Galatians ~ 1:1 to 2:7

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back in our fathers word new book today book of Galatians letter to the gods many people this is a doctrinal learn Paul still there will be talking a great deal as in the book of Romans correcting some that we're trying to turn back to legalism ceremonies and this sort of thing all these things that were nailed to the cross and he kind of comes down on him a little bit defending his own gospel which didn't come from man that came from God struck him down road to Damascus and he gives us this book to the Galatians and to help them to straighten them out and very profitable even to this day for doctrine so being the land of the Gauls let's get right into it chapter one and verse one and it reads Paul an apostle not a man he wants to make this very clear neither by man but by jesus christ and god the father who raised him from the dead and my message did not come from man is not by man of man but I got it directly from the father and as we know he was struck down on that road to Damascus and Christ personally would speak to Paul in more places than one for once when it looked as though he might even die Christ appeared was it no sweat you're going to Rome which means he didn't have to worry about dying he was going to Rome so father's always in control and it's probably important that you know what we're about to read is the Word of God not the word of men by men but for men verse 2 and all the brethren which are with me unto the churches of Galatia and and verse three grace be to you peace from God the Father and from our Lord Jesus Christ and here he gives the full Godhead that's two times because wherever Christ is and God together the Holy Spirit is always with them or the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of our Father so how precious it is to know we're about to go into a book a short rendition of Romans is what many people think won't be that as it may but it's Paul letting you know what the gospel truly is that's the good news and how you should tend it the universe three to continue or is it worse poor who gave himself for our sins that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father no this would be a good place for you to say well what is the will of God well you've got it right there it is God's will that all come to repentance and I'm quoting from 2nd Peter chapter three verse seven eight here it is God's will that all men come to repentance he is long-suffering he's got lots of patience they're not going to do that but it is God's will that they do you just his will enough that he sent the son Emmanuel God with us who died on that cross to open that door against legalism nailing it to that cross and allowing you on repentance to have your sins washed away that that's why how much God loves his children that will return that love that will love him hey that is the gospel good news it doesn't get any better than that and verse five to whom be glory for ever and ever and and they it is God's plan to bring salvation forth and it is his glory forever and ever why because if you receive it then you live forever and ever if you receive it you inherit eternal life and how precious that eternal life is but with the father and in that spiritual body we're about you know and understand the plan of the Living God or six I know that you are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel so funny I brought you this good message and I'm so I'm really surprised that in just a few short months that you've changed and Gaunt reverted back to the old way that is to say legalism you know if the law could have saved you then Christ wasted his time dying on the cross but the law can't save you do you know why the law can't save you the law is good this man is bad man cannot live by the law man's in the flesh is always going to fall short and one way or the other you're just not running if he had to depend on that he would not be able to make it so therefore we have God's love and the fact that he came to us and paid this price that regardless of the law the law is good but the rituals and ceremonies cannot save you Christ can let's go with the next verse and he was so verse 7 which is not another there be some that trouble you and would pervert the gospel of Christ why there is no other gospel of Christ there is only one and that one is the gospel that all would bring that Christ brought and if you've ever ready Ecclesiastes chapter 1 there's nothing new Under the Sun you have people that will pop up or well we've got a whole new religion here our duty really you don't there's only one gospel it's from our Father it does not change and there's nothing new Under the Sun he paved the way whereby whomsoever will that would participate that would repent that would call upon him and but and so it is let's go with the next verse please verse 8 but though we he even includes himself though we or an angel from heaven any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you let him be accursed and he who means that exactly just that way there is no other gospel if somebody comes teaching you that you must do this and you must do that other than the fact that you repent that you have a change of heart and that you believe upon our heavenly father and that you know he sent the saviour for you you sent the Savior will by you could be saved Paul even including himself himself in this he said hey if I bring you a different message than that you better know I'm a fake of course Paul's not going to do that but unfortunately there are people that like to make names for themselves that like to change your Father's plan and come up with things that they think are exciting and new revelation now God does bring revelation through the Scriptures chapter by chapter and verse by verse but still as Christ would say in mark chapter 13 hey behold I have for told you all things there's nothing new it's all bare it's just that we as we have the revelation open to us and see you thought in it but it's still the same gospel it doesn't change when Christ says I have be told for told you old things it's written and that's why you must always study chapter by chapter and verse by verse for about you know it's father's word not the word of man and when somebody comes along with something new be very careful if they changed the Word of God they are cursed it's a very serious thing when a person leads some of God's children astray he's not only responsible for his own sins but all those that he caused us to sin why is it so serious because he's dealing with eternal Souls that's worse than murdering the flesh body in a sense is to destroy a soul that has eternal life by lying to them by misleading them they deserve to be accursed verse 9 to continue and as we said before numbers I want to make this real specific I want to repeat it as we said before so say I knew again I'm going to repeat it If any man preach any other gospel linting unto you then that you have received let him be accursed very serious two times for emphasis so that you could not go wrong with it you know repeated for emphasis what are you saying here let me be very clear that's how serious it is beloved the Word of God and the simplicity in which Christ brought it forth is the way the word should be taught many people think that great wisdom dark sentences and so not real wisdom to simplify the manuscript for about anyone can understand because that is the simplicity in which Christ brought it forth when it is properly taught God is not the author of confusion that's Babel but he is the author of peace and when you study God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and receive it in the simplicity in which Christ brings it it brings peace a peace of mind whereby you can face probably anything that comes up in this world why because you're intelligent enough to know what you must do to prepare yourself for whatever might come up in this world and be able to handle it take care of business verse 10 to continue or I for do I now persuade men or God do I persuade them or does God or do I seek to please men question for if I yet pleased men I should not be servant of Christ in other words I'm not coming out here with a bunch of sweet sayings sweet talk I'm going to give it to you just exactly as God gave it to me I'm going to give it to you straight like it lump it you know if if men softens the word where he's a soothsayer that's a terrible sin that's changing the word when you soften the word then it leads people then to soften more so or change until the Word of God loses its potency which is to save and to bring peace of mind whether then it brings confusion for God is not the author of confusion man is man can man can stir dirty up the water where you can't see the bottom of the clear water in the world man can mess it up he let him the point is don't let them see the clarity which is written in God's Word the simplicity in which it comes forth and never let someone confuse you with it let it flow again always remember God is not the author of confusion but peace therefore God being the author of all the Word of God that's what Paul is saying I didn't say this God said it then you know as the god of peace our Father and and how He loves us so you can be sure that God can persuade with the anointing of the Holy Spirit he can touch you can build up and he could uphold God's Word does not destroy but it builds up if it's properly taught let's go with the next verse verse 11 but I certify you brethren that the gospel which was preached of me is not after man I did not get it for man and we not not some dream that I had that some man had I got it from God came from him and and therefore you could rest assured that if we want eternal life you will listen to the words of the gospel in which brought about that forth when he established this church among the goals here at the Galatians here in this particular part of the country it wasn't men won some dream that he preached the Word of God that's a good way for you to study today is to study in a church where God's Word is taught not some little pamphlets by men the pamphlet written by Almighty God that is the Word of God verse 12 to continue for I neither received it of man neither was I taught it but by the revelation of Jesus Christ Paul what was Paul's free will Paul's free will was to destroy the church I mean he was having no part of it he was a zealous Pharisee who this new thing called Christianity was foreign to him he was an excellent scholar of the Old Testament studied at the feet of Daniel I mean knew it inside and out could speak more languages than most and certainly in whatever language the manuscripts were written and he could cut if he could handle it he knew the Word of God but but then when he was on the road to Damascus to had a letter in his pocket giving him authority to destroy the church Damascus in Syria and then on that road God struck him down in Acts chapter 9 struck him down blinded him and told a talk spoke to him and told him to quit kicking against the truth and to straighten himself up and and then he got the message and this one that was so knowledgeable in the Old Testament which the old Christ bridges with the new gives you the total Word of God and therefore Paul had it and it was delivered to him through revelation by Jesus Christ on that road and later of exactly the knowledge that he had put in studying the manuscripts paid it really paid off because it was already locked and sealed in his mind and the beauty of Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 where it said a virgin shall conceive and have a male child and you shall call him Emmanuel and it clicked that was Christ the same Christ that met him on that road to Damascus and brought him that revelation it all clicked and it came together for Paul and that's mine he was such a such a good teacher it's because he was a good scholar verse 13 to continue for ye have heard of my conversation in time past in the Jews religion well I was as I was a strict Pharisee how that beyond measure I persecuted the Church of God and wasted it I was destroying it it was that was what that religion did for me because I wanted nothing new until God Himself showed me that it was the Word of God and that the Savior was promised and it all came together to Paul you know Paul was never proud of this it always bothered Paul that he had persecuted the church he had begged for forgiveness and he knew God had forgiven him but he had he had trouble forgiving himself and that's that's quite natural okay but you do and you almost always forgive yourself on repentance our Christ just won't forgive you so there he says you know they they were not that sure of me when I was a persecutor of the church and then I come preaching the church made a lot of people suspicious verse 14 and profited in the Jews religion above many my equals in mine own nation being more exceedingly zealous of the traditions of my father's in other words I had that word down that Old Testament inside now it's just that I had misread it but I knew it and I was Ellis and destroying anything that would come against it and I was better at into most he was bragging it was a fact verse 15 but when it pleased God who separated me from my mother's womb and called me by His grace his unmarried favor even even before I was born he had called me you know you can document that in Acts chapter 9 verse 15 where God Himself states he is my chosen vessel God chose him because it wouldn't get in the first earth age he earned it God knew he could count on him he was just a zealous individual he didn't go at something halfway he went all out that was Paul steamed to reveal his son in me that I might preach him among the heathen that's to say the Gentiles immediately I conferred not with flesh and blood and and so was he he didn't have to go back to Jerusalem to the boys downtown and get permission or are to get information from them God showed him the light and taught him the truth and he was able to preach that to the Gentile now when you meet Paul preach in his books you've got to be on guard for when you go back to his commission which was God given Acts chapter 9 verse 15 he has a three-fold ministry this to the Gentile but to Israel and to the kings and queens of the ethnos so it's a three-tiered message this is why you can go through it one time and then when you come back a second time you're going to learn something new because your mind is productive and ready to receive or on a larger scale that that is written verse 17 now that when I up to Jerusalem to them which apostles before me but I went into Arabia and returned again unto Damascus I I went right to work I went where God sent me he dispatched me again he always took care of the boys downtown in Jerusalem but he took his orders from the Living God that's why he was so perfect and bringing forth the Word of God because he served God 18 then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter and abode with him fifteen days and it was cut short because they were going to kill him verse 19 but other of the Apostles saw I mean save James the Lord's brother that that's all I saw 20 now the things which I write unto you behold before God I like not this is how it happened this is the truth and this is the letter I seen June 21 afterwards I came into the regions of Syria and Cilicia 22 and was unknown by face unto the churches of Judea which were in Christ but they knew his reputation they certainly knew that verse 23 but they had heard only that he which persecuted us in times past now preacheth the faith which once he destroyed in other words he was a changed individual you might say well this puts a mark against him what it did was son cost a little doubt there and you know if you have an enemy you're always afraid they'll back up and send a spy in among you it would have been a perfect setup only it was real Paul had he had his way was going to destroy the church but God struck him down and changed his mind free will is one thing but Paul's free will was not afforded by God God changed his mind because it's God's will that would be done not false that's why Paul was such an excellent sitting one that's to say an apostle so it is verse 24 to continue and complete the chapter and they glorified God in me they finding in Paul's case the speaking of Yahweh our Heavenly Father and the truth knowing you see with his scholarship of the Old Testament and being able to bring that bridge for it that's why when you study the works of Paul the Pauline doctrine you find references over and over and over to the Old Testament where it creates a marriage between the two or it's all the Word of God you're simply a matter of mourning and understanding ok chapter 2 verse 1 let's go with it then 15 and then 14 years after I went up again to Jerusalem which Barnabas and I took Titus with me also now coming out the gate know that Titus is a Gentile basically we raised two Gentile and he's not circumcised so Jerusalem this is going to cause a little problem among the legalist for circumcision now is not of the flesh even for Christians today circumcision is both for male and female it is of the heart which is to say the mind you must be circumsized into the belief of the Lord Jesus Christ and and that's as it is verse 2 and I went up by revelation and communicated unto them that gospel which I preached among the Gentiles Tripoli to them which were of reputation lest by any means I should win or had women being I wanted it made very clear to the legalist why I was teaching the Gentile the message of the Lord Jesus Christ because Christ told him to that's why he sent him to the ethnos which is to say Gentiles 3 but Titus who was with me being a greek was compelled to be circumcised and they they're going to insist on it now naturally it was not according to the law of that time for a Gentile to have to be circumcised first rule in that because of false brethren here you go this is always trouble false brethren unawares brought in who came in privily to spy out our Liberty which we have in Christ Jesus that they might bring us into bondage they wanted to bring us right back under their rule now what are we saying happened here tell it just like it is when Paul and Titus went to the men's room these false brethren spied upon them and to see note that Titus wasn't circumcised oh my deliver us from bondage they were going to try to bring them back under the old law it's under Christ law that won't fly and again I'll repeat even even Israelites themselves have no reason to be circumcised for religious reasons in Christianity because circumcision is no longer of the flesh but of the heart and when one gives their heart to Christ they are circumcised when and and in the story but when you have false brethren you got trouble flying the church you never move false brethren we don't give you don't give quarter to them to whom we gave place by subjection no not fourteen-hour we didn't allow it that the truth of the gospel might continue with you we wanted the truth there we wanted to teach what circumcision scene was about we naturally if he ever read to know exactly how far to go with this Colossians chapter 2 will tell you everything that was nailed to the cross the ordinances and ceremonies the law was not nailed to the cross ordinances and ceremony and blood rituals were nailed to the cross there are none effect after Christ blessed blood was shed and and circumcision is a blood day it's not necessary any longer because of Christ's blood from the clause so he said hey we didn't give in to those false brother and not for a second verse 6 but of these who seem to be somewhat or they're trying they're super preachers making something out of themselves whatsoever they were that make a no matter to me God accepted no man's person God God doesn't play favorites for they who seem to be somewhat in conference added nothing to me in other words they're teaching they had nothing to say they they were just troublemakers false brethren and they were trying to go back to the old way after Christ paid the price to nail it to the cross and certainly that's as it should be that truth must always be taught give no quarter to false teaching why it harms the children it harms the entire house of God when you allow false brethren to tag on legalistic terminology that's nailed to the cross because it is against the crucifixion it is saying Christ is not able therefore it is the next to sacrilege verse 7 to continue but contrariwise when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter in other words they knew as a matter of fact it was Peter himself who was up on his roof and God brought down a sheet three times full of unclean animals and telling Peter to eat them in feeders that I'll never do it nothing unclean has passed my lips and then God let him know I'm not talking about food I'm saying don't you call some Gentile common if they love me their Christian and that's as it was and that's as it should be as it is a wonderful thing when whomsoever will comes in that does not alleviate one iota any responsibility an Israelite to fulfill God's Word or especially one of God's elect to fulfill God's word just because the Gentiles have salvation there's no connection between the two you still got your duties even as the kings and queens of the ethanol's have still what God arranged it and those who God gives much he expects much he gave Paul a lot and Paul wouldn't let him down alright don't miss the next lecture bless your heart to listen to moment lunch please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 4,479
Rating: 4.8360658 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, Arnold Murray, Book of, Book of Galatians, Pastor, Pastor Murray, kjv, Arnold, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Galatians, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Chapel
Id: es84E8Qplh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 24sec (1944 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 18 2019
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