Bill Burr - White Guilt | REACTION

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome welcome back to the channel thank you all so much for coming over man i truly appreciate y'all and if you guys are new to the channel welcome on in this is my second channel on my main channel i react to music over here we react to everything man y'all see the title best of bill burr uh white guilt now you know this brother brother ain't got no filter hella funny hello funny uh before you ask in the comments if i should react to a certain billboard i'll leave my playlist at the end so y'all can check that out because i do have some reactions up uh so again thanks for all the love all the support we ain't gonna waste no more time let's jump right into it i don't know rented that movie uh pride recently have you guys seen that movie anybody see that it's about the first all-black swim team and the difficulties they had to go through being the first all-black swim team let me ask you a question how many of those white people are evil movies are they gonna make oh god it's like it's all the way down to swimming i can't swim at all you know i'm starting to run out of white guilt you know no it's like those movies they started off unbelievable start off with roots right white guilt was at an all-time high i could barely even watch it i'm like dude i got it my ancestors are evil okay please please turn the channel dude please join the channel they still hit them [ __ ] during the channel this is going to be oh man oh boy it's gonna be tough then look you know i'm one of those those black guys who can't swim all right i scared to admit it but like i said i'm six foot five so the most most of the times if i'm in the swimming pool it's like five six feet so i'm good but well when you get to that ocean help oh man i could barely even watch it i'm like dude i got it my ancestors are evil okay please please turn the channel dude please turn the channel they're still hitting them [ __ ] during the channel this is going to be on all week jesus christ turn the channel oh man then in the 80s there was like a football movie then like cuba gooding want to be like a scuba diver remember that [ __ ] and now it's all the way down to swimming and i gotta admit i don't think i give a [ __ ] i'm not trying to be a dick but it's a recreational activity plus i've been in pools there's been black people in the pool you know i never saw any white guy like trying to like [ __ ] like prevent people from getting into the pool like they just like making this [ __ ] up i'm not being a dick here either okay just to clarify you know i just want anybody coming up to me after the show line you know i was thinking it and then you [ __ ] said it man i'm not saying you just figured out that people should be allowed to put on some speedos and go for a dip i'm not saying that [ __ ] i'm just saying these movies like the characters aren't even believable like they always have to have like that the over-the-top uninhibited white racist character you know you know that guy he's a guy like uh he's supposed to represent all the white evil you know he's like the dude they always have like screaming during the movie trailer they'll be like they were the first all black swim team get out of the pool he's got like a big vein in his forehead he's just screaming [ __ ] look not even looking around you know dude it's ridiculous real racism is quiet it's subtle people look around first make sure that you know they make sure the coast is clear disclaimers like dude you know i'm not racist but uh these insert group name followed by [ __ ] up conversation right that's how it goes down not just some guy just standing up there his knee broke in the pool do you approve of this i work at the bank could i be fired immediately please i'm just saying could you just make the [ __ ] like believable you know the honest thing is those movies are starting to give me a complex you know because anytime they do a movie about a group of people that thinks dumb [ __ ] about another group of people it's always like white dudes so it's like a white dudes the only ones who think ignorant [ __ ] about other people you know no mexican guy ever walked up to somebody from india like dude what the [ __ ] is that is that like itchy [ __ ] you what is it the only ones walking around why you guys don't eat cows what are you a bunch of fangs why are you wearing sandals guys wearing sandals this guy's a fan oh man [Applause] no i'm just saying you know just balance the movies out a little bit like just have some of the evil [ __ ] that black people say about white people you know when we're not around you know like like well what are some good examples you know what i mean you're hanging out you had a rough day you know what are some of the classics you know what smell like wet dogs you got head lice or something like that right just slip some of that [ __ ] in get out of the there wash your hand [ __ ] friend just make it seem a little more dude i'm just saying it's all the way down to swimming i mean where the [ __ ] do you go from there we do like ping pong oh they were the first all-black ping-pong team they're going to steal the paddles [Applause] my daughter's not playing mommy no i'm not saying now no it's always just weird bringing this [ __ ] up but no i'm not saying white people aren't evil either because i know where you are oh i got the evil in me i do i guess i can feel it that's why i try to suppress it i try to dress casual you know what i mean serious man i tried a suit on the other day i felt it coming up like [ __ ] man i want to take over some [ __ ] right i want to start telling people what to do i'm going to go blue to lake blaming on my secretary you know oh man he said he put the suit over felt power dude i don't like those movies when they make black and white people get along man even those ones seem ridiculous you know because it always has to be like some sort of lesson in those movies just like you know i never looked at it that way yeah it's like that never happens you know anytime i've ever hung out with a black dude at no point during the evening is he like trying to like teach me how to dance you know you know that interracial footloose moment they always have to have in those movies and i never go to his neighborhood and like try to like save a school guilty guilty hey come on dog you got to try this you got to try it come on man it's easy man it's simple it's just a two-step guilty that's me that's me oh man [Laughter] oh man some of my family members call me jamming jay because i like to dance oh man you know that interracial footloose moment they always have to have in those movies and i never go to his neighborhood and like try to like save a school you know oh how many times are they gonna make that movie you know that movie the white person goes into the projects they just have to make a difference you know they just made that movie again what that was it hillary swank it's like did you even need to go see it a million dollar baby it's like let me guess she shows up and they don't accept her right and she goes home she cries to her feminine boyfriend who's wearing sweatpants and he's cooking something for some reason right and he convinces her and convinces her to give it one more chance right then she goes back down there she starts drawing out their inner beauty next thing you know they put a do-rag on it she starts [ __ ] dancing and it's just embarrassing for all races involved for the love of god stop making that [ __ ] so the movie of times they made that movie i would think i would know somebody white who actually did that [ __ ] you know [Music] that's what he does you know i sit around and watch sportscenter you know he's in the projects every weekend he's writing his name on the blackboard my name's mr michael all right who threw that who's through that oh man it's just annoying after a while you know and it always [ __ ] works out too anytime the white person goes down there i want to make that i want to see a movie where it doesn't work out like the white dude goes down in the first day just gets the [ __ ] kicked out of him just leaving all negative you can't [ __ ] help these people you know you go down there you try to do something nice i couldn't get a goddamn word it's a 300 prescription oh man love this brother man what i love about bill burr is that he just you know the stuff he'd be talking about man it'd be true you know and like he's one of those guys that you know you can tell that he's had a lot of life experiences with things you know you know a lot of times that's what i don't like about like today's rap music because a lot of rappers aren't really rapping about stuff they've been through yeah i mean a lot of these a lot of these rappers haven't been through nothing but this brother is over here talking about some facts man you do see that in a lot of movies though you do you do um but this was hilarious man oh a lot of this stuff hit hard because big facts all right man i had to check this out again just trying to bring you guys some laughter some joy um like i said uh my playlist should be popping up over here sometime at some point in this video uh of my billboard reactions but yeah man he's hilarious so hilarious so glad i checked this out man white guilty he said i don't care no more oh man ah well when i be laughing my cheeks be hurting so bad and then my throat get all right um see what else we can check out man again hope you guys enjoyed if so go ahead like share and subscribe and as always man thank you guys for coming over showing love and support man appreciate y'all peace out
Channel: JAMEL_AKA_JAMAL Music & More
Views: 457,498
Rating: 4.9479303 out of 5
Keywords: Bill Burr White Guilt Reaction, Bill Burr Reaction, Reaction video, Comedy, Funny
Id: SVa8IJPvu-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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