The Lab VR | Aperture Robot Repair

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how much repair social and welcome to the robot Rehabilitation and Wellness Center our records indicate that you are the inaugural participant in our human diversity outreach program you are holding dual amateur science prosthetic multi-tools please charge them in the multi-tool charging station now press the button on the multi-tool good your multi-tools have been fully irradiated please remove your radiation suit at this time no suit detected good there is a cabinet of drawers in your Repair Station please locate it and open the drawer good now close the drawer and open the correct drawer locate and open the correct rope good you have now practiced on two incorrect rollers please open the correct drawer as explained in your orientation you should of course never look directly into the drill room sensors indicate you are currently looking directly into the drawer you have just interfered with an aperture science pocket Universe cap you are now their God close the drawer to initiate contaminated pocket Universe contingency protocol contaminated pocket Universe incinerate opening drawers has been removed from your list of responsibilities please locate the service page or lever and pull it now serving one [Music] um [Music] as you can see from the schematic hologram all aperture brand robots can be repaired by anyone with even a rudimentary understanding of advanced electromechanical engineering to begin repairing this unit attach your multi-tool to its faceplate and pull as forcefully as you may hear what sounds good but rest assured while robots feel pain they cannot express it [Music] to locate and press the button Mark robot repair good step two locate half inch door number 35 inch sprocket for airflow motor D and disengage it from the appropriate linear actually unless it's electrostatic ion reactor is uncomfortable from anodized multi-axis Circle bracket 733e and only an oxidization valves ACF and H1 but not H3 are asymmetric the turbo pump exotic manifold case filled please take your time up to 30 seconds at which point the thermo reactor currently uncoupled from its heat exchange will detonate alert accident deployed again take your time 15 seconds 15 seconds [Music] Motion sounds relaxation classic [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh it's you congratulations on your quota filling promotion by the way you've opened all our eyes to what humans can achieve when you put your tiny little Minds to It Repair Station recycling initiate for your own safety please vacate this station to me don't listen to him you'll be fine also let's be honest your first day has been a bit of a disaster it's probably not the worst thing if you've done Repair Station recycling in progress I want you to know at first I was against this human diversity outreach program but now watching you flail around like a sweaty pile of ham I see I was wrong it's hilarious honestly I think you're overqualified for robot repair I've got a better assignment for you with Fair station recycling complete thank you for your participation that's a recording he has to say them goodbye [Music] artificial unconditional love has just been discovered in Pocket Universe lab 8. congratulations test traveler inspection s foreign
Channel: AnonymousX
Views: 28,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the lab, vr, virtual reality, portal, Aperature science, Glados
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 43sec (343 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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