Fauci, Gain-of-Function Research, and Wuhan Lab Funding

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I love how the woman is like "I'm sure your listeners all know about gain of function research"

Me, sitting at my desk picking my nose: "durr what da fuck is dat?"

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/STANAGs 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 40 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Can anyone with an advanced scientific understanding of this issue chime in on what Enjeti is saying here?

He sounds very confident, should he be?

👍︎︎ 21 👤︎︎ u/Syngeon4 📅︎︎ Jun 16 2021 🗫︎ replies

And to think people were censored, deplatformed, and called racists for thinking this over the last year.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/JadedTourist 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's completely possible it escaped from a lab but what pisses me off the most is that the lab leak theory came from the same people that called it a hoax. If it leaked from a lab then we had the largest national security failure in US history and we're still not prepared to defend against any attack of that nature.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Thissiteisdogshit 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

Wow this is crazy!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BusyPsychology8884 📅︎︎ Jun 17 2021 🗫︎ replies
the jurogan experience and it's not just china and this is the theory but the thing about the lab league and why i actually want to de-culture you you had josh rogan on and yeah he is really good that guy's amazing what he what he expertly shows is if this is true the lab leak hypothesis is true yes the chinese covered up guess what the chinese are liars and they covered up sars and they've covered up basically everything that's come out of their country for the last like 30 years that's not a shocker the shocker is dr anthony fauci 2017 reverses the ban on gain of function research directs this funding to eco health alliance dr peter dazak who then gives it to the wuhan institute of virology for the study of novel bat coronaviruses and then when the pandemic turns around we take dr peter dazzak as the only american to join the world health organization's investigation team into whether coronavirus leaked from a lab and on 60 minutes i forget who was interviewing him she goes well wait so do how did you verify it did you just ask them and he goes well what else can we do because he's also half british and that's how he goes well uh what else can we do oh uh we could read emails we could also see that peter dazzak as of two days ago has been caught lying he said there were no live bats inside of the wuhan institute of virology sky news australia just revealed 2017 video that bats were present inside the wuhan survivorology and the deputy director says before this china had no experience in bsl4 labyrinth that's the highest level safety for a laboratory but we have been here and i i don't forget i don't want to misquote him but he said something along the lines of creating new viruses synthesizing new viruses and what fauchi and dr she who's the head of the wuhan institute of virology they're playing [ __ ] games fauci and rand paul when rand paul was pressing him he was like we did not fund gain of function research he's trying to define it as explicitly what he what is on the record of him funding dr xi is the same thing we were not doing gain of function research this is actually this is amazing i don't know if you caught she did an email interview with the new york times which was mostly i mean it was just you know the standard like state party line from china but they asked her about gain of function research and i'm sure your listeners mostly know know that gain of function research is basically modifying these to see what how can we make these pathogens more dangerous right and it's very it's in and of itself very dangerous because these things do leak from labs um relatively routinely and she says we were not doing gain a function research because what we were doing wasn't making it more virulent or dangerous it was seeing if it could jump from species to species i'm sorry isn't that like the definition of making it more dangerous for us seeing if you can make it jump into our species like that seems like that's pretty dangerous so they're trying to play this game it's not technically gained how does fouchy get away with standing there under oath and saying media right it's all media pressure which is he's the god it's the it's the anti-trump derangement syndrome right fauci was put up as like the anti-trump guy and he became this liberal icon i mean there are these signs in washington d.c of people's yards i don't know if you have them here but it's literally his face on a sign and like thank you dr fauci jesus this is what we're dealing with joe this is what we're dealing with those people too right and again no one is above reproach every human being is flawed and especially when you're in that kind of position of power and you have certain incentives like you have to ask questions about these things but there was another element too and this was frankly in an ingenious play by the media and the scientific community is not only was it oh trump and his band of wackos are the ones that are promoting this theory but also that this theory is somehow racist and the moment that the lab leak theory was pegged as racist that's when it really became toxic for anyone in the mainstream to ask questions about because you don't want to be pegged as like oh well you're just pursuing this racist conspiracy theory and my thought has always been from the beginning like first of all we just need the answer like neutrally to look at what actually happened here but second of all if we're playing them which is more racist game it seemed way worse to me when people were like oh chinese people eat bats and that's disgusting and they're so weird and that's how we all got this pandemic that seemed to me way more problematic than the idea that a lab that by the way the usa is funding that something leaked accidentally from that lab so that was really the thing that put this all off the table was this strategic weaponization of you know what is a very real problem of alleging racism it's the scientific community teamed up with well basically they got the luckiest [ __ ] break of their lives that trump was president because and they made it so that it was racist to question even recently the lead new york times reporter on covet tweeted and then deleted are we ever going someday we will acknowledge the racist origins of the lab league theory new york times reporter who's in charge of cobit right this is still in their in their brains they have brain worms because of trump and i was telling crystal because of trump 35 of this popular you could have smoking gun proof their lab leak theory was true 35 of the population hardcore democrats who watch msnbc they'll never believe it they'll always say that it's racist and here's the problem which this is the same problem with all trump stuff if gaynor if this is true we should be having a national conversation around gain of function research we should have a wuhan commission around gain of functional research instead they want to do a january 6 commission in order to reconstruct the events of a day where we all [ __ ] know what happened okay it's over we know i'm not saying it wasn't terrible but that is not what the driving conference what is it [ __ ] it's june 15th why are we still talking about gain about january 6. we should be talking right now did u.s government funds explicitly directed towards novel coronavirus research which led to the worst pandemic in a century and cost the global economy trillions of dollars and as josh is the first one to point out the response from the scientific community has been we need more gain of function research 1.2 billion dollars to the global virum project and so once again the scientific community wanted all of this covered up they teamed up with the media to protect their funding resources because what people forget fauci is actually the king of funding the national institute of infectious disease i believe that's with nid that's what he's in charge of they are the primary funding authority for huge amounts of the scientific community we had dr brett weinstein on our show and he was explaining this to us which is that if you're inside of that research system you need access to those dollars to keep your lab afloat like for my dad is a professor at texas a m and so i know a little bit about funding and like the way that you keep your tenure positions in a lot of these universities is you have to like continually bring funding in so both my parents are professors there and so like a lot of the professorial game is getting money from granting institutions now in the science community it's from the national science foundation it's from the national institute or whatever fauci is the head of the national institute of health they have to keep the dollars flowing so if you admit this is gain of function research you start asking questions nih and fauci can [ __ ] cut you off like this is a whole business it's a multi-billion dollar i mean it's an industry because it's about research and look the core theme of our show is like follow the money right so follow the money where's the money lead at least fauci peter dazzak and it's like look i don't want to sound crazy but this is basically like a global conspiracy in terms of the chinese government it's a total cover-up of the chinese government the us government the guy who was on the [ __ ] tv and we were all supposed to trust this entire time and it turns out like he's the guy who reversed the ban in the first place in order to take advantage of the chaos under trump and i know it's so complicated and regular people this is what bothers me most about the mainstream media people want to live their lives and they want answers and increasingly they know they are being lied to but they do not have the time because it's our job in order to you know explain all this about peter dazak and the world health organization what is gain and function research how washington actually works the global funding structures etc people are being lied to they have been completely lied to on the story i think i do think this is the biggest failure since iraq wmd i think this is wmd 2.0 catch new episodes of the joe rogan experience for free only on spotify watch back catalog jre videos on spotify including clips easily seamlessly switch between video and audio experience on spotify you can listen to the jre in the background while using other apps and can download episodes to save on data cost all for free spotify is absolutely free you don't have to have a premium account to watch new jre episodes you just need to search for the jre on your spotify app go to spotify now to get this full episode of the joe rogan experience
Channel: PowerfulJRE
Views: 3,203,315
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Joe Rogan Experience, JRE, Joe, Rogan, podcast, MMA, comedy, stand, up, funny, Freak, Party
Id: __Czlg1xLJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 5sec (545 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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