles underneath you want an easy to grow LPS like almost weed level yeah look for psychostria even these actually what's this red one the uh not bavono what's it called that one is the the green one always escapes me too comes in a green as well right no is it no damn it okay comment if you're watching this far thank you you must be a Super Fan what's the name of the squirrel it's gonna hit me as soon as I get in the car but look at these pretend are these available on your site uh no the bit the business side of me is like take this home drop it into four and charge 25 bucks each because here it's only 10. that's incredible man that's a steal S no we're not allowed to show Zoes anymore why I banned myself because all I talk about is always and our viewers want to talk about these nothing because they can't talk incredible stuff really old Franks too so none of the plugs are white that's one way you can tell and you also can't fake this when it's completely covered over the plug this was not made yesterday yeah these are really really old pieces oh yeah look at that oh right down to the stem completely encrusted that is so cool and here also again not too much light to Reef Freight xhos it's got a pair of them we've been on here for about six months this tank was started with just four castles um we wanted to keep it lower light uh make the corals pop a little bit but the growth wasn't important because most of the stuff comes from our Farms how do you like the kessels um I love Sticky ones as far as what they make the tanks look like but I don't think they grow the cornrows very well I don't think they have the output I don't think so so you have a par meter in here uh one that works oh yeah I've tried a 360x for a while and I wasn't I love the Shimmer again I love the look but let's go we gotta grow yeah so I I kind of face the the castles out um looks like radeon's really the winner in here oh look at this I see a very nice bounce mushroom yeah perfect balance mushroom really nice it's all hooked up on uh on apex yeah I gotta get the right system though so we need an apex not even if you you don't have to own a store so from his phone he can control and see the entire shop I'm sure he's got tridents running yep I have tried probably 100 different alarms so many things yeah this it almost gets overwhelming when you have so much right yeah because then I can't find them yeah when you want to turn off one thing like this return tank number four highly recommend an apex oh my God there's more unless you have a filter you have any Reef Raff Red Dragon I lost it you know me too I got it from them years ago was the first time we ever imported anything from Canada and got the permits and uh crazy thing I got it and after two years I lost it I have a purple dragon which is similar but it's not the same not the same and it doesn't grow as fast and it doesn't well and it's just yeah they're straight down there with the blue tips my my red one from refract was uh was my favorite drag I would have brought I would have brought you some if I knew and look at this needle in the haystack uh Pac-Man that is the uh tck uh new dragon oh no that's the little red Ferrari I'm sorry oh look that's a little red Ferrari it's like man your October I took the little uh took the needle in the haystack out it was a little too bland so nice every this looks really mature like yeah and this tank was also filled with big colonies that we ended up sending off to Polo Reef do you have a favorite uh piece in here uh my favorite piece in here I really love this Reef raft Canada's um in the Martian no that is uh orange fashion nope I can't think of it now um High distribution I think uh cornbread got some but it's got that Marvin the Martian kind of hair but then it's got really a unique like pink pink color similar to the home wrecker and then purple base we really had quite the skill for like acquiring and coloring up Acro that guy oh man what is this uh I don't know holy this is there's so many Corals in here that a piece like this is an I don't know piece yeah it it's just so much when we're doing ourselves it's like what is that piece I gotta learn from you how to do a live sale I'm still trying to figure that out for our viewers because I've never done one um this is the this is our 300 gallon shark tank but our sharks are kind of sleeping but if you go slow enough you'll see the coddling there it looks like a big gray catfish hovering underneath the cave hello buddy what a cute face so what is this and then that's a parrot fish uh what's this parrotfish koi power conscious these are great for keeping the sand bed clean just constantly moving eating detritus yeah looks like fighting conscious your conscious and some sea biscuits this uh this little black cookie thing covered with uh sprinkles is a Sea Biscuit and you said you also have a farm and then yeah we have uh we have a farm in this building a little Cleanup Crew section yeah oh wow this is that one of the rarest things in here we do not see real live rock in Canada anymore and definitely not this this is the first live rock we've had in our shop for uh probably eight years we're using real Reef almost exclusively man-made Rock and uh yeah this this is Rock from Australia not cheap but you get what you pay for it's not cheap but okay that's a piece of art look at that it's incredible and the amount of good bacteria okay sure there might be some pests you know there's always that argument to be made for live rock but sometimes the benefits can outweigh that like that's some real Rock castle look what Kessel is good for Illumina I'm just kidding Kessel sorry if you're watching this I didn't say your lights suck yeah Nero seven okay we're going to the farm this way to the farm responsible yeah so they got one in this building and then another one down the road farming corals everywhere it feels like we're in a hospital so in the same building they actually fly some private jets out of it was an old Hangar that was converted into these retail stores and if you get tired of growing zoas or maybe you got some time on your lunch break anyone out there into fencing for pizza and stuff yeah that means they're growing mushrooms the fun kind of Randy's giving us the back story can you tell us just quickly one more time how you ended up in Buffalo and with the store sure um so I went to college in Batavia New York and uh for computers yes and uh I met my wife to be there she had this freshwater fish tank and I just completely fell in love with the tank she bought me one for Christmas my first tank and that was it and I decided right then and there this is what I want to do with the rest of my life is I went back to school for business classes learned how to run a business I actually took biology courses just to learn more about about this industry started working in a fish store and uh man I wanted to own a store the two of us kind of had that dream of owning a pet store I love this story and uh so yeah that's that is I don't think that's how it usually starts but that's really cool man wow where the heck are we what did we just walk into this is the lab the laboratory it's not pretty um but uh you know we've got some of some gems in here some of the ghani uh grow outs called up so long uh this these systems do get fed more so I do feed the ghani power in here uh we do feed the refroids in here I actually feed Casey's uh Coral love it's called it's another Coral food Connie pora High floor low flow like medium flow so they're kind of like right underneath this Reef wave that alternates it pumps forward for a few minutes and then it actually pumps backwards so um they seem to be really happy in this corner and uh they found the spot found the spot so this is where they they stay when we had them in the shallow tanks they didn't do as well so I I figured maybe it was just too much light so uh you hear that reefer sometimes just trial and error trial and error these tanks are only the frag tanks are only 12 inches tall so with the racks they were just I think they were getting too much light yeah fudge am I looking at here so there's one of our weird uh half and half torches I got some cherry corals so yeah there's too much water so much water vegetation there that's so cool it's like a little bit cold and then the rest green I've never seen a torch like that yeah it originally was half and half and then when it split half of it split green and half of it split gold tentacles uh were mixed and uh so now we're getting two or three generations uh we got back into the half and half for the acan lovers out there it's over eight Kansas my original passion was uh akan Lord's so so was mine was against I like the zoas because I can actually grow them so I feel like I'm doing something right as a hobbyist so this is one of our live cell uh tanks where you know we'll have the corals that are photographed for the sale go in here they're in a row and uh we actually number them on the glass so we can kind of keep track of you know which ones you know this is you know piece 642 41 40 upload you said 2 000 frags for a live sale typically 2000 is a that's a good sale and this would be a frag that you're getting like this massive two inch fully encrusted piece uh not the the all of these red ones here these were all five dollar Cherry Coral door busters all right our cherry cherry tree door and you were telling me sometimes you'll even do like a one dollar crazy Holy Grail torch yep like only one of the elbows so you gotta gotta pay attention that's on the reef to Reef live sales you have one coming up the next one's not until August so our focus is going to be on trade shows reefapalooza and some other shows and then uh August will be our next sale okay foreign have like half green half orange oh yeah that's so cool so a lot of times the splits you know you only get a green one or an orange one lots of different tanks it looks like you got some ongoing projects oh yeah this is eventually we're going to have more of these tubs set up here tied into this sump for more more growth you've been doing this how long 30 years uh almost 30 years does it ever end is there ever a time that you do not have a project no there's no finish line there's no Finish Line I mean every day always ends with I'll do it tomorrow I'll do it tomorrow there's always something to do there's always something like that yeah and then when you think you're done you learn something new or you got some other bright idea and then and then that's it it never ends yeah that's why you guys always see in the channel like the never ending changing store of frag box I'm glad to know that I'm not alone in that regard it's always something to change what is that wow that is the Cherry corals meltdown so that's Jesus that's that's a high demand one was actually going to be frag and uh another one of those in the next day or two incredible asking for it yeah this looks like five years LPS in general what is this war Coral it's just a yeah crazy War Coral that had all those different colors so we try and tease the you know the different colors when we cut it we'll cut it in a way that we can just keep all those extra colors together so when we make the frags like those guys over there um you know we've got multiple colored ones so cool astrophora I don't see this too often does it grow good for you the girl's good for us but it's not a good seller but it's a cool coral I think you need to be in the hobby for a while and appreciate weird yeah in order to get something like that oh wow tanks so redundancy you know the Farms have some of the same corals are in the retail store in the show tank but something happens in one spot yeah we're kind of covered with this with this corals on the farm oh my God that's a reef raft that's a reef raft fuzzy navel oh wow or something in there that that uh that it encrusted over so it's giving it that kind of uh weird um small Branch look to It Marvin the Martian uh yes there's a Marvin the Martian right there you're at Diablo Maybe the devish one the purple one yeah uh that is I think that's our our Magic Dragon man this tank is just on fire just two radions well I guess it's really shallow just two radions and uh yeah and these are are these all connected these are all connected so this whole line one saw three one four five seven eight nine oh my God here's the solid tank in the farm uh unfortunately a couple of the zoas took over oh my God what are these Rim Reapers I want to take some home with me those are nice yeah here this room yeah even your magicians look at the size on these big juicy magicians yeah for whatever reason the Zoe is down here uh get really plump you know in the retail store they're not this juicy because I don't know if it's uh just these These are t5s actually one of the some of the last t5s we run but uh and then this thing just rewrites some of the higher end uh Power Bank you use in a cans what an amazing collection Do you have a backup generator on this place nope oh a Bible I I need a I need a generator yeah there's there's way way too much on the line here yeah look at this one sump running all this but that's why we have redundancy so we have this in this building and then we even have I guess like I said earlier it's an off-site Farm um awesome okay big question I forgot now that we're getting towards the end of the video water change yes yay or nay uh I used to be big on water changes we haven't dealt with the ICP testing and trying to kind of get levels where where they need to be we don't do water changes unless we're sucking out detritus okay so when we have to do some some cleaning some spot cleaning I'll go through and take 40 gallons out here or there but for the most part we've slowed down on water changes and just adding what's needed based on the ICP test and we add what's needed but no time will tell if that's going to work for us because we used to do more water changes if you can get away without doing it it's less hassle less work less salt less water foreign whatever you're doing is f definitely working so keep doing this whatever's got you here so far stuff is just incredible super healthy not a single pest inside yeah no algae I was gonna say drop of algae but I guess it's not a drop really really just one of the nicest healthiest collection I think of corals I've ever seen uh Corazon Corazon damsel here for the fish the real fish nerds out there they tell me this is a rare one okay we are on our way to farm number two so retail store and then the farm that we just walked you through over there and now another one down the street because these guys don't have enough corals thank you Uber you're very good Uber okay Farm Number open open arm number two firearm number two okay there's more if you're still watching thank you guys you must really like us or maybe not maybe you really dislike us and you're just here for the coral which is okay too we don't mind because we're just here for the coral to jawbreaker mushrooms check out these anemones oh the talking beautiful that's what everybody wants perfect ing away but he got he got excavated because he needs always his little zoa Eater over here but when it comes to algae great for algae bad for zones I've had to meet space invader picked genius and other stuff wow look at these man those are some Aurora anemones there's some little blue mini Maxi carpets that are super cool in the corner from Australia and then these are coffees are so nice Holyfield bubble tipping enemies that is so satisfying that's the way you're supposed to mount stuff not like March not on the floor put it on the wall in case there's a leak this is the way the professionals do it this I've never seen a collection of Bauer bankies actually quite like this they're all Bowers Bauer for short not Bowser power banking it's kind of like an acan but much bigger almost as it's like a gani Austria and they can't lower it I don't know why I always find the need to compare if I I don't know how to describe a coral I take two other ones and then say imagine these two had a baby yeah man check out this out this stuff looks so healthy how's the flow in here I'm always asking about the flow because I'm still undecided medium flow in here again medium yeah some of these colors it looks incredible a lot of these Grew From little frags like the appleberry the mother colonies here which is kind of I like to show people the original frag plug that's so cool Incredible torches again everything's really healthy no skeletons it's a really special Fox card look at this this is a pretty cool tool because it's it's quite simple two by six frame for a stand and then what are these totes that you're using here seven foot long actually hydroponic totes simple [Music] nice wooden painted rails yeah looks like a simple setup but it's working again the acro they have figured out what are you using for the schedule on the radeons a little bit um take out a little the green and a little extra blue are these the Gen 5. the Gen 5 pros nice so you guys like them I guess stuff looks so good [Music] quite the Chalice holy moly I'll go guacamole okay everything is getting super healthy well encrusted what are these beautiful like stunning little fish I see everywhere just absolutely gorgeous gorgeous green chromis look at that lots of green food these are really good yeah basically I'm just gonna say it fish it is one of the best Coral Foods am I wrong it is so I keep chromos in the tanks the entire staff collectively at frag box hates the fish I love them I think they're super cute but also serve a purpose what are we looking at Skittles bomb Fabio very very slow Growler it's a little very cool what are you keeping the salinity calcium magnesium all those fun numbers at magnesium I try to keep on the higher side between 13 15 1400 okay calcium 425 450 half right around eight salt 35 40 000. So within sort of normal ranges with elevated mag yeah a little higher mag I like to keep five to ten nitrate possibly it probably runs like 0.1 what is this um that is I believe the either disruption or um amazing it's actually overwhelming being in here it's just so much to look at oh I'm happy to see they're also using my Preferred Pump it's my favorite pump on the market for larger things it's the Neptune wave this is pretty cool this is a blue chalice and you always hear me say on the channel blue is kind of a tricky color to find in any Coral like a true blue I don't know if I've ever seen a chalice with this sort of loop like this real blue but then also yellow eyes check out these Japanese interruptus Angels oh it's a little camera shy it's got a pretty big for a pygmy Angel like eight inches nine inches what a beautiful fish see I found this torch here banana torch yeah not all of them can be banana cards and so we're using that basically everywhere yeah basically I've worked kind of we used to add all that stuff individually iodine iron and they came out with this system it's supposed to dose it once a week but uh we still doses nice Coral system ABCD yeah it's like the coral color or something you don't see too many people using KZ especially on something of this size yeah it's probably the most expensive additives out there right at one point I think we're spending about 5 000 a month five thousand a month that's a lot of frags yeah wow I mean just between the stones and the carbon that we're using of all their additives 140 bucks a bottle the Zeal box but this stuff works it works Coral vitalizer Falls extra yeah so we actually started adding less and I'm not seeing a big difference in the coral Health it's been about six months now where we've cut back instead of adding that stuff daily and uh you know saving us some money and uh yeah they look great okay reefing fam that's it we're gonna wrap up this longer than extra video I hope you guys enjoyed it again Arc I don't need to give an introduction you guys already know the name you can find it thank you very much to Randy for taking the time out of your busy Saturday and Joe as well thank you very much it was nice to do this if you guys got any questions for them you can get in touch with them or shoot me an email if you got something maybe related to this video Tia looks really excited um again they have an online site you can find basically everything we showed you guys here today maybe there's something even in the video that's not on the site you know reach out to Randy I'm sure that'll help you out or hook it up or frag it and that's it we thank you very much for watching this episode of fragview Arts TV we hope you enjoyed it hit the Subscribe button so you can get notified when we do this again and we'll see you guys back here on the next one bye for now
Channel: Fragbox Corals
Views: 61,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: _f9xxhfn_Q0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 34sec (3034 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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