Ezekiel ~ 10:1 to 11:17

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hurry wisdom is understanding God's Word Pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back in our father's word chapter 9 was fantastic chapter as we had the man with the horn and the glory of the Lord there put a mark and that word mark and de bruit on his table which is a tea or a cross in the in the ancient paleo Hebrew and naturally that's the sign of a Christian put that mark upon them and for it was reference to the elect in the end times some people have used to hear and some don't and you know there's not much you can do about those that are blind to the truth and hard-of-hearing with understanding of God's Word and yet the miracle is the simplicity in which it flows if you are one that has that mark that is to say that you have been given that gift of understanding and knowledge concerning God's Word usually comes by studying God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse where man listens to what God has to say rather than what man might and God simply said those that willingly turn aside they're gonna get theirs also so we come to chapter 10 and verse 1 remember God this is one time that God came to earth in his vehicles his altar aboard those vehicles and he appears again in the Shekinah glory that's to say God is there in this 10th chapter 10 chapter verse 1 word of wisdom from our Father and it reads then I looked and behold in the firmament that was above the head of the cherubims there appeared over them as it were a sapphire stone as the appearance of the lightness of the throne in other words it was yellow with a rich blue haze of royalty was the throne of the Living God he came to deliver this message not by angel but directly to Ezekiel for your edification today concerning the marking of the people which is simply to say those that see truth and those that don't verse 2 and he's fake unto the man clothed with the linen that's the one with the horn and he said go in between the wheels those vehicles even under the cherubim and filled on Han with coals of fire from between the cherubims and scattered them over the city and he went in my sight now many months said well how could he do that well God is a consuming fire and that fire that is our Father if you have the talk if you're one of his elect you don't burn you you can handle it but somebody that is an enemy to God it will burn them that's why that's why that God gave us how about the bush you know an old bush a bramble bush shall burn whoo just like that but God's fire on that bush it didn't burn in front of Moses and Shadrach Meshach and Abednego when they were in the fiery furnace heated seven times hotter than necessary and Nebuchadnezzar looked the same one that's about to take these captive look and there was four men in there he said how many did we throw in he said three but I see four and one of them is the son of God and sure enough it was and the Hebrew children were not even singed because God is able to protect his own that's why you want to always have faith in him knowing of sure knowledge he's in control and everything gonna turn out just fine verse 3 now the cherubim stood on the right side of the house when the man went in and the cloud filled the inner court that what a sight that must have been verse 4 and then the jewelry of the Lord that's the Shekinah glory went up from the cherubim stood over the threshold of the house and the house was filled with the cloud and the court was full of the brightness of the Lord's glory you know the presence of God how comforting how rewarding for those that can enjoy his presence the presence of the holy spirit verse 5 and the sound of the cherubs leaves was heard even to the outer court as the voices of the Almighty God when he speaketh it was awesome verse 6 and it came to pass that when he had commanded the men clothed with linen saying take fire from between the wheels from between the cherubims then he went in and stood beside the wheels now you wouldn't understand Ezekiel is explaining these wheels soon he's going to say hey they went on their sides they weren't rolling along like they should on an ark ox cart and Ezekiel that's all he'd ever seen he alone for basically but these were up here in the air flat circling and they had rings in them they had windows and people were inside verse seven and one cherubim stretched forth his hand from between the cherubims unto the the fire that was between the cherubims and took thereof and put it into the hands of him that was clothed with linen who took it and went out didn't burn him you know the man with the fine linen what is that symbolic of even in the New Testament Revelation chapter 19 verse seven and eight your righteous acts create the fine white men and that you wear in heaven but this man had many righteous acts as one of God's elect and and you want to remember God's elect where that minute it is a spiritual thing and it simply means you've done your best to do what is right though none of us are perfect we do our best to do what's right that way God can use you he can count on you verse 8 and there appeared in the cherubims the form of a man's hand under their wings divine intervention here 9 and when I looked behold the four wheels by the cherubims one wheel by one cherub and another wheel by another cherub and the appearance of the wheels was as the color of a birlstone I mean it was it was clear crystal and was yellow it was beautiful and we know from the color amber that they're highly polished bronze is what the actual wheel is verse 10 and as for their appearance that's what they looked like they four had one lightness as if they wheel had been in the midst of the wheel they were in formation and if you want to picture this if you wouldn't draw it all out you would have kind of four smaller vehicles and one mother ship that may sound a little strange if it does put it on the Shelf that's what the word says verse 11 and when they went they went upon their four sides they weren't rolling like a wheel should they were up on their sides holy and they just in formation wherever they wanted to they turned not as they went but to the place whether the head look they followed it they turn not as they went in other words if you're used to riding the dog when you get ready to turn you turn his head and the way you go if you're riding the horse you're touching with your knee lean and he takes you off in his head turns and you turn these didn't have a head they were circular they did not look where they went because they didn't have a head they just went in formation perfect formation naturally we can understand that today you've seen you've seen aircraft fly in formation but he had never seen anything fly like that except a bird verse 12 and their whole body in their backs and their hands and their wings and the wheels were full of eyes roundabout there were windows in those things and when the wheels even the wheels that they forehead there was windows in there and you could see people in when the people when the vehicle turns the people turn otherwise they would have flew right out okay naturally they were aboard 13 as for the wheels it was cried unto them in my hearing old reel if we were to translate that in today's language we'd say let's roll but it is one old wheel roller roll wheel rope move verse 14 and every one had four faces the first face was the face of a cherub and the second the face of a man and a third the face of a lion and the fourth the face of an eagle you've got something slipped in here that's a little strange I will call it to your attention for what it's worth Department we're at the east gate we're overlooking the Mount of Olives where Christ will return the cherubs face is replacing the ox face in other words it's a man that's going to be sacrificed in Jerusalem not an ox just something for you to think about you see these were the encampments of Israel when they encamped at night the Eagle would be to the north that's Dan and the lion would be to the east that's Judah that's why you always pray to the east when you when concerning the Lion of the tribe of Judah and of course to the South you have a man's face which is Reuben and to the west you would have an ox hear a terrible it's a little different we'll worked in to kind of click click get your attention yeah rather than Reuben rather I'm going to correct myself ephraim rather than ephraim you have that chair of them meaning in the place of the Ox I'll leave it there 15 and the cherubims were lifted up this is the living creature that I saw by the river keyboard key bottom in the Hebrew tongue means leave but it's not a not the length of a river which the river was named for but keyboarder means a length of time so the time element here is very important verse 16 and when the cherubims went the wheels went by them and when the cherubim was lifted up their wings to mount up they pulled up their landing gear in other words their straight legs they were called in chapter 1 from the earth the same wheels also turned not from beside them I mean they were in perfect formation where one went the other wind 17 and when they stood these stood and when they were lifted up these lifted up themselves also for the spirit of the living creature was in them I could see living beings inside through those rings the windows I could see them and and of course to us today that we think nothing about that necessarily because we've seen aircraft even not not powered by what these were powered by our aircraft are powered by fossil fuel poor sorry way to have to do things these have energy cells created by Almighty God that team and work and and with gigantic power that which is quite simple for our Father and how precious it is that this again what does this mean to you it means God saw fit to come to earth to deliver the message that messages that we have covered in these first ten chapters as well as the rest of the book to let you know how important this book of ezekiel being translated God strengthened you that's what the name Ezekiel means that God came to this earth to strengthen those that will hear those that will see those that will understand the presence of the Living God let's go with the next verse verse eighteen then the glory of the lord departed from off the threshold of the house and stood over the cherubims there he was 19 and the cherubims lifted up their wings and mounted up from the earth in my side I saw him take off when they went out the wheels also were beside them and everyone stood at the door of the east gate of the Lord's house and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above I want you to picture where this is taking place it's the very presence of the Living God over the east gate which you can watch the east gate it's the main gate of the house of Israel when you go out that east gate you go across the little Valley call Katherine Katherine and what's just passed kedren the mount of olives from which Christ would have sin but also he's going to return I said from whence he's also going to return and I believe the geographical location has to do with why a cherubim was put in place of the Ox in the description so given don't make too much out of it just in a note in passing but there you are overlooking the Mount of Olives from which Christ there were the sin but also that he would return verse 20 this is the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river ki baatain and I knew that they were the cherubims I could see them verse 21 that's my reports what Ezekiel is saying everyone had four faces of peace and everyone had four wings and the likeness of the hands of a man was under their wings why because they were symbolic of the children of Israel and the the aside from the cherubims the children of God 22 and the likeness of their faces was as the faces which I saw by the river keyboarder their appearance appearance --is and themselves they went everyone straight forward they were certainly in formation and the divine will of God was that they went wherever they would know here he's reverted back and I'm hoping you caught that he changed again that the faces were now exactly as they were in chapter 1 in other words he put the Ox for the time being back in that position which is symbolic of Ephraim which is symbolic of the ten tribes that went north over the Caucasus Mountains many of them settling Europe and later later Canada this America and how precious it is that we have our fathers report but that God saw fit to come down and deliver this personally this is why that the Book of Ezekiel has more written in it concerning the Millennium period and then all the rest of the Bible put together including the book of Revelation and we'll be studying that in the near future how precious it is that God saw fit to deliver this whereby there weren't any ifs ands or maybes you are hearing the Word of God chapter 11 verse 1 moreover the spirit lifted me up and brought me into the east gate of the Lord's house which looked eastward and behold at the door of the gate five and twenty men among room I saw Jesus and I am you know what that means heard of your fascinating name the son of a zoo now this isn't the same old day as an ayah that we saw back in a prior chapter whose father was Chopin which means rabbit rabbit like quick like a bunny it's a different one and telethia this young has delivered powerful name the son of banana has built we got some powerful names here princes of the people how good is your spiritual discernment of people do you listen to your father or do you listen to people regardless of what their name is that doesn't guarantee anything it's the substance that counts verse 2 then said he unto me son of man these are the men that divides mission Jeff and give wicked counsel to this city they're bad people got big powerful names but they're giving bad counsel do you know what they're saying it ain't gonna happen you don't have to worry about it you don't have to read the book of Revelation you're going to be gone there's just one problem that's not what God's Word says that's what some ratchet jaw has to say God didn't say it so you better be very careful verse 3 which say it is not here it's not going to happen let us build houses this city is the caldron and we be the flesh this city is like iron around us and we're inside it it protects us we have nothing to worry about we're talking about Jerusalem here ok verse 4 therefore prophesy against and I'm going to say again God said against them prophesy o son of man 5 and the Spirit of the Lord fell upon me and said unto me speak thus saith the LORD thus have you said o house of Israel for I know the things that come into your mind every one of them I know what you're thinking even you don't have to say it out loud God is the cardio nor he knows your heart he knows your mind and that's why that he can easily judge people because he even knows what you think these characters don't put anything over on our father he's got their number verse 6 we have multiplied you're slayin in this city and you have filled the streets thereof with the slayin well what kind of water what kind of men are there not really killing anyone physically their spiritual death bringing it right on them there spiritually dead early hammer because these are supposed to be teaching truth instead of lies you don't have to hear God's Word you're going to fly away I'd hate to be in somebody's shoes that says that and and you know I would question a man that would listen to some man tell you you don't have to listen to God listen to him you don't have to study God's Word and listen to him just listen to me I would question the intelligence of a person that would let a man say that I really would I don't care if he's got a D D and the D S and a BS behind his name it wouldn't make any difference to me okay if he's lying he's lying don't listen to him if he goes against the Word of God that's what God is telling you here well dear brother aren't you afraid you might offend someone I could care less if somebody's lying to the children of God they need to be corrected the slaying in the street you know a spiritual death is a lot more serious I mean you're dealing with people's souls that are going to miss the Eternity if you mislead them too much so it's a very very serious serious thing let's go with the next verse verse 7 therefore thus saith the Lord God you're slaying whom you have laid in the midst of it they are the flesh and this city is the caldron but I will bring you forth out of the midst of it you're not going to stay here I mean yeah be good Nezzer is just over the hill right now he's marching right there to take him he's going to take the city I mean it's it's gone verse 8 you have feared the sword captivity and I will bring a sword upon you that the Lord God and that sword is maybe can answer the servant of God God declares that himself that he Nebuchadnezzar as a servant Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel form would write one of the most beautiful prayers in God's Word but the king of Babylon in the end times will not be converted that's why the slaying in the street in this generation just outside that east gate on that Mount of Olives is a very serious thing for false teaching to go forth concerning that event verse nine and I will bring you out of the midst thereof and deliver you into the hands of strangers and will execute judgments among you my judgment I will execute among you verse 10 you shall fall by the sword I will judge you in the border of Israel not in Israel you're going to be gone and you shall know that I am the lord that is the purpose of it in other words and it's going to be in the border of Russia's for it'll be before we finish this book our Father is not happy with children that disobey him when he saw fit to come himself personally and deliver this message and therefore and put it in writing whereby you have it to read through the hand of Ezekiel which means God strengthens you you've refused to let God strengthen you and listen to man you deserve what you get verse 11 to continue this city shall be this city shall not be your cauldron neither shall you be the flesh in the midst thereof but I will judge you in the border of Israel you're gone I'm gonna put a hook in there and drag you out and you're gonna be gone you know there is a there is a side to everything that you really need to take a look at rather than destroying the children God scattered them why he loves them our Father loves his children he didn't love what they do but he does try to give them every opportunity unfortunately many of them listen verse 12 and ye shall know that i am the lord do you understand that that's the message he wants delivered not some stick not some man not some power but God is Lord for you have not walked in my statutes now they're executed my judgments but have done after the manner of the heathen they that are around about you and so it is that that Sodom and Gomorrah becomes a part of today I mean leaving every judgment of God to one side and then people that wonder why God doesn't bless us shame you should know if you for take with that ilk God doesn't like it again I know that some are going to say well you might offend someone that's tough stuff okay verse 13 and it came to pass when I prophesied that Bela fly on that y'all has delivered the son of Ben and I honest God has built died kicked the bucket okay then fell right down the bone my face and I cried with a loud voice and I said O Lord God will tell make a full end of the remnant of Israel and the real truth can die in the world if it were left to son and and so it is that God has built and God has delivered is not dead though the main and called himself that is God's real truth is always there man cannot destroy that and God has certain ones that's going to keep that truth alive and keep it well and keep it flowing whereby it saturates the whole world the whole wrote the leaven of the whole load of truth to bring forth that Word of God verse 14 again the word of the Lord came to me saying what did he say 15 son of men by brethren even thy brethren the men of thy kindred and all the house of israel holy or they unto whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said get you far from the Lord unto us is this land given in possession he's not coming you don't have to worry about it 16 therefore say thus saith the Lord God this how it's going to be although I have cast them far off among the heathen and although I have scattered them among the countries yet will I be to them as a little sanctuary in the countries where they shall come well now who is he talking about here a little sanctuary before you can go into the little sanctuary you have to know it's there and before you can participate in the little sanctuary you've got to have the mark that is to say the truth you've got to know that when you go into that sanctuary what is the sanctuary mean it means your it means your set aside and protected God will protect you there and just as he will today regardless of the troubles in this world he has that little sanctuary that you can slip into spiritually speaking knowing that you're doing God's work that God loves you that God can count on you because you stay focused on the will of God not the will of man how precious it is for God to see that in his own therefore that little sanctuary is there it's there for the entering into do you know do you know what made it wide open to we who can participate when Christ died on the cross that the spirit with the veil of the Holy of Holies from top to bottom and said come on in that's that little sanctuary is wherever you are when you need that protection when you need that touch when you need to be with our Father and when you need our Father he's there he's provided that for you that is so precious so undescribable unless you felt that that sanctuary of truth that father provides for his elect verse 17 therefore say thus saith the Lord God I will even gather you from the people and assemble you out of the countries where you have been scattered and I will give you the Land of Israel and he has done this and the superpower of super powers this great nation how precious it is and yet at the same time some would give it away some would spoil it some would let it fall in the ditch we're not going to it's not going to happen and our Heavenly Father whom we serve that handful that has that truth that serves him or the gives God the reason to see that this world and those that follow on the rock and that rock being the Lord Jesus Christ prevail or you own that rock think about it all right bless your hearts you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,259
Rating: 4.9402986 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Book of Ezekiel, Pastor, Shepherds, Book of, KJV, Bible, Ezekiel, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Chapel, Arnold
Id: ClU07wTg9f0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 22sec (1942 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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