Kowloon is the scariest city on earth

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hey hey don't stop me don't stop me don't stop me don't stop me have a good time good time one of the greatest and scariest game devs out there has come out with a new game it's called Welcome to Kowloon it's made by n4ba now if that name is familiar it's because they've made stuff like wrong floor from the darkness and nine child Street all of which I have played here on this very Channel and I've gotten spooked by every single one of them so I know this is going to be good I mean look this is he that lady in the doorway look at her terrifying I'm not gonna go in there but I probably am going to go in there Kowloon walled City 1999. whoa look at this beneath the Misty Skies of Hong Kong like Kowloon the most populous city where poverty and gang violence flourish whoa this is the sink what am I doing here why am I here am I here to create a crime however for a young student the first and immediate desire is to find cheap housing oh thought I was committing crimes but it turns out I'm just actually looking for somewhere to live what awaits him inside the walls I don't know probably spooky stuff I got an achievement for that I didn't do anything I clicked new game I got an achievement for it participation award thank you whoa this looks great damn these visuals are tight tight tight the intricate details oh I can smell the rust and the semen all over everything already beware okay okay hello affordable housing anywhere can anybody help me I'm looking for affordable housing oh my God I thought that was somebody hanging there these visuals have come such a long way I feel like I'm there I feel like the Spooks are real I'm gonna turn up my volume actually smidge I wanna I wanna embrace it I want to get stuck in I want to get scared what else would I be playing these if I didn't want to get scared I sauce hello I rented a room in an apartment on the fourth floor thank you for the updated real-time narration dude m4ba love these stairways absolutely love them they build whole games around these whoa look at that details in there oh I can actually go in looks like a small back room the back rooms I wonder if those lights will go out foreign yeah the grease the grime the creaky cranky nature of it all what floor am I on hey it's a dog I feel like this is the third floor too bad about the dog he must be hungry oh don't tell me that ew what a smell I wonder what it's coming from the nightclaw trash smells like eggs I don't want to feel sad for a dog as I played this game I don't want to get sad I want to get scared it's a different emotion entirely is this where I've rented an apartment I don't feel comfortable living here why is there toilet paper in my entryway I could oh I have a chance to do the funniest thing ever just give me a pair of scissors and I'll go to town actually I don't know enough about electricity that if I cut one of these would I get fried like if I snip through one of these would I get electrocuted to the point where I'll die probably knock knock the [ __ ] I need to I need to opt this sensitivity because I cannot turn around fast enough when stuff scares me close this it's the equivalent of uh putting a blanket over your head when you're a kid like nothing can get me now hmm I left I put the key in the store it's outside by the entrance I have to go back down oh boy though the dog's up hey bud how's it going I don't have anything for you I'm so sorry I'm so sorry puppy I'm so sorry I mean you're being such a good boy you're being patient you're sitting you're waiting for food you're not digging through the trash even though you're probably starving you're such a good boy oh I would pet you if I could but the gay won't let me because the people who made this are demons why you can't put a dog in a video game without letting people pet it everyone knows this if I come back up these stairs and that dog is gone and so okay you could do anything you want to me hurt my throat doing that I reacted too big guys I got a bit too excited I got a bit too hyper you can do anything you want to me but leave the dog alone if something happens to this dog I'm alt f4 in this game why n4ba why are you obsessed with buildings like this where freaks are just around every corner why what happened to you hurt you at least I know I'm going in the right direction though you have to key in the store I'm hearing a lot of chatter okay I'm hearing a lot of chatter for nobody being around could I take the dog food oh yes best game 10 out of 10. well 9 out of 10 right now because we only have the insinuation that we're gonna get to feed a dog not that we're actually going to be able to do it yet also why does this look like just big testicles hanging on the wall [Music] okay there's the key anything else I can do in here God this looks so good I'm being stalked aren't I [Music] oh no damn well I'm gonna round a corner what happened the music cut out are we okay you better I saw a shadow creep across Jesus Christ will not say ing where's the dog I only feel safest around the dog booty I have food yes 10 10 game of the year [ __ ] Baldur's Gate [ __ ] tears of the Kingdom [ __ ] it all this is the game for me oh whoa whoa It's all blocked off you know oh this is not my house I shouldn't be here oh this is just step into somebody's house and you're gonna find out really quick that you shouldn't have done that oh my God I thought that was a person it's the freaking wires I thought it was hair [Music] I'm not afraid I'm not afraid what you would you okay no I'm in it now I'm in it can't scare me anymore you probably scare me a little bit though can can you open it a bit faster jeez [Music] find your new place to live this place sucks I mean you've got a lot of space but you've also got a lot of moths and also there's probably some weirdo living in here already this place is stacked the store didn't even have this much food good you're ready for the Apocalypse these I've never experienced a bathroom like this before but I see them so much in Asian media take a fun little stroll up to the toilet and then when you're up there you're actually on your throne I can't go up but me want poopy it's so fun getting up there and the toilet separated from everything it's kind of cute I'm guessing this is the landlady's room there's my room oh this is so this is just a shared space okay keep those moths out but it's not open oh man I hope you're not paying a whole lot for this tiny room I can't wait for a hot cup of tea and I will supity get in here it'll cure anything so it will a long hard whole day I mean apart from all the bugs and the dirty dishes this is not that bad again like the the setup of it I like the window right here okay let's make another cup of tea ah there it is put the old cat line when that's done byland we'll put some water I don't know what type of tea you're drinking I personally I'd like some black tea a little bit milk in it maybe not late tonight though I never realized how much caffeine was in black tea and I drank that so much when I was a kid and then when I got older I was just drinking at like midnight I wonder I couldn't [ __ ] sleep I hate that so much you heard that right it's not just me I'm not crazy oh grand old sup a hot Drop those boots weren't there before were they can't even remember no is there somebody in here I'm scared I want to go home the old woman's gone crazy I haven't even been able to go outside for a long time is it the landlady that I saw on the main menu seen here throw soy sauce at her what a load of crap but it's worth checking the front door just in case is it I don't think it is [Music] looks like the landlady has already come and locked up the apartment [Music] okay oh I saw her I saw her in the door [Music] what in the PT [ __ ] is that oh she left me a note [Music] don't you dare go out at night I'm not even gonna leave my [ __ ] room I need to find a way out no you don't stay in here lock the door [Music] oh God I'm so uncomfortable this sucks what does this door go to this is where the balcony is closed uh I know [Music] Jesus her door's open I don't want to go in but I kind of do is she in the bathroom oh my God there's dead people everywhere there's body parts everywhere what do we do oh God there's a head there's feet give me the [ __ ] key I'm getting out of here I'm getting out of here let me go and [ __ ] go [Music] don't stop me don't stop me don't stop me hey hey hey don't stop me don't stop me don't stop me don't stop me have a good time good time whoa okay she's not just gone crazy She's Gone full [ __ ] sicko mode she turned into a monster what do we do what do we do what do we do holy God Almighty in heaven [Music] can I still go that way [Music] oh my God you weren't washing up you you weren't even washing up a little I thought you were having a shower which now I'm thinking where is the shower I thought you were peeing or pooping or something I just thought you were doing regular human things I didn't know you were [ __ ] carving up Johnny Boy over here okay okay I'm sorry I'm sorry that happened to you but I really don't [ __ ] hell oh my God that scared the absolute [ __ ] out of me oh oh I'm all hot and sweaty now starting to smell because of me are you happy I'm starting to smell [Music] what do I do I hope you have a [ __ ] knife or a gun take soy sauce take a can of beans or something didn't you see once upon a time in Hollywood right in the Noggin right in the face [ __ ] her up what was that oh it's open can I leave oh thank God [ __ ] out here don't look back getting into your neighbor's apartment oh [Music] oh this game's kicking in my asthma why does this feel like a place that someone's doing like Unholy demon rituals in things have been weird in town lately I feel like I'm in danger here I have to finish the renovations and move out soon why why why she followed me in why do people in these games never think about picking up weapons Jesus Christ I don't even [ __ ] care I don't even care anymore I don't even care I'm getting out of here if she walks past this door oh box oh no it turned up my volume why do they do that to myself refining who is it come in did you break down a door oh my God [ __ ] pants I'm getting scared by pants that's even the point of being in here that's a horrible picture okay oh I knew it I knew you'd be at the door you freak it's freakishly beautiful woman you freakishly adorable minks [ __ ] freak oh it's a party now it used to be just pants but now it's a whole body how is she killing them so quick no no no no no no no oh you've got so much worse oh my God but credit to the visuals though oh that's a worse picture oh my God why am I here why am I here this place [ __ ] sucks this is the worst place ever I don't know terg as Tehran charade oh look how good that looks though but that's terrible for me you guys are fighting you're watching through a screen like watch it with headphones on in the dark just huddled up under a blanket or something and I bet you the strongest and hardest and coolest of you will get scared where the hell where am I going to find a code for this [Music] I want to go home and the worst part is I am home oh I have to do more work after this video how am I gonna do anything okay so the middle letter is C um [Music] is it behind all the pictures oh God no no no no no I'm not about those footsteps are you kidding me okay I just have to find a few more pictures and look at the back of them why ends in y something something C something why why does that freaking thing keep moving c-a-y are you actually going to spell something ew these pictures are horrifying e c a y it's decay the answer to the riddle is decay okay ghost is just hungry he's just looking around in the fridge that's fine okay I thought she was gonna be in here the [ __ ] out of here give me the [ __ ] out of here I hate this I hate being here oh Christ oh no I thought I was leaving don't do it don't do it I'm not looking around I'm not turning around I can hear her I said it wasn't going to turn around what the [ __ ] am I doing and end of game right end of game we're cool now we're chill I've I've haven't been this tense playing something in a long time okay I hope the dog is okay that's all I care about those aren't your eyes right they can't be I think they were no they're not what is it what am I looking at [ __ ] footsteps what in the bowels is that why am I even in here can't interact with anything oh [ __ ] have you noticed how much more silent I've gotten over the last five minutes oh my this game has as much atmosphere as I have sweat right now the flashlight made it so much worse gotta run what okay [ __ ] what do I do huh I couldn't see anything oh I gotta do all that again was I supposed to turn around and go right or something [ __ ] what you weren't there before is this is this new like what's happening I wish I could save here oh God that's keeping me on my toes for sure the problem is I couldn't see anything as I was running like everything flashes okay yeah you go that way and you go this way then you go that way and this way I'd by the seat of my pants that I survived that let's close that I don't want to deal with that anymore I couldn't see anything in that scenario there is no way out code 5913 whoa is that a hand what's up what random five nine one three oh that was supposed to happen this is I'm gonna need to get medicated after this okay I don't really want to go that way yet let me check this now I'm in the street all that's left is a way to find is to find a way out of town wait do I go this way or the other way this looks too ominous to go that way I don't want to do that also why are they attacking me and beating me up and then just leaving me in the street or leaving me in my room I'm not going back there a great call the smartest thing a person in these games has ever said and here's the way out okay great got it good something to cut the chains with okay bold Cutters coming right up is it in the vending machine don't have any money okay I don't want to go in there anyway oh not again not again no why it was so nice with the lights on [ __ ] sucks does suck so much oh he hates oh I feel like my vision's gone all weird don't you dare go out with me as well the elevator doesn't work the generator is out of gas and the starter lever's broken cool good for me so happy for me this is great now where do I look for Lever and gasoline you're asking me I don't know I moved here just the same time you did what you want don't you [ __ ] dare don't you dare don't you do that to me don't you do the binaural knock oh he was pulling out every trick it has okay I need a lever and gasoline okay you're open now at least the game's guiding me pretty well it's in 4b8 the same people that made depart that that body cam one that I played it feels a lot like their Style is this supposed to move come on kids come out and play don't you want to come out here in this place that's going to give you an infection no matter what you do with it breathe it in sit on it look at it [Music] also did I get rid of my crowbar I would have hoped you'd keep that start bashing some heads in let me show you something look under the Rock by the swing set okay you got it kiddo okay everybody stay chill everything's chilled for now and now into the red refrigerator wait is that refrigerator I just saw red the refrigerator down here wasn't red was it oh it is oh why is it shaking why is it moving like that [Music] oh God did you see that Pine pink cloth in the yard don't you want to see what's behind it pink cloth in the yard freaks we back this way I didn't see oh this pink cloth that's actually kind of nice kind of pizza I expected another body in here it's a beautiful Hideout isn't it I was hiding here from all the horror that started happening in my family and indeed in the whole city it's good that there's not a single living Soul left in Kowloon this coin will be useful to you coin okay cute dog wait there's not a single living Soul left in Kowloon the hell do I use a coin cool everything else might as well [ __ ] break in my life you know moving into a new city a new place hey it's hard enough as it is without you guys making it so much more difficult yeah that's what I thought yeah you're scared of me now because I have the coin right oh I can go to the vending machine with it [Music] oh I didn't like that why did you start doing that nothing in the vending machine nice we're well on our way lads where's the petrol he's a baby it's bad my little girl ran away from home I don't know what's wrong with her my wife hasn't come out of the bathtub in three days everyone around me is crazy I don't know what to do this gas from the pipes I never noticed it before I think it's all his fault help dude this is like a full-on outbreak kind of thing I just thought we were dealing with weirdos in my building come on now come on now stop doing that come on come on now they want to evict us from our neighborhood the government is hiding the fact that we're dying here and here's a cancer of gasoline where oh okay got it nice why why [Music] who I hate it who [Music] stop making those noises [Music] [Music] who's doing that okay I need to get back to the generator that was in here right speed speed is of key Essence speed is of utmost importance okay I know ever nice again and the lights come on or something oh huge man huge huge man a disgustingly large man I don't know where the hell I'm going but get me out of here and then I need some sort of bolt cutters and then I can get out we've got this we're very close visit the roof I generally don't really want to be much higher up in this game well this is just lovely it's nice up here above the chaos and disorder it's much much camera they'll do nicely yeah they'll do very nicely ah this is great this is Grand this is fine [Music] a very uneventful visit to the roof we're so close I can taste it I can taste it it's so very close we can get out of here we can live the life we've always wanted poochy hey bud how's it going you want to escape with me you can here come on come on bud we're leaving did he follow me pooch they better not take that dog oh my God oh my God [Music] oh God so some sort of gas came out and made everyone go crazy [Music] don't mind me don't mind me just walking through just trying to escape I'm actually okay and still alive oh We Made It Outside oh yes Freedom home [Music] oh Jesus that was so stressful [Music] I have expected to look over and see like 50 of them chasing me oh It's Not Over recently there have been many reports of the police from people who have been to Kowloon they say they've seen a city that does not exist Kowloon walled City demolished five years ago was one of the worst cities in Hong Kong that's a crime and unwind or unwarranted murders money believed that the government was willing to go to terrible lengths to demolish Kowloon [Music] that was cheap that was very cheap laughs oh my God so stressful because I was gonna say at the end when I drove off and then it like transitioned to something else it looked like the city was all destroyed and I was like wait did I just imagine a city there that I was walking through and everything else was just demolish and then at the end they kind of confirmed that that was really really good that might be their best game that genuinely scared me more than most things have ever playing a game the atmosphere was tense and I think a big credit goes to the visuals which I'm assuming this is made in Unreal Engine it looks like Unreal Engine a big factor of that goes towards the lighting and the visuals alone because when you're in that darkness and you're shining that flashlight through what looks real and the way the light actually behaves in that environment and looks more realistic than not that sells a big chunk of that atmosphere oh that genuinely like upset me a couple of times that was excellent excellent excellent I highly enjoyed that just some good old scares some good old Goofs that's all you need oh my God anyway thank you guys for watching this video go check out the other ones nine child street is a very good one as well from the darkness is also a very good one go check out those videos if you haven't already but I also have a mountain of other horror content that I've played on my channel and it's all very very good go give them a shot if you want to stay in that atmosphere but thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: jacksepticeye
Views: 2,032,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jacksepticeye
Id: 6XmyctkvWwo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 50sec (2810 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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