Ladies Reveal Fetishes They Never Thought They Would Enjoy

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ladies what's the weirdest fetish a guy has dropped on you all of a sudden with little to no warning were you with it or against it scat a guy wanted to watch me take a sh t cool pull up a seat and try to figure out if i've met my recommended daily allowance of fiber but during he asked if he could get a plate a plate for me to steer on instead of in the toilet i'm very open-minded but had to decline he was cute but notch tea on a plate cute this will probably be buried but a guy i met on a dating app just started choking me hard and with no warning in the middle of sx decided during sx with no pre-discussion or safe word was the appropriate time to tell me that he liked choking girls until they were unconscious he liked them waking up not knowing what's going on being f had really hard needless to say this was horrifying i was not okay with it and he ruined essel choking for me entirely which i used to like not as hard as that or to the point of passing out though dart huge bummer all around not recommend this strategy if you want this from a s or partner i had a guy ask me to bite his dick as hard as i could all i could imagine were the headlines of me biting it off there's in a cupid question about how wild you'll get and i'm convinced that 99 nine percent of the people that say they'll try anything once have no idea what kind of shti some people do they should probably read these answers he wanted to paint my toenails then ejaculate on them i was down as long as i approved the color he did a great job even put little hearts on the big toes and gave me a foot rub it didn't do much for me yes so early but i got a pedicure and we had fun edit he did wait for the polish to dry first there was some dirty talk though mostly i just wiggled my toes at him it made him laugh and turned him on it was fun a dude offered me a few hundred to fart in my mouth on our first date i did not accept i mean farting in his mouth for 500 wouldn't be so hard the other way around however once had a hook up try to randomly fist me with zero warning i was not okay with that my junk hurt for almost a week likes having a girl sit on his face bear assad and fart the smellier the better another guy said in order to date him it'd have to be okay with him pissing on my face would find it especially hot if i drank some of it in the process he asked if he could watch a dog fck me i declined that's like the third time i've seen that one wtf is with that i went over to his house for the first time and he wanted to go from the first kiss to fisting he was just awkward and had never had fx before so he didn't know how to broach the subject i politely said no and we laughed it off and continued with our date he turned out to be an overall sweet dude and we're still together semicolon still haven't let him fist me though edit row gold silver and 11k upvotes for not getting fisted go to respect the long game one night stand call me captain i laughed he left not immensely weird but funny hope i didn't give him a complex or something about it poor dude everyone knows if you do that you should go with call me ishmael and then you gotta go harder and safe from hell's heart i stabbed me give her the moby dick dated this dude about 11 years ago we'd only been going out for about two weeks when he brought up that he wanted me to eat grapes out of his ass he was a pretty big mama's boy which was already giving me some red flags and then to spring that comment on me i pretty much asked if we could see other people i dated a guy that wasn't a virgin role play he also believed he had a huge enough dick to make anyone bleed virgin or not and i didn't bleed after we had some rough sx i'm totally cool with rough sx he got pissy he said i should have bleed because i was tight enough but i guess he didn't realize that v genus are super elastic he was convinced i had cheated on him before we had fx that day it was really weird i'm all for pretending to be a curious virgin but i can't make my imaginary high men pop and bleed dude i still laugh about it to this day at a party i had a girl straight up ask me if she could hold my dick while i took a leak i said why not then i got bladder shy and disappointed her feels bad man my ex had a dog-shaped penis dldo that they bought from bad dragon they had used it on me once and asked if i liked it i said yes they then proceeded to tell me in detail graphically that if i liked this just imagine what a real dog would feel like that we needed to buy a big breed of dog like a mastiff or a golden retriever so that i could have sex with the dog and they could watch that it would turn them on so much knowing our family dog was secretly f king me behind closed doors i was absolutely horrified the relationship only lasted four months and it still makes me sick thinking about it that's like number five fck a dog in this post wtf people guy told me he likes tall women really tall women wanted me to dress up and play at being a giantess knife stuff no warning at all i knew he was kinky and slightly weird but not like dangerously weird until he was having difficulty reaching or guess m i said something along the lines of how can i help you finish and he slides a fake magician's knife out of the nightstand next to him and said he had a stabbing fetish wanted me to pretend to be murdered by him it was a nuclear red flag but there i was he's already inside me so i'm like whatever i'll go along with this he came i left the next day my abdomen was totally bpfck up bruises all over my torso and chest from him jamming a stupid plastic knife into me it opened my eyes to how essel stabbing scenes are in horror films as he explained that's where the fetish began from growing up watching sht like halloween i grew up watching horror movies and it gave me a not wanting to be stabbed fetish not me but a friend of mine was talking to this guy who said before we go any further i need to come clean about something please don't think i'm strange i've got a really weird fetish instantly we think it's gonna be something extreme maybe involving bodily fluids i don't want to kink shame but just something downright gross he says i need to be wearing a fleece question mark patagonia was his preference it's like innocent compared to the ones in this thread but just bizarre oh yeah baby take me in your subaru and tell me about your rock climbing trip i had a friend who came across a fella with what he called a consensual procedures fetish as in he liked to put on medical gloves and give girls examinations i'm a dom so i've seen a ton of weird tea one guy wanted me to brand him like with a hot iron a couple of guys were interested in serious damage to their genitalia one wanted to be held under water needless to say i don't do things that can cause permanent damage or death right after i found his stash of gildos under his bed he asked if he could pee inside me edit didn't answer the last part of the question but i was against it for health reasons and because i wasn't ready for that level of full stop full stop intimacy he was into blood play and wanted to make little cuts all over my body with a really pretty knife yeah no thanks i was walking to my college and on the way i saw a couple walking in front of me i was late for my class and when i rushed past them i heard the girl say i knew you were into weird fetishes but the most i'll do is piss on somebody semicolon don't even wanna know what the boy said was seeing a lawyer while i was in college and he was into dick shaming and a chastity cage i really liked him so i indulge him some kept his little dick cage keys on my key ring the whole shebang but he could not separate fetish and life so our whole relationship turned into fetish instead of an actual relationship i had a friend who told me some tinder dude brought a backpack of fetish gear to their first date and was surprised that she found it weird i have to have my tools my ex was into poop i was not whether or not you're into poop poop is into you i just recently broke my hand and it's currently in a cast i posted a photo of me in the cast on my knitting business instagram small following almost all women i got the normal likes from people i interact with but some weird likes and new follows from guys as well one commented asking how bad the break was i got messages like how did you injure yourself and how many fingers are in the cast and can i sign the cast i pulled up a couple profiles to see what sort of accounts these guys follow and yep lots of casts semicolon that's the day i learned that cast fetishes are a thing that's also the day i learned to be very careful with my hashtags semicolon eater although you've all given me great ideas the hashtags i used were not so creative in fact i went back and checked and the only cast related hashtag i used was brock in hand not even anything about the cast itself my boyfriend likes people to watch him pee not peeing on people or things just peeing in the toilet normally it's weird but honestly i'm into weirdly exhibitionism combined with water sports in a neat and non-messy way sounds like a lucky result for that combination if you're not into them semicolon edit gold on my cake day there was one guy who was really into having a free household meaning i guess sx and unity in front of the children he was kind of vague about what he was suggesting so i kept on trying to steer things back into the realm of sanity and be all yeah s high times nakedness once the kids are in bed but then he went into this elaborate fantasy about me showering with our teenage daughter not actually ours this was still in the realm of fantasy and i was like wait you're actually getting off on the idea of the kids being involved or at least witnessing all of this and he was like yeah and i was like i'm out i don't have a ton of limits but kids is one he also kept calling me mommy even after i asked him to stop i actually have a child who is still young enough to call me mommy there is one guaranteed way to turn me off that would be it if i recall he also referred to his dick as his fck stick that would be a hard no my guy was a tall skinny dorky but very cute and nice math professor with glasses thin lips and disheveled hair he looked like the stereotypical math nerd we get to his place and he asks me to put my head under the couch while he fcks me doggy other requests asking me to lick the bottom of his balls as he gently slaps my face around and putting me into weird poses on his couch seems like he really likes that couch [Music] it's my best friend told me about how she had been dating this guy for a few months and they took a camping trip together they were having sex in the tent and he puts his forearm down on her neck and starts cutting off her air supply she freaked and thought he was going to kill her to later find out he had a choking fetish he never told her about edit since more than one person has asked no the relationship did not last so there's breaking out the surprise choking fetish and there's breaking out the surprise choking fetish in the middle of the woods where there's no one around how if king clueless do you have to be to just start casually killing somebody and expect them to not freak out my boyfriend wanted me to dress him up like a girl do his makeup and fck him with a strap on i actually am quite into it as it turns out was talking to a guy online on a dating site one of those guys that seemed kind of too good to be true out of my league good looking great job owned his own home traveled nationally and internationally once a year on vacation he figured there had to be a catch he had a cuckold fetish i'll give him this at least he was honest about it early on rather than waiting until i was invested in a relationship he was also very polite about it when i declined comma he was also very polite about it when i declined i mean go figure a guy with a cuckold fetish wouldn't be sensitive to a woman bruising his ego he demanded i call him daddy in the middle of sx so build up know him he had a daddy kink just demanded it very loudly mid-thrust i personally feel very uncomfortable with the daddy stuff in relation to essex hurry for the people who love it i ain't one of them i just moaned louder hoping that would suffice but i didn't actually say it of course the personal squik was on my mind and killed the mood a bit i told him later that if he has certain nessual requests he needs to bring them up in advance so we can discuss them and not throw them at me in the middle of f king i told him daddy is not at all my jam but offered some other things i could call him and asked what he would prefer turns out he was big on being called sir did it not me but friend told me a story about one of her tinder dates fairly boring non-necessarily first date convo she gets up to go to the bathroom and as soon as she sits back down dude is like so how do you feel about b play like would you pee on me i guess her going to the bathroom was enough of a segway for this guy i see you're a fellow fan of peeing dude i was talking to a few years ago wanted me to call him daddy that isn't the weird part though i'm vehemently against calling my ass or partner daddy since i call my own father daddy he also wanted me to act like a little kid also not the weird part daddy little girl play is a thing not my thing but i try not to judge the weird part that made me nope was how he continued a stream of comments about how amazing it would be if i was small like a little girl that it would be so much better if i was completely hairless and had baby fat it became increasingly apparent he didn't want to just fantasize about age play he actually wanted a little girl i ghosted him after that creeped me the fck out i once met a guy on tinder who out of nowhere asked me if i could fck his dog while he watched i was very very against it i was seeing this guy a couple of months at this point we were exclusive in sleeping together but went much more serious than that one night we're getting hot and heavy he's about a millimeter from actually penetrating me when he stops where he's at and asks me do you trust me i wasn't sure what that meant so i asked him exactly that what do you mean he wouldn't explain he just kept repeating do you trust me eventually i sort of snapped at him and said i mean we're literally about to have sx so yeah i guess so why without answering he just opened palm slapped across the face hard i kicked him out of my house and our relationship dissolved shortly thereafter the kicker while we were getting to know each other he told me his ex was into some really rough stuff and that he hated it and that kids is called projection edit no shame for having kinks provided everyone involved is healthy and consenting and legal but please don't spring kinks on your partners and definitely don't actively lie about yours if you ever want to try it in the future i've had plenty of weird ones but the most terrifying and out of the blue one was when i'd only been dating my partner for a few weeks he comes home plastered and demands that i carve him open like a thanksgiving turkey his words not mine guy i was dating wanted me to vomit on his dick also i assume he never actually asked for this he just kept getting more and more aggressive with face f king the last time i slept with him he was really being aggressive with the throat ticking so i said i am going to throw up chill out but this just prompted him to excitedly suggest we go and continue the bj in the shower not about that in college i went on a religious retreat with my blog we had an activity with a priest and he made us sit in a giant circle he told us to share something about ourselves to the class or to thank a specific classmate for being a good friend etc basically a giant heart to her to help the class bond more my friend at the time decided it was the perfect opportunity for him to tell everyone that he has fantasies of me dressed in bdsm title ever straps while stepping on him and whipping him needless to say the priest was very shocked and confused and asked him who he was talking about my friend then name dropped me and everyone in the class looked at me i just sank in my chair and felt like an idiot some of my classmates still tease me about that incident never talk to the guy ever again after that this thread has made me feel better about dating again no specific kink open to most some people are very forward with which tea it's that crazy i almost respect it several years ago i was just talking to this guy on ocupid we hadn't even met yet and he asked me if i'd be okay with erotic hypnosis i was like what and he sends me a book however then he tells me that his last girlfriend and he had gotten into this elaborate fantasy role play and somehow decided that they were actually hypnotizing each other and one night she convinced him she was not real and left him sobbing in a corner and he wanted to keep doing that nope nope nope nope not me but i heard a story from a friend one time who got with this guy one night and he said i like being a little rough are you okay with that she without thinking much of it decides to play along and the dude slaps the shitty out of her and says you like that [ __ ] she noped out real quick i like being a little rough terran nuclear launch detected after seven weeks of dating this guy when i was 22. he told me his fantasy was to lay under a glass coffee table while a woman squatted on top and took a sh t above his face i was against it to say the least ah yes one guy wanted me to berate his small penis and tell him how worthless it was i didn't want to do it because i have mad penis respect but i did because i also believe in embracing your kinks my first partner was very experienced and knew what he wanted early into our physical relationship he told me that he wanted me to slap him and tell him how he was a bad person it was difficult for me to get on board with that i'm a very nice person what could i even say i bet you don't recycle extreme and i'll play and on top of that including food into that mix i like to think of myself as a pretty open-minded person with plenty of kinks of my own butch tea don't bring that stuff up on the first date let alone the first time texting me edit fisting stretching my ass hurting whipped cream cake other foods in my ass guy like to lick my boots clean after they got really messy after show skateboarding hiking etc i was surprised the first time he dropped to his knees and started doing it but he did a great job keeping them clean so it didn't bother me i had a bf who i had dated for nearly two years and then one day he told me that he wanted me to have sx with his best guy while he watched i said no but he kept bringing it up i'm open to most things s surely but i just couldn't understand why he'd want this in my earlier years before learning of my own depraved kinks a co-worker from the movie theater i worked at and i were making spanky when he suddenly whipped out a belt i looked at him and said h hey what are you going to do with the belt he just smiled and said it's okay it's my work belt for some reason the fact that it was the belt he wore to go serve people popcorn and made my brain suddenly accept its lewd use that was the first time i got into bondage and it's been a fun ride since what's better is the guy's name was kyle and he not only longboarded but drank three monsters a day keep being rad as fck kyle you
Channel: Reddit Tales
Views: 590,459
Rating: 4.8710823 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, subreddit, reddit stories, reddit tales, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, reddit story, reddit best, funny posts, r/, reddit funny, people of reddit, stories, updoot, reddit jar, planet reddit, storytime, educational, podcast, audio, animated, animated story, cartoon, radio tts, ladies, girls, fetishes, fetish
Id: 1NmOcbx8Wbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 38sec (1418 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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