THE COW ROLLED OVER THE MOON - Rock of Ages 2: Bigger and Boulder #2

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there's no way I can make this now right can I do crap what's up guys and welcome back to Rock of Ages - and before we begin with today's episode I wanted to really quickly apologize for last week's episode because things were a little bit weird like most people didn't have an issue with the video but some people rightfully noticed that the framerate looks a little bit off but the boulder looked really jittery when it was rolling and things look strange it wasn't in the gameplay when I was playing it wasn't in the recording or the editing just YouTube kind of butchered the video and I tried to reload it nothing would fix it so my only options were to delete it entirely or leave it up screwed up so I don't recommend going back and watching that one hopefully today I'll be able to do it some silly boulder rolling justice also last time you guys were telling me that I should head north and if that's what the people want then that's what the people will get I don't know what this is looks like Oh a new unit a bank place banks near mines to produce more gold mines will glow when a bank is selected I kept running over the mines last time and I couldn't figure out what they were no wonder I was supposed to go north from the tutorial and not south okay very good and it looks like there is another unit over here waiting for me no no no I want to go over here there we go cross the water we got a sticky cows cluster of clingy obstacles that slow down the enemy boulder I definitely want sticky cows it sounds like some kind of strange STD oh yeah when I would her the other night she ended up giving me sticky cows let's go to Scotland more games need to use this art style I don't know how they're the first and probably the only ones is that William Wallace William Wallace is seven feet tall and Mel Gibson if he would here he'd consume the English with fireballs from his eyes and bolts of lightning from his Earth's [Music] historically accurate William Wallace Oh what oh those were the oh there's the arse lightning oh wow cool yeah yeah yeah that's definitely him seven feet tall got the balls apart from the eyes okay bring it on maybe I should try a new Boulder today I really want to try the cow not because it looks at all useful in fact its stats are significantly worse but it's an inflated cow it's amazing I have to have it so we're gonna bring the cow I'm also gonna bring whale with explosives and then you guys were telling me spring boards are really good and I think I'll bring the standard Tower we'll try the bank another time not totally sure if it's all that useful I mean yeah you might get more money to build with but how much money do you need really okay so let's see here we got spring boards definitely wouldn't mind rotating them around and springing people off like that there you go we can't get through there anymore and then my whales can suck them I love the whales they're so good put one right there and then I'll put some explosives up by the top of him so that he can't get run over oh yeah this is gonna be great you guys were also telling me in the comments that I don't need to build towers next to each other I can drag and pull and it makes a wall it didn't do that in the first game as far as I remember I don't think it did that in the first game if it did then I've played two full games and never realized the Hat but I think I'm doing pretty good you know you can't make them so long I see so I definitely want to try to break this up as much as possible but some more sucky whales with more explosives next to them yeah this should be oh where that's another nice passage that we can probably springboard him off of Boulder is ready okay let's go oh and Flay oh my god it's such an accurately inflated cow it flexes and stuff I just figured it would be like a boulder but painted like a cow it feels like I'm actually rolling a cow down a hill oh okay ooh it kind of floats to you no no stop that stop it there we go I'll power whatever I bounce off stuff easier but does it have actually elastic properties holy crap holy crap this thing just soars stop stop stop stop there we go thank you Tower they are excuse me this thing is madness it got really high acceleration so you just get to full speed without even trying yo that is just the worst okay we need to back it up we're gonna work it back it up ere we go scuse me townspeople I just need to sixty not great I think I just found a super cheesy shortcut that should be relatively easy with the cow oh my god there's no way that this works there's no freaking way oh please please please I just cut off like 90% of the course and I balance Oh lightning you know it was a lightning cows oh god he's got this place just dressed up like Fort Knox okay scares me that was somebody's castle it's such a fat cow that was amazing that shortcut is so dope and now I just get to oh I was 116 damage I don't think I get as much momentum with the inflatable cow which means technically I probably need to use more boulders bit of a disappointment I'm gonna lightning bolt you back here take one of those right yeah gotcha excuse me catapult I need a running start at my amazing shortcut there oh crap oh he's onto me oh excuse me Oh exploding gas I do not there's no way I can make this now right can I do crap I guess I'm gonna do this the fairway he is rollin with some kind of very strange Boulder they just keep bouncing off me I'm afraid what happens when my oh crap what oh come on okay I'm afraid what happens when my cow gets smaller how our piece is gonna break off like a boulder do it pop do it deflates pretty funny we're uh we're gonna hi pop I seem to pop do I lose my whole Boulder oh that is crap not sure I really like the cow Boulder to be perfectly honest because now when I actually do manage to hit him I do less damage but if my father gets beaten up as it likely will it just pops I'm literally rolling a balloon down a hill instead of a giant rock with every downside to that fifty-two I'm gonna have to hit it with like seven boulders I'm so dead super dudes let's get a rematch without the cow our defense this time is made up of trebuchet zat castle walls and many sticky bovines so we're gonna see how that works I'm also gonna be using the line Boulder because it actually does damage when it hits something I'm curious if I can make this jump for the shortcut oh my god it's a driving a tank it's such a world of difference to control because it's so much heavier but I would say can't even kinda make it interesting okay so how Boulder does have some advantages it's weird not using the shortcut okay we're good forward that was completely as expected just like how he's covered in cows right now we're fine no we're fine excuse me other way coming through Bolton I lost a lot of momentum going through that building in murdering people and I still got 125 damage and he's still covered in cows how much damage did he do a little bit less I think yeah the cows seem to be working fine you of momentum that this thing picks up is borderline insanity oh yeah oh that feels good 155 we're ahead right the cows are doing all right let's just spread more cows I'm just gonna put a whole bunch of cows all over the place the townspeople around here aren't exactly the smartest look at all of them dancing around standing still knowing the giant boulder is coming down the hill I mean you can hear the trumpets formed all the way down there just an awful idea what's wrong with them I was gonna say that it's completely unrealistic but people do Running of the Bulls and stuff like that in real life so you know what sometimes people are just stupid sometimes people know that there's gonna be some giant boulder coming across the bridge and they just don't get out of the way so now they're smooshed oh God okay yeah listen I can only imagine the amount of man-hours that went into building that Tower before I ruined everything oh yeah you're done you are done that's right William Wallace scream like a little Englishman well that was good fun and it looks like he's unlocked another thing for me what do we have here fireworks cannon shoots explosive fireworks in a random area around itself sounds hectic okay so now we can go east or west let's go over this way I can just roll over water who's gonna stop me who is big cannon over there ah slow I don't know where the difficulty levels are I have four stars there's a five star gate below me let's see what's going on over this way is there anything more interesting if I head to the south oh is a 10 star gate down here that I can't open Oh slow it is and I don't think I'm gonna get this reference because none of oh never mind hello mister scream are you taking a vacation oh no my Boulder I told you not to hit the cows what am i just like squeezing avocado glue on you oh no is that is that how it happened this is how it went down I had no idea oh I don't think he was painted from the waist down was he I feel like board shorts weren't a thing but who knows as long as my Boulder is patched up we can face off against him looks like we got a new Boulder and it actually has an interesting ability the Terra Boulder lets us jump to stain the enemy battlefield defensive units cannot be built on stained tiles so if I'm constantly jumping down the hill after like two or three rounds I should be able to have most of it colored in and then they won't be able to build there it should be able to screw up building walls at least so that's interesting I'm also gonna bring the mine the whale the firework cannon and the castle because why not okay so I'm guessing that this is where I can build my mine on the pile of coconuts I don't have enough money left but I don't think I'd be able to do it anyway maybe I need to roll over it first in the round I'm not sure we can check it out I have a general idea where it is Oh oh my boulders so gross-looking I like it though okay I don't recognize this map either is it from some kind of painting I mean it looks like it but I'm just gonna keep bouncing down the hill this is a very narrow hill so I should be able to get this nice and colored in scuse me oh okay was that a mine I don't know what that was but a lot of gold came out of it hello cannons don't want me coming throw tricky but not tricky enough I'm just gonna make my way through and continue making everything nice and red so over there to my left oh look at that he's even tried to guard it he's got like some kind of catapult or something there's yeah the way I'm gonna just CRO this is his mind so he was probably getting money from this that makes more sense and I didn't build mine because I didn't have enough money left okay now I get it oh so I can put my mind there I can make multiple minds if I want to get really greedy and then of quire work cannon to protect it oh yeah let's just spend everything protecting the mind great we could do this net and just really guard it I don't care if he stops or not yeah look at my little miners go so they just hop into the cave it looks like a pile of coconuts because it's on an island but it is a mine and they come out with gold bars and I just keep earning money which I can spend right now on more defenses if I want to but I don't I want to roll my Boulder I'm curious how well his defense is shaped up after my bouncing Taher yeah you can see the giant spots were advanced before now I'm just bouncing in different places so he's gonna have a really hard time setting up any kind of coherent defense oh oh oh sorry sorts did I go the wrong way where am i right now did I get turned around I just go back up to the start what's happening there's no like wrong way meter or anything like that I think I went the wrong direction okay it's really easy you hit my face already oh I am so screwed all I did go the wrong way I'm such an idiot okay no no no no no no screw you your minds I'm coming for it there you go just get smushed to be build another mine over here no okay I think we're in the clear so Oh sticky cows how is he rolling what's how did I just call this an out of bounds on the sides that's dumb Oh his Boulder looks a little lopsided I losing my mind Hey yeah it looks uneven I can't possibly win this right I don't think so because I can't kill him there and I only have one hit left and his Boulder is gonna build super quickly oh I need some kind of crazy defense right now how am I gonna manage this maybe I can trick him into going after some unguarded Mines would that help and then I don't know put up a lot of defenses down by the base and pray he's getting slightly slowed down he's just kind of rubbing up against my oh he got eaten by my whales you got spit up on my well good whale you're getting promoted for that one oh my god we might actually stand a chance but I need to fly like the wind right now what are the what are the angry what was that an angry Turkey oh crap okay now I got a cow on me cow please I just need to go real fast like sanic and avoid the cows oh my god the cows please just get up just go away and then we're good we're good he's in the water again yes whales and then no cows I think I'm just as far as he is this is gonna be really close right I'm coming up on the end here now I think I passed him I think I I think I'm gonna do it you have got to be kidding me right now [Music] we did it oh man the whales you know what it's fitting that you were the one to scream really loudly and you know what we're gonna enjoy this nice and slowly oh yeah that's the stuff I thought that was gonna be another loss which would have been incredibly embarrassing for one video but now we're moving up to get cannon very powerful weapon but it takes very long to reload pretty standard I am surprised it's not some kind of chicken cannon or cannon chicken who really knows what is this a balloon balloons attached to boulders using the new lion anchor technology oh I want to try that out that sounds pretty cool and then it looks like there's another new unit down here if we go to the V can I buy a vowel ma'am I mean Baba Yaga oh it's which lives in the house up on chicken legs that house isn't up on chicken legs then again brooms don't have backup signals either that kid's gonna get evening if it wasn't for interruptions so the got rid of the chicken legs and added in a doorbell and she got dingdong ditched you you don't look like I'm okay bit of a mouth breather probably not the smartest to piss off a witch with a whole lot of titties happening right now she's ready to kind of flop out we'll say yeah that's going right up that kids butt oh oh there it is South Park like one of the really early seasons you're gonna get stepped on here okay your love slapstick comedy okay if it's anything it's predictable we're just gonna pop a squat here and eat that kid yeah it's a good wholesome family and ding or not we came close so am I going up against the kid the smoosh of the mouth-breather or baba Yaga Baba Yaga okay just keep it in your shirt oh this is interesting the last stretch is like an ice field so we're gonna have to be careful with that when we go through I think I just want to litter this with explosives right I would imagine that it's probably kind of hard to steer your way around an ice field yeah that looks good it looks like the balloon actually does have a lion attached on a string and I'm guessing the line grabs the boulder and then it flies off I have no idea it's not gonna affect me maybe we can see it where where am I going exactly oh excuse me house oh come on am I going the wrong way I can't be going the wrong way this is the way that it's directed that's where she started isn't it I'm confused no I'm seeing enemies Oh what it what are you was it look like a goat with an anvil strapped to it to hit don't ask questions with this game it could be anything god only knows I think I have sucked most something's sucking me something's following me no consent okay no what we're good we're good stupid anvils what are you yeah it's a some kind of chubby anvil Ram I got it so now the ice path and then we're on to the castle how hard could this be for a boulder to navigate okay okay careful careful careful careful yeah good it I'm kind of concerned that the ice isn't gonna refreeze before the next time though did the balloons are they kind of followed her that's interesting they're going back to where they were I kind of want to just put a ton of balloons all over the place she is having a really hard time with his ice right now and the explosives and go go lion go go lion there you go got her yeah slow that momentum oh it was just a tap bloons are great let's try that again except for this time hopefully with less anvil rams and whale suckage no well no well I said no consent no suckage did the ice refreeze that's big no that's a big no oh my god you're skipping across it's such a short little map it only takes me a few seconds to get across look at him getting mauled by my balloon isn't got anywhere in like ten seconds this is amazing this is just unfair I think I have my new favorite defensive unit because I get to run over these people oh my god I've never gone through the crowd like that I like it I wish you could just go over it oh you can go over this well la-dee-da rude freakin anvil Rams man who do you think you are get out of here I'm the happy Boulder people fear me you will fear me and you worse respect my authority okay get out of the way okay I see the castle oh not that castle that hasn't won't be seen ever again stop zapping me we're going for Oh are we good if we're kind if we're not very good oh yes oh she's got zero help left oh that ice pads is gonna be a nightmare just bored more balloons I can't have any more balloons pretty maxed out my balloons okay well if she's gonna get slowed down here from the balloons it's just Brailler with cannons looks like she's broken out some kind of crazy fire Boulder which doesn't make a whole lot of sense for something that's gonna be traversing a frozen lake but I want to just watch her come down because it's enjoyable seeing you're getting completely dominated by my stupid balloons there you go just hold on to her and then the cannons should hit her she'll run any explosives that's the stuff oh no opposed with the balloon oh yeah these defenses are perfect look you can't go anywhere I can't even zapper again how about that just good man there you go suck it should I roll my Boulder I can actually destroy your Boulder soon we're gonna get real close to finishing I did it I got a thunder god achievement just completely wiped her out okay now overall screw it why not oh you think the anvil Rams will protect your people I think it ought to smoosh Mary oh god she's got Wales all over the place wheels and anvil Rams don't you know okay they they're pretty good unit I wouldn't mind having them I'm pretty sure they're Rams right let's just take a Ono maybe your cows oh there there bronze bulls I see that's a shame I really like calling them anvil Rams I don't know why it just feels fitting rolls off the tongue kind of like how I roll off the ice is there a person floating in the water it's kind of dark alright well we're just doing okay no I think we just need to take her time maybe not go straight for it right just Boop around there we go yeah oh yeah oh just don't gerricault we're on thin ice here quite literally and now she's smooshed listen you you'll hurt happy Boulder he cannot forgive you so now you're Baba smoosh oh yeah that's good we just jump in all I always want to just dive into the bleachers at the end that was pretty good I like that map and that has unlocked us the Phoenix tree which regenerates tiles that have been used to build other defenses okay that's good I was actually wondering if there's gonna be an ability like that in the game because it's really annoying building a wall and having one little tiny hole in it and then you can't patch it up so maybe we'll end up using that if I can unlock some more spots I don't I think that's gonna be it for this episode of Rock of Ages two guys and once again if you guys are interested in seeing more be sure to let me know because obviously it's a very long game there's a whole lot more here I know a bunch of other youtubers are doing it so people seem to enjoy it but if you guys end up enjoying it as well then maybe I'll return for a third episode I think it's worth watching this video I hope you enjoy then I'll see you next time [Music]
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 1,888,927
Rating: 4.874753 out of 5
Keywords: rock of ages 2, rock of ages 2 bigger and boulder, rock of ages 2 game, rock of ages 2 gameplay, rock of ages 2 william wallace, rock of ages 2 baba yaga, rock of ages 2 screamer, rock of ages 2 cow boulder, rock of ages 2 walkthrough, rock of ages 2 playthrough, rock of ages 2 let's play, rock of ages 2 funny moments, rock of ages 2 campaign, rock of ages 2 story, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: 2aDT4mvnHic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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