MANKEY MADNESS - Tribal Stage - Spore #4

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what's up guys and welcome back to spore now this episode is gonna be a little bit different from last episode but we're gonna be changing things up if you follow me on twitter or if you're part of the captain sauce facebook page you've already seen this picture and what this is is a hint of what we're gonna be doing this episode if you're not following me on twitter or part of the facebook page you should be because I love interacting with you guys so there's links in the description of each of my videos and you can check that out so we leave this up for a second you guys can kind of think it over what we're gonna be doing today make your guesses but pretty much I found out the spore is kind of like a backwards game like you start the creature stage and that's when you have to roam around and find all the parts you can't really make your ideal creature to start off you might not be able to make it at all if you don't find all the part because I didn't spend like eight hours playing through the creature stage I didn't get everything and now in the tribal stage we couldn't evolve anymore so we couldn't change our creature we were always gonna have Walt or I think his name was he was gonna be the same no matter what and that wasn't the creature I had in mind when I started this series when I started the series there was one creature that I really really wanted to make and it's this one so today we're gonna start a new plan it is gonna be called sauce atonia and we're gonna be starting with this creature if you figured out what it is yet anything know it Mickey yeah haha yes we're starting a manky tribe they look so good look at their little hammers oh my god this is awesome this is exactly what I wanted I don't know what it is about Maggie was just one of my favorite Pokemon I have no idea why because he wasn't rare it wasn't powerful he wasn't even particularly good but he's just so cool I was so this one I started spore on the channel I told myself I wanted to make some kind of Pokemon creature and when I thought about it I knew that you could make manky he was because he's just a ball with arms and legs it was definitely possible and and when I found out that we could only make Walt or it's gonna disappoint it we're also omnivores now if you couldn't tell we're gathering fruit which will make it a lot easier for us some reason we're having issues why can't we there we go so now we need to start making babies what one would a baby manky is gonna look like something I never thought I'd ask myself oh my god he's so cute um he's roasting a marshmallow zebra is roasting a marshmallow oh you burned your marshmallows Eber what about dad coming here see I was really torn between whether or not to continue the series as it was because we did a really good episode last episode I was really happy with it but at the same time this was what I wanted from the get-go and I didn't want this to be repetitive his last episode so this episode we're not going to just be friends somebody like these people what are these these are not girl tribe look at the like spiky saw things on their tails it's terrifying a rival tribe of Sac alotta has formed on your planet thus a colada well then you know we're not only going to befriend but we're also gonna try to attack a tribe see if we can render one extinct and and see what the next like level of buildings are for this episode because we only got I think the instruments and weapons last time we didn't get a whole lot done are you guys doing what are you doing baby mekin and baby minun mekin in minion they must be brother and sister just roll it around being Rascals their eyes and their nose and their stuff just crunches together whoa and just like that that's how you grow up see we're doing really well alright we know what we're doing now see that that's how it works so do we want wooden horns or throwing spears those creepy looking guys I think we don't want to be friends with them I think we're gonna get rid of them so we're gonna get throwing spears they didn't get your spear there we go we're going on the warpath oh yeah look at these guys they they look weak they're they're terrifying looking creatures but they have like fishing Spears oh my God look at that manky rampage over over the hill get them oh they actually throw them to I guess yeah you throw throwing spears go figure oh no no they're getting they're gonna kill somebody it was this who is this I can't I can't tell no we lost one get this one get Roby and Rob Ian oh my god the casualties of war these guys are super strong because they have like I guess your creature abilities carry over when you become a tribe it's kind of unexpected we don't really have anything we only have a little tiny mouth to bite with so we're relying heavily on our technology get him get him get him get him get him oh we lost our chieftain - this was a very costly attack but you know what it's uh it was worth it we're gonna destroy them and we are gonna become the dominant tribe let's see can we get more babies no requires larger cut what are you doing here go to go to war you doing in the base well wonder if we can steal their food they seem to have fish and eggs and fruit fish eggs and fruit that's cool that it actually makes it like separate in the game it doesn't just pile it in there anonymously like some games would oh its it it's almost dead almost got it are throwing spears they're taking this down yeah we did it we raised them to the ground awesome and now we get things yeah that's what I was talking about you can't unlock more parts you can unlock clothing and you can unlock weapons and stuff like that but you've already evolved so like our technology is going to evolve but our body won't you've destroyed the brown village your totem grows and new tools and outfits have been looted from the Fallen tribe and added to your tribal planner ice gets a little bit bigger we can have more Bibby's get a little more advanced so now we can expect more tribes to show up on the planet I'm really curious already to get let's raid their food can we do that their food is still here and we get one to raid that and one to raid that nice let's see what the other tribes are all about you have a pink village it's the same guys that's really weird they're the exact same we have the Sian village which do not look much different they're also terrifying weird bug looking creatures come ah give me something cool and the green village dammit Spore it's not the game's fault it's just what everybody makes every wants to make terrifying looking weird bug creatures that we wants to make cool things anymore a new manky litter was born we have parents see we have a Borka and chemists I like that gives them all the names makes a little more personal hahaha Oh what I clicked I clicked on the fire and they all danced around it do this little like mariachi dance oh my god it's so adorable uh-uh here we ever to get your maracas we're good to go we are gonna go make friends with the green village we make friends yeah with uh we're gonna make friends with a shadowmaster 1398 real original oh no no come back everybody come back everybody go back what what do you mean reading another tribe is attacking everybody get your Spears put down the maracas where's-where's an attack coming from Oh purple village good weapon every good weapon battle stations oh my God he's got Spears in his eyes Borka Orca you monster oh you guys you guys came into the wrong neighborhood get rekt ok no no time for love everybody grab a spear we are going to war again we're gonna we're gonna go demolish these guys yes there's so many of them battle stations oh it's not fair they have like awesome abilities that we don't have ok you need to focus fire we need to take out need to take out the weakest ones first and then we need to move our weak ones into the back this is like real this is like Warcraft 3 all over again the realtime strategy command & Conquer style whoo we got it every week anybody low we're doing really well actually said all the defenders kill I think we got him I think there's some babies hiding in the hut but other than that I don't think there's any others was that a baby back there it is kill the children kill the children leave no prisoners done he's only gonna grow up and fight us I promise you I'm not just doing it out of hate wild animals are attacking my village God look at you alpha Mundus get out of there what are these oh we're getting like we're getting raid it at the same time no oh no we're losing over here they respawned we lost everybody you gotta be kidding me oh this is this is bad this is a disaster we have no food we could go extinct here this is not good okay we're almost we're actually getting out of this I think no no if the old right in time right in time right in time that was so close kill him yes and he died oh my god we have one guy left oh man we almost went extinct I'm pretty sure if everybody dies it's just game over you just lose what a disaster we have a full population again we're back see we're gonna pick up all of our instruments and we're gonna get pretty much everybody to go befriend someone and I think I've made a big mistake because pink village doesn't like me cyan village doesn't like me green village is on the other side of a lake or a river I don't know if we can get over there can we can we swim like if I if I tell them to go here will they be able to find their way there I have no idea I honestly don't know what they're gonna do right now oh okay good there's a little there's a little like tiny Peninsula that we can connect on excellent chieftain jestinna we would love to be your friends listen to our maracas we have awesome maracas you guys ready for this oh you want flutes we don't have flutes we have maracas hey we have with maracas you like that yeah you like that the making maracas they're to die for is that now I gen ed again I was concerned that we didn't have the right instruments to befriend them that would have sucked oh okay we need to do it again we need to do it again you do that a bunch of times apparently until they're allies they're no they're just they like us now but without full-blown allies maracas yeah just one more time one time maracas one time [ __ ] [ __ ] oh and Raiders are coming to our village god dang it get away from my village you [ __ ] okay so we need everybody to get back and get throwing spears and then attack they're so far away like we're all the way over here somewhere yeah we're all the way over here come on hurry run little monkeys yes bike dumb punch them use your fury swipes guys in the back need to get throwing spears there we go get the throwing spears and now chuck them rawr yes got him this planet is so much harder than the last one I've been recording for like 42 minutes but I'm determined to befriend somebody before this episode ends whoa what is that what is this go away don't you dare abduct my Maggie's we attack it we can't attack it okay screw it we're gonna ignore it half the people on horns half the people on maracas what does this thing want see this is what I was talking about the one of okay it just abducted something and it's gone no it's hanging out stop following my guys this is what I was talking about there was a nyan cat spaceship that did isn't it ducted my creatures and now it's just kind of following my guys and I really don't want anybody to get abducted okay now they want maracas we give them maracas okay they want horns we give them the horn section nice what maracas again more maracas it is actually gonna work more horns final hey thank you awesome and more things please ought to be good things I don't even care about the clothes oh that's cool I never realized that the totems are different depending on how you interacted with them so like this horn if you befriended them and by the looks of it does a guy giving you the middle finger with an X in the other hand if you attack them it's weird get away from my food buddy you don't want this there's gonna be a lot of angry man he's coming here real soon lotta angry man he's coming for you mundis get out of here mundus uh-huh run haha he's just running away okay no we're not gonna chase him everybody come home let's leave this video guys this was good I was happy with this that we actually managed to accomplish our goals we've now killed one tribe made enemies of two and friends of one so hopefully next episode will be the last episode of the tribal stage and we'll move on to manky civilization that guy's very much watching this video I hope you enjoyed I'll see you next time the music is awesome we can't [ __ ] care
Channel: CaptainSauce
Views: 129,938
Rating: 4.9384103 out of 5
Keywords: Spore (Video Game), spore gameplay, spore series, tribal stage, pokemon, mankey, funny, hilarious, highlights, let's play, captainsauce, captain sauce
Id: bZUtgwlxMq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 46sec (946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2015
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