Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - Nostalgia Critic

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this episode brought to you by Stardust fan sharing video reactions to movies TV and trailers [Music] yeah chill trainer oh my god this is the greatest game in the world yeah Tomb Raider it's 1997 yeah lay across awesome you're awesome we're across yeah ah if only you existed in real life don't I though [Music] lera from one of the most revolutionary games ever made challenging the world of male dominated main characters creating a new timeless icon that can change and evolve but none of that matters to your holy fortune yield mind does it no you just want to look at with your limited knowledge of pixel technology finds sexy Oh your smooth pointy face your terrifyingly large lips and your breasts oh so square you know nothing will ever be sexier than me never never [Music] [Music] [Music] hello I'm gonna stablish a critic guy remember it so you don't have to there's a saying when it comes to video game movies and goes something like this video game movies suck so many classic titles that change gaming as we know and often result in painful annoying or just downright forgettable films yeah there's always fans up there who insists they're not as bad as everyone says they are Mortal Kombat kid maad Warcraft it's like the game so that's good right Max Payne okay everybody hear that one but Prince of Persia I didn't walk out on it and then those films like Lara Croft Tomb Raider [Music] based on the groundbreaking franchise Tomb Raider followed the adventures of millionaire our key kinda gist Lara Croft played here by Angelina Jolie well it did well at the box office it's rarely brought up as a good video game movie and got panned hard by critics when it came out I expected more out of something based off of t-rex and giant zombie battles okay it's clear this is gonna be a ridiculous outing and it's gonna have fans and haters no matter what but is there value to watching it years later does it hold up in any respect is it just a dated product of the times or much like leras TV tray rack is it somehow both let's journey back to the early two-thousands to find out this is Lyra Croft Tomb Raider we open with Lara hanging around on the set of legends of the Hidden Temple your quest is to work in a robot fight training montage and shall we see in the first body minutes of screen time haha years from now will be the only action movie associated with using wires they didn't wait long and the stupid don't worry is everybody no bullets top metal this calls for a celebratory gum flip yeah one more we hope you're enjoying the Tomb Raider stunt show watch it she pretends to be overpowered as convincingly as Bela Lugosi fights an octopus this is what a shock just a training exercise in case she comes across real killer robots in ancient tombs and if you're wondering how she can afford a training setup so elaborate it's because she's basically a mix of Bruce Wayne's stupid rich money mixed with Indiana Jones's side job except she doesn't do it to preserve history or a venture dead parents or anything she doesn't because it's just cool and I'm not gonna lie I'm weirdly okay with that lera in this movie is a straight-up adrenaline junkie she does everything for the thrill of it and though again at play she's blown me away in other movies I have to admit a lot of the characters credibility is because of Joe Lee's performance you see back in the day she was kind of a wild star making out in public filming her own drug deals going to S&M clubs even carrying around a vial of her husband's blood around her neck since then she's calmed down and got more serious but yeah when she fights giant robots rides motorcycles and bungee jumps in her own living room just because I totally buy that she's crazy enough to do it just because I'm surprised she hasn't travelled to the moon to get space cheese though her Butler played by Chris Barry doesn't always approve of her wild ways I've only tried to turn you into a lady and a lady should be modest yes a lady should be modest now if you'll excuse me I'm off to the Children's Museum like this meanwhile on the evil fast-moving clouds of Venice the Illuminati are talking about finding the ancient artifact that will give them supreme power because what do you really think the plot to mm one's Tomb Raider would be this is mr. Powell played by Iain Glen who's done this ancient mysterious cryptic talked so much he can make an episode of Dora the explora sound epic we are working is based on ancient cosmological models we will have our answer in time for the relevant planetary alignment we will find booths we will have possession of the key in one week yes indeed now on to the next order of business what sex is your assistant it's been driving us nuts for days Lera gets news of this from her Butler but she's not exactly in the best mood it's an adventure time come on grab your friends it's nothing but pyramids and sand I know gets everywhere in the cracks not like here here everything is soft do you know what day it is hurry yes gazpacho soup day it looks like it's the anniversary of her father's death a death that still haunts her to this day [Music] I'll cut you a good dream this nightmare awakened something in her though something hidden under the stairs let me just push that corpse of Harry Potter out of the way it's a clock of some kind which she gives to her computer expert Bryce I do not want to know what he's doing with that toy in his bed what's that smell for then I have no joke I just love that line well I need some coffee decaf latte with nonfat milk he's a science question genius how does decaf coffee wake you up where's that you know for a finder of ancient relics she says delicate as well a hammer to a clock she finds something of importance inside and takes it to a friend of hers who works in an auction house three hundred thousand two million three two million four hundred thousand ladies paid two million four hundred thousand pounds 2,500,000 pounds in a new place at two million five hundred thousand pound few money on toast she comes across an old friend of me named Alex played by then unknown actor Daniel Craig you know I think it's really cool we still have a day job you are still pretending to be a photojournalist she's still pretending to be American are you still pretending to be an archaeologist you stole my prayer wheel stole from you you know that's funny you know it's not like you ever really owned them or anything I think they're in a competition to see whose accent could be more insulting to the others nationality it's all just a business hey you know that generator glorious guy right there's a moaning in mine actually this is kind of weird he's invested excitable giving a [ __ ] about what he's talking about you are Daniel Craig right at first it looks like her friend can't help her but later that night he refers her to mr. Powell she goes to visit Powell as it's sounding more and more like anyone rich in this universe is secretly a Tomb Raider was mr. Powell dude he's a lawyer Tiny's long lonesome a lawyer he invested a Bitcoin okay I'm Ashley's associate mr. Pimm's mr. panners like the beverage that bit one nowhere next scene very interest but the origin of this clock completely eludes me this is a pleasurable torment my ignorant amuses me that line is so ridiculous even the film makes fun of it my ignorant amuses me oh you do it's amuses me yes he also said don't blink in the cameras your lover as stated before Alera spends her evenings bungee jumping in her own living room hoping in no way an action sequence breaks out in the middle of it you know I was gonna make a joke about a millionaire having the worst security possible but judging by that look she was probably waiting for someone to break in to give her some excitement she is so hungry for [ __ ] to happen it's like a robber coming across an unlocked door and seeing this [Music] go ahead take it you know actually I'm good I'm just come back anytime boy John woos reboot of a pig in the city is a lot more intense I thought it'd be the finest killers here shoot around the door rather than through it just in case II can fly this action is a lot of fun and it looks great but I'm not exactly sure what's up with this shot what's she turning into a werewolf or maybe it's one of those comedic routines where the person changes every time the light goes out what was this guy's plan anyway first in hoping she was in that room and then just hang there awkwardly something these guys plan this out [Music] just when you think this scene can get more hilariously badass I love you [Applause] you [Music] hey guys here's the best reactions to what I just reviewed this week I was very skeptical when squareness of all people said that they were going to be rebooting the games but I was thoroughly impressed wait you're reviewing the movie aren't you well it's not that great of a movie I was about ready to fall asleep and watching this it's so boring I liked it I love the character of Lara Croft I loved the action I loved the adventure aspects of it nobody was so dumb but somehow Angelina Jolie transcends it all is it the worth amputation of the 2013 game but Angelina Jolie was good in this movie you have opinions a lot of opinions about movies TV shows even trailers there's so much to talk about you get emotional about them just like anybody gets emotional about them well now you don't have to wait to get that raw emotion straight to the Internet why because we got star does app it allows you instantly to film your reactions to movies TV shows and even trailers happy angry confused whatever it is and whatever your reaction is Stardust is there to show it some of the wildest and craziest reactions are on there and there's so much fun to watch there's a lot of variety endless possibilities and they're definitely worth checking out I even using myself this week I give reactions to the trailer for Slender Man Winchester and of course Tomb Raider it's there to get the first and best reaction that you got it's a ton of fun and 100% free so check out other people's opinions as well as sharing your own also stay tuned afterwards to see how you can be in the next nostalgia critic [Music] hey guys just let you know real fast I will be appearing at Comic Con in Birmingham Alabama January 26 to the 28th not only am i coming but Rob is coming and Malcolm is coming and Tamara is coming we're bringing a whole great big group and we're gonna film something there as well it's a wonderful con we've been there before we're really excited to return so hopefully we will see you guys there [Applause] guy steal the clock away from her and deliver it to Powell and I'm immediately looking forward to this guy getting his ass kicked not that there's anything wrong with meditation but we see the bad guy doing it admit it you're more looking forward to him getting his ass kicked lady Laura crow I woke up this morning and I just hated everything you could have just said Billy Bob thorn came to visit Lera apparently gets a letter from her father when he was still alive if you're reading this letter I am no longer with you and I miss you forever I know you loved one I did my Anthony Hopkins voice oh I'm writing this in my Anthony Hopkins voice the triangle of light was forged from metal found in the crater of a meteor the people of the light build a great city in this crater where their worship the triangle it gave its possessor a path that could be used for good or great evil ancient powerful if people gets it we're screwed Triforce of wisdom Triforce of power excuse me princess this really is the video game portion of the movie isn't it so she has to go to Cambodia to get half of the triangle she of course travels the best way she knows how delightfully dumb thank you boys we owe you Kim Possible for saving us from Dragon and she go she finds Palestine up with Alex to look for the same thing as these incredibly rich millionaires use their expensive high-tech machinery of people pulling on ropes couldn't want those training robots be like it's done that'll make it go faster thanks Greg Laura's overrated she's good don't get me wrong but she's in it for the glory there's I'm in it for the money see this is why dr. Jones get stuff done he does it for both fortune and glory kid Lehrer sneaks in ahead of them and comes across a mysterious child snooping around as well [Music] good target she's bet and [Music] of course the old flower poling leaving you to the smoothest ball you ever had in your life crap they do like their cliches Lyra watches as the competition tries to get the triangle but she puts together that drop digging in the wrong place that is not the true I we can do it my way or we can all come back in time to the next alignment and you're welcome to try and kill me then you know say another 5000 years only my lips will still be around by that point they eventually believe her and throw her the key leading to you know I have no idea what's going on but it looks awesome for some reason I'm really okay with their action scenes being very swing based no it's releasing a mummy sequel not just kidding we all know those aren't coming Clara cramps the triangle and Craig grants the key awaking okay this is a little tail spinach but I'm still on board the body garden he used you as a literal bodyguard can't say it's false advertising they managed to fight off the guards but their troubles aren't done yet so it makes no sense why they would slowly walk away from something so gigantic and huge and going to kill them but at the same time I can't argue it is still kind of cool in fact I might as well do I don't know why that's just cool count [Music] after using all her ammo on one phase he easily switches to another coup but she uses shitty early 2000 slow-mo to kill him surprisingly keeping this fight kind of short but she's not done running yet as Trey corners her at a waterfall we going to shoot me at it she did a wedding darling right here off of this dead rat here she escapes to a nearby town where she gets healed up drink it tastes quite bad yeah she's good for you see why does magic healing tea harder for me to go along with them fighting ape statues I guess some stupidity we just won't believe more than others she calls mr. Powell to figure out what the hell they're gonna do seeing how he has the clock and she has the triangle miss some idea without each other we are quite useless at this point we should have a business meeting you mean you'd love to have another opportunity to try and kill me well that's all perhaps I'm sorry I know technically this is a dumb conversation but it's weirdly smooth - I love that their connection is more than just villain versus hero they have a lot in common personality wise but there's still their own unique characters even when they meet up to discuss terms you know there's a bizarre trust and understanding of the other even though they constantly try to kill one another it just makes their connection much more interesting than your typical run-of-the-mill adventure flick we can be partners and go for the big prize yes what hmm since you could set right so many wrong I don't think you sit here do you things get interesting though when he reveals her father was part of the Illuminati and kept it from her for years he had a great many secrets not from me especially from you the triangle gives its possessor to move back and forth through time time-travel huh you're pushing your dumb little movie this level of dumb is okay this level of dumb is not and you're somewhere at this level of dumb hello Alex I suppose you think I'm a greedy unscrupulous okay I protest there is way more naked Daniel Craig stepping out of the shower the naked Angelina Joli hopefully his awful American accent can distract me well the money that's true I guess now for a cold shower it does add to the count not one but two alliances of convenience in this movie as Lara teams up with Powell to find the ancient time power thingy time to save universe again then is it I guess that's something we did I thought we just found it but apparently saving the universe multiple times we can put down on our resume Oh what do I care when this shot is up next that's so cool Arnold Schwarzenegger almost made it I spun about it and once again the kid disappears she's also Keyser söze Croft literally rings the bell to be led into whatever the hell this is supposed to be it's a time story time is broken here mm truth be told this is where the movie starts to flounder a little bit it's already a little tough to follow what this thing does or how it works so when pal kills the leader of the Illuminati to take its power we don't really know what that power is is it just time travel if so how is it harvest and what was powell or the Illuminati's plan for it it sounds like they already control everything and the soldiers are quicker they okay with Powell ruling them so what's really gonna change well it looks like even Powell is confused about how it works so we forces Lara to figure it out using some double-o leverage [Music] wow you seem so bored and disinterested in being stabbed that's the Daniel Craig I remember and apparently it's spreading because even Lera seems pretty mad about him getting axed [Music] you better be ready because I clearly wasn't can we do it take two I clearly had no emotion when he died she finds the missing piece in the clock which that's them both to a giant pyramid they have to race up to get the ultimate power because if it's good enough for the opening of ducktales it's got to be good enough here she grabs it and it teleports her to her father for reasons and he explains why he never told her about being in the Illuminati you're only a child you never mentioned it not once in the fierceness of my own battles I strove to tell you only that which would inspire you and keep you safe and you've clearly tried to keep yourself safe ever since she's told though she should destroy the triangle as she should not manipulate time for herself she completely agrees right after she manipulates time for herself [Music] I feel like you could place both hands on that handle to turn it but its current - Wow those cards must be so comfiest did you throw the knife away from him and it landed in his chest no hey we did it but Powell reveals that of course he killed her father and stole the watch with her mother's picture in it agreed whoever said yes to that accent is insane oh you were stabbed weren't you no guns yeah just one man bleeding to death against a woman who's basically already defeated him you know I think that stab actually made me feel better oh boy oh my my need to flip things I feel like that's kind of both our weaknesses she of course defeats him but she still has to find a way to get out of there fast yeah I'm not even kidding though this is the next edit now is a bit of a jump in fact the whole film is suddenly on marathon time she's in a fancy dress shocking the butler she goes to visit her father's grave one more time and she comes back in to see they have guns ready for her to fight the robot again all in a matter of 40 seconds they just freeze on this image like yep that's what two Raiders all about pointing guns at a training robot um neat I guess I can't think of any other way I would end this movie apart from answering who that kid was from earlier how did layer a dream where the clock was why did the triangle take her to her father went in she used it to save his life as well as avoid all this [ __ ] from happening what the hell was that damn machine supposed to do did it even do it what exactly was the Illuminati's plan why do they need to run up this giant pyramid why any of it why anything that happened in this movie because this is the source material they had a work off of and based on that I'm satisfied don't get me wrong it doesn't make a whole lot of sense and it could use a little more depth but what I found perfectly serviceable and entertaining leras a fun character the action scenes are cool the actors are charismatic and work well off each other I surprisingly enjoy this for exactly what it is a video game movie it takes us so seriously but not too seriously and while Tomb Raider will evolve and change over the years this is a perfect cinematic representation of what Tomb Raider was in the early 2000s in my opinion I think this is a good video game flick and I'm shocked more people don't talk about how much fun it is it's not anything fantastic but as video game movies go good is fantastic so go check out what I consider a damn cool flick I'm the Nostalgia Critic I'm a tick are you sure you're not attracted to me anymore sorry Lera I have passed your perky pixelation and had elevated to a higher form of love isn't that right minecraft woman a whole Minecraft woman you understand whoa minecraft hallucination again when will people wake up [Music] [Applause] hey guys here's even more reactions to what I just reviewed this week it's directed by Simon West who directed Conair so it's kind of female Indiana Jones Angie she's got a bud and Daniel Craig Jen versus James Bond usually Jolie is gotta be the best Lara Croft I've ever seen the young courageous American accent is [ __ ] terrible oh it's bad but enjoyably bad this film might be worth checking out just for that one shower scene you know the scene I'm talking about and don't pretend you didn't like it this is why movies based on video games do not work unless it's animated and called Becca valve then it's [ __ ] awesome you want your reaction to be in the next nostalgia critic next week on doing the top 11 good Adam Sandler movies so your job is to find an Adam Sandler movie you like you know they're out there and film your reaction to it just download the Stardust app at the link below follow us at nostalgia critic record your reaction and then tweet it to us with this hashtag or use Facebook the ones we like best we'll make it in the next nostalgia critic video we absolutely love going through and seeing everybody's different reactions the over-the-top one's the funny ones there's such a wide variety out there and we love watching them and you will too so download the app get out there and show us your crazy reactions [Music] [Music] Lara no the place is coming down hey Doug Walker here doing charity shout out and this week we are doing the brain and behavior Research Foundation since 1987 this foundation has awarded 380 million dollars to fund more than 5,500 grants to more than 4,500 scientists around the world they are the nation's top non-government funders of mental health research grants they're committed to alleviating the suffering caused by mental illness and awarding grants that will lead to advances and breakthroughs in scientific research the foundation funds the most innovative ideas in neuroscience and psychiatry to better understand the causes and develop new ways to treat brain and behavioral disorders if you look at their site in their YouTube page you can see the wide variety of people opportunities and ways they've helped in the past they're a wonderful group and deserve a ton of attention click the link below and see how far your donation can go you you
Channel: Channel Awesome
Views: 1,535,794
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: channel awesome, nostalgia critic, doug walker, movie, movies, film, lara croft, lara croft tomb raider, tomb raider review, tomb raider movie, lara croft movie, tomb raider game, video game movies, movie review, film review, lara croft tomb raider review, angelina jolie, jon voight, daniel craig, movie reviews, critic, nostalgia critic reviews, bad video game movies, worst video game movie
Id: VYhAB8pbiBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 35sec (1835 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 10 2018
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