Is Mission Lose 10lbs BACK? | Current Body Fat %

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what's up everybody we are heading to body spec because it has been a while since I've done a DEXA scan and as you guys know I am currently on any other fat loss journey however I'm not calling it anything like mission lose 10 pounds or anything like that I'm really just doing this at my own pace trying to get strong again getting back into the gym so I've been fluctuating between 117 to like 120 pounds and honestly I think it just comes down to the things that I eat at the time of the day I'm weighing myself all of that love those speed bumps honestly I think it's been over a year since I've done a DEXA scan and I'm curious to see kind of how my body has changed since then I'm not expecting anything crazy because really I did just get back into training maybe 2 or 3 months ago but I thought today would be fun to film the DEXA scan process do you guys buy my workout routine again because I know you guys are really enjoying those videos hopefully we'll make it in time so Riley can get his skin too because we I mean we're running a little behind I'm not stressed about it but I think it'll be cool if you can see it I mean like yeah but like you know I get it like I just I'm just here like she told me like if I didn't come out like get kicked out of the house yeah it's true it's true like I wouldn't have a place that wasn't the last straw like if you don't go with me to this Texas cane appointment of kicking you out and he was like okay that's a little inconvenient I'm like fine I'm fine I guess I'll go like weird flex but okay okay so what's going on right now guys we're heading over now should be there in the next like 10 to 15 minutes and check in then take this abuse anymore oh oh hey guys oh my god Riley you're so sweet let's go inside oh we should go come on cutie you're the best I love you we are six minutes late hurry we must hurry yes yep - I'm actually two minutes late [Applause] [Music] there we go perfect all right so I'm serious I fingers from on top bring your arms a little tiny bit closer to your button a little more just like that there we go perfect scans into the box six pages when the scan on trips about maybe a little on my ass very gently place your feet so just pointing the toes up to the city exact of your accent keep your arms in this position keep your eyes closed I will let you know when you can open up your eyes and what you can relax your eyes give me questions for me before Mercer all right I suppose we are starting you so welcome back what have you been doing differently since January Oh everything went down oh that's so good it oh my gosh yay so I started working out again like eight weeks ago but it's gotten so much better yeah and we got tissue definitely went down yeah tissue meeting yeah which is the same I actually put it down a little bit I pretty well is not indicative of muscle loss oh okay oh really fluids are included oh okay we got you're a little bit less hydrated than you were back then retaining just a little bit less water that can account for a couple times later got you a necklace okay and how is your strength it has gone up yeah yeah has gone up for sure I would be glad to say that's not but we also look at the distribution if you remember so it's not just about your total but where you house it can have certain how replications we're more concerned with an area enjoyed or the waist the lower abdominal region going on is upper that aspects about this public region biologically as a woman your body wants to store yeah you're kidding it's not inherently dangerous no organs this however you could spit cavity that causes your stomach your liver your intestine so if you have any of the fat tissue leaved in there and in the organ space or visceral fat which a certain level is deemed dangerous really bad fat okay it's including this reading so that's why we care and put a greater emphasis on having a pear distribution of notes to Apple which is do you you have an ideal distribution it's great you carry less in your waste than you do in your head and I can actually differentiate between the belly fat that's right beneath the skin or subcutaneous and then behind the muscle so would you go to say she's thick with to seize or it's not like that just six better that's metabolically active and if you think about it but organs already on top of each other any extra tissue that doesn't [Music] so the best memory or the best reading is what's your zero so almost argument I want you to know this essentially is 0 here but Nancy's good compared with women your age definitely against the National Survey door phones are denser right in between 6 to 9 and 9 to 3 percent good-o contents phones they develop osteoporosis you can influence this number over time and slow down the rate at which you lose bone density ok pacifically strength training load bearing exercises she is a woman that's one of the best things you can do and muscle symmetry in a symmetrical right and left are virtually the same right left leg virtually the same look no large imbalances cool so if you don't notice a strength disparity yeah you're fine since your last scan you lost that tissue in the arms yeah yeah your net loss which is great and that's just patches yeah and then lean I've no change in the arms up otherwise oh cool I down really swimming them in the trunk yeah your torso right we get it you're a skinny legend like forget about it okay stop bragging guys so it has been a few days since I did my DEXA scan and I wanted to sit down and kind of talk to you guys about my results but also kind of do a three-year comparison as to like when I was seemingly at my fittest up until not am I finished my fittest was like 111 pounds but like when I was still really training regularly but maybe I was poking a little bit at this point - when I completely slipped off and it was not training at all up until the results that I got five days ago that's what's really cool about DEXA scan is that they log everything so I can always log into my account and I can see my results from 2017 and it has like all the same results and everything cuz we lose papers all the time so I think that's really cool about this they make it really easy to compare and see how your body has changed with time this is not sponsored I feel like people might think it is DEXA scan hey what's that body's like if you ever wanna sponsor me I'm all for it but no not sponsored paid the money out of my own pocket but basically it's $45 you go and lay on the flatbed for about seven it's and it x-rays you one-by-one so the image that I see on the paper is actually that's me that's my body I know how the hell they do it but they do it and it works with that said we're gonna go ahead and talk about my first results okay so back in 2017 did this August 14th my total body fat percentage was 31% I weighed about 119 pounds one 18.9 let's just round up make it 119 my fat tissue was 37 pounds and my lean tissue was at seventy seven point five pounds I have always always held on to the majority of my fat in my hips and you can see it in the picture that there is just like it will always always be right there they're like some of it is kind of on my shoulders and my arms but it is like red or on my hips that is where it hold all my fat and I'm always so curious like what would my body look like if I didn't have like my love handles and my my little saddlebags and stuff because like that's all I know all I know is my body with fat store it there I was really not upset with the results at the time like I did think that I was lighter I'm pretty sure but when I saw the way that the fat lady I was like oh that's interesting like that's good to know I just saw this and I was like cool first scan great then we move on to my second scan which was January 4th 2018 and this is when I was like okay we're gonna do this we're gonna do mission lose 10 pounds and that was probably one of the biggest mistakes that I ever made yes it was a goal yes it was something I was working towards but I was not ready I don't think I was passionate enough yet I just kinda was doing it for all the wrong reasons and it was obvious because I fell off after like 2 or 3 months I was like I'm done I don't do this anymore but regardless I wanted to do a scan so that I could be brutally honest with myself and with you guys to see how my body had changed since 2017 when I was already kind of like at the beginning of not being maybe the best of the best right here we have my body fat percentage have gone up by about three and a half percent it was at thirty four point five as opposed to thirty one percent I had gained four pounds four to five pounds my fat tissue had gone it by five pounds and my lean tissue had gone down by two pounds I was originally 37 for fat tissue it gone up to 42 Mylene tissue was originally seventy seven point five and it had gone down to seventy five point six I was losing a lot of muscle and storing a ton of fat it is important to note that I am lying down so when you're lying down obviously gravity is going to push everything down and your fat is just gonna be like and spread out so it was it was honestly just a rude awakening of like dang you have completely fallen off the wagon but again I wasn't in the space where I was passionate enough to get back in to training and really be serious about it so this I fell off again so now leading into current time into my most recent scan this was done May 15 2008 the scan that I did in 2018 is probably how my body has looked and the composition that it has been at up until maybe March of this year because I did not actually get consistent in the gym until about two or three months ago and I am still on it and I'm still killing it and it feels really good so I was like okay it's been a few months since I've been consistent at the gym now now it feels like an appropriate time to go in get a DEXA scan and see where my body is at so to my surprise I was very actually excited to see that I am basically about where I was back in 2017 my body fat percentage since January has gone down about 2% it was at 34.5 it's now thirty two point eight it was a hundred and twenty-two pounds at the time I'm actually point two pounds lighter than I was in 2017 but that's also because like I'm holding more fat than I am muscle and we'll talk about that in a second too so I was 118 point nine in 2017 and on this day of weight I was one hundred and eighteen point seven fat tissue had gone down by three pounds I was 42 point one pounds of fat tissue and now it's at 39 in comparison to 2017 it's two pounds heavier than it was in 2017 and then my lean tissue has stayed about the same so I've still not gained a lot of my muscle back but that okay because I'm working on that right now and granted I'm not really expecting to see that build up too much right now because I am still in a deficit so I'm not really supplying my body enough protein to like actually put on pounds of muscle I am at 75 point for just actually point do pounds lighter than it was in 2018 so you know that's just you know that's just where we're at right now I was really really really excited to see this do I still have a long way to go yes do I still have fat that I need to lose yes do I still have lean tissue that I would like to build up yes but I really like getting these scans because the second you see progress it is such an exciting feeling and when I was able to look at it I was so afraid that the scan was gonna come back out and I was still gonna be 34 to 35 percent body fat but I was still gonna be the same body weight and I maybe just somehow been fooling myself thinking that I was being consistent and making progress in making these results so my goal right now guys so that you guys can like have an idea of what exactly it is that I'm trying to achieve right now I am just trying to become healthy again and I think the thing that I did wrong when I first was like mission lose 10 pounds was I was like I have to lose 10 pounds I have to and I want it to be in the next 12 weeks and I wouldn't be able to lift this amount of weight and I want to you know be eating like this and I'm gonna make this full life transformation back to the way that I was two years ago and I think that I just came at it was such a wrong approach because one it's just not really a healthy it's not a healthy mindset to go in and be like this is the amount and it has to be in this amount of time it's like why not take a step back I don't have any diseases or anything where I need to lose weight by a specific time I am still a healthy woman I don't have any medical issue there's no risk of a heart attack or diabetes like I don't have anything that is impending doom where I'm like I have to do this or else my life is at risk my health is at risk I was like I need to take a step back and figure out why I'm doing this why do I want this again really it just came down to the fact that I'm happier and I feel more confident and I feel better and I have more energy and I just feel good and I think that that was kind of the thing that I needed to figure out and really connect to would love to get to a place where I am in between 110 215 pounds but it's also not do-or-die I just wanna be healthy again so yeah I've just been really enjoying you know watching my body change in the last few weeks and watching the body fat percentage drop and really just like enjoying my gym workouts again obviously you guys know Omar's doing my training again and I felt like for a while we were really focused on getting the strength up again it was like okay 135 five six of five now let's go up to 140 145 150 155 and I think I'm around 150 if I was like do you think we could just like pump the brakes a little want to get strong again 1000% I do but I feel like this time around it's not as much of a priority for me I just really really want to enjoy my workouts again I want to be able to squat 135 pounds 5x5 without any equipment without anything or you know like with my shoes and my sleeves I guess but without a belt on and feel like it's just nothing and I want to perfect it before I start trying to push the way into something heavier and so he was obviously super understanding of that that is kind of what we have been focused on recently really perfecting all of the lips at 135 or if it's bench around like 75 pounds and been really good and I've been feeling really good and I'm just enjoying the entire process and it's really awesome to be enjoying the entire process again so I guess that that's kind of it for this video I just wanted to kind of catch you guys up to speed and let you know what's going on with my my weight loss results and just getting back into the gym and getting fit and getting healthy again so no mission lose 10 pounds is not back it is just getting fit and healthy again is back that it's like ah there's a hummingbird outside my window okay pop I still want to lose some weight still want to lose some fat so I want to get strong and I'll be it um hi so the thing is that's not necessary yeah you can relax okay are you fine you okay did you have fun on the walk did you go for a walk and have fun yeah I'll be keeping you guys up to date with all that as you know progress happens maybe like every two weeks I'll keep you guys up to date I don't know I should also let you guys know I am flying to Toronto tomorrow I have to be at the airport at like 4 o'clock in the morning I twitch a night which I'm not excited about that and I will be going to get some pretty cool content with the one and only Omar and I think you guys will really enjoy that it'll be a lot of informational educational content because as you guys know he is incredibly brilliant in the health and fitness department think he has a lot of knowledge that he can share with you guys there will be content you know being released over the next couple of weeks for you guys to watch and enjoy and learn from and then you know there might even be another announcement regarding health and fitness related things with him and I so will keep you posted on all of that but for now I hope that you guys enjoyed this video if you did make sure to throw the video a thumbs up just like this and subscribe to the channel if you are not already subscribed below some other health and fitness related videos that you guys would want to see it's always really helpful when I get ideas from you guys because I just you know sometimes I can't think of anything and then you add like I wanted all the videos I want to do are like 24 hour challenges letting the person in front of me decide what I eat for 24 hours so yeah any health and fitness video requests let me know for now that's it I love you guys so much I'll see you guys the next video mmm they see those bite [Music] I
Channel: Jazmine Garcia
Views: 38,884
Rating: 4.8995953 out of 5
Keywords: body fat, body fat percentage, lose body fat, lose fat, how to lose belly fat, lose belly fat, how to lose body fat, dexa scan body fat, fat loss, lose weight, lose weight fast, how to lose weight, body fat test, body fat results, body fat testing, how to lose weight fast, how to lose body fat in a month, lose body fat percentage, belly fat, how to measure body fat, measure body fat, jazmine garcia, jazmin garcia, jasmine garcia, jasmin garcia, dexa scan results
Id: HGG7PieXe90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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