I Got Called Out By A Subscriber...

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[Music] good morning guys welcome to the video we're starting today up as you can see at the gym it is it's guy's birthday what was his birthday yesterday but we're gonna be doing a workout with him for his birthday and he chose all the movements and shows the workouts what we're doing is this is the CrossFit workout Eva which ends up being five rounds of an 800 meter run 30 kettlebell swings and a heavy kettlebell so I'm gonna be using the 70 think it's 72 pound cattle bow and then 30 pull-ups Amanda made this I cannot draw that well if I just added everything up and it ends up being two and a half miles of running and 150 kettlebell sings and 150 pull-ups how do you feel about that you just killed my vibe know what that being a birthday is there any one thing you want to say to everyone out there any words of advice [Music] [Music] was it in bags we thought it would be no I wasn't too bad it's so suck but we thought we would finish like right now we finished a few minutes earlier then okay okay that workout was surprisingly I don't wanna say it was easy because it wasn't but it wasn't as bad as I thought it was gonna be I ended up finishing at 46 46 and I was thinking it would take me close to an hour so it wasn't too bad if you guys remember about it was like two months ago like two months ago a subscriber of mine challenged me to an arm wrestling match Oh beast a beast I'm calling you out I'm challenging you he is the best so John I'll be in San Diego in two months when I'm there I want to have an arm wrestle that's right an arm wrestle he has finally showed up this is my this is my friend Big Mike result we it was really cool we were able to hang out last night and then he said he wanted to try a CrossFit I was like just come on come in Saturday morning and hang out and do a workout see yes that's my workout what have you thought about saying a go so far it's beautiful I'm moving down here tomorrow Mike's here we're gonna do the we're gonna be doing the armwrestling match later and we're have that meetup that I talked about a few videos ago we're just gonna hang out so excited yes I'm very excited it's really cool so anything are you ready no but I am excited and can you can you see the perspiration I can this is from just walking in here today now the workouts done hey how do you feel no sweat wasn't even our da nah it's just super easy if you ever want to do CrossFit just know that it's so easy I'm just really dramatic on the streets and yeah you really dramatic just make it seem like it's hard fun fit buck for the views right yeah you know it is hard and it is awesome and come down here not moving up to this one okay that's a few hours later I'm join with Amanda we are here at the like meetup thing I might be ready to go down my gosh is a time are you scared at all right now how are you like on a scale of one to ten is one like ten is very confident one is not confident at all okay tennis tennis is very confident I'm gonna go with a yeah yeah I was born right oh I've been thinking about this for the past three months been perfecting my technique all right have you like not done it's like it right in between it's like probably closer to not haven't done anything but the way I think if I was like you know if you practice too much I don't want to end your hermit yeah okay so you mentally prepared mentally I have you've done all the preparation mentally yes okay so not one arm-wrestle mesh mentally I'm okay in the green corner wearing sunglasses a brand new haircut looking fly everyone so everyone to know he does CrossFit we've got obese obese all right and the Challenger the one who made all this happen through one YouTube video calling out the Beast the guy hoping to rise to the top by taking out number one himself in the black shirt we got big my referee for this match the strong this studly the good-looking Big Mike you're in the map coach Kyle I'll take this from you and he will take it from you right so you can have about 30 seconds to interlock your hands find out where you want to be can I bite ya tidiness I'm very encouraged I talked to Mike Tyson low right elbows have to remain on the table the entire time if I see you come up you'll get one verbal warning after that you lose all right other hand can be on the table cannot be pushed against the table okay all right John since you're a little bit shorter your butt can come up a little bit but ideally butts or staying on the table same rule applies I'll give you one morning good yes right ready and go [Music] [Applause] all right so that conversation we had about letting you win yeah thanks for that was also nice and I got a nice bump too and I need to go ice my everything you take over my channel it's yours over here not me it's the we're here it's where that finger is the red one right no oh I think I'm recording so it's been a couple days since I shot most of this video most of the video was shot on Saturday it's Monday now but I just wanted to really in this video you know giving my thoughts on everything that happened this weekend the first thing I want to say is that it was an absolute pleasure being able to meet Mike and his family it really was just a really good experience and it's crazy to think that through YouTube and him making that video calling me out and like at first I remember when I saw like the video I was like nervous because why is somebody calling me like that do something then I'm watching I read that it was a joke and I thought it was really well made so okay you know what let's do it like I think that'll be a lot of fun and I can't like can't stress enough how much like how glad I am that I that I kind of took that leap of faith and was like you know let's do that let's make that happen because it really was a really fun week and I was actually able to hang out with Mike and his family like the whole weekend that's kind of why this video is a little bit late because I didn't want to have a stress about making sure I like stayed up really late and edited I wanted to be able to you know give this family a fun time this weekend in San Diego because they're not from here be able to do a bunch of stuff and we were able to do that so I'm genuinely happy that I just kind of took that step out of my comfort zone and you know decided to do this something that I've always done on the channel and always will want to continue to do on the channel is supporting smaller creators especially creators that are making really funny content like Mike is making and really sharing their journey from the very beginning because like I've said before I really wish I would have started recording when first started losing weight and that's exactly what he's doing and he's able to document that Jersey journey from the very beginning so hopefully you know hitting his goals it's just really cool that I'm able to hopefully help his journey and you know give him some subscribers and you guys will go over there and check his channel out because I honestly think that he's making really good content and you guys will be able to watch someone that's at the beginning of their journey and I really feel like it's a win-win for everybody the last thing I want to talk about is a couple of the comments on the first video that I said that wasn't me doing the armwrestling match with him a lot of people were saying that he's just using you to get views and I can totally see where people are coming from on that and and I've definitely had times where I felt like people only wanted to you know make videos with me or hang out with me or do things with me because they felt like it would boost their YouTube channel right that's just kind of how it works when you have a bigger channel people want to use you to make their channel bigger that's just you know how business works I can honestly say after hanging out with Mike for this past whole weekend and his family and everything like I really don't think that's what it was about it's just he wanted to do something out of his comfort zone he's been watching my channel for a really long time he thought it would be cool to hang out and again like everything went so well it was so much fun I honestly believed that it was because he just felt like it would be a good time and that's exactly what it was but yeah I just kind of wanted to give you guys my thoughts on on this video and everything that happened I'm sorry that I lost the armwrestling match for you guys I hope you can forgive me but if you guys are interested in checking my channel out it will be the first link down in the description down below I want to thank you guys so much for watching the video make sure you like comment and subscribe there's one of the things they don't want to say yeah look Oh what are you doing wrong way I play football that's already played football you're the football okay ready I'll throw her sit hi whoa all day the warning signs and when there are flashing lights or wig legs don't attempt to cross until they come to a complete stop [Music]
Channel: ObesetoBeast
Views: 69,900
Rating: 4.8890381 out of 5
Keywords: weight loss, john glaude, fat loss, weight loss tips, the biggest loser, extreme weight loss, big mike loses
Id: P6cB8DPp9eY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 03 2018
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