GHOST KIDS ARE FAKE! Coraline Explained - Scene 24 | The Fangirl Scene-ic Saturdays

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so you thought you were going to run away from home for sporadic amounts of time to go to this magical playground have some fun eat some yums and then go back home whenever you felt like it but then the creepy button-eyed lady that's giving you everything you ever wanted essentially hands you a bill and you try to run out on the check the problem is that once nice lady controls all of the entries and exits to this playground so you're not leaving that's where Coraline's gotten herself in fact Coraline really pushed her luck in talking back to the other mother and now she's locked up in a dark hidden room behind the mirror see the golden rule is not treat others the way you want to be treated the real golden rule is if it sounds too good to be true it is unfortunately being 11 Coraline didn't think anything through before acting and now she's going to get the scare of a lifetime so let's meet these ghosts children and debate whether or not weed heed their warnings hey guys welcome back to the fan girl I'm your hostess with the mostess Manan the theorist who is too poor to abandon you to an early retirement seriously I need some kind of social manager to hook me up with like guess spots and collabs on other channels and podcasts and you know hosting convention panels and working brand deals because woo I keep losing subscribers no matter what I do and my watch time keeps sinking lower and lower and mama is so depressed and close to giving up anyways my exhaustion based whining aside the other mother just tossed Coraline into the mirror and now our girl is trapped in a space that she can't get out of and Coraline is pounding her fists against the exit portal except now it's sealed up and Coraline is hitting and kicking some kind of stone wall where is this place because I don't think it's behind the mirror in the house but then we hear this high-pitched instrumentation noise in the background and Coraline turns around gasping asking who's there the way Coraline gets highlighted with the blue glowing stars on her sweater though it's just a chef kiss that is amazingly well crafted as a way to let us see Coraline in a lightless environment Corine's question does get answered though as we see a glowing blanket with three large bumps under it and a young voice Whispers hush and shush for the belum might be listening now I've referred to the antagonist in this film as both the other mother and the bell Dam interchangeably but this is actually the first time the term beldam is used in the movie and if you're curious beldam is British slang for an old malicious woman so it's comparable to the ghost children calling the other mother a crone or a hag as Coral line approaches the glowing blobs she pulls back the sheet covering them and we see these glowing ghosts cowering on a bed and it has this heartbreaking feel to it as if these children have been horrendously abused now this may or may not surprise you but I have always firmly believed that these ghost children are more puppets of the Bell Dam notice how they only appear after the other mother leaves we've talked before about how the other mother has to be out of the area to fully control a puppet because you know she needs her Focus to do that and notice how these kids only appear after the other mother leaves we don't see any glowing or even hear the Gasping of these children when the feared Bell Dam leans into the room these kids seem to not exist at all until Coraline is alone almost as if their toys not yet being controlled secondly for some reason these ghosts are solid figures who physically sit on the bed and can lay with a blanket over top of them as well as have that blanket outline their bodies that's not very ghostlike thirdly if these children are deceased ghosts now what is keeping them in that room okay I can see the angle that they're afraid of the Bell Dam but uh they're dead now so the threat of her is over right sure they may be trapped in the other world due to their eyes being missing but the Bell Dam can't end your life twice in that situation I would be wandering around the halls wailing nonstop and warning everyone else to run away as fast as they can as soon as they came through the tiny door it just doesn't add up for all three of these kids to spend eternity quivering in this room when there's literally nothing else that can be taken from them at this stage they're dead whatever as soon as Coraline starts asking B questions to the ghost kids they stop being solid figures and start floating in her face and the Ghost Boy huckin Jr starts telling Coraline that he can't remember his name but he remembers his true Mommy that's oddly convenient and for anyone confused by the name huckin Jr that is not his real name that is a reference to the Mark Twain character from the 1800s something like that then the sweet ghost girl who is the missing twin sister of wb's grandmother and very clearly who the previous butt ey doll was modeled after starts telling Coraline that the Bell Dam spied on their lives through the dolls eyes which again only carries so much weight if we take this at face value because that doll did not go into town shopping with Coraline for the Bell Dam to create the clothes and know that Coraline hated having her nose messed with but the ghost kids explained that they were led to the other world and given everything they wanted but they were greedy and wanted more so they accepted the button eyes at which point the pioneer girl phases through Coraline and puts ghostly buttons over her fleshy eyes which completely freaks out Coraline also cool detail to notice the Stars on Coraline sweater are not glowing as brightly because you know glow-in-the-dark materials usually absorb light and that's how they glow but then it slowly Fades away that doesn't seem to matter for anything symbolically unless it's supposed to be paralleling Coraline's life force being slowly leached Away by the other world but the attention to these tiny details make me so happy you have no idea then the ghosts tell us the strangest part of all of this that the BAM told them she loved them but then locked them up in this little room with one bed and ate up their lives again this makes no sense when you stop to logic it out and it tells us for certain that the bellam doesn't eat children because she wouldn't have wasted them as food if that were the case we also see no signs of bodies in that room so either someone comes through to clean every so often or these kids are puppets being used to manipulate Coraline further and if the kid's eyes are a power source then how do their ghost still materialize shouldn't all of their life force energy be used to make the wonders of the other world not to mention even if the issue was that the Bell Dam only needed the kids eyes for power purposes then she already had the eyes they already took the buttons why keep the kids around at all after that eat them in them let them wander around forever but why lock them away and make them slow suffer to death their eyes seem to give out the same kind of energy even after they die so just what's the point in keeping the kids themselves around for that matter why shut Coraline into that room to waste away too when she still has her eyes this is so confusing as a plot point that I think it's a ruse Coraline needs to be adequately terrified before she gets rescued and sent through the wrong tiny door but that's the next scene so let's not get too far ahead now however having the ghost kids tell Coraline all of this doesn't phase her too much she just gets really determined and says that the BAM can't keep her locked away forever if she wants to win Coraline's life so therefore Coraline must beat the Bell Dam to escape now there's two ways to read into this either Coraline means beating as in defeating the B Dam physically like slaying the creature like a dragon or she means that she's going to beat the Bell Dam in some kind of game even though no game has been offered here and it's pretty random for Coraline to assume that she can do some fiddle playing contest with the devil to get her Freedom back I personally think that Coraline means beat as in a game because she specifically uses the word win in reference to the BAM taking her life away but uh who says it has to be a choice that does seem to be the case by the way the belame acts but I'm just saying it was never clarified that a child has to choose for the BAM to take their eyes she could just reach over and pluck them out at any given moment also uh honey that demon has you trapped in a world that she alone controls she's already won the game and why is there an assumption that there's going to be some kind of Honor among entities that's going to make the other mother release Coral line if a game agreement is even reached I know I know it's the kids best shot but this part of the movie in particular does not feel logicked out at all then the sweet ghost girl has the utter nerve to ask Coraline to find their eyes because the Bell Dam has taken them and hidden them but children seriously have you ever left that room to look for them this whole planet is like four blocks long and you've been here for decades have you tried trying to find your eyes yourselves and all of the ghost kids cover one of their button eyes with their hands when they talk about their eye being taken which has never made sense for me the Coraline book says that the beldam steals their souls which makes more sense as a single object but uh we humans usually have two eyes yet every time that Coraline will find a quote eye later it's a single spherical item so where did the other eye of each ghost kid go and I'm fully willing to accept that there's something weird like the belum had to eat one of the eyes in order to have a magical connection to the other eye but someone needs to explain this to us to make it make sense because if that were the case then the kids aren't really getting their eyes back to be freed at the end either are they there is so much to unpack in this scene that I can't do very well because it doesn't make sense it's been too Neil ging so now it's on Coraline's shoulders all alone to free The Souls of these random ghost kids and this feels extremely manipulative to me not to mention orchestrated because no sooner does Coraline say I'll try to get them then two hands reach in and rip her out of that room and this is other ybe with the Chicken Kitchen mitt over his face like like a mask for reasons but let's leave other YB alone right now and let him be part of next week's discussion let's check some comments instead welcome to New Channel member unreal feel who brought up that towards the beginning of the movie when Coraline is definitely still in the real world and she turns on the water faucet and it spews out the dirty water that they think it's weird none of the other residents talk about it and I think there's two easy explanations for that one old houses have old pipes and when they corrode it's very common to get a few seconds of brown or yellow water before that settled up residue is flushed out of the pipes and two we see most of enforcable in bobinsky apartments and neither of them have any kind of visible bathroom area so I don't think that they have a shower to wash themselves then I spent 5 minutes cry laughing because SJ mccab pointed out that Coraline couldn't get the living room door open because she was pulling on a push door and they are right I didn't catch that yeah with the exception of emergency exits and things like screen doors doors in the United States are designed to be opened into the room not outward into the hallway or Outdoors but Coraline is putting all her strength into pulling and that door might have never been locked at all finally good girl Williams 158 suggested that maybe the belum hates the black cat because he can control her in some way or that maybe the cat has more power than her and you know I have seen a lot of black cat comments but I have never considered something like this so maybe the cat isn't in the service of the Bell Dam but maybe he's a second force that sees the BAM Gathering power through children's eyes and the cat is either there to stop it or to steal power however the other world would be exclusively the Bam's domain so the cat would be limited in what he can do in her realm and so the cat isn't protecting Coraline or competing with the doll he's trying to stop the other mother from reaching critical power levels and maybe escaping the other world oh oh I like that and it's very interesting the next time we see the cat I'm going to really try and think of this angle awesome thoughts today guys I might be overthinking it but that's literally my job and to any of my members here on YouTube a huge bottom of my heart thank you for all of your help and support if you would like to become a paid Channel member there is a link in the description below thanks again guys love you well family members we're almost done but I want to invite you to hang out with me in some other places I'm on Twitter and Instagram as my own personal self and I have a Facebook page too but I mostly just post photos over there and sometimes people say hey Manan I want to mail you something how do I do that easy just click the about tab on my channel page and my most current PO Box info will be right there I also run another channel the family it's really a hodge podge Channel where we might post anything oh yeah yeah and I also sell shirts and stickers and stuff with the family and the fan girl logos if that is your cup of tea I have a link in every description of every video finally if you want to help out the fan girl Channel and make sure I'm putting out video essays for years to come the best way you can help is by subscribing and watching more of my videos whether they're new old whatever maybe even share one or 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Channel: The Fangirl
Views: 2,686
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coraline, coraline theory, coraline explained, coraline breakdown, coraline analysis, coraline ghost kids, sweet ghost girl, pinoneer girl coraline, huck finn jr coraline, black cat coraline, other wybie face, coralien mirror, the fangirl, screenrant, screnecrush, the things, film theory, the theorizer, coraline 2, coraline movie, beldam, coraline other mother, coraline trapped, coraline behind the mirror, movie theory, video essay, coraline video essay, female movie review
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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