Lab-Leak Theory: BASED Jon Stewart VS COWARDLY Stephen Colbert | Louder With Crowder

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you know jon stewart i genuinely and i used to get into it a lot with actually john nolte when he was over before breitbart was breitbart was big hollywood yeah and him and i and you know andrew breitbart used to run this he thought that bill maher was funny sometimes and this is before bill maher sort of transitioned a little bit now where he's a little more moderate right yeah and he thought that john stewart was never i've always thought that jon stewart is among the best of them and i've said it on on air and i've gotten in trouble very well yeah it's very funny i think the guy's funny we've discussed this yeah i couldn't agree more and i want to know what you guys did you used to watch jon stewart i know i'm not saying that you should get your news from jon stewart but if you have to rate late night hosts where would you place him i think in that genre he was the best to have ever done it yeah he was funny i think he said something about obama he's like i'm not sure if he's playing 6d chess or if it's just kicking his ass and i was like that's funny you can poke even though you agree with the guy more he's always been fun and i thought stephen colbert was funny he used to be when he was doing the character he was he was genuinely very funny we were discussing this earlier he was a great comic he was a great improviser and he had this really great ability to insult the right and left right because he could insult the left through the perspective of the right that he was also making fun of yes it was this perfect moderate and now it's just uh and this is what i think i think that uh the emasculating of all men the emasculation of men makes male comedians unfunny yeah because it makes them women who are inherently unfunny oh jesus no no no i think that women when women are funny when women are funny they're they're talking from their point of view right right that's also why amy schumer stuff was like my cage smells like a barnyard animal doesn't really work for me because you're trying to be a guy yeah but you look at people like kathleen madigan you look at uh i mean you can look at people you look like uh phyllis stiller are you i'm trying to think or uh joan rivers i think she's funny though does she get some credit yeah she should get more break the mold yeah absolutely they're just being themselves and a man needs to be himself and you just see stephen colbert now has been so castrated that he's more concerned with this little back and forth with jon stewart um about getting in trouble with the networks and we know the people who run these networks we've gone through this you can just search well not on youtube you can search on mug club stephen kreider network donations because we've gone through abcbs they all either have direct relationships with people who work at the dnc most notably the clintons they have their claws in everywhere he also has a direct relationship with john being a correspondent from the daily show yeah yeah but he doesn't care about that anymore because now he's now he serves a new master yes and he's just trying to get away from the segment while jon stewart is now echoing what keep in mind would have had everyone here banned on youtube if you acknowledge this just four months ago that covet leaked from a lab but i guess now we have license to because of the fouchy emails so this is a long clip but i think that you need to see it in its entirety and uh with context jon stewart stephen colbert i and i honestly mean this i think we owe a great debt of gratitude to science science has in many ways helped ease uh the suffering of this pandemic which was more than likely caused by science that's good it's a great setup so and that's kind of what was that hold on one second i have to play the [ __ ] yeah yeah exactly i have to play the patsy for the higher-ups i wouldn't do that i wouldn't do that to you what do you think well what do you what what what do you mean by did you mean like perhaps there's there's a chance that this was created in a lab there's an investigation oh she's still holding on to it respiratory coronavirus overtaking wuhan china what do we do oh you know who we could ask the wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab the disease is the same name as the lab and by the way that's what trump was doing with the russian virus oh yeah and then i asked those scientists they're like how did this so wait a minute you work at the wuhan respiratory coronavirus lab how did this happen and they're like a pangolin kissed a turtle and you're like no i you you're the name of your lap if you look at the colbert gets incredibly uncomfortable can i let me see your business forget about the pangolin show me your business card oh i work at the corona virus lab in woohan oh because there's a coronavirus loosing wuhan how did that happen maybe a bat flew into the cloaca of a turkey and then it sneezed into my chili and now we all have corona but like cook by the way this would have been racist oh yeah yeah six months ago wait a second all right oh my god wait a second after the network's bidding there's been an outbreak of chocolatey goodness near hershey pennsylvania oh i don't know maybe a steam shovel mated with a cocoa bean chocolate factory maybe that's it that could be [Applause] i gave them all tuberculosis that could that could very well be and anthony fauci and francis collins and nietzsche said like you should definitely be investigated stop with the logic in people and things the aim of the disease wait a second building wait a second but it could be possible you could be right it could be possible that they have the lab in wuhan to study the novel coronavirus diseases because in wuhan there are a lot of novel coronavirus diseases because of the background because of the lab and it's the only place to find bats you won't find bats austin texas has thousands of them that fly out of a cave every night every night where they have a lab called what's the lab called again how about coronavirus laughs i believe that hilarious how long have you worked for senator ron johnson we'll be right back with more of wherever this edit happened stick around okay so a couple of things first off right away oh ron johnson like this is because he's still holding on to this just shows you when someone is an actual quizling a lackey right a patsy for the higher ups yeah even when everyone else has let go of the narrative because there it's no longer tenable yeah stephen colbert is like uh johnson donald trump racist and him saying wherever this edit left out yeah is him saying please network please network get rid of this and here's the thing too he was making a joke and you should be able to joke about anything by the way you should be able to joke i would say about any conspiracy the beauty of jokes is they don't have to be true that being said i think it's pretty clear that jon stewart was espousing something that a significant portion of americans nay i would say a majority believe that it leaked from a lab keep in mind this conspiracy theory um was not even allowed to be discussed lest you be excoriated by the media only some of these clips are like from four months ago yep because we don't know where the novel coronavirus came from yet the conspiracy theories filled the void i'm telling you the trichomes are trying to weaponize this thing conservative talk show host rush limbaugh with zero proof suggesting a chinese bio weapon lab is to blame this question about the wuhan lab we know that it's been debunked those same agencies now have been tapped with investigating one of trump world's most favorite conspiracy theories this week donald trump is still pushing the debunked buncombe despite his own intelligence but that is simply not true and there is simply no reason to believe that that is the case there is no empirical evidence to verify that keep in mind to youtube the most powerful google youtube alphabet the most powerful platform in the world banned any speech that would go against the world health organization the world health organization of course said this originated in nature it's conspiracy didn't come from a lab and they also said that the chronovirus uh was not transmitted human to human now i can say that now right but if we said it then we'd be banned this is what i do you feel free seriously do you guys feel free this is absolutely insane just think about these things for a second when we're talking about the world health organization in cdc and these are not just general the term guideline is misleading yes these are hard and fast rules they're not guidelines like we're trying to give you a nudge no you're not no no nudge there's no nudge you guys are telling us what we can and can't discuss right we couldn't say back then that asymptomatic uh people with covet were not very likely to be uh carriers but now the cdc so we can say it now we couldn't say then that children weren't at serious risk and certainly not of being carriers we should be able to open schools back up but we can say it now because the cdc has confirmed that we couldn't say then when they said masks are horrible they don't work and we would say actually you know the only thing they really do work for is keeping other people from getting sick and we were selling masks here on this show early on but we can say it afterward right this is the you couldn't say then kovid lab leak but we can say it now this is what is so scary and jon stewart is blissfully unaware of it you know who's not stephen colbert that's the issue that you see right there you see someone who's coming from the old school of comedy and sure partisan absolutely jumpstart was straightforward about that he was a well-known democrat but he certainly wasn't a orwellian censorship state and he is unaware of the fact that up until a mere two weeks ago really two weeks ago this if he were an independent creator on youtube would get him removed stephen colbert is all too aware and that's the contrast you see you see one guy trying to be funny and one guy trying to rein him in who also claims to be a comedian yeah and one guy who has gone out of his way to help all these first responders from 9 11 right i mean he goes for things that actually matter right not trying to protect a larger company he's always stood up for what he believes is right hey speaking of protecting a larger company yeah and going in for things uh that matter remember stephen colbert took a completely different tone on vaccines um basically providing free air time as a commercial when we poke ya well we know you're gonna be you're gonna be safe i'm corbin infecting you oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i hope this isn't playing in rehab guys just trying to go heroin he's promoting name brain wow all right that's enough test it out that's enough that's enough i just had an anti-comedy aneurysm i never want to hear any from you again about big pharma or dark money in politics colbert watch louder with crowder live monday through thursday 10 a.m eastern
Channel: CrowderBits
Views: 641,852
Rating: 4.8918829 out of 5
Keywords: steven crowder, crowder, stephen crowder, crowder bits, crowderbits, crowder clips, louder with crowder, LwC, Change My Mind, Crowder Confronts, comedy, politics, news, liberal, libertarian, funny conservative, current events, fake news, how to debate, how to debunk, Crowder Bits Playlist1776, jon stewart, pharma, big pharma, Jon Stewart, Stewart, daily show, Daily Show, Colbert, steven colbert, covid, wear a mask, wuhan, lab, virus, conspiracy theory, Stephen Colbert, stephen colbert
Id: _lr1WpAw7qw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 15 2021
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