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welcome back everyone today we've been invited to Adrian's fish room again he sent out the offer a couple weeks ago and I couldn't resist to come back and have a look at this beautiful room for all you that don't know we have toured Adrian's room before and it's absolutely magnificent we've got ponds we've got tanks everywhere throughout the whole house we've got lots of breeding projects going on and agent's going to take us through today update us on what he's been breeding you know what you've been working on all that stuff I'm really excited to have a look so we've had a quick look around everything looks fantastic I think a little bit better than last time so I can't wait to show you at all today it's been an all-nighter last night just about to get it done yeah I love Brett style yeah exactly so let's go and have a look we're going to start off welcome in the garage and then we're going to work our way through the whole entire house alrighty so where do you want to start today this is coming along well actually the eight footer the last time you saw it was pretty close to um finished and then that's how it's grown in from there so um that's no CO2 I had a bit of a battle with Blackbeard algae for a bit I decided I'd put the Siamese algae eaters in so there was five in there and there's actually four that I saw yesterday so they're still in there well there's a that's not a Siamese that's a golden no that's a golden yeah that's one of the golden algae eaters the Siamese will they actually school pretty well yeah they are yeah doing their job Saturday Blackbeard algae they do so all of the plants were covered you know to some degree with Blackbeard algae so they started on the plants and they practically cleaned every last one of them and now they're into the you know to the rocks and the Timber and getting back the shape and look of the rocks that they were pretty much covered in Blackberry when I put them in because I quite I like the look of it I don't mind it especially in the in the um the flow there you know it to me it's quite it's a rare plant and you get it's black you know so that's a good point yeah a lot of people like don't like the look and you can see here this is a really good example of how to use it yeah yep and then hopefully now with the plants being healthy fertilizing just enough for my first impression of this tank it looked like it might have been a couple of years old it actually surprised me I didn't remember that from last time that it's that young yeah I think it comes down to when you're escaping if you use you know new Rocks new Timber new plants it looks new whereas all of that Timber was in the tub out the back it had Blackbeard on it to begin with for me then it's really just try to blend the new rocks with the the ones with any algae on them and rotate them around so they look as close as they can be to start off and then of course within days weeks months it'll be covered the same anyway yeah so this is your like main showpiece tank so it is the thought behind it originally was the large tetras so I hadn't seen too many displays of you know schools of groups of large tetras and these ones in particular I've had for ages I've grown them all out and I thought well I'll do them Justice and put them all in together and there's you know the Venezuelan the blue Colombians the black widows there's glow-light tetras in there there's Emperor tetras in there we've got penguin tetras in there there's five orange flash females in here I lost the boy for some reason he was going great and he was all over the tank maybe he just died of exhaustion and then I've got my large angels as well they're the ones that I've had since you know five centimeter type size and grown up and their pair there together they've actually just spawned you can see the size of them they're huge fish they're really really big Angels how old would these angels be I'm gonna say six years plus maybe seven wow yeah that is really they've come from my old fish room and I had that one for seven years and I got them about halfway through and it's been two plus years now I've been this one so then that big black angel is enormous like you know bread plate size there yes yeah he's massive yeah he knows he's beautiful too he comes out and displays quite often you can see the sunlight actually coming through it looks like yeah hitting him oh it's brilliant when it does Come Through the Windows you can see though I've got to trim it down because it's just got it's just gone nut so I've actually trimmed that only about a week ago and let some light through because I I like it to to come into fafnir over in this tank over here yep yeah he's a Senegal butcher heaps of Personality male or female I don't know I've never really looked into how I how to sex them something I should do I saw one on Gumtree yesterday for sale roughly the same size so I wouldn't mind actually getting that one and seeing if I could get a pair because they'd be great to breed apparently they're not hard to breed but their their babies are trickier to raise okay and they all eat each other too yeah right well he started picking off everything pretty much in the tank that's why I just rescaped that tank for him and he's got his own his own area in there now and he's doing he looks like a paradise for him all of those rocks have got holes and then right through the back it's their tunnels that go through and you can see them from either side so these are all toys yep I've been begging you for some of these yeah I can catch some out for you for sure yeah they're brilliant I gotta say they're one of my favorites I've heard mixed stories about people having success breeding them like lots of people either have success or like it's you know something tricky for them to do yeah yeah fortunately I'm I'm in the the first category which is they breed for me really well I don't think you can see that this rock at the back here see that if you look through there see it's got a face see it's got the two eyes at the top there in the mouth oh yeah they're actually hold on look the quarries are sitting in the mouse down there yeah yeah is that on purpose or like yeah and I put it in oh I didn't drill the rot but that's how it came to me so I just thought oh it looks like a face I'll stand it up that way that tank is I mean wanting to pull it down for ages and I'm either gonna put a pair of discus in here because I think that size of tank particularly with the depth would be pretty good for for The discus whether they breed or not it's not really for that purpose I just would like to keep them or completely different fish and go for a flowerhorn and go away from a baby and then I've got other tanks that you go to depending on how large I get so yeah I don't know I'm um I'm thinking if I had this top rack uh these ones have got the peppermints in them yes so they're my breeding colony of peps and they've been a bit slow lately and I'm going to mix it up I've got in that eight footer there's another 25 peps in there as well so do you think that they've been slow because it's summer I do I find they breed much more in winter time yeah and I've heard too mixing The Colony around you know putting new males and females in get some get some going again so I'm definitely going to do that I think the plecos I want all down the bottom and then I could have another personality fish here like the wet pet style thing so I'd have fafnia the flower horn and then something else and of course it's at head height yeah you know and then of course on this side too you've got the um you've got that view of that tank so I thought for a flowerhorn that's pretty cool both sides yeah you want some eggs take some eggs yeah actually I will yeah I'll show you my egg Hatchery over there yeah it's a pretty basic one but it seems to work this has got a pair of neon blue or cars I think they're oh yeah they're at the back they've got a spawn in there of about 25 or 30 left they do a battle every night with the Coreys to stop them eating them so I leave that light on above the sink there so that they can they can see them coming in they managed to get sort of 25 or 30 of them going I haven't been able to stop them breeding pretty much so there's a pear there there's a pair there and I've got a heap on the other side as well it's amazing how much their colors change when they're yeah trying to breed yeah like they're really darkened up yep you'll see the difference in the what you call a display tank of them over there in their display colors it's so funny you say display tank because everything in here is almost displayed boy and these are just in this last one they're just little babies that have grown up and that big black one and the eight footer I'm gonna once I clean this tank out I'm gonna pair him up with her and see what I get as far as a a color mix goes I got her and the other male given to me and they were just really nice colors and as you can see how these guys here like the shine in this one here it's got a pink dorsal so I kept that one just for that reason so I don't sell them but the shine on it's crazy they're beautiful they're really beautiful fish so multi-dimensional you know the top yeah like you've got all the plants coming down into the water it's almost like you've got a Creek in the side of your garage yeah I I really do I think you'd say that because I've actually got a fiberglass um spilled from a pond that I was actually thinking putting up there and having it spill into the eight footer that's a good idea yeah so um but yeah it is it's very much that well you know what we go out and see in the bush it's trying to replicate that here so you know you can see it every day you can actually enjoy it you know I admire the creativity too you know I think when you build you know if you're going to go into it in such a way that you're going to actually create a tank that someone's you know whether they said or not I guess as long as if it's something that's beautiful to you when you create it if you if it's inspiring when you're doing it and then further to that as if if it inspires you every time you walk past it or if it inspires somebody else if it motivates you to do more I just find something that is this living art that you can really get into you know the more that you enjoy it the more that you can do with it and I find that if you can create something that's beautiful to look at as well as functional and creates life like that that's you know it's just a win-win-win which it brings you like a sense of Peace too yeah like looking at all this you know coming in and seeing things happen seeing things die seeing things live breed I think it's really grounding yeah watching their natural behavior of the fish and we've seen that out in the Creeks you know and and all of Jason's amazing footage that he does you know trying to replicate that I think is is the goal when you try to do something naturalistic like that and if you can do that and you see them doing those same displays as they do out in the bush then that to me's success you know I've got a tadpole in here that okay I'll um I'll get a a torch and show you in a sec how often do you have to clean this thing if I do it monthly it works way better but as you can see it's starting to build up so I've changed the top layer two days ago and it just needs a it needs a clean out so but yeah I would say monthlies with the size of the the system that I've got particularly with the 397s and I'll show you an example of what they do that's it's I did Dirty oh my God I cleaned the bio balls pretty regularly so every time I turn I'll do a water change I'll take them out and rinse them because they're obviously more effective when they're cleaner and then I just keep replacing that until it looks like that and then in the next week or so I'll take that out and there's my tadpole here yep so a little Marsh frog or something or uh he is a March Marsh frog yet you probably see him better from the top actually okay where'd you find him did that yeah oh beautiful uh yeah he's one of the the little buggers that's completely invaded the rice fish medaka or the the tiger madakas so yeah he's got 100 or 200 more brothers and sisters out there and how do you raise them just like fish basically yeah you know with the exception of I've moved it now but there I have the Rockies not ready to get out of the water yet but um you just have something like that that um sticks up out of the water as his arms develop and I'll keep the water level roughly you know on this sort of Olympia as his arms develop he'll slowly pull himself up further and further and then he'll lose his tail and um yeah by that stage you'll need another container but I just put him in there he was um beautiful you know I just thought well why not I haven't raised a tadpole to a frog since I was a kid yeah and you know who may as well do it now out of this I think probably this is my favorite tank I don't do a whole heat to it but I think aesthetically it doesn't look too bad yeah the Lotus looks really good in here yeah yeah and it's it'll it's Greening up because of the light you know obviously the more red than the darker it gets it's neither black Venezuelans yeah and harder to breed than no fertilized eggs for you yet no not I can't say that I have and I've got so many snails in here I rarely see them and because they're so secretive with where they hide them you know I really I rarely find them would you believe there's about 35 Cardinals and they're all hiding yeah I was going to put my hand at the back but I'll um so you can see them you can see them for sure oh yeah I was gonna see if you can see the arowana and you know like that I call it but it's the uh the butterfly butterfly fish you know they look arowana to me but if he's at the top at the back there somewhere yeah you can yeah yeah they look almost insect-like they're brilliant and um I feed him live crickets so will he take anything else no he struggles with worms and stuff every now and again I've got a you know but these are this is where I breed the Crickets so you breed them yeah get them from babies grow them up and then when the females you know get large enough and the males get there really long uh tail you just put a container of dirt in there just some moist sand dirt put some fly screen over it so they can't eat their babies and their eggs and then they'll just put the little proboscis in the females or put it into the dirt and then they'll lay all the eggs and you take that out and stick it in another container and you've got yourself more babies so they they reproduce pretty well these guys some yeah if they get out I'm happy to like if you know because I breed them to basically feed them so if I open the top and they're jumping everywhere I'll put the lid down I'll catch the two or three that I need and then I'll let the rest go yeah so I let them you know if they've got that ability ice found a is he good at hunting them he is how cool I've never seen something like this before hopefully he'll be it might have been Christmas dinner they're very shy fish there's no doubt about it yeah but when they go like you'll actually hear him splash the water and hit the cricket it looks like down here you have uh 397 on on legs so they're three nine sevens that's my main breeding colony I gotta say you know touch wood I've never had a problem they breed consistently I've always got various size babies from one centimeter to five centimeters in there are there any out at the moment in the building yeah yeah there's heaps yeah he's smashing it dude yeah yeah I'm getting the monthly which is great how many are in your adult colony I had 12 when I put them in and I've got another 12 adults over in the tank I'll I'll show you over there as well they're really cool like as babies like they look like Thai I think they look fantastic they're probably the best looking when they're young that's the colors like most of the plecos like the triple threes and the zebs and all the rest of the zebs might be an exception but when they're young they don't look as spectacular as when they grow up yeah these are the opposite these look brilliant when they're young they look colors are awesome and then as they grow up they'll fade yeah and they also get they're really dirty like they make so much mess oh yeah if you look around to the right hand side I like that tank it's like a secret view around there oh yeah so and usually depending on you know what mood they're in they're hanging out down the back there this is definitely the best way to breed plecos I reckon like when you just kind of set them up in a really natural tank yep you can't look at them you can't flash a light in a cave yep and then you just wait until you see babies feel the babies and they come out and then because they grow up in that tank from that size when they're an inch and two inches long they're nowhere near as shy as what they are in a glass tank with no um with nothing else in there he's a plain one so he's he got in he went down that this is my disaster tank as you always have with plecos but I put a pair in there hundreds and the tiny babies went through the drains instead of going through the pump they got out the other drains into the other tanks so so they're in every tank baphnia ate the rest of them in that one she looks hungry or healed yeah yeah that so there was none in that but the rest of them have got them in there and I try to pick them out but the good thing about the commons is only having one or two in there is and I think I've got females I think luckily is locate the glass clean I'll do that smash algae yeah I really don't have to do much because of course the 397s don't this tank over here you'll see is just bombarded now there's actually about 40 matai Quarries in there which you know you never see there's so yeah and there's so many you know hundreds of plecos and babies they've just come out some really colorful rummies yeah nose tetras yep yeah there's some nice rummies there they're gonna come out and go into the eight foot of those ones and I've got another 25 rummies up there so I'll have a school of 30 in that eight footer I'd love to see you try and breed those yeah I've never tried to bread them actually yeah it'd be really cool the wild type Angels wild type Angels so they've paired up and spawned three or four times but they were on eggs when I first yeah yeah they've got them to regular stage and then free swimming but then the tetra's just that was it yeah okay so it was game over yeah so it's just common brisk on those pairs in here yeah just the common bristlenose yeah you can see the little babies everywhere these guys are old oldies um Harlequin nosboras and they've got to be I don't know four or five years old those guys and they just I I've had them forever it doesn't matter where I put them or what sort of water they just live these things and I've always for some reason I don't know how I've never bought one of those is it Priscilla Priscilla oh yeah I've never bought one of them in my life but I've always you know I've always got one in a tank somewhere um there's one of those in there and then some these are some babies that have grown up that's a new boy I've just put in there for the females well you've got eggs in there did you know that uh no but it doesn't surprise me so if you look down here can you look from the other side uh it's a bit dirty but I can you can see yeah I can see yeah you can see how many eggs yeah so that's that's how many babies and every one of those will hatch they're really prolific hey oh crazy how do you sex these fish because like I'm gonna try and breed them okay so see how this is the girl the mum here see how the black goes all the way down between her eyes under eyes right to her mouth and right up to the to the dorsal and she's quite wide but she's a square wide whereas the boys are more of that angular I find that they've got it's not a nuclear hump but they'll get a larger head than the girl and the female will be fatter for sure you know she's darker much darker and you'll see when he comes out if I might even just drop a little bit of food in for them because they'll do they also get a longer dorsal fan like they do but the girls can also look they look pretty similar I go mostly by the head what a cool angle yeah that's a cool shot and what a cool fish oh really cool man yeah and they'll raise those up in there no probs other than the see there's about 45 or 50 pandas in here they hunt as a pack you know like they really do when they schools you know when they're that's the behavior we like to watch that's actually their feeding behavior and their hunting so when they're going around then one will dart out like a like a test to see where they're going and as the mother goes for that two more all the pack will actually go for this for the for the sport for the fry yeah they're really interesting to watch and I you know I don't like to see them going but I couldn't I'd have thousands of a car otherwise your shot would be just packed with the car so it was there already yeah I I've got 100 in the container over there um would you go look at it yeah maybe start up here because I can see them out a bit at the moment they'll be a bit shy because of that we re-escaped or I rescaped the tank last night for them but that's the the purple lay Lupo there that's a a reptile Hut cave that I turned sideways days I thought the males would go in there mostly but I find the females like to hide in them and I've actually got the design I thought of would be good for plecos but that's actually where I saw it I think on YouTube someone was using something similar I thought that's a good idea and I could actually look in the cave and it's a clever idea yeah so the purple is it is it a type of a colored strain of like a yellow lemon now of the only the only one that I can see close to it is black but they're not black they're purple that's all Tang water over there so everything in there is on that sump is there's tanganye so it's I'm going to say eight two eight five you know somewhere like that you know I don't know it's something I've tried to work out is it a color morph is it just you know like you can see how purple that one that pair is above the Sponge Filter there they get orange on the fins and then they can turn their orange spins purple so have you had much success breeding them yeah I've had a few spawns the last one I had in here and it lasted about four days and then got eaten and I was disappointed but I just never got to it and I've got another pair I've taken out and put into a tank over there as well just on their own and they're actually spawning um and I've I haven't laid eggs yet but they're doing the you know the flashing and the shimming and all that sort of stuff and I gave a pair to Eliza I remember that the guru of breeding fish so that she can actually um teach me how to breed them properly yeah it's a beautiful tank yeah geez that's less than 24 hours old that one just tons of rock everywhere yep how do you achieve that pH that you want I use the Tang buffer I need to go up in cichlid salts the only two chemicals I use so you just Chuck that in the sump I do it into the sump but Tony taught me a long time ago that it's best to mix up a decent container of it with this many tanks that I've got and rather than just have it in the sump and sort of trickling in put some in the sump and then put the same amount in each tank and do it and then come back with what's left goes back in the sump and then it gives this even dose across the tank so look at this Xanadu yeah over you yeah that's been in there month or more now it's I need a light above it and it would grow really well because they do grow really well inside but that's just literally those leaves those new leaves are just on the ambient light that's around here at the moment the blue Allan acara interesting thing I found out again last night so as you know the sump has bowed and broke and I've been you know I've been talking about this for a while and yeah I'm actually ordering a new one tomorrow but if you have a look along along the sight line now and just move those plants you can see how much is bowed across that's your plant by the way that's the one you gave me in New York um but see how it's come away a little bit there but see how the the baffle down here yeah it's really bad so it's half an inch maybe there at the top and it's still sealed down the bottom yeah so the glass is you know I'm I've got bits of foam here wedging it in and this has been well maybe a month now to get this up it's just so hard with Christmas and trying to get it all all organized and everything so I've been looking online I would have bought one online at Gumtree but you can't so anyway that blue Alan acara is spectacular tone gave me three of them he killed one girl same day we got them had the pear bread once up there for me I've got 40 odd babies which I gave to tone to to grow out and he's going to give some back now and they've bred once in here and there's one little female left in here and I could not find the girl I thought he's killed it for sure like guaranteed last night I took this out over here but right up in the back that very last part of the sump up there where the pump is she's in there she was in there so she'd come out obviously onto something like this and go on in here or off the wall and into the sump and she I can't even feed her like that's been six months like it's been that long like I just had completely forgotten about her and um yeah so I don't know what she's been eating obviously there's enough food yeah she's she's survived so that was um that was great so he was reunited with his wife last night next one is the rainbow tank yeah thank you it's about to get an overhaul at the aqua one filter it was a high flow River for the rainbows as you know and then it's now stopped and still it's only running on the tower filter above it and some two sponge filters in there so you've got salmon red rainbows salmon red rainbows and the locustris the turquoise I love the look the salmon red were the ones that you gave me the nine of those uh the night of the fish auction yep the blues the turquoise were the ones that I bought at that fish auction yeah the red rides are the ones that you gave me I think last time and it wasn't me I think it was Eliza Eliza was it yeah okay great we're gonna go collect these yeah they're the ones that I'm desperate to see in the in nature and just see where they came from the colors on those guys they get amazing in the sunlight they're probably on par with the turquoise with the locustris you know they're just a little bit washed out probably because it's the afternoon now but also the substrate yeah you can see there's a perfect little male there and a really good looking female there but there's such an interesting fish I'm really Keen to go out and look for them yeah so they like the flower turn I'll just sprit pasture there yep and I'll just turn this manifold so that one's on so yeah it's a bit clunky but it's like an old steam engine I think but I know what I'm doing so it works but you can see the flow that's flat out but um those those boys will probably jump up into that flow and put their display on set as the flow help rainbows to display they love it yeah yeah yeah oh yeah look at them the boys in particular they'll get straight up in the in the flow and Spa and carry on and then the females will actually spawn above the all that Java moss and stuff in there and you've also got a ton of quarries yeah I'm interested to pull it out you know when I pull that tank down and see what I've got in there because if my memory serves me correctly there was a 120 130 150 or something like that as far as stir bites that went in it and they were from my old fish room in my old six footer they breed all the time so they've got to at least have kept up to that number if not more and I pulled you know maybe 20 of them out not not a whole head but that tank is actually I'm thinking of hitting Jason up from Australian biotopes to come and actually do a project with me and get him to create me a similar type of thing I think what he's done at Katie's Place with her tank but for me I like a high flow rainbow display tank and I'd probably keep the quarries in it but I just think he's she had some massive guidance yeah some purple spot Guardians in there to be cool yeah but um head lick his lips seeing this and you've also got a ton of different plants growing out the top of this one yeah do you know where they are there's a California there there you go that's I really like that one it's done well and that's with just a limited amount of light from that the spotlights that you get from bunnies there and as you can see it's completely covered I I don't do anything with it really the synagodians are blocking it are they are they elephant ears so yeah you got some filled engine here mate I don't know what's going out of there there's some spofilam there's some pothos I did have some bromeliads but they I for whatever reason they did get water enough but they just they dry out really quick in this room so I don't like wet feet that much I found I agree because they rot from that they get that smell yeah they don't like that rotten stuff Guys these guys have babies that's all yeah they got babies in there now so um I don't know where they are can you see what there she is yeah she's there yeah you can see one baby right there I'll see if I can get it from the other side so what type of these are Barillas these are borrelia yeah barilli yeah there's a few little babies here you might have 30 or 40 of them nice so they've been eating them um I think so they had one spawn before sounds callous but I'd rather leave him and her together and maybe risk that whole spawn again and see if they get it right because it just means that little bit of pain that short-term pain till they get it right is a long-term gain so whatever I've got them and they're raising their babies I don't have to do it yeah I really don't like to pull babies it's not something a guy I've quit doing it with my pestos yeah I quit I retired it they honestly they eventually get it even with pleco's man I just quit I just said no I'm not doing this if they're gonna do it I'm gonna give them to someone else and they can do it because I got too many fish and I want the fish to learn and they do they genuinely do and you just have to persevere it's like everything with your tank if it's not right you won't fix it overnight you just got to take your time and then it's a patience that's a great thing about this hobby is this teaches kids patience this is something where you go I was at a fish shop at Ross's the other day this lady come and said I want that better I want that bowl and I want to you know go now and Ross said well sorry it doesn't work that way this is the cycle this is what you've got to do and for kids that instant gratification is everywhere fish keeping as a hobby is an incident gratification it's patience it's practice it's it's persistence at what you're doing and then comes the reward and that reward is far greater than that instant I know about I saw on Instagram I saw it in YouTube I'm an expert I get worried sometimes that my videos promote that a little bit like with with like I take months to record certain videos and it might not look like it but if I'm breeding danios or breeding betters or something like that I mean those videos are three months long to record like to get yeah to get all the way to babies and you have to cut it down into a 10 minute video and it turns out being the instant gratification that's right yeah so like yeah I think I do have to do a better job explaining that but that's so true with your hobby and also I think dealing with the fact that things aren't perfect because everything's living that's something yep and and no fish really uh you know easy you go oh we'll just read from that book and I'll get it right every time if I do these things it's not like that it's a recipe that includes your tank that's what I was going to show you they'll be a bit skittish because they for whatever reason I think it's the akaras that scare the emerald green quarries yeah I'll move this light because they actually come out hopefully they don't mind the light this tank has got whatever's left of my best looking a car is I decided to keep it would have at least nine adult 397s 10 of the emerald green quarries which I'll probably come out have you spawned those yet no and that's that's my that's why I want to get this tank this was just a sellout of yeah and then I thought I'll stick them in there I've got to put some timber in there and went but look at the look at the mom I mean this is all this is black sand so gravel and then it just does this this is what this is what 397s do and it goes right around here look at all the way around we'll ship some of this to lrb we need some more isn't that crazy that's awesome so I can never keep that tank clean I did that 100 water change on that just imagine what the Xanadu would do if you put a light over it they would just go oh yeah agree that's why I was thinking those spotlights you know the LED ones yeah above the top there because it will also like the see how this is going um at the top as well I feel like even if you had more cover on this episto tank it might help them because they might just be getting wigged out by you being able to walk all the way around them yeah potentially yeah but they have to land agreed what's down here so I'm not going to stop walking all the way around them again that's just a sale tank although having said that I've got some really spectacular super red bristlenose Tony gave me a whole colony of these guys he's under the log there and then that's just what's left of the Endless I've moved most of the endlers there's a couple of really nice ones in there I'm going to pull out as the Breeders but they're all just for sale this guy here that's sort of fire Tails ah there you go there's what the Fire tail is so you do get the throw-offs back to the Tigers like fire towers do come out that's right you have to be patient with them correct and you've got to take the time to actually pull them out Adrian's working on purifying it but everything takes time if you wanna if you want to buy them from my shop yes it's you gotta wait like I mean you get them early and you've got to also work on it too correct yeah yeah and then you should do the same thing call it and make the line as strong as you can but they do get quite spectacular and the Dorsal fins go right up on them some of the other males as well so trying to just get the the blend between them what are these down here uh which ones are they the um chain loaches yeah they're they're old old fish again five to seven years in that range I got them in my old Fish Room how many snails today the smaller ones they'll they'll knock off these bigger ones they don't sort of hit for whatever reason which is weird because there's a Clown Loach in there as well he's actually in the pipe over here if you just guys go on the Tony Tony's got a colony a massive Colony you know oh yeah so he's gonna go today yeah we go no now he's gone so that tank is probably my worst one let's go across to these ones over here yeah he's got some cool fish in them yeah so this one down here while he's out that's a black tiger Dario in there so they almost look like an episto they do and they're a really sort of flighty fish she's the more dominant one of the group that's the smaller boy there's a larger boy in there as well but they get quite red and they'll they'll Spar each other sort of every now and again over her but they haven't breeders yet but they're ones that I've I'm really sort of working on that tank has exploded with black cherries wow so I put 10 in there I stopped counting at 60 the other night it was just there was too many you see them on the Rocks you see them and they're breeding pretty true I haven't found anything that I'd pull out there although Ross seems to think I'll get blue ones in there as well but I am super surprised because these guys only eat live food wait the black ones the the tiger I was gonna say I would have thought the target darios would have predated for sure on on the smaller black ones but they haven't done and then even with these lime green rasboras I mean I love the colors on these guys but they're quite feisty as far as you know feeding goes as well getting that well it must be all your you know plants and stuff yeah yeah the bulbitis looks good in there I'm really happy with that so they would hide all the baby shrimp yep yep these guys look how small like he they really dig in there though so I'm I've never seen um a micro Predator live with you know these sorts of shoes they must just be producing a you know like a rate where agreed it's just symbiotic yeah that's really cool yep the next tank up is the koi Guppies they're Tony's yep Tony's Famous yeah he said he has heaps and at the moment like heaps and heaps we might even have these in the shop by then there's I think six of the dwarf corydoras there's one that rock just down over there as well oh yeah pygmies yeah little uh pygmies in there so they're breeding in there I get little babies every now and again it's I'm not trying to breed them in there I've got another dozen upstairs in the tank as well so apparently they don't eat their babies because their mouths are so small yeah okay yeah I've bred them they're not something I've really set out to breed but I've always bred them in tanks I've been able to have opportunistic sort of spawns and stuff and I've never pulled them out but you've got lots of guppy babies in here too heaps of guppy babies yeah yeah they're all over I like the view from underneath when you look up at the it's like a Penny Ward isn't it it's a Brazilian no I think or other but it's um mini lilies really it's really cool yeah it looks cool from above too it does yeah and like look at the um the way this is growing out of here wow I think it's Monte Carlo yeah that's really cool they just sort of create its own ecosystem similarly with this one kochu tetras coach you there you go still look one pair left eventually I might breed them they're in that book ornamental fish farming if you want to learn how to do it yeah you'll have to separate them out for sure neon early green they're green Nuance green neon tetras yeah yeah they're cool and I got three pencil fish left up there as well yeah they're a pain in the butt to breed too yeah same thing with those I've I've bred them but not specifically brought out you know spawns I've just had tanks with heaps and eat some moss and then I've cleaned the Moss Out and found babies I guess while we're here we'll do this side this tank is functional not aesthetic but if you look through there you'll see the uh julita chromos Capilli gold and you see them on the Rock so that's them I had one female and a Jack from Mad aquariums gave me the mail out of his display tank so I've got a holly to take him back up now but those guys they've been really hard to find Capilli Golds and I've found them really quite difficult to breed compared to Julie's and then I put that one pair together and that they just went nuts so and you got some Guppies in there Guppies yeah just as uh did the fish really they're okay some little babies in here too what's going on up here yeah so that one I really like that tank that's a tanganyikin tank we've got the Julieta chromos dick Feld eye there in the middle the stripes on them and then behind and upwards you've got the black bee or Bumblebee or black B I think they're called septachromis that's the male on the right and then the females on the left there's a couple of girls there Harlem was just asking me if this is a marine tank so it's it has that feel to it doesn't it it's I think all the tanks could possibly look like that with the lay Lupine and so forth and then they're similars since you know like the first video I've had you know some people come around and buy some fishing bits and pieces and everyone tells me the largest stimulus they've ever seen so they're quite predatory too actually they they definitely pick off the babies when you raise the camera up it's basically over this little ice out in here which is she's gold yet they're um really slow yeah I've never seen them before anywhere and if I can go glossies clean them up a golden stimulus would be amazing oh these are similars they're similar yeah wow yeah so she's quite golden it's not it's something that she's had since a tiny fry and I think it's her sister over here as well there's another one yeah that's the same but they've both had spawns so those babies that she's above I'm hoping that there might be one or two in there that I can actually find a gold out of and pull them out and start and these breed their cell themselves totally yeah so they're a shell dweller and the stimulus look I really like them and the multi-fasciitis so they're neolamprologus stimulus and neolamprologus multi-fasciitis these guys are definitely a different personality like they they're just more aggressive they're more they're more active and they'll they'll have a go at you as well and you go into the tank they pair up really well with the sceptochromis but as soon as the the girls are mouth brooders so they'll have you know anywhere from two to 12 babies and they'll hold them for 10 days so they get completely full like you know a mouthful of marbles type thing if you don't catch them out and get the babies out at that time the second that they come out the similars just nail them so I've had a spawn there and you can see there's one lone baby he's just gone over the rock over there so he's the one that survived out of the last spawn I even grew them up to probably half that size and released them in there and then I unfortunately watched the the four of them get nailed and he was the last one left but last night when I was cleaning all the tanks was the time that I finally got her out and I'll show you that one now while we're talking about them but there is um 12 little babies congratulations yeah thank you so I'm extremely pleased about that that's something I've been waiting a long time for to get a successful group out so now I've more than doubled my um my colony and this is a nursery tank this one while we're down here has got the these guys it's got the the sword koi swords and the kohaku swords you'll see them coming out here it was just perfect timing I was like what am I going to do with these fish and this Tang water this is Tang water in here because the swords like harder water and I just turn it on and drain it into here and it drains straight out into the to outside so basically I was able to just completely 100 water change drop these guys straight into the water of our breading they were all swimming I was right yeah and then they're going to grow up with these guys which is pretty cool got all the baby yeah that keeps them there too so what types of these is when when dead eyes yep yep and I'm not sure of the green orange I mean gold I mean tall green one there yep and then the the red ones of the same version I just um I bought them in the little tissue tissue cultures and I just separated them out stuck them in there got cool from the top too these are um I think they're Werner eye they're like a but I like the way that their scales they get really defined with the black around each scale and they get you know black dorsals and blue eyes and they're in there with Julie dechromus malaria there's two bruschard I would have jumped over here in here as well which I've got to get them out you'll see one yeah I think I was recording them before yeah yeah he's a night they're nightmares I can't stop reading these things you'll just see that they just keep going and going the parents at the back there you see them yeah they're about to spawn again or they've got eggs or they're spawning now or oh my gosh yeah and then you go this size fried then you go to this size fry and then we're down to these tiny babies as well so they just keep on on reading they look good as a group like really good they school together they're quite okay as far as coming out and not shy the transcript is behind them there's a heap of babies in there you'll see them up on the rock over here in the right hand side they look so Marine okay I can't help but think of their they are you know what I mean can we look at this one down here well I guess we'll look at this one yeah so in the corner this is the the last couple of days that that Tank's going to be there so that a car is jumped out of the Cara tank on your right and bounced off somewhere and got in there so yeah jumped down boom yeah so he's in there hence I don't have any Goodyear or good eared babies so the good deeds are the endangered ones and you know you couldn't have fallen into a worse tank but those guys are moving over here to this Congo tank in the next couple of days um yeah and you'll see the difference between the boys and the girls there with basically yeah they've got the blue one with the Yellow Tail there or the half blue oh wow yeah yeah beautiful fish man so basically they're a um they're an endangered species um as far as I was aware that they're extinct in the wild how you tell whether their eyes and eye or San Marcos or whatever the difference is I don't know but they're really interesting in the fact that they're one of the only fish species that uh live bearers that actually has an umbilical cord with each baby a lot of times when they're born you'll actually see the remnants of the umbilical cord before it drops off so there they're really unique as far as the species of fish and they get this I think there's one called a skiffia which I would love to find in Australia like a black and yellow sort of tiger one but those guys I've got to get out on our lives has got some of them so we need to um populate them yeah yeah please do I did go really cool in the shop bro yeah they're great and they um they can live out all winter outside as well these guys are the onada penis so another shell dweller so that's the girl it's another girl there and the boy will beat you all right team they breed quite well they are definite baby Eaters of each other's babies the girls will pick them off you know once the their backs turn pretty much so there are babies in there that have sort of grown up and they hide at the back I've got to pull that tank down and make who you've done a fish room tour of his place he wants a pair of those so I've got to break it down and get a get a pair out for him and then try to get him going because again they're hard to find we've got some real interesting stuff in here yeah and you know my pain with the triple threes how many do you have four or five there's at least four in there because I can see them in the tubs but I think I put six in there really I really need to get them out see if they're males and females I mean even combine your Colony with my Colony yeah do something different with them because whatever I'm doing is not working and it's this is why there's a few of them around like I take a few of yours yeah it's one of those patients and persistence things isn't it you know what do we do with them next one's over just a holding tank there are some quarter Punk Tardis in there I don't know if you'll see them but that's just all for sale basically and I've got to clean that there's a breeding Trio so once I I do that I'll clean that tank out and put something else in there probably some Shelley's so we've got the Zeb Daniels above it of course but there's uh black oscillatus the shell dwellers in there so that was the main breeding Colony but the the parent male he died only a week or so ago I had him for years as well and I'm I've had these guys I've been reading this this line if you like now for at least six or seven years and my son and I went to on a road trip up to I think it was a Makai to buy the original pair wow um yeah and then we got them and I've just been breeding them and that male had one eye in him since he was born pretty much and he's basically been the best breeder I've got so he passed and then I've got a few on in other tanks as well but I'm waiting for those these other babies to grow up to get a male to stick in with these girls again so sure this is a interesting color snail though when you have a look too they're called magenta Ross has given them to me to actually breed them they're supposed to be magenta they are really difficult to breed too um Mysteries I don't know why yeah they're mystery snails but yeah they don't seem to have a very successful spawn or success rate really right but anyway I'm going to keep persevering because in some Hawaiian sunset Pilates Hawaiian sunset Pilates yeah they're pretty prevalent still I've got them they're really good as far as tangs and all the rest of it they actually can put up a fight no problems I'll just stick some feed in up there and see if these these Sun pads come out because he's about you know three inches or so long I guess and you'll dash out and smash the food if he does yeah really elusive fish those guys that's not the tank for an elusive fish for whatever reason I thought it'd come out way more but they haven't bred in there yet I've had a heap of them but I kept that one pair because I thought I'd actually get them to breed this tank is a good tank you're probably it's worth spending some time on this one this is the multifaciatus so it's a lowboy tank this one it's it was actually a sump that I got and it was cracked and someone threw it away and you'll see where I repaired it I'm not really into the Aesthetics of it there it was more the the functionality I wanted a lowboy tank to do exactly this so there's been a heap of guppy grass going there there's been a heap of valve going there if you want plants in there as guppy grass because it doesn't need to root into the substrate because they just they're just little miners you know these guys they will that will look different the next time you come here and how about this for finding a an unusual fish look on the top of the Sponge Filter no wow yeah what is that that's a good unified I do not know how it got in there well not a clue and it's been in there since it was a fry I thought it was a um a daisies rice fish because I had some daisies rice fish in there and it wasn't weird man weird you can see how many babies there's heaps of little juveniles here yeah and then you've got juveniles you've got fresh born babies down here yeah I wanted to have at a time look I'd say 10 you know it's probably average 10 to 12. you do see bigger spawns and stuff but they don't eat their babies you know what I love about them they're like all their face is like yeah yeah so just look at you like that yeah and see they're much smaller like half the size of the seamless aren't they you know those and the similars you can see the teeth they've got big teeth you know kill fish yeah cool fish next one's down just as a guppy breeding tanks and then on the system they um but I flush the tank water through it but that's another one where all the Guppies just go nuts and I'm gonna um clean them out of there I'll put the Guppies into a tub if I keep them at all but and put medaka rice fish down there because I don't need filter they don't need you know anything really to and you see them from the top which is the benefit that's what you want with yeah with the madakas you know all right so they're black calverts up there they're beautiful there's one of them yeah that's the girl so she's in there she'll have fry so they're like tiny tiny fries so she's got a heap in there at the moment in fact there's that one you you'll see them um beneath her and also they come to the front of the glass for some reason and then he'll be in the bigger cave on your left as you go across he's a really big boy but the baby's in there that's my second spawn and they've actually got to now quite a a reasonable sort of swimming size and they don't seem to be picking them off which I'm really pleased about that mouth is actually used or designed to be used to get into the shells like the multifaciatis and the simulus and the so they get into the shell yeah and their mouth goes in and then they suck out the babies that are in the shells because that's how they uh their main one of their main prey items so they definitely can't be kept with Maltese that's laylupa is in there they're probably hiding that's only a few days old that tank they're actually going through the motions of breeding they're the purple they look like in there and you can see all that sand I didn't put all that sand up on the um the bunny Rubble house there as I sort of call it the pit at the back there's a mother pit over there and there's a pit at the back left hand side as well so Shima actually they may actually have eggs now because they've been spawning for about two weeks that sort of display fingers crossed yeah and as I say that sand for a lay Looper they've pushed all that up there into the he's obviously happy with that house that I've put in there so might be one in there but this tank is black ocelada so it's a girl here the boy is in that big shell behind her so he's the one and only known boy that I've got so he's a lucky boy oh um I will take him out of there and put him into the tank where the four females are in this one and see if that will score on the never-ending to-do list never ending to-do list and there are babies in here see my last oh good yeah so these are the guys that I'm just waiting to grow out there's another one on the left there as well yeah they're um hopefully be you know another boy or two in there I like this tank though because of the Moss that's growing at the top of it oh yeah what do you know what type of moss that is um Farm Moss okay I just yeah it just comes up with my bonsais and stuff when I do it next hangover is a really unusual tank it's full of that's the breeding tank for the Hawaiian sunsets but also look at the quarter Punk Tardis in there yeah see the babies that are down here as well they would be the babies from last time yeah they're bigger now and if you look into the shell there's another spawn over there of tiny ones that she'll be over oh yep you can see them yeah so you can see the full life cycle from when these guys are actual fry yep to now being big and in the next lot yeah and how cool like I mean there those bloodies will eat those fry for sure if the parents were there but the other babies don't eat them they're really they're a really interesting fish they do lots of displays as well the quarter punktardas look at the way you can tell them it's been served in this clean the Sponge Filter oh yeah yeah you've got all these plants growing everywhere too yeah look at them yeah I can't I literally just have to keep cutting them and I'll stick them into there and I come back and it's grown again so I want you to talk us through this tank yeah all right that's a 24 karat gold Guppies Tree Line breeding which is great had them for a few years now as well again in my old fish room and I they just keep going and going and going so I've never really had any issues with them that tank has really just set up for them I thought the other day I just didn't I wanted to put something different in this as far as substrate and I found I had that red sand for my bonsais and I thought you know what I'm gonna put that in there and I think it looks okay looks great it's such a cool tank yeah it's such a cool tank it's like all that life you know congratulations yeah thank you and then that one there there if you look right down the bottom you'll see really tiny baby Sunspot Rivers there'd be at least 20 or 30 of those guys and the parents are in the the Shell at the back of them there they did have another spawn not so long ago but I've got a feeling that um something's disrupted them I I didn't have any plecos in any of those tanks and I've got plecos in three of the four right and they're bred and you'll see the little baby plecos like the same size as the Sunspot brevis in there as well same size it's on the top of the Sponge Filter yeah maybe that's disrupted it yeah yeah so I I've gotta unfortunately you know clean that tank out I won't do it while they're young I'll let them grow up now and the left hand side there there's more Sunspot brevis they're the they're the fry of that appearance on the right hand side so they're the Next Generation and I've got four in there two pairs and there's some Chinese longfin white clouds that Eliza gave me that I'm growing out there and I'll add them to the tub most likely but I just wanted to see what they look like and I'll let them go nuts in here I'll put a heap more weed in and then a week later I'll take them out and I'll just grow the babies up in there as well that one there I didn't clean the glass there for that one but there um blue madaka rice fish same thing with that tank it's just full of java moss it's got a Sponge Filter I don't do anything whether I fit it very lightly but I like them so much is that you can put the parents in there a group of them with a whole heap of weed enjoy them you know for a week or two or whatever that close contact that you're getting with their breeding take them out and then do nothing to the tank for two weeks and then have a look at it and there'll be a heap of babies in there like it's just such a brilliant way to Daisy's blue are these guys those guys are the Platinum blue so they're outside as well which I'll I'll show you outside so these are actual madukas they're the medakas yeah and of course they come from Japan so they can go under snow so you know the bowls outside that I've got which are quite shallow all winter I don't touch them these guys in here are the gold oceladus these are so cool I fell in love with these last yeah yeah they are my favorite of the hockey look at this guy down here just playing again I would have had them for four or five years maybe even longer I bought them from a chap in Melbourne and the the line that they get through the purple through them is just amazing when it's in the in the sun oh you know in the sunlight from there all the other light some Hawaiian Sunrise Pilates two females I'm looking for a male I've got some other fish room all right I'll um I'll definitely take a boy because then they'll kick off like the other ones did and uh they're the gold are they long bins or short pins they're the ones that you bought me down today yeah I read these so yep so they're going to be my um Speeders they're the fish yeah they won't they're really quite amazing they're really aggressive with each other but with other fish not so much like they'll they'll attack fry of course they're definitely predators in that regard but they don't spend a whole heap of time worrying about the flatties they're just interested in you know each other and food and breeding and that's a girl there that's it appears so this is a girl cool another girl over here as well so I'm hoping to get some some Bubbies out of that next one down is the last time you'll see this Congo tank I gave it just a quick water change this morning here's the more amid the elephant noise you'll get a good shot again oh finally hey so here's a moramid or more my red depending on how you pronounce it I saw a thing on Dean's Instagram where he had a whole heap of elephant nose and a tangled almost his tank or whether it was a tank that he had there but I just thought that's that's pretty cool and I've got the ability with the black ones to feed them I've got the size so they're going to go into the tank up the top which I'll show you shortly and this whole Congo tank is going to get upsized to the next tank and this is going to be where I put the cadets right so they're deserving of a of a good fish and they're deserving of a good tank and then I'll just clean that up and then I'll I'll rescape it I'll leave the balance plan there's another new tank a couple of days old well it's an old tank but just rescaped that was just full of madaka rice fish what exactly is this rock here perfect timing turn arriving because Tony gave me that white rocket so it's a sand I don't know if it's a Sandstone but um he gave me three big rocks and I just didn't have anywhere to sort of fit them into the tank into some up there but I hit them with a hammer and screwdriver just sort of chiseled them and they just broke perfectly to make that looks like sugar it does doesn't it yeah and all snow it was when I was putting it down I thought it's like that snow type effect and I just took scoops and Scoops out of that other tank to get these endlers into here so I'll sell out of this tank but effectively I'll just choose the best ones and I thought I might even put them into this side over here stardom yep and then just have them have them going I've got something in there what's that oh that's a cardinal that's one of that Monster's out of my Cardinal breeding tank there you go ah congrats thank you yeah I thought oh it didn't work how about that so I haven't I have not fed that thing at all yeah and that's where my snails this is really just that tank for snails really so yeah that's cool I'm happy with that yeah awesome last one up here because it's just like a before shot next time you come down this will be that's got 20 plus rummy nose in here which are massive sort of food Hogs I'm gonna make that the Congo tank so it won't be too dissimilar but I've got a whole heap of valve see how the valve I really like the way the valve looks down there yeah um and what I'm thinking is just do like a you know like that seaweed effect that you see the kelp yeah I'm trying I'm going to do something like that and then that's where I'll put the muramid elephant nose he'll go up there and then I'm going to get you or Ross or someone to find me another four or five or you know I'd like to have seven of them seven seven of the morimids the elephant nose and that would be a very cool tank because they're very very active fish the cabences yeah there was one in there the convention she's beautiful like I wish I could find a male that would be worthy to sort of put her with and then really around this side it's just the other side of the the madakas of course but then what's left of the Guppies in there yeah there you can see the madakas there oh good yeah and then you go they're just the you call them coals I guess but yeah what I've been doing with these ones I'm not trying to breed a lime necessarily but I'm trying to get all the females to look nice so if the females the majority of them in there are the females and they've got colorful Tails they've got colorful dorsals they're reasonable size They're Not Bent spines and all the rest of it and this is why as you know how hard it is to get Guppies and get a good line going I'm going to worm all of the Guppies now before I I sell any of them as well so when they come out I can just rest assured that you know because if you're going to bring Guppies anyone can bring Guppies and you can breed a really quality that goes on and you know it gets worse and worse but if you do it with such a way that you know you're focused on or bringing that quality then I just think you get a better line of fish the whole way through you know definitely shops like you can actually reliable yeah um on the fish that you get you know so thanks for covering me there um yeah I do want you to fall a over T that's just been going forever you know that that plant I'm pretty sure that's like a bladder wall it's that carnivorous plant yeah anyway I don't do anything with this I just let it go but that's got where I breed the Rams horns and then I also have down the bottom black ones the black worms yeah swell them around every now and then and take a few out basically that's the whole inside of the room Tony's here so yeah we're gonna go and have a look around and go outside go outside and anything else that you want to look at all right outside now hasn't changed a whole leap since last time so I haven't had any time off but what I'm planning to do over the next two weeks is do a lot of the Landscaping out here and move some tanks and tubs around and have the cascading waterfall but this is a previous project that my dad and I built um this this Avery and from the outside looking in for the birds go nuts they're just full of Australian finches Australian parrots there's that one down there so it's a king quail it's called a tuxedo Quail it's a mutation so it comes from I think from a cinnamon and a normal bit on I'm not 100 sure there's two of those guys in there you can see the rice fish on top rice fish yep in there and then the different the different birds if you stay there if I stand in here they'll fly out there in the different colors and it goes oh wow Adrian's Farmhouse so yeah there's some beautiful beautiful Australian birds and again same with the tanks I love these things now they're little penguins yeah they're cool I want some more of those I'm actually trying to find some online so see the king parrots yes yeah they're beautiful these but it's that's the mummy and then the little the one that's changing color that one that just blew up up there how he's head starting to change color to a red he's going to be a boy well he's a boy he'd be a beautiful colored up male though shortly I hand feed those guys up on the balcony it's awesome they're beautiful so you'll see again haven't done anything to it but um that tub over there that bathtub is I'll turn this pump up that bathtub is full of daphnia that's where I put all those those logs which turned into daphnia culture right yeah that that daphnia culture is just growing down there this one is for the tiger madakas that's my rooster by the way his name is Clark Norris so he's actually got a broken toe so he stands on one leg all the time oh you just you just nearly got them there they are you can't see them we'll have to go under yeah underwater but you get the little mops here eggs hopefully the bloody snails are on my way they've only been in there a day but here's one of the Tigers here you can get over the top probably the the glass this is the tank that I planted out expecting these guys to go nuts and I did notice a couple of babies but I don't know if you'll see how many of these are in here but there's just hundreds of tadpoles of the striped marsh frogs and I know they are because I found the little floating um so that's your tiger yeah this these are from Eliza originally yeah I like medakas they're just a friendly fish you know and they don't do too much damage but the the tadpoles in here have just gone nuts and I'm sure that they've they've smashed all the babies because the next tub over yeah oh there's yeah there's frogs that have gotten in here as well but you see the blues if you can see those better oh yeah much much better they're really Platinum blue as well and all I do is I have I just because the Frog bit goes nuts I just try to make little channels for them you know that they can get up and I've got air going nuts over here so it's aerated and you find the males are in the air a lot and then the babies I just try to do that as often as I can and that'll take you in a few days to close up but these are fine too they love these flowers this is usually covered in these but I try to get some sort of swimming Channel across the whole Pond for them because the babies literally will just come up then and sit in those those areas you know and that's where I feed so there was about 50 Blue cherry shrimp there's any on the sides I don't know how many there are now but I've seen lots of babies so and they were really blue but is that Lily coming up yeah I love playing in ponds it's like being a kid again Hastings is all I used to do is just plain ponds exactly like this there's nothing in this one but you'll see what I'm doing I'm tempted to just put a really good strain of a cherry shrimp of some sort you know orange yellow blues or whatever I don't know if I will but I've been cycling the tank and I can turn all the air off each one's got air on it so yeah I'd give it a clean out I'd get rid of all of the hair algae and and get it back to some sort of condition but I'm thinking just to let them go nuts I might use the black strain because they're breeding pretty pure so otherwise it's hard to pick out the colors you know look at that by the way just look back at it now they've all come out they love coming to the top and in the sunlight they look amazing yeah they look really cool the Nets are more for the birds yeah they can cover the birds and the dragonflies that come up there and see look more snail breeding all through here oh yep so these are that's the flower that comes up off the elodia nice isn't it that's beautiful cool the bees love it they must have a really good scent to it so these are the koi sword tails yep there are a few kohaku's I've noticed as well but I just keep pulling those out but there's a heap of babies and I've I've um like you'll see they'll come to the top no no doubt about that I'll put a little bit of food in I thought it'd be a problem catching them because I've got heaps of sticks and everything in there I do what I do with cherry shrimp which is get them at night time so I come out with that light that I've got inside and I shot it on the side of the tubs and it illuminates through that way and then I just come through and I actually get to choose them so but there's a heap like hundreds but I can actually pick them really easily with instead of chasing them I don't disturb them at all yeah I find it's great look at the the way the loader grows outside yeah it grows much better outside yeah there was only about six white clouds that I had left when I put them in here hence that I got them off Eliza these ponds have gone through a massive cycle you can see all the hair algae that's mixed with everything else so it also looks like you might have some frog eggs down here correct yep so this is um one of the things in summer time that you've got to check regularly for so they weren't there I think even yesterday when I looked through the tub so yeah if they get loose then you just get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of them so as you can see there I don't like to throw them away because their frogs are not cane toads yeah so I've got like a little refuge for them down here good idea and it's just set up so if they're meant to live then they live what's in this one here I love this tank all this tub see the orange modaka rice fish they're brilliant colored especially in the sun like they just shine they're the best ones I've actually seen that color up orange you know you can see the babies yeah oh yeah like this is a tank that's just going crazy it's just perfect it was quite hot and I was a bit worried about them they weren't breeding but what happened is the all the weed hair algae everything it just exploded it went nuts and I thought oh well that's destroyed the tank but of course what it did was create the environment for the eggs to hatch in to fry to eat all the infra sorry and all the stuff that goes with it and then they've just been breeding and breeding and breeding and then with the thick coat of hair algae it's actually dropped the temperature of the tank down so now it's at this perfect balance where you know light to algae ratio to anything as far as infosoria ratio it's just really balanced you can see I cut the stairs in the grass is holding it together oh yeah um but that'll be I'm just gonna have gravel on here and have steps down here but I've got another tank like this which I'll show you up there which is full of shrimp and has been for years these are my goldfish this black moor here he's 25 years old and I can date him exactly because I bore him and took him to my wife's School who's a school teacher for her class and I I maintained that tank for them but every other fish in there again would have to be anywhere from sort of three to maybe 10 years old there's a this big white one here with the orange spot and he said I really like him they do have a name and I forget in the koi world because it looks like the Japanese flag yeah he's an old fish as well all these babies they're both kohaku and McCoys I threw just kohaku in here and see one of the the parents the dad's there yeah they're huge yep and they're being throwing out these koi's goldfish yeah they don't they don't bother them you know how I was talking about inside on the top of my tank the eight footer yeah I was talking about this oh yeah like because it's shallow enough yeah that'd be cool like that yeah you know so maybe in that that corner and with all those plants around it and then I'd fill that with bio balls and bits and pieces and just have it overflowing into the eight footer maybe so yeah so we're on the same page there and that is just an old tub that I had but it's just the most tannic water I've ever seen and it's full of mosquito larvae and stuff so I just scoop out of that every night and then I'll clean that up that'll go down here I'm pretty sure I'll just do cherry shrimp in it the ones I'm taking out from up there so it'll be no fish or maybe Vietnamese white clouds or something tiny that can go into there and then I'll just Cascade out as it goes down and then back up through that system so and then I can walk along there and feed the whole the whole thing you know I like to try to make plant it so I can actually do a loop in some way shape or form this is the one that I that so it's exactly the same as the Goldfish one so it's so their horse or cow drinking troughs this one is going to go down underneath the level of the other one so it'll Cascade down into this one from the Goldfish into this one and then down into the rectangle one but this one if you have a look even at the top is thousands of Jerry shrimp you see them disappearing in there but I'll um I'll stop trying to breed there soon and I've got every color you can think of a little more yeah Reds Blues yellows greens oranges I've got Riley shrimp in here you can see them in your hand really well I got jade green thousands and thousands and thousands I've had over the years out of this and I just scoop them out and I'm actually going to give tony a net and let him pick all his own shrimp out of here it's like British yellows yeah it is really pretty what are these plants called Good Question actually it's on the tip of my tongue um and you're you're a landscape Gardener [Laughter] um they are a like an edible yam it'll come to me the name of them but yeah Tara thank you they are aversion our version of tarot which is different again in Papua New Guinea and all those other different places but that is the I think that's the Aussie one um and it you can use it like a potato so if you eat it raw it tastes terrible if you cook it like a potato it's a fantastic substitute it's really similar and that's the root the bulb and the in the mud that you get out and you peel it like normal so yeah that's the um that's the other tub let's go and have a look at those those ones up there you'll see I'll just give you a look of what's in those ones out in that balcony because that's where I've been breeding the medaka rice fish as well and Tony's Fisher and that one up there past the chickens the rooster Clark Norris yeah yeah that's clock Norris so he's a rescue so he got hit by a car and my daughter is a vet nurse and he came into accident and emergency someone just dropped him off and they were going to um euthanize him and she said can we bring him home and I said yep we'll give him a crack and um there you go so he's had a broken toe he had all his feathers taken off the back from the from the road and all the rest of it but he's come back pretty well and he's landed on his foot as it were I think he's got 12 or 13 girls in there now so I'm letting them actually breed up so I can replicate the flock so I don't have to buy any more and so there's a couple of girls on eggs at the moment and I just feed him us and them out of the garden you know healthy chooks perfect let's go in oh wow yeah look he's even displaying up the top there I plan to do a water change on that today 30 and I've got it on a siphon that the siphon goes down two-thirds and then it cuts out so if I ever forget it and then I've got the water that I just turned straight on and it fills straight up from the hose over here so I did that it's about you know 15 minute type thing so I was working away in the fish room in about 30 minutes later I've gone all the water and I came out and it was all through here all through there all into the apartment my Dad's apartment it was it was everywhere so I had to get out there the VAC I was not happy in any way shape or form but anyway so now it's at 100 water change or and then some but look at the fish they go fish I love it yeah so I haven't put any Tang buffer in that obviously since the water changed so that's just gone in at whatever Gold Coast pH as I'm look at them so for all those who haven't watched the previous video what are these so these are pseudotropheus celosi and these are the same fish by the way and they are so females males correct so they're an imuna cichlid from Lake Malawi in Africa and the blue ones are the boys of the dominant males and then the the varying degrees of colors that go down are male so those gray ones are male that'd be a male just a sneaker yep so the sleepers or sneakers yep and then you've got the females now the females when they're holding will actually look like males so you will see a difference in them um in their color but they are they just again mouth brooders and then they'll spit the babies into the Rocks into the crevices and maybe they will eat the babies like they're not 100 passive but the babies are so quick you know I'd say two-thirds more than that three-quarters survive all the time you get fast fish and that log is hollow up the center so there's not only that it's plecos in there there's babies in there they come out and feed whenever I put food in the tank they go now so those two boys displaying there and that's I don't keep too many of the Malawi's obviously the Alan acara in there but this is the only other one I keep because they're not they're aggressive I suppose they're fast active but they're not the peacock aggressive you know they don't kill each other they those boys will fight like that all day and they won't take a chunk out of each other's fins and the display is great you look at the pit that he's dug in here this was level and then they'll spend all day doing that and going in and out and the females will come in and I am I'm interested at some point in time to add some of the um is it the synodontis catfish that you've got Tony that they they actually lay their eggs while these guys are spawning and then these guys actually produce and hold the the catfish eggs in their mouth and then produce Woody's little baby catfish out of it all right well I'll show you head upstairs let's do it so we're now upstairs in Adrian's living room yep and we've got beautiful plant rack over there yeah it's gone nuts as well um this is mostly the I love that daughter but they've got different sorts yeah oh wow yeah it's um grow that in the top of your tank it'll go nuts yeah I've got to do that that's my daughter who's actually the one that buys most of these but I like this one this marble Queen I don't know it's like a pepper there's no sign on it but I love the look of it to me um this one yeah philodendron Brazil and how about this for a little cool little idea yeah yeah personally yeah I got a little bit of sauce all right let's look at these okay not a whole heap of change in them other than just some growth but really well balanced tank still you'll see the Vietnamese White Cloud minnows are still in there they haven't bred for me yet but I I'm not necessarily keeping them to breed them either it's just something that I enjoy the look of them they are a real tiny nano fish and they they don't have the ability I don't think to eat the shrimp so they've got the crystal blacks in there as well yeah it's a good little Crystal black here yeah so I bought another three from Ross the other day down there and I want to get that tank stable enough to actually produce the crystal blacks just over and over and over there's a dozen uh pygmy corydoras in there which you'll probably find them right up the corner if you look under there there's a tunnel and you'll see them on the rock up there oh yeah yeah so and then I've just got the anubias and then our petite I should give you some variegated anubias please yeah I'd love to put it in here as well and the booster philander from Ross that he he gave me as well that's growing really well it has flour too and then the dwarf hair grafts Monte Carlo is carpeted I thought it was a pink flamingo but it's a different name what's that I've got that all over the fish room it's a really nice one I know I can't remember what it is yeah it's a low covering yeah a carpeting plant it doesn't like light as much I find see a lot of the time I'll I'll turn that light like that and I'll leave it like that for a couple of weeks you know like I won't bother because it doesn't it certainly doesn't grow hair algae well I well I've got it in there but it grows the other plants but it they they like low light and you can see the the Moss that's growing at the top there doesn't like the being too dry but I you know I wet that down all the time but that whole tank goes way better when it's dark the spider grass has gone nuts going really well yeah and see the way I love the way that it shoots out the runners look at this one it's like the levitation yeah look at the because it comes along there is a flower it does yeah yeah yeah and the Spanish moss is growing as well it needs a water but I just take it off there and soak it in there and put it back up different pothos growing out and all the rest of it cool and then this other one and then the other tank oh yeah the female the Pesto's out oh nice enjoy I'll send you all the boys over here too yep yeah that tank is like for anyone old enough to remember the movie Highlander it's like you can there can it be only one that pisto right there has killed four other epistos in that tank I put them in as a group they grew up as a group I didn't think there'd be any problems putting them in there I put them in there and he just nailed the two nails and then pulled to each other oh he just he went ballistic and then he killed out of the blood fin Tetris he killed four or five of them as well so I've just restocked them from from Ross the other day because I really like them as a Tetra I think they're beautiful especi when they grow up and I like when you feed them too their bellies get red so in with the Neons he's never caught one of the Neons but he's he's been a an absolute shocker I've got two or three still of the Borneo suckers but you won't see them because as soon as they come out he just he just Nails them wherever they are in the tank he just has to nail them so I reckon they're feeding of a night time because there's nothing in bed yeah that was a friend brought that back from her trip around Romania or something like that overseas and she brought that back for me which was very nice and just survived that long and I put under there so the cats don't knock it off it's beautiful um if you have a look to the right of that tank you just see the way it's set up around this side here just with the pumps I've got the pump so I can actually just pull it out it's a basket in there and the rocks are actually silicon to the basket so I don't have to pull that structure down all I take the top off I lift the pump straight out I wrap some new filter floss out and I and I drop it straight in and it's a try to do everything as I can as low maintenance and the aim to get it as beautiful as possible but as functional as possible and again if you can create that art that you can look at and it actually inspires you every time that you look at it I mean that's that's the aim it really heaps better since last time it's growning well yeah I'm happy with the weights it's come along and it's I do top ups with the lids on it I hardly have to touch it really it's just a top up of water or a water change every now and again I do a third of the tank and then off they go so I'm hoping that they breed look at the I love the way they look in the sawasatang there and it grows like a hedge you know it's so cool do you want to do outside or yep let's go all right we'll go outside and hello look at the last things last one so we're out in the the back balcony overlooking the ponds and everything down there yep so everyone's all down there they are these two bowls have been here last summer last winter and the only thing I really have done to them is they get filled with the rain and everything but I put the that parent madakas in there and then I leave them you know they're in there for the year and then I put them into the pond down the back and this is what's left in the tub after they've gone so this is their spawn there's a little blue one in there uh they turn they actually turn orange so they they come out quite white see the little ones white yeah but they the longer they're in there the darker that they get those ones there Tony's I've got to catch all those on out for Tony and then over here and this one is just red cherry shrimp it's actually I had blue medaka in here but I got um some sort of infestation of dragonfly larvae and it just killed all the fish so um it's really just a pond that's full of probably you won't yeah it's a huge there are some huge cherishing people I can fly when I'll pull one out like massive shrimp so yeah so that's just a cherry shrimp but there is a really dark red what I like about this is inside of this see the yeah I actually didn't notice that is that Java moss yeah yeah and all this how it just grows up and so I just have kept this going because of the the cherries that are in there but I'm going to pull this this down and I was actually thinking I'd put the oh I'd put a mangrove in here you know and actually have have this as a salt water sort of a bowl out there well that pretty much completes everything thank you so much for letting us come through your home again and my pleasure your whole collection and I can't wait to see it all develop and especially all the outdoor ponds yeah I'm looking forward to that like in the next couple of weeks it's something I can get my teeth into and do some Landscaping down there and I really like doing water cascading down so that'll be something to look forward to you can come back another look yeah definitely you have a beautiful home and I really appreciate it so yeah my pleasure you're welcome guys cheers thank you see you guys
Channel: KeepingFishSimple
Views: 879,665
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fish tanks, aquarium, aquariums, breeding fish, fish room, fish room tour, fish farm, fish farm tour, fish breeder, fish breeding, how to breed fish, planted tanks, aquascape, planted tank setup, fish tank setup, fish room filtration, outdoor ponds, display tanks, indoor plants, plants, parrots, cherry shrimp pond, rare fish, cherry shrimp, shell dwellers, African cichlids, tanganyikan cichlids, tropical fish, tetras, apistogrammas, Corydoras, goldfish, ricefish, adrians fish room
Id: FjwMaU80nsI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 44sec (4724 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 14 2023
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