KuboLine - Coraline and Kubo ARE Connected Laika Theory - The Fangirl

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hello my dear viewers its McGeehan your friendly neighborhood sand girl I've had a number of people ask me if I think culo and the two strings has any relation to Coraline and after listening to the movie several times on a long car trip I have to say I think there is something there something huge that I've somehow completely missed before wait let me throw out the buffer that I'm sure most of you watching right now have already seen a lot of my Coraline videos and that's awesome but it may also be helpful to watch my Koopa theory before continuing here because I had a few theories that I think are very strong and I go over a lot of notes that I took everyone all cut up and good to go yeah okay I am thrilled to present to you my first kuba line theory kuba line Korra bow hmm which is better at KU Bolin is a better reference I think it sounds closer to both titles whereas Korra bell sounds like exercise equipment you buy from an infomercial so let's talk about Kubo's ants known only as the sisters maybe it's just me but when I heard their voice I thought for sure it was teri hatcher the actors who voice mail Jones and the other mother in Coraline it turns out that's not right the sisters are actually voiced by Rooney Mara but man she really sounds like teri hatcher way too much so in fact and that can't be an accident because this film was already using Charlize Theron and Matthew McConaughey so Lika could have hand-picked any actress or voice-over artist that they wanted icier eyes that intent was there but they didn't want to be too on-the-nose about it so I put on Kubo and the two strings again to go on a detail hunt and side note kubal is a film that you could go through frame by frame and find something interesting to talk about every time it's really a visual masterpiece but for all the details I noticed there was something missing that raised more questions for me we watch beetle died and his body hangs around on screen to assure us but he is not I mean back and that the thumb has no problem showing us dead bodies in that same scene monkey's body is noticeably absent but we do see her charm is cut in half since monkeys body spawned from the charm that image is essentially the same as a dead body on the screen but where is Kubo's aunt even though it's implied that Kubo killed her we are shown no hint of her body just her broken mask similarly when monkey fought the other sister all we see of that death is a mask split in two but the sisters were not charms like monkey they were actually goddesses so can they possibly be that easy to kill if so where are the bodies I mean maybe maybe one of the sisters met her end in this movie when she faced off against monkey but look at the climax of the film Kubo desperately tries to defeat the moon king with force but he can't instead Kubo uses his instrument a shamisen and that guitar like instrument combines with spiritual powers to stop the moon King not by killing him but by transforming him now hopefully you have already watched my original kuba theory before seeing this video this far into it if not my belief is that the moon King reformed his physical being based on the only object he possessed Kubo's left eye now the Moon Kings eyes blue while kuboos are brown and I struggled with that for a bit but several awesome viewers reminded me that a lot of babies are born with blue eyes meaning it's very possible that Kubo's I was blue when the Moon King originally snatched it the eye also belonged to a newborn baby hence it had no memories attached to it potentially explaining why the moon King had no memories when he reformed around the eye and became a human it's similar to how Hanzo lost his memories when he was turned into beetle because his new form was based on his crest which was an inanimate object if you listen to this sister explain what they did to Hanzo she speaks is that the memory loss wasn't intended or expected just a serendipitous side effect to their treachery okay what does any of this have to do with Coraline I'm getting there I swear just stay with me a little bit longer it could those magical powers turn the Moon King into a human just like it changes paper into origami shape that means the Kubo didn't kill his aunt when he strum the guitar I mean look that particular sister took a sword to the dead center of her chest and got up like nothing happened so I'm pretty confident that a single note of a song played by an untrained demigod did not obliterate this goddess and like I said the instrument doesn't destroy it transforms which means the sister didn't die she became something else with the Moon King trapped in a clueless human form there is no one to help the sister change back to her moon goddess state not to mention I would argue that the Moon King eventually died as a human and the celestial heavens lost their ruler permanently that has to be how it works otherwise Kubo's mother wouldn't show up as a spirit at the end of the film she would have returned to being a goddess in the heavens so that's proof that if you die in a human form your godly rights and privileges are null and void anyways we also have good reason to believe that because Kubo's mother turned on the moon King and abandoned her family that the Moon King responded by taking the eyes of his other daughters so that they wouldn't run away someday too that means overall after Kubo defeated the sister with his instrument we now have an eyeless potentially immortal creature who has been transformed into something that we cannot possibly comprehend and just like the sisters transformed Hanzo into beetle due to his crest we should look at the behavior of the sister to guess what happened to her she was sinister sneaky emotional once she got upset and she wove a trap at Honda's home and patiently waited to strike very spy her like qualities well ringing any bells yet in case I have failed to lay down enough breadcrumbs it seems to me that Kubo's aunt specifically the one hit with the musical floors became the Bell damn kugel and the two strings is set in the feudal era of Japan which due to my unhealthy obsession with Inuyasha I know that was roughly 500 years ago now Japan is a long way from Ashland Oregon true but 500 years is also a lot of time to move around the world not to mention we don't know for certain if the Otherworld is exclusively contained in Ashland Oregon there could be portals and entry points all over the real world but if you're not convinced yet let me offer a few more details to sway you to my theory if the sisters transformation was anything like the Moon kings or Hanzo then her memory was wiped and she only has a few base impulses flashes of who she used to be as beetle described it now what was the last thing the sister was doing oh yeah she was trying to take the eyes of a child well technically I singular but only because her father already owned the other eye if that is the case that explains why the Belle diem is so fixated on eyes because that's literally all she recalls about her past life by the time that Coraline starts the sisters splash Belle diem has found other uses for the eyes that she's collected and she's just forgotten that her mission was to specifically get Kubo's eye hmm funny enough the children that the beldam abducts are all roughly the same ages Kubo it's as if it's a compulsion for the beldam to collect the eyes of tweens for no real rhyme or reason because if you've seen my other Coraline videos you know that I believe the whole eyes powering the other world thing is bogus Plus what did the aunts do when they find Kubo they don't try to hurt him they try to lure him over by saying they're family and that they love him and they want to be together what is the Bell to him do she doesn't violently go after the children that she rolls into the other world she poses as their mother tell them that she's their real family they're better family and that she just wants to love them forever I mean seriously if you don't believe this theory holds water you need to watch both movies again and being the amnesia addict daughter of the Moon King would give us a logical reason as to why it's always night in the other world it's because the Bell diem prefers it even if she doesn't remember why most spiders aren't nocturnal only the orb-weaver spiders really are so to always be night in the other world doesn't really make a lot of sense unless we make connections like this thanks for watching and I hope you enjoyed enough to like subscribe and share this video I've also got a lot of other videos on my channel that you are fully encouraged to go check out plus you can find me on Facebook at say hallo goodbye which is my gamertag or Twitter at the underscore family
Channel: The Fangirl
Views: 186,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubo and the two strings, mel jones, teri hatcher, the fangirl, moon king, kuboline, corabo, corbo, the fangirl coraline, coraline theory, kubo and the two strings theory, kubo and the two strings time lapse, the fangirl kubo, kubo coraline connected, coraline kubo connected, kubo and the two strings moon king, kubo's aunts, kubo's aunt is the beldam, the beldam theory, the beldam coraline, laika theory, the theorizer, looper, screen rant, thethings, the roundtable, wotso video
Id: H6DPwQK8f1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2017
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