The Last Episode (Teardown + The Entire Series in One Video)
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Channel: Foo the Flowerhorn
Views: 3,638,860
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: shimp tank, no filter aquarium, betta tank, how to setup shrimp tank, erik satie, gymnopedie, direted tank, walstad method, wild shrimp, shrimp, planted aquarium, 5 gallon aquarium, aquarium plnats, gourami, spakling gourami, pygmy gourami, aquairum water change, floating plants, drckweed, aquarium setup, croaking gouarmi, shrimp food, nerite snail, gymnopedie no2, gnossienne
Id: sQBc85gg7HU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 11sec (10211 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 29 2022
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Yep same here. I wouldn't have a Walstad tank now without seeing this series. I think I binged most of the videos in a few days when I first saw it.
That plant growth though man. But when your inhabitants die of old age its safe to say that the tank was a success. Not an easy thing to do in a tank that small. This dude is an amazing aquarist and it wouldn't surprise me if he was a biology student or something.
I hadn’t kept up. What happened?? It looks like a giant chunk of spinach!
Thank you Foo, I wouldn't even know about this hobby if not for you and your videos.
Is he shutting down his entire channel or is he just done with this particular tank and will start another one?
I wanted to make my tank like his but I couldn’t find certain plants. So I made my own aqua scape. Great YouTuber though
Inspired me to start this hobby. Legend
Also same here. I remember watching his old vids so long ago. I currently have a walstad tank basically like his. Mostly the same plants, scape, and even inhabitants. I watched this vid and I was quite sad as it was an amazing tank. I got lots of inspiration from this tank especially. Hopefully he does something new
This brings me to tears. He's the main inspiration that got me into the whole "no filter" planted tanks. I learned so much from him and wouldn't have been able to achieve what I have today without his videos. I wouldn't be breeding fish and shrimp today if it wasn't for him. I hope one day he rekindles and starts again.