Into The Amazon - Discovering New Fish Species | FULL DOCUMENTARY

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my aim is and will never stop i'm sure as long as i live always to go to areas where no one has gone before to do research on aquatic habitats haiku says we might be out there for up to a week we have seen creeks where no one has ever done research for fishes completely dead so we don't even know what lived there so we have to go further up to find possibly new species and to introduce this to the hobby they want to smarter cocaine and soon i found out that it was pablo escobar the experience of a lifetime was this i'm sorry this is a bad start well the bag is leaking george no no we will find fish might not be today it might not be tomorrow but if we have haiko blair with us we will find fit i came here to catch fish completely crazy i never seen anything like it before in all my life yeah i think this is something really new i have no idea what they are in this video i'm traveling to the amazon jungle to search for undiscovered species of fish that we can potentially introduce to the aquarium hobby the expedition will start in colombia guided by heiko blair a world famous researcher who has discovered thousands of fish across the planet if you own or have ever kept an aquarium there's a strong chance you've kept one of the fish that heiko originally found we will follow his lead venturing deep into the jungle for days maybe weeks at a time into undeniably some of the most remote places in the world we will travel by plane bus boat and on foot encountering indigenous people and experiencing things about the amazon jungle that i wondered if were true but before i could start this international trip to south america i had to get a covet test meet up with my cameraman asher pack everything up get our sponsor fritz aquatics on board with the project and most importantly get to the airport on time we are not on time [Music] one thing every minute one thing to do while you're late to the airport is read heiko blair's book volume one on discus we could probably finish this by the time we get to the airport all right we gotta go get on the flight now so um i had a great time reading this it's a quick read you could read pretty much the whole thing on the way to the airport okay let's go [Music] oh [Music] the lucky fritz aquatics hat does not ever let us down normally i'm totally cool but international flights i have a massive problem with and it's because you have to show up one hour before boarding and there's no ifs ands or buts that's hard for me [Music] we've just arrived here to bogota colombia we're about to get picked up by a man named heiko blair hopefully he's here to pick us up otherwise i don't know what we're doing hello hi great to meet you it's a long story you know i mean abbreviated in very short words my name is haiko player b-l-e-h-e-r i was born in germany when churchill erased frankfurt under the ground in a bunker and i have grown up a few years in germany then in africa then in south america then around the world i'm ignologist explorer filmmaker photographer writer conference yeah i help people around the world to appreciate nature i had discovered 7920 fresh and freakish water fish species it started with my grandfather in the 19th century and it went on with my mother in the 20th century and then i followed the footsteps of my mother it's always in search for fishes and for plants i had a wholesale business for 33 years on the beginning i went every month to south america collecting fish 966 expeditions this is the 967 and my aim is and will never stop i'm sure as long as i live always to go to areas where no one has gone before to do research on aquatic habitats to find possibly new species i wrote over a thousand articles worldwide for magazines around the world and i have written my first book in 1982 which was translated in 10 languages it was about discus and i have my autobiography which i don't seem to end so i wonder how big this book is on the way to the airport we read your whole volume one of discus really whole thing the whole thing on the way to the airport yeah we're fast reading we're very fast readers welcome to the vlog do you know what a vlog is it's going to be great we got heiko blair picked us up from the airport what a gentleman and he's already uh telling us not to be afraid of malaria all right we made it to the bus station and now we're gonna see if we can catch our ride yeah here in colombia they're actually very very strict about the coronavirus procedure before we get on this bus to go to the villa they're making everybody wash their hands [Music] we're about to get on this bus it's going to be about a three hour drive to villa vicenzio and it's supposed to be a really beautiful ride so we are leaving now going from nearly 10 000 feet high down to an area where it's about 1 200 feet villa vicencio is directly the only major city in all of colombia in the lianos this huge area which extends throughout colombia and then goes into venezuela and goes to the caribbean sea all together it's about a thousand nine hundred kilometers stretch that's an amazing area and we're going down there and hopefully starting tomorrow on our first expedition [Music] temple all right guys good morning it is our first day now here in villavicencio and we're about to leave for our expedition you can see heiko over there is uh getting ready packing all the stuff up good morning good morning you got all your stuff packed well you're forgetting one thing we got you the exclusive corpus falcon merch into the amazon then we got the khaki colored hat okay this is haiko's first merch drop he's kind of new to this thing okay i feel overwhelmed all right we got this pickup right here we're loading all our stuff into the back the rumor is we're going to be driving for about eight hours um is it true are we driving for eight hours hmm okay oh he said yeah i can take that long if you guys want like that's okay and then we're gonna be off into the jungle guys we don't know how long we're gonna be out there heiko says we might be out there for up to a week it really depends on what kinds of fish he finds and whether he likes the area if it looks promising we'll stay and we'll keep searching if not we'll move somewhere else but we don't really know we're just packing for about a week and uh yeah we got cameraman asher that's all the cameras a lot of a lot of cameras this is so exciting the vibes right now are so high for the start of this expedition he's discovered a lot of the fish that you guys keep in your aquariums oh he's rocking the merch it's a little bit smaller you see we'll loosen it for you the amazing thing about this merch heiko is that you got this awesome dad strap you can actually loosen it a classy hat for a classy man like a glove or two big but anyway [Music] i love to study the biology of fishes the freshwater fishes have a biology which is so different for marine fishes so more extraordinary hardly anyone knows it but i discovered a lot about it and still we know a fraction of what we should know [Music] we know more about the moon than we know about this planet [Music] you know how to eat it dude no i do not no idea you eat everything everything everything too everything here [Music] i've never had anything like that before oh i said look how slowly these cars need to go it's so bumpy it's unpaved nice boobies it's crazy because we've been driving on this unpaved rock road bumpy as hell for probably an hour hour and a half now i feel like i literally just played my first game in the nfl doesn't even seem to bother heiko yeah he seems unfazed the latest data is almost equal as many species described from freshwater habitats as for marine i think it's a little less than 35 000 now and half of this is marine and half of this fresh water one has to sit down and think maybe 75 of this planet is covered by salt water between two and three percent of this world is covered by fresh water but the fishes living in fresh water they must live almost all near the surface the freshwater fish have only available 0.001 percent of all the water of this planet and 0.001 percent live half of the vertebrate species of this planet you must think about this how amazing freshwater fishes are we arriving now in a very small town but this is gonna be our point of departure for the research for the work probably only tomorrow this is the most fascinating place and the most remote we can get to the thing what i do know very well is that there's no report of any fish from this area after an eight hour drive four hours of which we're on a completely unpaved rock road i'm not sure how but we've made it to a small village it's like a small town here i don't know how there's a village in this area which feels so remote i guess we're gonna try to find a place to stay tonight here what happened what does they have only two rooms and both rooms have one double bed all right we got to our room it's actually a nice room i guess it's bad enough joe fan doesn't work i don't know do you leave me alone i'm my head or something michael wasn't even faze haiku gets happy when he sees those kinds of roads it means that we're in nature i'm all about it look i'm here to get down dirty and concussed i'm ready to see i want to find these small fish i really don't good morning everybody we're waking up to this beautiful sunrise look at this you can just see the clouds coming over the mountains we're about to go meet heiko downstairs [Music] all right so haiku's gonna see where we can try my luck yeah with all these cows but first you're gonna have to get past the cows all right i guess we made it to our first spot where heiko's gonna look for some fish like the small creek here oh very nice one five minutes in [Music] you scrape below the fallen tree and you usually have fish [Music] okay i see you micah go around and show me how many people my age do what i do just show me one or two when i tell the people my age no one believes it and when i go with people on the trip they can never follow me you see they always live on the rocks there's a group called chatrostoma they have a huge mouse all of these catfish almost every species you recognize by the mouth but they are never abundant [Music] so we're gonna take these and photograph and look in some more creeks if we find other species so you're testing the water this is a tds meter i test it for ph for conductivity and for temperature temperature is 22 the ph yes is 6.6.7 and you do this every time you catch fish every time very soft water huh okay [Music] taiko's got the best snacks no doubt about that [Music] oh we just got to a new place there's a cool little turkey here all right we're heading down this little hill you can see heiko there there's a little stream we're gonna be looking for some fish in there does not look very good tracks of cows here and too much destruction what do you say to people who think that you shouldn't take a fish out of nature that a fish shouldn't be kept in the aquarium every aquarist who says such a thing should go to the jungle they should make a trip i don't care where if in africa or south america in central america or in in asian countries it should go and see what's happening in nature today the only way to protect the fish is the same way as how to protect any animal on this planet any animal in zoo has a future in nature not anymore not at all we have seen creeks no one has ever done research for fishes dead completely dead so we don't even know what lived there all dead there's not a single fish in this creek and this happens the same all over the planet people don't care they only care about their cattle naturally this is where they make their money but the water which is the most precious most important thing we have on this planet of no importance i mean i have seen this nature in south america in africa which was paradise i mean unbelievable it was what you maybe see in some of the movies with hundreds and thousands of animals nothing i already say that there's every minute on this planet freshwater fish are disappearing john we will find fish okay it might not be today it might not be tomorrow but if we have haiko blair with us we will find fish our fearless figure he's determined so i have to prepare the aquarium i had it nicely set up but naturally now with the transport it got all mixed up so i have to clean it why don't you say that heiko because we actually have fritz aquatics max out which cleans your tank this is the best thing in the business for defogging cleaning and making your tank crystal clear you just throw this in your tank you throw it in the water it removes impurities it removes undissolved solids it removes phosphates and it makes your water crystal clear i'll leave a link down in the description where you can check out brits aquatics's products [Applause] the lobby down there you know it's like white tiles like you went to the bathroom that's like across the lobby and we were walking and all that poop earlier today like dude you left like footprints well it's a good thing we have max out because that can it can take care of that too so you photograph every species you collect and you put them in this aquarium while you do it yeah you take this photo tank with you pretty much everywhere you travel and it's solely for the purpose of being able to take photos and document the fish you find i try to give macro photography so i can count the teeth so i can count the scales if they have scales if they have spine i can count the spines and i'm sure there was not more fish in this one small creek church that's a very nice one as you notice the pectoral fin have a real red tinge the second same family laurie carride is this falavella she has a very long beautiful tail people always ask why they have this one part of the tail very elongated because food for other fishes during the dry season they feed on the fins of other fishes and this is almost all the time in nature the reason the third species is the caracoid but this one is not feeling well anymore another one you have the character it's got a the black stripe and the red eye what do you plan on doing with the fish now that you've documented them i released them here where i found them because i can identify them with all the records existing i'm sure i personally don't feel this on you so nothing new nothing heiko hasn't seen before um obviously you can sense the a little bit of disappointment in his tone of voice he wants to find species that have never been discovered before and so it was really cool to be able to kind of see him in his element even with these fish just to see the way he photographs documents examines all the fish he's found a lot of fish in his lifetime and he's going to keep searching so you can bet that the hunt for a new species continues [Music] oh my gosh you guys are underneath this bridge look at the hornets oh they're everywhere they're everywhere that could go through your finger twice [Music] i have the feeling this is another river that that boys something that should be here [Music] all right still in the search still on the hunt for fish [Music] this is what is happening all over south america the jungles are all disappearing they're all disappearing this was not here before this is recent ah fresh air finally we're getting out of the cattle field and palm oil plantation this river divides the two departments of mata and riviera and it will eventually end up in the amazon this is why i wanted to go down here with you part of this you will see now amazon jungle we're getting closer guys [Music] i was one of the first importing fish from this country colombia one of my first exporters was a dentist this man called cantilio and i actually imported fish from him i don't know i think for a year or two or three all his fishes always arrived 70 dead there were so many debt that at the end i stopped because i was only losing money and for several years i never imported from him again and then it must have been in the early 80s in frankfurt i lived in the forest there was a knock knock on my door and there he was jose cantillo and with him was this man and i asked him in my house and we sat down and he started to tell me that he's so sorry that i don't take fish from him anymore for so many years and i should now do it again and i will receive for each box of fish ten thousand dollars i said why would you pay me ten thousand dollars for each fish as i found out that they want to smuggle cocaine in each box as it out i threw them out of my house i didn't talk to him ever again this other man soon i found out that it was probably escobar experience of a lifetime was this didn't know at that moment naturally they went from one importer to another in germany and i know one who went into this deal he ended up in jail i don't know for how many years because they found cocaine in his fish there's plenty of room then we went to you guys are gonna have to share a bed then we went to it's not even not really even a bed yeah a lot of room just not a lot of bed room [Music] that i found three greeks one two three and the third one seemed to be the most interesting because in the forest my nets and stuff where is that let's do this thing roach must be very bad but i'm sure we can cross all three that set is almost dry two of them are dry but the third one even has a bridge the third one is in a forest we got to a fork in the road here where we're going to have to go through these wire fence come on asher let's fields go forest there which there is this forest whoa look what we got plenty of fish oh yeah yep look at this guy guys we found a little crab here i knew what we're gonna get the catfish there's a so-called kandia rule there's a corydoras i can't believe it [Music] solid night finally found some fish do you think it's about seven different types of species yeah at least wow look at them solid nice catch so we're gonna go eat and then take them to the photo studio the blair photo studio [Music] this is the kanjiru you see and you see the kandiya is a fish that gets in the gills while he's in the guilds he sucks out the blood that's why he's also called the vampire fish this corydoras i've never seen these corridors before this is a very well known of your shower this is almost a common fish but this is a very interesting tetra i still don't know what it is so we got at least four different tetras we have this beautiful corridor and we have the kanji roof [Music] is found a man his name is carlos carlos he appeared out of nowhere as these things usually happen he's going to be taking us on his boat to go search for some fishes so his boat's pretty big we're going to be able to take it up the river and we're going [Music] [Music] [Music] coffee [Music] [Laughter] in wisconsin is true no i never find us some of these fishes we're going to be best friends amigos it is [Music] all right guys we're about to hop on this boat carlos our guide and heiko gadgets this is interesting this river goes to the welfare foreign the water is really clear usually don't you see them no i don't see one they're cutting so much forest for the cattle and for the plantations this is just a flooded area and this is up these small creeks they don't function anymore that's why water only accumulates here during the rain there's a lot more inside here we want to walk you can see the water goes very high up here this is normally when the water rises all underwater there's only about two percent of the light coming through the treetops that's why hardwood plants can grow plenty of fish this is apistogramma country some of the most beautiful and askful fishes on the planet and i'm sure there will be plenty here wow that's really beautiful and they're always between these leaves every scoop i will have a pistol grandma here these have yellow tails this is a very beautiful male cheese full color you see all fins orange nice one they are known now maybe a hundred species already they're simply small beautiful fish all right so we found what looks like a perfect place where he thinks we can hike up the creek is not foreign he's saying that all of this aeroforest during his lifetime this was dense forest no it's only catalan as far as you can see you see that i hope no okay all right so we've taken the boat as far as it can go can't go further which means we start our hike oh man that is not easy to climb up what's up guys welcome back today we are going to be getting on a boat and we're going to be taking it deep into the amazon jungle for three hours we're expecting to find freshwater fish hopefully some new species we're here with heiko blair the guy is just an encyclopedia of knowledge when it comes to freshwater fish so we're also supposedly going to be encountering an indigenous tribe so that should be really really exciting i've never done anything like that but yeah as you can see we're here at six a.m right now and we're about to leave the dock so let's get down to the dock and board this boat [Music] i have never stopped the full year not coming to south america not going to new guinea not going to africa and all these other places because every minute on this planet freshwater fish are disappearing [Music] [Music] all right guys we're about to go meet the tribe that lives here these people are indigenous which means this land is local to them and it's protected just for them so should be interesting let's go meet them hello hola wow we got a full italian kitchen in here chef paiko's cooking up some italian pasta and some hot tea of course he always likes his coffee or tea hot even when it's like 80 degrees out here because when it's hot the best is to drink hot tea the man is extraordinary he can do it all folks he can even cook asher bring in the firewood powered by fritz aquatics fifteen indigenous families live here this consists of two tribes is a tucano idea and gustavo is actually from here he is the captain that means the chiefs we can only go here and enter it and do our research because the captain allows us i go doing a test look right here this guy what kind of fish is this is this this is a wolf fish well i think that's what you call in america this is they have gigantic teeth you can't open their mouths the teeth are very big they grow very large huh yeah they get huge 40 50 it's a centimeters little sized cap wow he's so cool beautiful specimens to photograph franco said you think we're the first americans to ever be here yes i can guarantee you a machete [Music] show us how to use the machete because that's what people really wanted all right [Music] wow what about noises do you make a special noise [Music] okay all right i got it achievement unlocked [Music] what [Music] [Music] the wood is not very stable watch out is and now he confirms to me that they have used it here so we're wasting our time this is the disaster i mean even in costa rica i was with my dear friend who lives there all his life ideologies we found seven greeks not one fish all poisoned pabasco is the poison root natives use all over the world to kill all the fishes in the river you have to beat the route in pieces in small and squeeze it and then you pour it into the river and the fish die and they don't have to catch them they float on the top we never know what was here this is the problem and i found this problem all over the world the native people don't have hooks they don't have nets but they have poison control uncanny do you know an english proverb that says extinct is forever that's what it is and we never know what was there and those aquarists who say we shouldn't take the fish out of nature leave them in nature they don't know what they're saying this is really really really disappointing because i cannot see one place on this planet so far where really nature is protected i have been to hundreds of national parks to reserves and i have only seen that the protection is mainly in books in magazines in the media but it's not taking place in nature in nature it's very difficult that this will have a future because as you have seen on this trip we went to an indian tribe he took us we walked for hours we got to the creek beautiful jungle creek and there's no fish even the native people and this happens around the globe who live in protected areas who want to preserve they must live they must survive it's everywhere in nature fishes have no chance to survive and there are thousands of reasons this is only one of them so we have to go further up where there might be something different so we walk up i it's hard to follow him he's going fast [Music] we've searched five different streams holding some really expensive camera gear [Music] here we go [Music] so where are the fishes pensachita [Music] very different fish yeah i think this is something really new very interesting they're different they're very different this is the creeks to look for it's pretty fresh they're clear as it was annoying this is where i always go i walk sometimes for days into the jungle and then it's when you'll find it very beautiful fish yeah wow look at that orange orange dorsal and bottom fins little black tail and they're kind of like yellow it's like blue and pink different species he caught yeah it's not the same it's a different species it's kind of an interesting looking one too so different see some lindos excuse these blue ones i have no idea what they are so shiny they are really fantastic you know this is a fish what you can conquer the aquarium world again guys i think we did it i think we found something really interesting and unique and beautiful what i'm looking for always my life they're really small very tiny yeah and the adult it's an adult even that small yes yes i'm 100 sure the blue ones are very exceptional they are open water fishes they live in the current you can see them a little bit from the top but from the side the predators cannot see them this blue as you see you will not see underwater if they had this bright color underwater they would not exist anymore [Music] really gets me the smallest fishes on the planet are unknown to mankind yeah like neon tetras this is really a sensation never seen this before [Music] people don't realize but this is how all of the fish in the aquarium hobby were once found similar like this which are still found like this this this is actually not more than 100 maximum 150 years old before that hardly any white fish were caught or introduced into the hobby he's testing the water wow guys this is so exciting we're gonna hustle now back to the boat to get the aquarium so that we can film these and see them under the macro lens you'll really be able to tell exactly what we found and you'll be able to see them a lot clearer so [Music] they're so special we're probably going to take them all the way back to the hotel with us because that's where it's really the best place to film stay tuned we got a three hour boat ride back and yeah hopefully we make it before dark back at the boat the sun is going down adios mario jose [Music] [Music] this is completely unknown completely crazy i never seen anything like it before in all my life i want to really get very good shots and the water is actually not perfect but i don't want to i don't want to stress that definitely not the spot in the rear part of it surrounded by white is unbelievable the blue is like yeah i tried many of the just comes out so different i never thought again to find such a fish sensational aquarium fish and all so small the biggest are actually in there and this is the point no you once in a lifetime you find a creek which all the fishes are new because it's so isolated did you see this other fish is very nice and this is also used new too fantastic with the red tip on the back of the tail and this is so unusual and you haven't seen that before either no it seems that most treasures in this creek were all new it's crazy because when we were looking at these fish in the stream they didn't look blue in fact i remember you saying i don't think carlos is right i don't think they're blue they look clear but then when you held them up against the light we were able to tell that there is indeed this just crazy light iridescent blue when do you decide if it's decided for a name for a species well that's normally the one who classifies it you know he decides it i found thousands of species and i have maybe 30 named after me when the scientist decides uh okay you are really the very first one to find it so then they asked me if it's okay to use my name sometimes i said no other times i said why not the name of my mother or maybe my daughter or whatever i'm looking at these and it's a type of blue that i love obviously any aquarius would love to have this fish in their aquarium how does it go from you discovering a fish like this to it actually reaching you know the aquarium trade normally how they reach the hobby if the place is so remote that no exporter from that particular country is willing to go that length to to spend so much money you know like we have spent now and collect a few hundred fish is a very very difficult task the normal procedure is that they should be bred in captivity because you know how far it was you know how many people can go that far and how many can you catch to make it worthwhile and then this particular fish i know precisely has another problem i found out the source of the water of this fish it comes from a huge cattle farm and this cattle farm you don't know if it's going to advance naturally this is indian territory and it should be protected but i have seen hundreds of protected areas that have been destroyed especially if it goes for money for cattle or soya i mean so i actually am already now afraid that this habitat we visited today which is so beautiful and unique will soon or later disappear and with it all these fishes so i already say that there's every minute on this planet freshwater fish are disappearing in such a high speed and you see i only find really new fishes if i go to such remote areas one where you have come with me now it's the only way and this creek we went with this endemic fantastic beautiful fishes lived will not be there in future anymore so also this fish will probably become extinct well it's crazy i mean we went through four or five days of searching it took quite a bit of time to get out there it also took quite a bit of money to get out there exactly it wasn't cheap to find these fish so hopefully we'll have the opportunity to keep them alive until you can reach the university in colombia in bogota yeah i'm sure i can manage that so i'm extremely excited this is really cool we're going to be taking these fish back now to the university in bogota colombia to get up some professors to analyze them a little better all right here we go finally this is what we came here for mission accomplished this took us seven days by car by boat on foot we found a fish that no one has ever seen before this beautiful blue iridescent tetra i feel like we're making history catching new fish that may eventually become very popular in the aquarium hobby as hico has done with so many other fish so i'm really excited for this meeting with the professors at the university and we're going to see what he says is no [Music] i go we've come to the end of the expedition it's been amazing to spend some time with you seeing how you do everything learning about freshwater fish their habitats it's amazing even though we have a pretty large age gap between us we're still both passionate about fish i'm really glad that i was able to come here and show my viewers everything that you've been able to accomplish in your career you want to dive deep into the world of freshwater fish heiko obviously has written tons of books he even sells his nets he sells all his products on his website it's a huge website and it has tens of thousands of photos if you really dig into it you can see things you don't see anywhere else on the planet heiko's books i have one at home they are absolutely incredible front to back they are just loaded with crazy information amazing photos so if you're interested go to his website i'll leave the link down in my description below also massive thank you to fritz aquatics for sponsoring the expedition i'm really happy that there's a company that values the importance of education in this hobby so that you guys can learn more about the species that live here we can continue to educate you know the upcoming generation about everything hico is working towards also don't forget the coral fish 12g into the amazon merch the exclusive t-shirt and hat are only going to be available for the remainder of this series if you're interested you can get those on my website i will see you guys in the next one but until then remember to keep those nitrates low george out [Music] what do you think it will be nice to head back into a place with uh hot water wi-fi that would be nice working wifi these are things we have missed yes guys this this this bridges this is for you we do this for you guys guys hit the subscribe button if you haven't already we've almost died today we've had hot tea on an 80 degree way we've searched five different streams please sauce is a subscription at least a like at least at the very least a light no just subscribe seriously just do it all right down the hatch you go asher shout out fritz for making this entire trip possible they have a range of products for your saltwater freshwater aquarium and they'll get you right george no oh we crashed it i got the shots though it's not in the water yet oh you can see it yeah we just got to go get it oh it is in the water oh we crashed the drone but it's okay we got some shots subscribe we're crashing drones for you guys i'm looking at you yeah do it i'm not gonna leave until you subscribe subscribe yo haiku just told me that we have food for two weeks i don't know i don't know if it'll last out that's gonna last for like a week actually you're supposed to provide the jokes here i'm doing well he's gonna kill he just spent ten years did all of you just spent an hour doing all these i'm so sorry we're off to a rough start i don't know do you leave me alone i'm my header it's holding up like he just won a prize at the state fair we're cooling off now heiko is cooling off with some we're taking a stop at a juice juice and cheese stop can i interest you in some live bacteria donde estan los peses where are they tell us where they are welcome to machete lessons with carlos foreign this is the only thing that really cleans my glass have you ever tried fritz glass cleaner no that's why yeah we do every glass cleaner let's some fuzzle on it well i promise you fritz aquax's glass cleaner no fuzzle ever we'll send you some heiko we'll send it all the way to italy we could only fit so many quality products in one bag this is an editor's note after that bumpy ride all right good remember we're here in colombia where the native language is spanish so we want to try to blend in okay we don't want to come across as foreigners all right the chants really help with the blending in part here we go spanish which george asher throw me any verb ear eat what's your dude give me an easier one a star you already did that one spanish department thanks for helping me blend in guys if you're in school right now i know spanish class sucks but maybe one day you'll actually use it to order yourself a hamburger in which case it will be the best decision you've ever made like and subscribe goldfish 12g exclusive into the amazon merch it's only available this week during the series of these food videos are better and we have better food hi my name is george and you see all this algae right here well this actually is an algae but it's a type of bacteria called cyanobacteria which can commonly be found in freshwater and saltwater aquariums now luckily for you there's a product by fritz aquatics called max out which i don't have it with me because we left it in the car which is a sizeable hike away but i promise you if you throw some max out in here it helps reduce and remove disgusting algaes like these from your freshwater and saltwater aquariums cut a little crab ow ow what do you think [Laughter] oh let go buddy let go what hurts everything as that sure would say yo these ants go dummy hard yeah these eggs go stupid bro yeah they'd be going stupid it tastes like fish i think we got something here [Applause] you see me looking for you i was like where is this isn't it oh yeah those look kind of weird yeah it's cool but i've got a little bit of a problem here it's not a good sound in any situation i should call it in one situation push them in good talk hey wow this is so exciting hey i see what the hype's all about now you maybe noticed i never drink water did you notice because i don't believe in the water which they serve you i drink water in nature always since i'm four years old is that the regular battery is [Music] you guys have to use the instead form because we want to show respect guys we got all these new species of fish and now the bag started leaking we don't want to lose them so we got to be really careful as we go up this bag is very valuable right now okay honestly senor jolly was the easy grader like guys get over it like just just suck it up finish school put the work in and then you'll be able to travel all right then you'll be able to go everywhere that you want to go put in the time finish college finish college basketball just do it all right i know it sucks but just keep make a push make an effort do well in school and then once you're done you're done get the hell out of there you're never going back all right just get that degree bean bean
Channel: George Mavrakis
Views: 1,813,641
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: halfmoon betta fish, fish, orenda red cap, anglefish, woow! found a lot halfmoon betta fish, real koi fish, goldfish, ornamental fish, lobster, lobster asli, octopus, toys, shark, ikan nemo, hiu, hewan laut, gurita, mainam ikan, sea animals, bermaim official, koki fish, goldfish koki oranda, koki black moor, koki ranchu, ocean fish, crab, idn animal official, turtle, looking fish, catch fish, feeding, fish tank, aquarium, betta fish, pets, pet fish, gold fish, aquatic, asmr, coralfish12g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 39sec (4059 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 13 2022
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