Lamentations ~ 2:20 to 3:51

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this fam your Bible study are back in our father's word second chapter of Lamentations which in which in the true name is akka which is how and the first second and fourth chapter start with that word how how did we get in this mess how did this come to be and gives us the answer and even in a prophetic sense capping off the great prophet Jeremiah the prophecy of Jeremiah letting us know even the inner feelings of Almighty God in some places so having said that we got to the 20th verse in chapter 2 let's pick it up and finish that chapter and then we will begin with chapter 3 and with that word of wisdom from our Father verse 20 chapter 2 lamentations and it reads behold O Lord and consider to whom thou has done this shall the women eat their fruit and shall end children of a span long shall the priest and the prophet be slaying in the sanctuary of the Lord how can this be well it is true that many women do destroy their young okay and it is it comes to pass as it is written and the span the long means - to pick the child up and hold and hold it in them not to savory way dangle it in other words okay in the Hebrew and certainly the priests and the prophets land was spiritually dead no truth brought forth that's why the young are starving verse 21 the young and the old lie on the ground in the streets my virgins and my young men are fallen by the sword thou has slain them in the city of thine anger thou has killed and not pitied there Lola rahama not not pity not love well why would God not love them that sounds almost well they turned away from him he laid everything out whereby blessings are there for everyone and when you turn your back on him that's your choice today the same thing you can turn your back on God and you'll let you go as far off into the deep as you wish to go or on the contrary if you love him and if you feed your family the truth the Word of God we're speaking spiritually here there they are plump and health spiritually to attain eternal life that makes a big difference or you can go the way of the world and destroy your children it's your choice in many ways there well it says God didn't know God that God allows it if you're stupid okay verse 22 thou has called as in a solemn day my terrors roundabouts all about so that in the day of the Lord's anger none xscape nor remained those that I have swaddled and brought up if mine enemy consume but they took them over they don't in other words the house of Israel and that's who it's talking about the true children of Judea they don't know who they are today most of them they they really don't and you know something else that the real sad part is they don't care when they realize they give up their heritage just like Esau instead of searching and finding it the lighting in it they wasted and and so it is so there we have that we come to chapter 3 now listen to me very closely though in the English Bible chapter 3 has 66 verses the Hebrew manuscripts you've only got 22 verses with three lines each okay now the acrostic is this each three lines has begins in secession with the same Hebrew letter in as much as there are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet then each segment of three lines will begin with the same Hebrew letter however there is an acrostic in it again between the 16th and the 17th but you've got to multiply that by three to understand what I'm saying to understand that in these three lines to convert it back to the Hebrew manuscripts to get to 22 verses in other words let me simplify it verses one two and three begin with a leaf verses four five and six begin with Bayside okay and so forth throughout the the 22 letters of the alphabet in other words each three verses which makes one verse in the Hebrew manuscripts each three lines start with the same Hebrew letter got it okay verses and again you it is a division of eleven ok 66 verses 66 lines 22 verses and of course at the 22nd verse in the English Bible the subject will change from 1 through 21 you've got judgment and and then I will call your attention to it at 22 then you have remembered of Yas mercy that's God's mercy and that's where the point changes on the eleven okay got it if you don't understand there's no problem just listen to the verses the message is clear chapter 3 verse 1 I am the man that has seen affliction by the rod of his wrath this is the Prophet putting himself in the place of the whole nation okay if it makes it easier for you and as much as we've been talking about Jerusalem the city but basically the whole nation of Jacob okay the all the natural seed he says I'm putting myself in that place I've seen the affliction by the rod of his wrath that that's chastisement that's judgment God does well if he loves somebody he's going to correct them you can count on it verse two one of the second verses of the Alief he had led me and brought me into darkness but not into light if if you and remember he's speaking for the nation now he scattered them why because they deserved to be scattered okay the third verse and the final leaf it reads surely against me in me alone the nation is he turned he turned it his hand against me all the day that he's correcting it's the correcting rod the correcting hand in God's service you must have discipline without discipline you do not or you are not pleasing to Almighty God okay and and God corrects those he loves so if he's correcting you you can rest assured he still has love for you verse 4 the first of the BET my flesh and my skin had he made old he hath broken my bones it's it's been a hard trip but people bring it on themselves understand verse 5 he hath builded against me and compass me with gall and travail that's bitterness okay and it's it it it's it's built all around me okay if you don't turn to him it will be but it's so easy to say father I love you let me see the light get me out of this darkness okay and the final of the bet we reamed in the third verse of it he has set me in dark places and they that be dead as they that be dead of old we're speaking spiritually here spiritually deader than a hammer where God's Word is not taught people drift away he does doesn't like that the children that he set aside through which Christ would come and and the twelve patriarchs having given instruction with God's blessings God always leaning when they would follow and and yet they bring themselves to the point of destruction and scattering but they did it to themselves and they deserve the correction understand in a personal sense you can come out of that anytime you so choose in your life verse seven we started another set of three and I won't mention that anymore and lest it confuse somebody seven he has hedged me about that I cannot get out he had made my chain heavy my captivity in this is awesome through Christ you can always get out got it verse eight and when I cry and shout he shutteth out my prayer and that's just say my personal prayer seems like it's always shut out we hear that a lot you've got to love him and be disciplined by him to have prayers insert verse nine he had enclosed my ways with you in stone he had me he had made my paths crooked they my paths they turned and they turn about they always seem to turn and I go right back where I started from okay and hewn stone you want to you want to be real careful of this when it is mentioned in a prophetic sense you're supposed to keep up with the Kin it-- and they that caused the trouble by enumerating stones war and smooth over a long period of time you might say well document that for me it's real easy it's the word count as in counting the number of the beast the man 6x6 that's what that word count means is you you count by enumerating the stones his children over a long period of time don't head yourself in with them or you always get turned around you can March and March and you learn always without God you end up right where you started in the same mess how you got it by not following him verse 10 he wasn't to me as a bear lying and waiting as a lion in secret places it seems like he was after me well he should be ok God loves his nation he protects her when it is at all possible when given an excuse for by through prayer and people simply asking 11 he has turned aside my ways and pulled me in pieces he had made me desolate it would seem that he's trying to get my attention that still when you understand God's judgment means God loves his children and and he does pull at you the very strings of your heart to touch you and to lead you to bring you back home you know what path is it that you're supposed to take what way not the crooked way but Christ is the way always you can kind of relate this to this prophet he's bringing this down on the people but it's kind of like before it's over in this book this particular chapter the he stands for all the people and he it looked forward to that one that stands for the sin of all the people that is to say Christ himself as it is written in Psalms 22 verse 12 he had been his bow and set me as a mark for the arrow and the city and the nation it's always going to be his mark okay he's going to naturally but I want you to think of arrows also as it means here sons in the next verse okay he hath caused the arrows of his to enter into my reigns that is the the man is blessed if he has many children as they'll always say his quiver is full it's a Habra ism okay well God has a lot of children okay and he he manages those sons especially those that will listen to him verse 14 I was a derision to all my people and their song all the day the there mocking song they mocked me day and night verse 15 he had filled me with bitterness he had made me drunken with wormwood and of course wormwood is bitterness okay and and so it is verse 16 he had also broken my teeth with gravel stones he hath covered me with his ashes he's the that being the results alright of of the he rolled me in ashes what is morning okay but again here what what is it the broken my teeth with gravel stones you eating gritty meal okay but again it goes back to the same thing spiritually and we're speaking spiritually if you allow the little stones that enumerate over a long period of time the mark of the beast that is to say his children the Kenites and you let them come into your midst your teeth are gonna your teeth are going to be worn down alright you're not going to have any bite to it and you will you allow those stones in that you're supposed to be enumerated and let them take over and boy are you going to be covered with ashes from within verse 17 and thou has removed my soul far off from peace I forgot prosperity I forgot the good it's been so long my city and my nation has forgot what was really good true that is you know we allow ourselves to come down where children can't even pray in school that is to say with the permission of the ilk but the certain legal situations that are trash and should be in the dog pen okay and then wonder how the stupidity of wondering then why shootings take place in schools when you drive God out guess who comes in and and so it is the good kind of has gone by the wayside prophecy always fulfills itself verse 18 and I said my strength and my hope is perished from the Lord verse 19 remembering mine affliction and my misery the wormwood and the gall my you need to add a little word there my memory is as the wormwood and gall that means bitterness my I'm just bitter memories you don't have to look around too much today though you can see bitterness and what people who are supposed to represent the people do bitter miss verse 20 my soul had then still as them still in remembrance and is humbled in me that is the whole purpose and you want to remember that well what do you mean the whole purpose God's purpose that your soul will remember and be humbled before God and return to him verse 21 to finish the set of 11 to 11 s okay this I recall to my mind therefore have I hope in other word you can hope do you know something there's only one hope in this world and it is our Lord Jesus Christ in him we have hope you you hear a bunch of nonsense and political retic rhetoric about hope that's junk that'll lead you right into the trash bin but hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ that protects us that protects the young that protects the old that cares for the people that takes this Christian nation along with the other religions that are allowed here into the fold and judeo-christianity based and founded this nation and that that is our hope don't ever let anyone take that away from you for that's all we have is that hope and in following it we have his blessings that's why this is a superpower of superpowers in these end times we come now to the second set verses 22 through 36 okay in the English but it would be the second set of out of the 22 and we move forward then and what it is is remembering God's mercy remembering Yahweh our Heavenly Father's mercy we pick it up in verse 22 we change from judgment judgment to mercy this is what you want listen carefully it is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed because his Compassion's fail not in other words if he didn't love us we wouldn't be here 23 there they are new every morning fresh every morning great is thy faithfulness how precious it is to serve him to wake in the morning and feel him and be near him 24 the Lord is my portion say after my soul therefore will I hope in him that is the hope we have dear one and there is no other there's no other hope but to hope in him but cut one well because his promises are always true you can count on it verse 25 the Lord is good and to them that wait for him got it don't read over it that wait for him to the soul that thinketh him you got to be patient and you have to wait for the true Christ don't fall off to the fake keeping numerating those stones that will cut your teeth right down to the bit and know and understand and count those that mark the evil one wait patiently for the righteous one 26 it is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the Lord wait silently knowing that you have that eternal hope and it freshens every day when you stay in his word when you read from his word when you fortify yourself with the knowledge that God has instilled in the letter that he is sent to you especially when it comes to a letter like this that is so marked in the acrostic that man can't change it 27 it is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth in other words if it is good for a man if he bears the chastisement of the yoke in his youth well why is that well the analogy is that if you work an animal with a piece of leather tongs or straps or chains without a yoke it cuts the flesh it damages the animal but if you place a yoke on it and then hook the tugs to that yoke the load is easy to carry and Christ is our yoke so when you come to the Lord early in life it's a blessing it is really a blessing verse 28 he sitteth alone and keepeth silent because he has borne it upon him it's it he sits silent because he's born it upon him he has the yoke carry it okay for the hope 29 he putteth his mouth into dust if so be there may be hope in other words he's laying prostrate before Almighty God 30 he giveth his cheek to him that Smita thin he is filled full with reproach he he doesn't bear the can I - well you noticed them the little stones 31 for the Lord will not cast off forever the Lord brings his own home and he takes care of them verse 32 but though he caused grief yet will he have compassion according to the multitude of his mercies he may get a little rough to chastise you and bring you too tall at times but it's always worth it because his compassion is so sweet and His mercies his unmarried play unmerited favor is always there well what is it it's love he loves you 33 for he does not afflict willingly nor grieve the children of men he he does not willingly but from the heart he loves his children this word willingly can translate from the heart he doesn't go out to to zap somebody every day he corrects because he loves he disciplines because he loves 34 - crush under his feet all the prisoners of the earth that is to say those that go against him they're losers you can count on it 35 to turn aside the right of a man before the faith of the Most High - 36 and this completes that set of 22 to subvert a man in his cause the Lord approve ahthe not I'll read that one more time to subvert a man in his cause the Lord approve a--the not when went when God is always righteous and he's always fair and he will never correct someone that has the as a righteous cause that's the whole idea okay now 37 through 51 is covers that particular segment of this covers sin and confession sin in confession and like I say it does kind of allude to the coming of the one that would take on the sin of the world for the children okay verse 37 who is who is he that saith and it cometh to pass when the LORD commanded it not now think about that good you know you got to figure it out who can do that nobody nobody can and say something's going to come to pass when the God didn't when father didn't command it that's called a false prophet God is the only one that could command and it always comes to pass 38 out of the mouth of the most high proceedeth not evil and good you can't have sweet and bitter water out of the same stream 39 wherefore death a living man complain a man for the punishment of his sins a mortal man you know that's what the word is there means liable to die why should a man cry because of the punishment of his sin he deserves that he's got it coming kissed the paddle and thank the Lord verse 40 let us search and try our ways check them out good and turn again to the Lord that's confession and repentance that's what gets it done when you slip 41 let us lift up our heart with our hands unto God in the heavens we have transgressed and have rebelled thou has not pardoned the nation or the city and so it is he he scattered them in and in large part most of them are still lost 43 now has covered thou has covered with anger and persecuted us thou has slain thou has not pitied that is to say those that would be the enemy of his people okay that's the way he is the way he operates thou has covered thyself with a cloud that our our prayer should not pass through if you're not genuine and you pray to the wrong Messiah and it's not gonna be heard by our Father 45 thou has made us as the off scoring and refuge in the midst of the people you made us like a garbage dump and when you're away from the Lord that's what it's like now here we have where we have a set of three then this becomes the 16th and the 17th set of verses okay pay and AM and again they're reversed you've got to go to two you can't take the modern block Hebrew and understand it you have to go to the ancient Hebrew where as pick stands for mouth okay why because it's shaped like a sea and it's got a tongue in it that's that makes sense doesn't it as common says when you saw that letter particular letter draw and pay it meant not period a child could understand that whereas e'en in the Hebrew ancient is like a much shape much like ro and it means I it means open your eyes and look and see why did God reverse them to call your attention to it to listen to the mouth but see with the eye and hear what God has to say so verses 46 47 and 48 all began with pay mouth listen to it 46 our enemies have opened their mouths against us are you listening our enemies have opened their mouths against us what did chapter 1 where did they say our enemies was that one of them was our chief 47 fear and a snare is come upon us desolation and destruction if you listen to it if you allow it to continue the last verse of pit mouth 48 mine I even less a nice lip in here and there's a reason for it my I run us down with rivers of waters for the destruction of the daughter of my people and then the reversed Ian falls into place the I father wants you to open your eyes you that have eyes to see and ears to hear to understand the hidden message he places here for you in His mercy his tender mercies upon those that love him 49 mine eye and there's the a in my eye trickle up down and seized us not without any intermission you know you have compassion for the people 50 the second of the aliens till the Lord look down that's his eye till the Lord looked down and behold from heaven he does and the final verse 51 of Ian okay mine eye effect ahthe mine heart because of all the daughters of my city now 16 that was this three sets of pic is love in in numerix 17 which is the a in his victory do you want that victory you catch it because of the daughter of the city in God's compassion for his children for those daughters for his people it's the mercy of the Living God you know our Father loves us very much and usually said earlier I do this from my heart he meant it and it is from his heart that he hides these tidbits for us not really hidden there there sticks out like a sore thumb okay to some people some people think it was an era and they never looked past that all they got those two Macross tup there in this case he made sure you really understood because he divided into three lines each of the same letter and and tagged each one with either a pet or a naen so that you wouldn't miss it the mouth of our enemy is speaking do you hear it does your ear hear it do you know whether it's from God or the enemy you better learn the difference the hour is late open your eyes just as God has opened his eyes from heaven and is watching things are about to happen hang on be a watchman don't miss the next lecture all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again must have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination or organization let's don't judge people God is our judge and he is quite able to take care of his own part ok but you are able to discern and you should discern where it is father would want you ok and let him know the main thing he wants is he wants you to love him so do let him know that you love him won't you do that those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address got a prayer request do away with the number and the address why he knows what you're thinking he's the heart nor and he loves you Hosea 6:6 I don't want your burnt offerings I want your love he want you to love him and follow him listen to him don't listen to the enemy and do it in God's own way father around the globe we come we ask that you need guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name Amen ok and question time we're going to go with re from from California I am 10 years old and a new shepherd's chapel student my question is is there any sin that is unforgivable thank you and God bless you real good well that's a good question especially for a 10 year old and it's good to have you with us welcome aboard there is one sin that is unpardonable and you can read of it in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 it has to do with one of God's elect pre chosen from before that no absolutely no of a certainty the difference between the false Christ and the true Christ and as it is written in that chapter of Luke and 12 verse 10 when you're delivered up but before the Antichrist in the synagogue of Satan you must allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you if you refuse the Holy Spirit to speak through you that's unpardonable that is what is known as the unpardonable sin it's called blaspheming okay welcome aboard son Vicky from Washington I have I have been addicted to prescription medications but have stopped this and I'm now going through withdrawals I want to know will the Lord forgive me for this I've repented for what I have done well usually prescription drugs or doctor administered as long as it's done by a good surgeon and it's for pain or for medical reasons sometimes if especially if it's for a mental condition you sure don't want to go off without talking to your doctor but God expects us to take that's why he created certain herbs were with medicinal value so that we would have healing balms for ourselves poulos's even in one place for healing and Luke himself the he was a physician he was a doctor and God used him a great deal so there's nothing there's no sin and medications properly used okay Donnie from Illinois which Strong's Concordance should I use you know there there are so many it makes it real easy if you just order one from shepherd's chapel and you'll be sure you have the right one there are some on the market that are not they've been tampered with just like a lot of the newer versions of the Bible they've been messed with and they will do you harm so it's real simple for me just simply to say order it through shepherd's chapel library and you'll do good Charles from Georgia I would like to know that you are right when you tell people to ask God about quitting a church because you don't agree about the rapture I don't tell anybody were to go to church I don't know where you get that from never never would I you know everybody must go work who God is the one that decides that it may be a church you don't agree with but he may have you going there or have had you go in there most of your life to use you to help one or two people with the real truth I don't know but I guarantee you our Father does so you have never heard me tell anyone to stop going to this church or that church I don't judge churches while studying John 1924 my Bible gave reference to Psalms 20 to 18 and I want to know does this mean David was a prophet haven't you ever read Acts the book of Acts Acts chapter 2 verse 30 documents that David was a prophet that's why those words in Psalms 22 e-i-e-i-o much about the name where we were stated by Christ hanging on the cross okay David foresaw it God used that God spoke to him Tim from Georgia I don't understand about the 7,000 that God set aside in Romans can you explain this 7,000 is not a lot of people well what does seven mean it means spiritual completeness so what whatever the seven thousand means spiritually complete okay and there are an awful lot more kings and queens of the ethnos that are God's election also then there are of the house the tribes okay Steve from Minnesota in I'm 59 years old and dying of colon cancer which spread to my liver I've been a terrible sinner all my life and now I'm looking for salvation from the Lord because I know my life is over how do I prepare myself for the big sleep that awaits me tell him you love me okay he's putting together an army up there to come back and sack a bunch of people and it'll be just as pleasurable to be in that army as they will this one so let him know you loving and set your things in order and you're in good shape okay you have a you have a body that is your spiritual body that is incapable of having disease its eternal it is in fact your real body so rest easy and love the Lord he loves you Dorothy from from I think that's Texas okay please could you repeat just where to find the information about where America is mentioned in Scripture I've had no insights with words like tall and clean-shaven peeled fine peel did Isaiah eighteen when a man shaves he's peeling his face okay then the Hebrew translation carries that and thereby the land / rivers look at him out okay it is is we have the Mississippi we have the cut of the Arkansas the Colorado the Missouri own across this great nation is divided in parts but the most important thing is you're a citizen of it and it is so blessed by God why you pick up coin out of your pocket in god we trust' because the people who first came to this country were escaping lands were by you had to go by the national religion and here we could form our own and there is a separation of church and state it means the state can't mess with our churches churches can do whatever churches should do and as you get a bunch of atheists that want to take that way beyond what the Founding meanors meant founders meant by it so so be that as it may so it's beautiful it is and to me is that is really what brought me into studying God's work just when I certain scholars that isn't it wonderful to know where America we are mentioned in God word the lost tribes that were scattered God didn't lose them we lost ourselves and you find yourself in the very history and heritage of Almighty God Tony from New York these are a difference between cremation and being buried in the ground well read Ecclesiastes chapter 12 6 and 7 and you can make your own mind up where it stipulates there when this clay pot breaks you can do whatever you want to with it you're through with it it says ere the silver cord parts your spiritual body your spirit the intellect of your soul and your soul returns instantly to the father that gave it hang into that dimension and this clay pot turns back to dust doesn't matter how it gets there read that in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 if you want to take it to another step further to learn what happens to the flesh read chapter 9 it goes into the ground it goes back to dust and nobody ever remembers it again why why would they remember it when you've got that perfect spiritual body that never gets ill okay or old wrinkled or any of that business David from Kentucky what study Bible do you recommend I recommend the companion Bible that we carry here in the our shepherd's chapel library because of the appendix and because of the the arranger there of dr. Bollinger was a mentor of mine one of the as far as I'm concerned one of the greatest scholars in the nineteenth century and and part of the 18th you know what a man he really was a scholar of God's Word Ruth from Ohio would you please give me more information on their being men before Adam thank you well you find it in the book of Genesis we're on the sixth day God created all the races he rested the seven day and then he wanted a husbandman so he created at hadam a different man altogether ëthe ha ha and that family is the family through which Christ would come through mother Eve that's why it is written mother Eve is the mother of all living not that she was the only female on earth there were a lot of others but out of her would come the Savior which gives eternal life therefore Eve is the mother of all living in eternal life the others can only give life once and you die but through Christ we we have eternal life that's why it's written so Paul from Mississippi I'm looking for the genealogy of Mary I read Luke 3:23 and I don't see where Mary came from well it is a little difficult okay first of all you have to know the law of those times in expression when it says that Christ was as was supposed in print of Joseph that means as by law Christ was of Joseph only Joseph was married to whom Mary okay but he wasn't Jesus's father you see if there is not a male descendant of hey lie which there wasn't Mary had the genealogy passed to her husband this is why as in Matthew you have a lot of begats but that's talking about Joseph in in Luke chapter 3 you don't have any begets because it's by law that's what as was supposed means in the Greek by law they were in laws in other words but it is the true genealogy of Jesus okay through Mary Matilda from California what chapter in verse tells us we were here in the first Earth Age before Christ Ephesians chapter 1 verse 4 and we just completed the book of Romans chapter 8 beginning with verse 26 you were four ordained it's only talking to God's elect Saints the Saints the set-aside ones doesn't mean they're special but they stood against Satan in the first earth age you know it's amazing thing a lot of people just shudder when you say we came from the first Earth Age well where did where did you really come from well came from God of course well you didn't come from some rock out here so if you came from God where were you that you came from him you were somewhere or you couldn't have come from him well you were with him when he created all of his sons and they rejoiced in the heavens as it is written even in the first Earth Age job chapter 38 Amy from Washington will the Antichrist refuse to be born a woman and therefore not grow up as a child will he just appear on earth as an adult somewhere absolutely Satan has come he has only one drive and that's the beat Christ okay he wants to be savior this is what got him in trouble even in the first Earth Age he was supposed to be protecting the mercy seat Ezekiel chapter 28 verses 18 and 19 gives us sentence the prior verses give his occupation he was the cherub that covereth meaning protects the mercy seat and he decided he wanted to sit on it and it has a messiah connotation meaning of christ he wasn't Christ he was just a cherubim but oh how proud he was of himself and he not only wanted to take the seat on the very mercy seat itself but he drew a third of God's children away from Almighty God he's still doing it even in this earth age he draws a lot of people old Satan draws a lot of people away from our Father and to their detriment for certain it removes God's blessings from their life so there you have it Larry from don't know where Larry's from how many times does God forgive you for your sins at what point does he turn his back on you God will never turn his back on you you may turn your back on him but God will never leave you he will never forsake you and Jesus said 409 seven times 70 that's 490 times a day as long as you repent you're forgiven but it's got to be genuine you can't just mouth it and it means that you have a change of mind and that you have repented both of those things okay William from Mississippi I am disabled and in a lot of pain is it a sin to take my pain medicine as prescribed no of course not as that you know it's strange that we had two on the same line today Luke was a medical doctor and God used him tremendously he was a physician and again that's why that God gives certain people the ability to create from natural substances as well as other things medicine that alleviates pain and certainly it's it is acceptable Cynthia don't know where she's from if somebody is working witchcraft against you what passage can I go to in the Bible to fight this well you know you don't have to fight it witchcraft is bunk okay the only way witchcraft can work is if you allow it to get into your head okay you allow them to Buffalo you that means run a bluff on you was your Christian you're a daughter of the Living God why would you let some clown affect you you know with with this dunce hat on I don't think anybody would going to be too afraid of a dunce hat okay God gives you that power in that authority in Luke chapter 10 beginning with verse 19 gives you power over all your enemies in Christ's name witchcraft is bunk don't don't let it get into your head they can't do anything to you okay but if it helps order it out in the name of Jesus Christ ins it'll scramble them Tim from Indiana I am curious about the word medicine in the Bible I have been told that it means sorcery but I have to take medicine because I am disabled what is your opinion on this this is rare that we would get three of these in one setting here and one hand full of messages somebody has confused you a little bit medicine is not sorcery today what what they are showing ignorance about is that the word sorcery in the Greek is for Masuka okay that's where our word pharmacy comes from it means drugs but what what that sorcery does it takes bad drugs and uses them to cause people to hallucinate to have a so-called spiritual feeling you don't you don't need drugs to do that that's ignorant okay and that's why God is so down on sorcery but medicine itself is was prescribed by Luke and and God provided and and mentions certain things various cakes that can be used in poulos's and other things for healing in the Word of God okay so and so it is and naturally anointing and healing and asking God for healing doesn't help does help sometimes oh good doesn't do any harm is it okay for someone I don't have a name is it okay for someone to preach the Bible on the pulpit without being ordained where can I find this hey if somebody has a message there is nothing written in the Bible about someone being ordained to speak from the pulpit okay God used a lot of people to speak powerful messages they certainly weren't ordained by men but they were ordained by God an ordination from God is something that is invisible it is something that it is well why is it because God did it God uses whomever he chooses to use all right so I would not be judgmental if I were you about whoever is trying to fill in maybe they're just trying I don't know the situation but maybe it's somebody that's trying to fill in because they have no pastor that's admirable that's good okay as long as they don't mislead people that would be bad okay so so being ìno from Wisconsin my mom fears that I've lost or am led away when I speak of earth ages Cain and Abel in the 8th day baby baptism millennium and so forth should I just say her beliefs well don't don't argue the Bible with her if she has not accepted what do you believe it's fine she's your mom lover okay moms are precious right she's the one that brought you into this world and don't don't if she cannot not everybody has eyes to see but surely she will be fine you just set that example my daughter's or university-educated now I fear they have been told the Bible as a child's fairy tale for the ignorant well unfortunately we've got a lot of unlearned professors that draw huge salaries that take huge initiative funds from students to teach them ignorance okay stupidity such as evolution that it's absolutely the way things were and if evolution were a fact it would have to prove itself by having life in every stage from beginning to end all at one time it would have to be eternal it isn't because it's the way God created us and so you set the example they'll follow okay you set the example and you'll help them a great deal you hang tough you're doing good God loves you I do I love all of you because you enjoy studying our fathers word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all God loves you you stay in his word okay let him know you that you love him it makes his day when you make his day boy is he going to make yours now we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that blessing God he always blesses you one thing that's most important though you listen carefully you stay in his word every day in his word even with trouble it's still a good day there's a reason for it you know what it is because the word Christ is that living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 3 4 6 4 5 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1 6 Gravatt Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,660
Rating: 4.8709679 out of 5
Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Lamentations, Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Bible, Kjv, Book of, Holy Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Chapel, Book of Lamentations
Id: nYNyfxddrSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 07 2020
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