I Dressed Up As Coraline To Watch CORALINE (Movie Reaction)

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today's the day asking you shall receive I am dressed up as Coraline as you can see by the blue hair dragonfly pin key necklace and yellow raincoat to watch the 2009 Coraline this raincoat smells like and there is a label on the package for this raincoat saying that it's made out of material as been linked to cancer and reproductive issues so please like this video and comment down below and subscribe cuz I'm literally put my life at risk for y'all uh this movie was such a childhood staple for me like each year at around Halloween time this movie would play on TV and I remember watching it and hiding behind my hands because I was a scaredy cat still kind of am if I'm being honest but like I still watched it even though I was kind of scared of it because I was so in awe of the story and the characters and the animation I'm a sucker for stop motion animation just to know how much time and effort these people put into making the characters and moving them each frame I don't have the patience for that so I just admire that they do let's get straight into the spooky reaction you really sculping her right now yanking out all that hair see the funny thing is that when I was a kid I never truly understood what was happening in this scene I simply thought the scene was just someone or something cuz that's clearly not human hands making that doll but I honestly just thought this was the process of making a normal doll in recent years I saw a video online of someone explaining that the tools used and the methods used in this scene is how you embomb a dead body it's very creepy the Pink [Music] Palace ah there's my twin who wore it best me or Carline I know for sure y'all are going to say Carline it's okay she does pull off the blue hair better than I do ow and I don't like being stopped not by psycho nerds or their cat he's not really my cat he's kind of feral you know wild of course I I do feed him every night and sometimes he'll come in my window and bring me little dead things on popular opinion I like wbe way more than Coral line wbe is just a Vibe he seems like a cool kid Coraline at moments is a little Annoying I almost fell down a well yesterday mom uh-huh I would have died that's nice so can I go out I think it's perfect weather for gardening no carine rain makes mud mud makes a mess yeah see growing up I didn't like Corine's mom that much but now that I'm an adult and I know how stressful and hard it is to be an adult and I for sure know how stressful it is to move I understand Coraline's mom now now I get it it's like no you will not go outside in the rain and get my house muddy cuz then who's going to have to clean up me hey Jonesy look what I found in Grandma's trunk you look familiar huh you see now know me this is beyond creepy hey Dad oh how's the riding going this is how I looked in college dark bags around my eyes hunched over from staring at my laptop all the time go out and count all the doors and windows and write that down on list everything that's blue just let me work oh I might need to have to take off this rain jacket too because it's what I'm sweating right now guys I'm going to actually unbutton mine a little [Music] bit no cuz I would literally have to move again after seeing that why did that water look like that did we not get the house inspected before moving in all right little me where are you hiding see I'm surprised she even is keeping an entertaining that doll the way I would have threw it out right [Music] away that key looks familiar I swear if I find a mini door in my house now I'm going to burn this [Applause] key not that doll watching come on get rid of the doll bricks oh my Twitchy witchy girl I think you are so nice I give you bowls of porridge and I give you bowls of ice cream what is is that I would rather starve than eat that good night little me and you have it popped up next to your bed staring at you while you're sleeping that cannot be me I would just feel those Beady button eyes staring at me while I'm sleeping oh this is so [Music] cool I would not go in there I would not Venture into a tunnel that looks like a throat mom what are you doing here in the middle of the night you're just in time for supper dear I love how mother has a mole it is scientifically proven that people of moles are just Superior and better and hotter and just live longer yep [Music] hello hello Coraline want to hear my new song [Music] no oh that looks good we give our thanks and ask to bless our mother's Golden Chicken Breast I see what you did there father H I think graving well here comes the grav train CH all AB board the that's sorry I'm sorry every time I see a train now I'm just instantly reminded of that terrible apology song with a ukulele of all instruments the most unserious instrument see you soon and look at that they're sitting there watching her sleep just like how that doll is sitting there and watching her sleep in hello I think our mail got mixed up should I leave it outside or yes leave it outside and go back to I swear Coraline is way too nosy for my liking oh oh oh oh Sor we just casually popping the split okay and I am the amazing binski very amazing that leg work impressive not going to lie he's kind of built like Wendy Williams topheavy and nothing on the bot that's so disrespectful of me to say hey Caroline no sir what you almost got neutered sir you cannot be putting your crotch on little girls heads like that such such an odd sentence the jumping mice they are saying do not go through little door too [Music] late why did that get me oh your tea leaves dear they'll tell me your future that's right now hand it over ew why does that look like saliva and dirt oh Caroline Caroline Caroline Caroline you are in terrible danger that sound clip was trending on Tik Tok I see a very peculiar hand I see a giraffe giraff it does look more like a giraffe danger why did it get so foggy out here who turned on the smoke machine great The Village stalker ow I I I wasn't stalking you hey Corine you have no friends so instead of being mean to YB just like befriend [Music] him okay other mother what's for dinner tonight oh we having some sausage and omelette M that looks good would you go fetch your father you mean my other father your better father dear you're better father okay I know the real life father looks a little rough don't come for his very long neck like that oh this scene I remember this scene being very [Music] beautiful like just the moving Lance and everything and remember this is stop motion so they're moving all of these things frame by frame Movement by like hey I love your garden me too this Garden looks gorgeous your father and I will clean up while you and your friend head upstairs I thought you'd like him more if he spoke a little less so I fixed him uh it didn't hurt did it no it was completely painless to have your mouth sewn [Music] shut ah I love circus they're so fun I haven't been to a circus in a hot [Music] minute oh my name oh oh y'all are very in sync okay that's Coraline don't kiss my keep your kisses to yourself sir first you put your crotch on my head now you're trying to kiss up on me six feedback and once again she never went back through the door so it's like how is she coming back to the real world if she's not crawling back through the door [Music] does that small person have a baby strapped on their you know what I'm done ask I need to stop asking questions $24 for those gloves that seems a bit overpriced put them back my other mother would get them maybe she should buy all your clothes and she will one thing about other mothers she will out do [Music] you this FR is depressing how do you feel about a mustard ketchup salsa wrap for lunch how about we Uber eat something dearest Coraline Miss and Miss forcible have invited you downstairs after lunch I hope you like the new out I made you love Mother not only did the other mother get you clothes she made it herself oh I told you other mother will outdo you must be the other cat no I'm not the other anything I'm me if you're the same cat how can you talk I just can and that's it no logic needed not the little dog ushering her to her seat that's so cute and all their little [Music] Tails I'm known as the siren of all seven SE Ariel is that you oh my God I'm sorry the only thing I can see right now are her boobies her very sparkly and big boobies oh my God her wig got oh talented brilliant incredible amazing showstopping [Music] spectacular hey hey i' would pay good money to see this live good night wbe other mother is a perfectionist she's like everything needs to be perfect or else for you our little doll and you see how she called her our little doll suspicious black is traditional but if you prefer pink or Vermilion or chart troops no you might make me jealous so sharp you won't feel a thing ow so how's the process do you sew it on top of the eyeballs or do you like scoop out the eyeballs and then sew it and I we aren't worried at all darling soon you'll see things our way see why did she do soon you'll see things our way go to sleep so sharp you won SLE go to sleep soon you'll see things our way Mom Dad oh God he woke up in the other world because you've been in the other world this whole time yes sir yes ma'am Coraline you done messed up now this looks so cool this looks like something out Beetle Juice you aren't my mother apologize at once Corine no I'll give you to the count of three you know it's serious when your parents start counting down to you that's when I knew I was in big trouble one two what are you doing you may come out when you've learned to be a loving daughter honestly I love this form of the other mother a tall skinty [Music] [Applause] [Music] Queen why did she do this to you who else no he took sew needle and thread and decided to sew up his mouth for [Music] fun carine is that you no it's one of the circus mice they're having a party carine how dare you disobey your mother how dare you disobey your mother I'm home hello hello hello oh Mom's groceries oh oh my that's disgusting yeah disgusting just like everything else in this house I missed you guys so much you'll never oh the ybe that talks huh girl can we stop being a to ybe the other ybe literally saved your life so can we be a little bit nicer this is why we should be grateful for what we have or else we'll be here making pillow versions of our parents that is literally my cat every morning just there staring me straight in the eyes pawing at my face to give him his wet food Mom [Music] Dad sorry that's backwards I don't know what that said suple [Music] Su she's taken them the other mother couldn't be bothered to make two individual dolls for the parents she's like yeah let's just smhh them into one you know you're walking right into her trap I have to go back they are my parents I will say though every time you go through this tunnel it feels like it gets longer and longer and longer Coraline mom Coraline darling why would you run away from me see I thought we knew better looks can be deceiving [Music] swallow oh look at that food oh play a game a finding things game and what is it you'd be finding Coraline oh she has some long stet nails I swear other mother is fabulous like I know she's the villain and we're supposed to not root for her but I'm Ru for her in each of three wonders I've made just for you a ghost's eye is lost in plain sight and for my parents it's a deal that is such a cool transition from her tapping her eye to the faucet [Music] dripping see I don't know why you're wasting your time stepping on these plants like girl you're on a mission that must be it oh my goodness so sorry mother making me [Music] go a look at other dad helping us and sacrifice [Music] him see I would have turned my butt around and left this place no a dark Eerie auditor no with dog bats yeah know the way they're just gripping onto that thing they're like you better pry this out of my cold [Music] hands give it back give it give it why are the jump scares getting me so badly is this what you're looking for uh-huh you think vinning game is good [Music] thing I think you walking normally is a good thing can we stand up you're just a copy she made of the real Mr B not even oh my ew e e e e e ew ew [Music] ew they really just tried to kill you that was attempted murder right there I think I mentioned that I don't like rats at the best of times yep it looked like you needed this one however yep thank you for coming in clutch ooh the way the world is dissolving unraveling like a piece of thread get pulled such Beetle Juice Vibes so you're back and you brought verman with you yeah I brought your bestie hey hi you know I love you and I love you too so can I recommend you some good skincare products cuz our skin not looking the best right now be clever Miss Even if you win she'll never let you go they're behind that door oh they are are they [Music] there Mom oh Dad in the Detroit snow globe we were looking at earlier I love how like everything in this movie full circles comes back around becomes important later on they aren't there now you're going to stay here forever no I'm [Music] not cat fight I remember this scene giving me major anxiety as a child cuz I was like yo she's trapped she's going to die how's she going to get out of this you dare dis your mother oh my goodness don't leave me don't leave me don't leave me no ma'am goodbye honestly we're sounding a little desperate right now close the door close it close it we need to go take a good shower maybe go take a shower at W's place cuz the water in your shower was looking very questionable zoo snow globe is broken carine we're and her parents come home oh mom got us a little gift wow those overpriced gloves hello again you still mad really ooh this looks cool this is like what's that famous painting star KN yeah you're in terrible danger girl but how I locked the door it's the key Miss there's only one and the Beldum will find [Music] it let me just get rid of this real quick okay this is so beautiful but creepy just the hand stalking [Music] hurt yeah W's better than me I was stayed home minded my own business Round of Applause for the best character [Applause] wbe wbe literally almost risked his life for a girl that's been nothing but mean to him this whole entire time you know I'm glad you decided to stalk me he literally just saved your life and here you are punching him girl if you don't say thank [Music] you look at how much brighter and cheerful this place looks what if this place always looked this bright but because Coraline kind of hated this place before it was looking gloomy and desaturated but now that she's a appreciating this place it's finally looking lively that's my own Theory right now I know where I'm going I grew up here hi Grandma you looking adorable love the flower in your hair oh hello I'm Coraline Jones I've got so much to tell you it's a wild story she gots to tell you Pink Palace Apartments and the cat disappears I kind of like how open-ended the ending is like it has you wondering what does it mean he can still move back to the other world is Coraline actually safe or is this once again a false safety thing kind of make your own conclusion to the story I know this isn't a first time reaction but I hope you guys still enjoyed watching Coraline with me once again please like and comment down below this rain coat still smells terrible and I'm going to go take it off ASAP because I don't want [Music] cancer
Channel: Rukiya Reacts
Views: 446,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Rukiya, rukiyaa, rukiya sherman, rukiya reacts, movie reaction, movie commentary, watching movies, first time watching, film reviews
Id: JYe5Ai-rjbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 26sec (1766 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 29 2023
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