If Dreamworks Villains Were Charged For Their Crimes #5

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[Music] this is your big day Mr burnish you won't be disappointed I promise T red who left the enclosure open no sudden movements who's telling Mr burnish a Yeti escaping from a private facility and damaging the city is Pretty Reckless and you won't be able to explain it to the official authorities because it is all top secret came out of nowhere then it was gone did you see where it went lady I just told you it was gone what uh what was it anyway let me take care of the repairs Ste your truck little compensation for your silence it's a bribe bribing a witness is punishable for 2 years and a pretty fine locked on target DED Dave uh yeah we lost them there's a girl with him the shooter saw there was a girl and shot anyway if they stunned the yeti she could have fallen of the roof okay not so cool not so cool Captain I have footage copy [Music] that uh let go of that it's dangerous gotcha oh meet me at that Village By The River we'll be there giant dandelion look stop messing about and get my [Applause] Yeti attacking the giant dandelion is again endangerment to the passengers I hope you're not hurt let me introduce myself bad guys your Geral is a boy that knows his Geral I like him that wild beast is unpredictable even dangerous I own that Yeti he is my Yeti I want my Yeti back you C get back you abominable creature oh I tell you he's going soft use any means possible to take him down the buyer won't pay us unless he's still breathing but if he's a little banged up who cares what do we do with the kids if you want your 10% you'll get rid of them for good do you know how hard it is to keep up this British animal lover [Music] act what do those powers mean for us that Yeti's price tag just doubled go back bris run go to your mountain now hurry get my Yeti get him [Music] now it's amazing is it wait hold your [Applause] fire get back take the shot doctor I was wrong the yeti must be protected it's to let him go Captain order your men to store their weapons do it now Mr Bish needs help fire at will fire fire [Music] fire no I'll make sure the Yeti's out you are never going to escape again stop it [Music] well that's one [Music] [Music] down can't be [Music] happening I thought we had to keep the yeti alive dead will'll have to do yes no this is again animal cruelty also the yeti is not supposed to exist so it is not registered as an endangered and protected species and on top of that they should have known driving reckless like that could cause an avalanche [Music] [Music] and the most power hungry and dangerous of them all the mermaid but people love mermaids mermaids are selfish vain narcissists she wanted to control the ocean and force its creatures to serve her but their queen found an ancient weapon the only weapon powerful enough to defeat defeat a giant Kraken we paid a terrible price your mother no way she was our Greatest Warrior she engaged in a great battle with the Tyrant mermaid it was glorious we had a chance to crush the mermaids forever she hid the Trident away left her kingdom left her kind picture this chela vandery and Ruby Gilman save the Seas rent of oceanis that giant fork my grandma's so obsessed with once we have the Trident we can show that there doesn't have to be a war anymore and the mermaids wouldn't have to live in fear anymore no hiding no fighting no [Music] hiding we did it 15 years of waiting to get revenge on your mother Dethrone your grandmother oh there is no Chelsea narissa what's what's happening to you flipping mermaid just a dumb teenager you just got played dum [Music] dum also there is no Chelsea and this is a a mermaid who doesn't age physically but narissa has been there well over 18 years so pretending you're a teenager as a who knows how old person is kind of freaking weird the face of death hello is Mrs Gilman home no hey that house was an escrow you've grown older Queen older and meaner mermaids don't [Music] age I'm getting rid of you for good stay away from my mother you should be dead picture this me baby I hate High School you see behind you human you're just a dumb teenager you'll never get this away from me she is terrorizing the town and come to think of it the Krakens she is fighting are ocean royalty so this is attempted regicide got us a little mermaid baby please please please please OMG are you live streaming my hair is terrible [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah stop you're hurting him whoa whoa whoa whoa you crazy horse got him let's get this animal under control sh got it got it I don't know where you guys rode in from but in my Corral we treated horses with respect clear yes sir we're absolutely clear sure thing boss we'll come back tomorrow nice and thirsty they accepted their warning but when the boss walked away he kicked over the water supply to make it dehydrated which I will give a small count of animal abuse [Music] all right boys let's round them up now have a nice ride ladies go get in there boy those horses aren't yours these horses are none of your business and we got to go we're going to make so this is a hard one catching wild mustangs is now illegal but looking at the environment of this movie it's during the old west times which back then depending of the year it could be either legal or illegal there is only a train and not really other motorized vehicles shown so my estimate is that it would definitely be before 1950 which makes this legal well this must be my lucky day thanks for the new tattoo get return the favor Spirit please come on FAS two hand pick up no Enjoy the sunrise boys it's the last one in this country by the way since 1820 horses are protected by law to not be mistreated so this is animal cruelty there are no recorded cases so I will charge it on a 3 months estimate right this way ladies to your new home says he's ready to go let's hurry up get out of here doesn't that girl ever give up get rid of [Music] her huh find the girl find her you're not going anywhere looking for [Music] something pleas you're not going anywhere boy why you got to be such a piss swim along home now girl he ordered to get rid of her and the Goon wanted to hit her with a crowbar I don't know about you but if I swing a little girl with a crowbar she would probably not survive so I'm going to charge this as attempted child murder [Music] [Music]
Channel: Animated Courtroom
Views: 318,931
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: if villains were charged for their crimes, if illumination villains were charged for their crimes, dreamworks villains charged for their crimes, mousait, dreamworks, sentencing villains, Sentencing villains for their crimes, villains, dreamworks villains, animated courtroom, ruby gillman teenage kraken, abominable, abominable dr zara, abominable burnish, spirit untamed, spirit untamed hendricks, ruby gillman chelsea van der zee, chelsea van der zee, nerissa ruby gillman, mermaid
Id: Kpzeo07P2HA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 2sec (782 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2024
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